diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2020-03-02 16:53:18 -0600
committerPaul J. Davis <>2020-03-05 14:18:12 -0600
commit97458c3e906a40949619779caa2c6bc3324e632d (patch)
parente6f6e2d6baf91521e3a756f6d42db4f42fcee8c9 (diff)
Test size calculations for view rows
These tests exercise that logic when updating rows in a map index. It works by generating two states and a transition between those states. That is, the set of rows that exist in the index, and the set of rows that exist after an update along with how many rows should be kept in common. This is a fairly exhaustive search of the state space in these transitions. A full run takes approximately 60s on my laptop so I have limited the set of tests to a random selection of 100 single and multi transition tests (i.e., updating either one or five documents in a single view build iteration).
2 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_indexer.erl b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_indexer.erl
index 83f7e2851..fb732a698 100644
--- a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_indexer.erl
+++ b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_indexer.erl
@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@
diff --git a/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl b/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18fa9e628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_views/test/couch_views_size_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% N.B., we should move to couch_ejson_size instead
+% of erlang:external_size
+% to calculate view size:
+% total = 0
+% for (fdb_k, fdb_v) in VIEW_MAP_RANGE:
+% {EncUserKey, EncUserval} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(fdb_v),
+% UserKey = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncUserKey),
+% UserVal = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncUserVal),
+% total += erlang:external_size(UserKey),
+% total += erlang:external_size(UserVal)
+% Our goal in checking the size calculations is that we cover
+% as much of the possible key mutation space as possible while
+% not relying on fuzzing out the edge cases. Conceptually we have
+% two sets of keys E and U. E is keys as currently exist in the
+% view, and U is the new set of keys corresponding to an update.
+% Both sets E and U have the same possible set of state variables:
+% 1. N unique keys, where 0 =< N =< infinity
+% 2. D keys with duplicates, where 0 =< D =< N,
+% 3. R repeats for each member of D, for 2 =< R =< infinity
+% Given two sets S1 and S2, we then have a set of transition variables:
+% 1. deltaN - shared unique keys, where 0 =< deltaN =< N
+% 2. deltaD - shared duplicates, where 0 =< deltaD =< N
+% 3. deltaR - shared repeats for each D, where 2 =< deltaR =< infinity
+% To search our state transition space, we can create two functions to
+% first define our start and end states, and for each transition we have
+% a function that defines the shared overlap between states.
+% Given a list of transitions are checks then become simple in that
+% we can iterate over each transition checking that our index is valid
+% after each one. Index validation will purely look at the existing
+% state of the index in fdb and validate correctness.
+-define(NUM_SINGLE_TESTS, 100).
+-define(NUM_MULTI_TESTS, 100).
+-define(N_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
+-define(D_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
+-define(R_DOMAIN, [2, 4]).
+-define(DELTA_N_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
+-define(DELTA_D_DOMAIN, [0, 1, 2, 5]).
+-define(DELTA_R_DOMAIN, [1, 2, 4]).
+generate_sets() ->
+ permute(?N_DOMAIN, ?D_DOMAIN, ?R_DOMAIN, fun(N, D, R) ->
+ % We can't have more duplicates than total keys
+ case D > N of
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % Only include one of the repeat values
+ % for our zero sets
+ case D == 0 of
+ true when R == 2 -> ok;
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % Replace R with a sentinel value for sanity
+ % when there are no dupes to have repeats
+ ActualR = if D == 0 -> 0; true -> R end,
+ {N, D, ActualR}
+ end).
