diff options
authorILYA Khlopotov <>2022-02-18 04:11:56 -0800
committerILYA Khlopotov <>2022-02-22 11:19:20 -0800
commit3412a96f0355cded7970c3dc9720ad42203baff7 (patch)
parentd5a964abb543ae05083be1fc97cd1c49f4469636 (diff)
Add couch_index_debug.erl and restart functions
2 files changed, 328 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
index 767822463..cfa994723 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_debug.erl
@@ -31,11 +31,31 @@
- print_linked_processes/1
+ print_linked_processes/1,
+ busy/2,
+ busy/3,
+ restart/1,
+ restart_busy/2,
+ restart_busy/3,
+ restart_busy/4
+-type throw(_Reason) :: no_return().
+-type process_name() :: atom().
+-type function_name() :: atom().
+-type busy_properties() ::
+ heap_size
+ | memory
+ | message_queue_len
+ | reductions
+ | total_heap_size.
+-spec help() -> [function_name()].
help() ->
+ busy,
@@ -45,11 +65,34 @@ help() ->
- print_linked_processes
+ print_linked_processes,
+ restart,
+ restart_busy
--spec help(Function :: atom()) -> ok.
+-spec help(Function :: function_name()) -> ok.
%% erlfmt-ignore
+help(busy) ->
+ io:format("
+ busy(ProcessList, Threshold)
+ busy(ProcessList, Threshold, Property)
+ --------------
+ Iterate over given list of named processes and returns the ones with
+ a Property value greater than provided Threshold.
+ If Property is not specified we use message box size
+ Properties which can be used are listed below
+ - heap_size
+ - memory
+ - message_queue_len (default)
+ - reductions
+ - total_heap_size
+ ---
+ ", []);
help(opened_files) ->
@@ -93,6 +136,42 @@ help(process_name) ->
", []);
+help(restart) ->
+ io:format("
+ restart(ServerName)
+ --------------
+ Restart a process with given ServerName and wait for
+ replacement process to start.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(restart_busy) ->
+ io:format("
+ restart_busy(ProcessList, Thereshold)
+ restart_busy(ProcessList, Thereshold, DelayInMsec)
+ --------------
+ Iterate over given list of named processes and returns the ones with
+ a Property value greater than provided Threshold.
+ Then it restart the identified processes.
+ If Property is not specified we use message box size
+ Properties which can be used are listed below
+ - heap_size
+ - memory
+ - message_queue_len (default)
+ - reductions
+ - total_heap_size
+ The restarts happen sequentially with a given DelayInMsec between them.
+ If DelayInMsec is not provided the default value is one second.
+ The function doesn't proceed to next process until
+ the replacement process starts.
+ ---
+ ", []);
help(link_tree) ->
@@ -202,6 +281,30 @@ help(Unknown) ->
io:format(" ---~n", []),
+-spec busy(ProcessList :: [process_name()], Threshold :: pos_integer()) ->
+ [Name :: process_name()].
+busy(ProcessList, Threshold) when Threshold > 0 ->
+ busy(ProcessList, Threshold, message_queue_len).
+-spec busy(
+ ProcessList :: [process_name()], Threshold :: pos_integer(), Property :: busy_properties()
+) ->
+ [Name :: process_name()].
+busy(ProcessList, Threshold, Property) when Threshold > 0 ->
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(Name) ->
+ case (catch process_info(whereis(Name), Property)) of
+ {Property, Value} when is_integer(Value) andalso Value > Threshold ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ ProcessList
+ ).
-spec opened_files() ->
[{port(), CouchFilePid :: pid(), Fd :: pid() | tuple(), FilePath :: string()}].
@@ -450,6 +553,57 @@ shorten_path(Path) ->
<<_:Len/binary, Rest/binary>> = File,
+-spec restart(Name :: process_name()) ->
+ Pid :: pid() | timeout.
+restart(Name) ->
+ Res = test_util:with_process_restart(Name, fun() ->
+ exit(whereis(Name), kill)
+ end),
+ case Res of
+ {Pid, true} ->
+ Pid;
+ timeout ->
+ timeout
+ end.
+-spec restart_busy(ProcessList :: [process_name()], Threshold :: pos_integer()) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}).
+restart_busy(ProcessList, Threshold) ->
+ restart_busy(ProcessList, Threshold, 1000).
+-spec restart_busy(
+ ProcessList :: [process_name()], Thershold :: pos_integer(), DelayInMsec :: pos_integer()
+) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}) | ok.
+restart_busy(ProcessList, Threshold, DelayInMsec) ->
+ restart_busy(ProcessList, Threshold, DelayInMsec, message_queue_len).
+-spec restart_busy(
+ ProcessList :: [process_name()],
+ Thershold :: pos_integer(),
+ DelayInMsec :: pos_integer(),
+ Property :: busy_properties()
+) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}) | ok.
