diff options
authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-10-24 22:35:01 -0400
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-10-24 23:30:58 -0400
commit56f4817f62189ca599ba54b106be6bb5316453f9 (patch)
parentc1bb4e4856edd93255d75ebe158b4da38bbf3333 (diff)
Fix flaky retain_stats replicator test
Noticed this flaky test show up in a few recent test runs, for [example]( The test was flaky as We were only waiting for the replication task or scheduler job to appear in the list but didn't not wait until the value of the task had been updated to an expected value. So the task might have appeared but then only half the docs written (say, 5 instead of 10). Testing the value at that stage is too early and the test would fail. To fix the issue, besides waiting on the task/job to appear in the list, also wait until its `docs_written` value matches the expected value. By that point `docs_read` should have caught up as well.
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_retain_stats_between_job_runs.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_retain_stats_between_job_runs.erl
index 037f37191..a9a0fc943 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_retain_stats_between_job_runs.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_retain_stats_between_job_runs.erl
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ start_job() ->
check_active_tasks(DocsRead, DocsWritten, DocsFailed) ->
- RepTask = wait_for_task_status(),
+ RepTask = wait_for_task_status(DocsWritten),
?assertNotEqual(timeout, RepTask),
?assertEqual(DocsRead, couch_util:get_value(docs_read, RepTask)),
?assertEqual(DocsWritten, couch_util:get_value(docs_written, RepTask)),
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ check_active_tasks(DocsRead, DocsWritten, DocsFailed) ->
check_scheduler_jobs(DocsRead, DocsWritten, DocFailed) ->
- Info = wait_scheduler_info(),
+ Info = wait_scheduler_info(DocsWritten),
?assert(maps:is_key(<<"changes_pending">>, Info)),
?assert(maps:is_key(<<"doc_write_failures">>, Info)),
?assert(maps:is_key(<<"docs_read">>, Info)),
@@ -167,21 +167,29 @@ replication_tasks() ->
end, couch_task_status:all()).
-wait_for_task_status() ->
+wait_for_task_status(DocsWritten) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case replication_tasks() of
[] -> wait;
- [RepTask] -> RepTask
+ [RepTask] ->
+ case couch_util:get_value(docs_written, RepTask) of
+ DocsWritten -> RepTask;
+ _Other -> wait
+ end
-wait_scheduler_info() ->
+wait_scheduler_info(DocsWritten) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case scheduler_jobs() of
[] -> wait;
[#{<<"info">> := null}] -> wait;
- [#{<<"info">> := Info}] -> Info
+ [#{<<"info">> := Info}] ->
+ case maps:get(<<"docs_written">>, Info, undefined) of
+ DocsWritten -> Info;
+ _Other -> wait
+ end