+generate_transitions() ->
+ Sets = generate_sets(),
+ Pairs = [{Set1, Set2} || Set1 <- Sets, Set2 <- Sets],
+ lists:flatmap(fun({{N1, D1, _R1} = S1, {N2, D2, _R2} = S2}) ->
+ Filter = fun(DeltaN, DeltaD, DeltaR) ->
+ % Can't share more keys than the smaller of the
+ % two sets
+ case DeltaN > min(N1, N2) of
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % For DeltaD == 0, all combinations of DeltaD and
+ % DeltaR are equivalent tests
+ case DeltaN == 0 of
+ true when DeltaD == 0, DeltaR == 1 -> ok;
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % Can't share more dupes than exist in either set
+ % or the total number of shared keys
+ case DeltaD > min(D1, D2) orelse DeltaD > DeltaN of
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % For DeltaD == 0, all DeltaR correspond to the
+ % same test so only include one instance
+ case DeltaD == 0 of
+ true when DeltaR == 1 -> ok;
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ % If we have more non-repeated keys in our
+ % transition than there's "room" for in the target
+ % set it isn't a valid test case.
+ TransitionNonRepeats = DeltaN - DeltaD,
+ TargetNonRepeats = N2 - D2,
+ case TransitionNonRepeats > TargetNonRepeats of
+ true -> throw(skip);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ {S1, S2, {DeltaN, DeltaD, DeltaR}}
+ end,
+ end, Pairs).
+permute(NList, DList, RList, Filter) ->
+ % Technically we could call into Filter in each
+ % outer loops to conditionally skip inner loops.
+ % If someone comes along looking to speed up the
+ % fixture setup time, this would likely be an
+ % easy win.
+ lists:foldl(fun(N, NAcc) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(D, DAcc) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(R, RAcc) ->
+ try
+ [Filter(N, D, R) | RAcc]
+ catch throw:skip ->
+ RAcc
+ end
+ end, DAcc, RList)
+ end, NAcc, DList)
+ end, [], NList).
+row_transition_test_() ->
+ {
+ "Test view size tracking",
+ {
+ setup,
+ fun setup/0,
+ fun cleanup/1,
+ fun create_transition_tests/1
+ }
+ }.
+setup() ->
+ Ctx = test_util:start_couch([
+ fabric,
+ couch_jobs,
+ couch_js,
+ couch_views
+ ]),
+ {ok, Db} = fabric2_db:create(?tempdb(), [{user_ctx, ?ADMIN_USER}]),
+ {Ctx, Db}.
+cleanup({Ctx, Db}) ->
+ ok = fabric2_db:delete(fabric2_db:name(Db), []),
+ test_util:stop_couch(Ctx).
+create_transition_tests({_Ctx, Db}) ->
+ Transitions = generate_transitions(),
+ Single = lists:flatmap(fun(T) ->
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("single ~s", [tname(T)])),
+ [{Name, fun() -> check_single_transition(Db, T) end}]
+ end, lists:sort(Transitions)),
+ Multi = lists:flatmap(fun(T) ->
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("multi ~s", [tname(T)])),
+ [{Name, fun() -> check_multi_transition(Db, T) end}]
+ end, lists:sort(group(shuffle(Transitions)))),
+ subset(?NUM_SINGLE_TESTS, Single) ++ subset(?NUM_MULTI_TESTS, Multi).
+check_single_transition(Db, {Set1, Set2, Transition}) ->
+ clear_views(Db),
+ InitKVs = init_set(Set1, [a, b, c, d, e]),
+ CommonKVs = reduce_set(Transition, InitKVs),
+ FinalKVs = fill_set(Set2, CommonKVs, [v, w, x, y, z]),
+ {InitJSONKVs, Bindings} = unlabel(InitKVs, #{}),
+ {FinalJSONKVs, _} = unlabel(FinalKVs, Bindings),
+ Sig = couch_uuids:random(),
+ DocId = couch_uuids:random(),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ write_docs(TxDb, Sig, [make_doc(DocId, InitJSONKVs)])
+ end),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ write_docs(TxDb, Sig, [make_doc(DocId, FinalJSONKVs)])
+ end),
+ validate_index(Db, Sig, #{DocId => FinalJSONKVs}).