+restart_busy(ProcessList, Threshold, DelayInMsec, Property) when
+ Threshold > 0 andalso DelayInMsec > 0
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Name) ->
+ case restart(Name) of
+ timeout ->
+ throw({timeout, Name});
+ _ ->
+ timer:sleep(DelayInMsec)
+ end
+ end,
+ busy(ProcessList, Threshold, Property)
+ ).
%% Pretty print functions
%% Limmitations:
diff --git a/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_debug.erl b/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_debug.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3de7fad79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_index/src/couch_index_debug.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+ help/0,
+ help/1
+ names/0,
+ print_linked_processes/0,
+ busy/1,
+ busy/2,
+ restart_busy/1,
+ restart_busy/2,
+ restart_busy/3
+-type throw(_Reason) :: no_return().
+-type process_name() :: atom().
+-type function_name() :: atom().
+help() ->
+ [
+ %% list of provided commands
+ names,
+ print_linked_processes,
+ busy,
+ restart_busy
+ ].
+-spec help(Function :: function_name()) -> ok.
+%% erlfmt-ignore
+help(names) ->
+ io:format("
+ names()
+ --------------
+ Returns list of named processes which constitutes
+ a sharded couch_index_server
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(print_linked_processes) ->
+ io:format("
+ print_linked_processes()
+ --------------
+ Print cluster of linked processes. The output would look like similar to:
+ |name | reductions | message_queue_len | memory |id
+ |--------------------------------------------------|------------|-------------------|--------------|--
+ |index_server_1[<0.320.0>] | 1115 | 0 | 17000 |
+ | couch_secondary_services[<0.312.0>] | 93258 | 0 | 68600 |
+ | couch_event_listener:do_init/3[<0.323.0>] | 195 | 0 | 2856 |
+ | index_server_1[<0.320.0>] | 1115 | 0 | 17000 |
+ | | | | |
+ |index_server_2[<0.324.0>] | 278 | 0 | 6088 |
+ | couch_secondary_services[<0.312.0>] | 93260 | 0 | 68600 |
+ | couch_event_listener:do_init/3[<0.326.0>] | 161 | 0 | 2856 |
+ | index_server_2[<0.324.0>] | 278 | 0 | 6088 |
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(busy) ->
+ io:format("
+ busy(Thereshold)
+ busy(Thereshold, Property)
+ --------------
+ Finds list of couch_index_server processes and returns the ones with
+ a Property value greater than provided Threshold.
+ If Property is not specified we use message box size
+ Properties which can be used are listed below
+ - heap_size
+ - memory
+ - message_queue_len (default)
+ - reductions
+ - total_heap_size
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(restart_busy) ->
+ io:format("
+ restart_busy(Thereshold)
+ restart_busy(Thereshold, DelayInMsec)
+ restart_busy(Thereshold, DelayInMsec, Property)
+ --------------
+ Finds list of couch_index_server processes and returns the ones with
+ a Property value greater than provided Threshold.
+ Then it restart the identified processes.
+ If Property is not specified we use message box size
+ Properties which can be used are listed below
+ - heap_size
+ - memory
+ - message_queue_len (default)
+ - reductions
+ - total_heap_size
+ The restarts happen sequentially with a given DelayInMsec between them.
+ If DelayInMsec is not provided the default value is one second.
+ The function doesn't proceed to next server until the replacement server
+ process starts.
+ ---
+ ", []);
+help(Unknown) ->
+ io:format("Unknown function: `~p`. Please try one of the following:~n", [Unknown]),
+ [io:format(" - ~s~n", [Function]) || Function <- help()],
+ io:format(" ---~n", []),
+ ok.
+-spec names() -> [process_name()].
+names() ->
+ couch_index_server:names().
+-spec print_linked_processes() -> ok.
+print_linked_processes() ->
+ couch_debug:print_linked_processes(couch_index_server).
+-spec busy(Thershold :: pos_integer()) ->
+ [Name :: process_name()].
+busy(Threshold) when Threshold > 0 ->
+ couch_debug:busy(names(), Threshold).
+-spec busy(Thershold :: pos_integer(), Property :: couch_debug:busy_properties()) ->
+ [Name :: process_name()].
+busy(Threshold, Property) when Threshold > 0 ->
+ couch_debug:busy(names(), Threshold, Property).
+-spec restart_busy(Threshold :: pos_integer()) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}).
+restart_busy(Threshold) ->
+ couch_debug:restart_busy(names(), Threshold, 1000).
+-spec restart_busy(Thershold :: pos_integer(), DelayInMsec :: pos_integer()) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}).
+restart_busy(Threshold, DelayInMsec) ->
+ couch_debug:restart_busy(names(), Threshold, DelayInMsec).
+-spec restart_busy(
+ Thershold :: pos_integer(),
+ DelayInMsec :: pos_integer(),
+ Property :: couch_debug:busy_properties()
+) ->
+ throw({timeout, Name :: process_name()}).
+restart_busy(Threshold, DelayInMsec, Property) ->
+ couch_debug:restart_busy(names(), Threshold, DelayInMsec, Property).