diff options
authorAdam Kocoloski <>2022-01-15 09:56:31 -0500
committerAdam Kocoloski <>2022-01-19 21:45:35 -0500
commit7163642787f6fc791f612b9cdc32677c56174c34 (patch)
parent6130c6b472ae7b20da30c9eec26bbe7f4974055d (diff)
Refactor build to dynamically generate test stages
This is one of those situations where you go in to make a small change, see an opportunity for some refactoring, and get sucked into a rabbit hole that leaves you wondering if you have any idea how computers actually work. My initial goal was simply to update the Erlang version used in our binary packages to a modern supported release. Along the way I decided I wanted to figure out how to eliminate all the copypasta we generate for making any change to this file, and after a few days of hacking here we are. This rewrite has the following features: * Updates to use Debian 11 (current stable) as the base image for building releases and packaging repos. * Defaults to Erlang 24.2 as the embedded Erlang version in packages. * Dynamically generates the parallel build stages used to test and package CouchDB on various OSes. This is accomplished through a bit of scripted pipeline code that relies on two new methods defined at the beginning of the Jenkinsfile, one for "native" builds on macOS and FreeBSD and one for container-based builds. See comments in the Jenkinsfile for additional details. * Expands commands like `make check` into a series of steps to improve visibility. The Jenkins UI will now show the time spent in each step of the build process, and if a step (e.g. `make eunit`) fails it will only expand the logs for that step by default instead of showing the logs for the entire build stage. The downside is that if we do make changes to the series of targets underneath `check` we need to remember to update the Jenkinsfile as well.
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
index 6cf5e2bca..124c8b106 100644
--- a/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
+++ b/build-aux/Jenkinsfile.full
@@ -13,40 +13,230 @@
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
-build_and_test = '''
-mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}
-cd ${platform}
-rm -rf build
-mkdir build
-cd build
-tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
-cd apache-couchdb-*
-./configure --spidermonkey-version ${sm_ver}
-make check || (make build-report && false)
-make_packages = '''
-cd ${platform}
-git clone
-rm -rf couchdb
-mkdir couchdb
-cp ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
-tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
-cd couchdb-pkg
-cleanup_and_save = '''
-rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
-mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
-mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/rpmbuild/RPMS/$(arch)/*rpm ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
-mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/couchdb/*.deb ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
-update_qemu = '''
-docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
+// Erlang version embedded in binary packages
+// Erlang version used for rebar in release process. CouchDB will not build from
+// the release tarball on Erlang versions older than this
+// We create parallel build / test / package stages for each OS using the metadata
+// in this map. Adding a new OS should ideally only involve adding a new entry here.
+meta = [
+ 'centos7': [
+ name: 'CentOS 7',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-centos:7-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'centos8': [
+ name: 'CentOS 8',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-centos:8-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'bionic': [
+ name: 'Ubuntu 18.04',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:bionic-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'focal': [
+ name: 'Ubuntu 20.04',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '68',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:focal-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'stretch': [
+ name: 'Debian 9',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:stretch-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'buster': [
+ name: 'Debian 10',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ // - Removed 2020.09.15 - VMs are offline
+ // 'buster-arm64': [
+ // name: 'Debian 10 ARM'
+ // spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ // image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}",
+ // node_label: 'arm64v8'
+ // ],
+ // 'buster-ppc64': [
+ // name: 'Debian 10 POWER'
+ // spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ // image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:pp64le-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}",
+ // node_label: 'ppc64le'
+ // ],
+ 'bullseye': [
+ name: 'Debian 11',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '78',
+ image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:bullseye-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
+ ],
+ 'freebsd': [
+ name: 'FreeBSD',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '1.8.5',
+ gnu_make: 'gmake'
+ ],
+ 'macos': [
+ name: 'macOS',
+ spidermonkey_vsn: '60',
+ gnu_make: 'make'
+ ]
+// Credit to for this technique.
+// We can use the scripted pipeline syntax to dynamically generate stages,
+// and inject them into a map that we pass to the `parallel` step in a script.
+// While the scripting approach is very flexible, it's not able to use some
+// functionality specific to Declarative Pipelines, like the `agent` and `post`
+// directives, so you'll see alternatives like try-catch-finally used for flow
+// control and the nested `node` and `docker` blocks in the container stage to
+// configure the worker environment.
+// Returns a build stage suitable for non-containerized environments (currently
+// macOS and FreeBSD). Coincidentally we do not currently support automated
+// package generation on these platforms. This method in invoked when we create
+// `parallelStagesMap` below.