+check_multi_transition(Db, Transitions) ->
+ clear_views(Db),
+ {Docs, IdMap} = lists:mapfoldl(fun({Set1, Set2, Transition}, IdMapAcc) ->
+ DocId = couch_uuids:random(),
+ InitKVs = init_set(Set1, [a, b, c, d, e]),
+ CommonKVs = reduce_set(Transition, InitKVs),
+ FinalKVs = fill_set(Set2, CommonKVs, [v, w, x, y, z]),
+ {InitJSONKVs, Bindings} = unlabel(InitKVs, #{}),
+ {FinalJSONKVs, _} = unlabel(FinalKVs, Bindings),
+ InitDoc = make_doc(DocId, InitJSONKVs),
+ FinalDoc = make_doc(DocId, FinalJSONKVs),
+ {{InitDoc, FinalDoc}, maps:put(DocId, FinalJSONKVs, IdMapAcc)}
+ end, #{}, Transitions),
+ {InitDocs, FinalDocs} = lists:unzip(Docs),
+ Sig = couch_uuids:random(),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ write_docs(TxDb, Sig, InitDocs)
+ end),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ write_docs(TxDb, Sig, FinalDocs)
+ end),
+ validate_index(Db, Sig, IdMap).
+clear_views(Db) ->
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ #{
+ tx := Tx,
+ db_prefix := DbPrefix
+ } = TxDb,
+ {Start, End} = erlfdb_tuple:range({?DB_VIEWS}, DbPrefix),
+ erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End),
+ GlobalKey = {?DB_STATS, <<"sizes">>, <<"views">>},
+ BinGlobalKey = erlfdb_tuple:pack(GlobalKey, DbPrefix),
+ erlfdb:set(Tx, BinGlobalKey, ?uint2bin(0))
+ end).
+write_docs(TxDb, Sig, Docs) ->
+ Mrst = #mrst{
+ sig = Sig,
+ views = [#mrview{
+ id_num = 1
+ }]
+ },
+ IdxState = #{
+ last_seq => <<"foo">>
+ },
+ couch_views_indexer:write_docs(TxDb, Mrst, Docs, IdxState).
+validate_index(Db, Sig, JSONRows) ->
+ #{
+ db_prefix := DbPrefix
+ } = Db,
+ Rows = fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ #{
+ tx := Tx
+ } = TxDb,
+ {Start, End} = erlfdb_tuple:range({?DB_VIEWS}, DbPrefix),
+ erlfdb:get_range(Tx, Start, End)
+ end),
+ InitAcc = #{
+ row_count => 0,
+ kv_size => 0,
+ ids => #{},
+ rows => []
+ },
+ MapData = lists:foldl(fun({Key, Value}, Acc) ->
+ case erlfdb_tuple:unpack(Key, DbPrefix) of
+ ?assertEqual(<<"foo">>, Value),
+ Acc;
+ maps:put(row_count, ?bin2uint(Value), Acc);
+ maps:put(kv_size, ?bin2uint(Value), Acc);
+ {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_ID_RANGE, DocId, 1} ->
+ [
+ TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys
+ ] = couch_views_encoding:decode(Value),
+ maps:update_with(ids, fun(Ids) ->
+ false = maps:is_key(DocId, Ids),
+ maps:put(DocId, {TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}, Ids)
+ end, Acc);
+ {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_MAP_RANGE, 1, MapKey, _DupeId} ->
+ {EncKey, DocId} = MapKey,
+ {UserKey, UserVal} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(Value),
+ UserJsonKey = couch_views_encoding:decode(UserKey),
+ UserJsonVal = couch_views_encoding:decode(UserVal),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ EncKey,
+ couch_views_encoding:encode(UserJsonKey, key)
+ ),
