diff options
authorJoan Touzet <>2020-09-15 18:27:44 +0000
committerGitHub <>2020-09-15 14:27:44 -0400
commit6169104a24d8c587c9866904a884bcef33c6913b (patch)
parent168d635fc8516a1fe655cd7088703bafe3110b33 (diff)
Drop Jenkins ppc64le builds (for now) (#3151)
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
index cc13f9d16..d7a7657b4 100644
--- a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
+++ b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
@@ -593,49 +593,53 @@ pipeline {
} // post
} // stage
- stage('Debian Buster ppc64le') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'couchdbdev/ppc64le-debian-buster-erlang-'
- label 'ppc64le'
- alwaysPull true
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'buster'
- sm_ver = '60'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
+ - Removed 2020.09.15 - VMs are offline
+// stage('Debian Buster ppc64le') {
+// agent {
+// docker {
+// image 'couchdbdev/ppc64le-debian-buster-erlang-'
+// label 'ppc64le'
+// alwaysPull true
+// args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
+// }
+// }
+// environment {
+// platform = 'buster'
+// sm_ver = '60'
+// }
+// stages {
+// stage('Build from tarball & test') {
+// steps {
+// unstash 'tarball'
+// sh( script: build_and_test )
+// }
+// post {
+// always {
+// junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
+// steps {
+// sh( script: make_packages )
+// sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
+// }
+// post {
+// success {
+// archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// } // stages
+// post {
+// cleanup {
+// sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+// }
+// } // post
+// } // stage
* Example of how to do a qemu-based run, please leave here