+def generateNativeStage(platform) {
+ return {
+ stage(platform) {
+ node(platform) {
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
+ try {
+ // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
+ deleteDir()
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ withEnv([
+ 'HOME='+pwd(),
+ 'PATH+USRLOCAL=/usr/local/bin',
+ 'MAKE='+meta[platform].gnu_make
+ ]) {
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}/build", label: 'Create build directories' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/build --strip-components=1", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh "./configure --skip-deps --spidermonkey-version ${meta[platform].spidermonkey_vsn}"
+ sh '$MAKE'
+ sh '$MAKE eunit'
+ sh '$MAKE elixir-suite'
+ sh '$MAKE exunit'
+ sh '$MAKE mango-test'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ echo "Build failed: {$err}"
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ withEnv([
+ 'HOME='+pwd(),
+ 'PATH+USRLOCAL=/usr/local/bin',
+ 'MAKE='+meta[platform].gnu_make
+ ]) {
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh 'ls -l'
+ sh '${MAKE} build-report'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
+ sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Returns a build stage suitable for container-based deployments. This method
+// is invoked when we create the `parallelStagesMap` in the pipeline below.
+def generateContainerStage(platform) {
+ return {
+ // Important: the stage name here must match the parallelStagesMap key for the
+ // Jenkins UI to render the pipeline stages correctly. Don't ask why. -APK
+ stage(platform) {
+ node(meta[platform].get('node_label', 'docker')) {
+ docker.withRegistry('', 'dockerhub_creds') {
+ docker.image(meta[platform].image).inside("${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
+ timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES") {
+ stage("${meta[platform].name} - build & test") {
+ try {
+ sh( script: "rm -rf ${platform} apache-couchdb-*", label: 'Clean workspace' )
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}/build", label: 'Create build directories' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/build --strip-components=1", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh "./configure --skip-deps --spidermonkey-version ${meta[platform].spidermonkey_vsn}"
+ sh 'make'
+ sh 'make eunit'
+ sh 'make elixir-suite'
+ sh 'make exunit'
+ sh 'make mango-test'
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ echo "Build failed: {$err}"
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ dir( "${platform}/build" ) {
+ sh 'ls -l'
+ sh 'make build-report'
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR}'
+ }
+ }
+ stage("${meta[platform].name} - package") {
+ try {
+ unstash 'tarball'
+ sh( script: "mkdir -p ${platform}/couchdb", label: 'Create build directory' )
+ sh( script: "tar -xf apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C ${platform}/couchdb", label: 'Unpack release' )
+ sh( script: "cd ${platform} && git clone", label: 'Clone packaging helper repo' )
+ dir( "${platform}/couchdb-pkg" ) {
+ sh( script: 'make', label: 'Build packages' )
+ }
+ sh( label: 'Stage package artifacts for archival', script: """
+ rm -rf pkgs/${platform}
+ mkdir -p pkgs/${platform}
+ mv ${platform}/rpmbuild/RPMS/\$(arch)/*rpm pkgs/${platform} || true
+ mv ${platform}/couchdb/*.deb pkgs/${platform} || true
+ """ )
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ echo "Packaging failed: {$err}"
+ currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ }
+ finally {
+ sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Finally we have the actual Pipeline. It's mostly a Declarative Pipeline,
+// except for the 'Test and Package' stage where we use the `script` step as an
+// "escape hatch" to dynamically generate a set of parallel stages to execute.
pipeline {
// no top-level agent; agents must be declared for each stage
@@ -68,8 +258,6 @@ pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'))
- // This fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
- parallelsAlwaysFailFast()
preserveStashes(buildCount: 10)
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
@@ -80,30 +268,34 @@ pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'docker'
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
+ image "apache/couchdbci-debian:erlang-${MINIMUM_ERLANG_VERSION}"
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
+ environment {
+ // TODO find a way to avoid setting this explicitly
+ spidermonkey = '78'
+ }
options {
timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES")
steps {
- sh '''
- set
- rm -rf apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure
- make erlfmt-check
- make dist
- chmod -R a+w * .