+ maps:update_with(rows, fun(RAcc) ->
+ [{DocId, UserJsonKey, UserJsonVal} | RAcc]
+ end, Acc)
+ end
+ end, InitAcc, Rows),
+ #{
+ row_count := RowCount,
+ kv_size := KVSize,
+ ids := MapIds,
+ rows := MapRows
+ } = MapData,
+ SumFun = fun(_DocId, {TotalKVs, TotalSize, _UniqueKeys}, {KVAcc, SAcc}) ->
+ {KVAcc + TotalKVs, SAcc + TotalSize}
+ end,
+ {SumKVCount, SumKVSize} = maps:fold(SumFun, {0, 0}, MapIds),
+ ?assertEqual(RowCount, length(MapRows)),
+ ?assertEqual(RowCount, SumKVCount),
+ ?assertEqual(KVSize, SumKVSize),
+ ?assert(KVSize >= 0),
+ fabric2_fdb:transactional(Db, fun(TxDb) ->
+ GlobalSize = get_global_size(TxDb),
+ ?assertEqual(KVSize, GlobalSize),
+ ViewSize = couch_views_fdb:get_kv_size(TxDb, #mrst{sig = Sig}, 1),
+ ?assertEqual(KVSize, ViewSize)
+ end),
+ % Compare our raw JSON rows to what was indexed
+ IdsFromJSONRows = maps:fold(fun(DocId, DocRows, IdAcc) ->
+ FinalAcc = lists:foldl(fun({JsonKey, JsonVal}, {CAcc, SAcc, UAcc}) ->
+ KeySize = erlang:external_size(JsonKey),
+ ValSize = erlang:external_size(JsonVal),
+ NewUnique = lists:usort([JsonKey | UAcc]),
+ {CAcc + 1, SAcc + KeySize + ValSize, NewUnique}
+ end, {0, 0, []}, DocRows),
+ if FinalAcc == {0, 0, []} -> IdAcc; true ->
+ maps:put(DocId, FinalAcc, IdAcc)
+ end
+ end, #{}, JSONRows),
+ ?assertEqual(MapIds, IdsFromJSONRows),
+ % Compare the found id entries to our row data
+ IdsFromMapRows = lists:foldl(fun({DocId, JsonKey, JsonVal}, Acc) ->
+ KeySize = erlang:external_size(JsonKey),
+ ValSize = erlang:external_size(JsonVal),
+ Default = {1, KeySize + ValSize, [JsonKey]},
+ maps:update_with(DocId, fun({TotalKVs, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}) ->
+ NewUnique = lists:usort([JsonKey | UniqueKeys]),
+ {TotalKVs + 1, TotalSize + KeySize + ValSize, NewUnique}
+ end, Default, Acc)
+ end, #{}, MapRows),
+ ?assertEqual(MapIds, IdsFromMapRows).
+make_doc(DocId, []) ->
+ case rand:uniform() < 0.5 of
+ true ->
+ #{
+ id => DocId,
+ deleted => true,
+ results => [[]]
+ };
+ false ->
+ #{
+ id => DocId,
+ deleted => false,
+ results => [[]]
+ }
+ end;
+make_doc(DocId, Results) ->
+ #{
+ id => DocId,
+ deleted => false,
+ results => [Results]
+ }.
+get_global_size(TxDb) ->
+ #{
+ tx := Tx,
+ db_prefix := DbPrefix
+ } = TxDb,
+ GlobalKey = {?DB_STATS, <<"sizes">>, <<"views">>},
+ BinGlobalKey = erlfdb_tuple:pack(GlobalKey, DbPrefix),
+ ?bin2uint(erlfdb:wait(erlfdb:get(Tx, BinGlobalKey))).
+init_set({N, D, R}, Labels) ->
+ {Dupes, RestLabels} = fill_keys(D, Labels, []),
+ {Unique, _} = fill_keys(N - D, RestLabels, []),
+ % Sanity assertions
+ N = length(Unique) + length(Dupes),
+ D = length(Dupes),
+ {Unique, [{Key, R} || Key <- Dupes]}.
+reduce_set({DeltaN, DeltaD, DeltaR}, {Unique, Dupes}) ->
+ NewDupes = lists:sublist(Dupes, DeltaD),
+ NewUnique = lists:sublist(Unique, DeltaN - DeltaD),
+ {NewUnique, [{Key, DeltaR} || {Key, _} <- NewDupes]}.
+fill_set({N, D, R}, {Unique, Dupes}, Labels) ->
+ AddDupes = D - length(Dupes),
+ {NewDupes, RestLabels} = fill_keys(AddDupes, Labels, Dupes),
+ AddUnique = N - length(Unique) - length(NewDupes),
+ {NewUnique, _} = fill_keys(AddUnique, RestLabels, Unique),
+ % Sanity assertions
+ N = length(NewUnique) + length(NewDupes),
+ D = length(NewDupes),
+ {NewUnique, lists:map(fun(Dupe) ->
+ case Dupe of
+ {_, _} -> Dupe;
+ A when is_atom(A) -> {A, R}
+ end
+ end, NewDupes)}.
+fill_keys(0, Labels, Acc) ->
+ {Acc, Labels};
+fill_keys(Count, [Label | RestLabels], Acc) when Count > 0 ->
+ fill_keys(Count - 1, RestLabels, [Label | Acc]).
+unlabel({Unique, Dupes}, Bindings) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Item, {KVAcc, BindingsAcc}) ->
+ {KVs, NewBindingsAcc} = unlabel_item(Item, BindingsAcc),
+ {KVs ++ KVAcc, NewBindingsAcc}
+ end, {[], Bindings}, Unique ++ Dupes).
+unlabel_item(Label, Bindings) when is_atom(Label) ->
+ NewBindings = maybe_bind(Label, Bindings),
+ KV = maps:get(Label, NewBindings),
+ {[KV], NewBindings};
+unlabel_item({Label, Count}, Bindings) when is_atom(Label), is_integer(Count) ->
+ NewBindings = maybe_bind(Label, Bindings),
+ {K, _} = KV = maps:get(Label, NewBindings),
+ ToAdd = lists:map(fun(_) ->
+ {K, gen_value()}
+ end, lists:seq(1, Count - 1)),
+ {[KV | ToAdd], NewBindings}.
+maybe_bind(Label, Bindings) ->
+ case maps:is_key(Label, Bindings) of
+ true ->
+ case rand:uniform() < 0.5 of
+ true ->
+ rebind(Label, Bindings);
+ false ->
+ Bindings
+ end;
+ false ->
+ bind(Label, Bindings)
+ end.
+bind(Label, Bindings) ->
+ maps:put(Label, {gen_key(), gen_value()}, Bindings).
+rebind(Label, Bindings) ->
+ {Key, _} = maps:get(Label, Bindings),
+ maps:put(Label, {Key, gen_value()}, Bindings).
+gen_key() ->
+ Unique = couch_uuids:random(),
+ case rand:uniform() of
+ N when N < 0.2 ->
+ [Unique, true, rand:uniform()];
+ N when N < 0.4 ->
+ {[{Unique, true}, {<<"foo">>, [<<"bar">>, null, 1, {[]}]}]};
+ _ ->
+ Unique
+ end.
+gen_value() ->
+ case rand:uniform() of
+ N when N < 0.2 ->
+ [false, rand:uniform(), {[]}];
+ N when N < 0.4 ->
+ {[{<<"a">>, 1}, {<<"b">>, 2}]};
+ N when N < 0.6 ->
+ rand:uniform(100);
+ N when N < 0.8 ->
+ rand:uniform();
+ _ ->
+ 1
+ end.
+group(Items) ->
+ case length(Items) > 5 of
+ true ->
+ {Group, Rest} = lists:split(5, Items),
+ [lists:sort(Group) | group(Rest)];
+ false when Items == [] ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ [lists:sort(Items)]
+ end.
+shuffle(Items) ->
+ Tagged = [{rand:uniform(), I} || I <- Items],
+ Sorted = lists:sort(Tagged),
+ [I || {_T, I} <- Sorted].
+subset(Count, Items) ->
+ Random = shuffle(Items),
+ Take = lists:sublist(Random, Count),
+ lists:sort(Take).
+tname([]) ->
+ [];
+tname([Transition | RestTransitions]) ->
+ [tname(Transition) | tname(RestTransitions)];
+tname({{N1, D1, R1}, {N2, D2, R2}, {DN, DD, DR}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b", [N1, D1, R1, N2, D2, R2, DN, DD, DR]).