- '''
+ sh (script: 'rm -rf apache-couchdb-*', label: 'Clean workspace of any previous release artifacts' )
+ sh "./configure --spidermonkey-version ${spidermonkey}"
+ sh 'make erlfmt-check'
+ sh 'make elixir-check-formatted'
+ sh 'make dist'
post {
success {
stash includes: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', name: 'tarball'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', fingerprint: true
+ failure {
+ sh 'ls -l ${WORKSPACE}'
+ }
cleanup {
// UGH see
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
@@ -111,457 +303,22 @@ pipeline {
} // stage Build Release Tarball
- // TODO Rework once Improved Docker Pipeline Engine is released
- //
- //
stage('Test and Package') {
- options {
- skipDefaultCheckout()
- timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
- }
- parallel {
- stage('FreeBSD') {
- agent {
- label 'freebsd'
- }
- steps {
- // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
- deleteDir()
- unstash 'tarball'
- withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
- sh '''
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- mkdir build
- cd build
- tar -xf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure
- gmake check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # No package build for FreeBSD at this time
- '''
- } // withEnv
- } // steps
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- cleanup {
- sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage FreeBSD
- stage('macOS') {
- agent {
- label 'macos'
- }
- steps {
- // deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
- deleteDir()
- unstash 'tarball'
- withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
- sh '''
- PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
- export PATH
- mkdir -p $COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR
- # Build CouchDB from tarball & test
- mkdir build
- cd build
- tar -xzf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
- cd apache-couchdb-*
- ./configure --spidermonkey-version 60
- make check || (build-aux/ && false)
- # No package build for macOS at this time
- '''
- } // withEnv
- } // steps
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- cleanup {
- sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage macOS
- stage('CentOS 7') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:7-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'centos7'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('CentOS 8') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:8-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'centos8'
- sm_ver = '60'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Ubuntu Bionic') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:bionic-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'bionic'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Ubuntu Focal') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:focal-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'focal'
- sm_ver = '68'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Stretch') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:stretch-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'stretch'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Buster amd64') {
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
- label 'docker'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
- }
- }
- environment {
- platform = 'buster'
- sm_ver = '60'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
+ steps {
+ script {
+ // Including failFast: true in map fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
+ parallelStagesMap = meta.collectEntries( [failFast: true] ) { key, values ->
+ if (values.image) {
+ ["${key}": generateContainerStage(key)]
- } // post
- } // stage
- stage('Debian Buster arm64v8') {
- when { expression { return false } }
- agent {
- docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-'
- label 'arm64v8'
- args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
- registryUrl ''
- registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
+ else {
+ ["${key}": generateNativeStage(key)]
- environment {
- platform = 'buster'
- sm_ver = '1.8.5'
- }
- stages {
- stage('Build from tarball & test') {
- steps {
- unstash 'tarball'
- sh( script: build_and_test )
- }
- post {
- always {
- junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
- }
- }
- }
- stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
- steps {
- sh( script: make_packages )
- sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
- }
- post {
- success {
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
- }
- }
- }
- } // stages
- post {
- cleanup {
- sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
- }
- } // post
- } // stage
- - Removed 2020.09.15 - VMs are offline
-// stage('Debian Buster ppc64le') {
-// agent {
-// docker {
-// image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:ppc64le-buster-erlang-'
-// label 'ppc64le'
-// args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
-// registryUrl ''
-// registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
-// }
-// }
-// environment {
-// platform = 'buster'
-// sm_ver = '60'
-// }
-// stages {
-// stage('Build from tarball & test') {
-// steps {
-// unstash 'tarball'
-// sh( script: build_and_test )
-// }
-// post {
-// always {
-// junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
-// steps {
-// sh( script: make_packages )
-// sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
-// }
-// post {
-// success {
-// archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// } // stages
-// post {
-// cleanup {
-// sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
-// }
-// } // post
-// } // stage
+ parallel parallelStagesMap
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Example of how to do a qemu-based run, please leave here
@@ -586,17 +343,17 @@ pipeline {
stages {
stage('Install latest qemu binaries') {
steps {
- sh( script: update_qemu )
+ sh( script: 'docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes' )
stage('Pull latest docker image') {
steps {
- sh "docker pull apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-"
+ sh "docker pull apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
stage('Build from tarball & test & packages') {
steps {
- withDockerContainer(image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-", args: "${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
+ withDockerContainer(image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}", args: "${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
unstash 'tarball'
withEnv(['MIX_HOME='+pwd(), 'HEX_HOME='+pwd()]) {
sh( script: build_and_test )
@@ -625,9 +382,6 @@ pipeline {
} // stage
- } // parallel
- } // stage "Test and Package"
stage('Publish') {
when {
@@ -636,7 +390,7 @@ pipeline {
agent {
docker {
- image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
+ image "apache/couchdbci-debian:erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}"
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
@@ -678,8 +432,8 @@ pipeline {
sh '''
cp js/centos-7/*rpm pkgs/centos7
cp js/centos-8/*rpm pkgs/centos8
- cd pkgs/centos7 && createrepo --database .
- cd ../centos8 && createrepo --database .
+ cd pkgs/centos7 && createrepo_c --database .
+ cd ../centos8 && createrepo_c --database .
echo 'Building tree to upload...'