diff options
authorEric Avdey <>2020-05-05 16:38:57 -0300
committerEric Avdey <>2020-05-07 15:49:23 -0300
commit1d0a1027dd7d3579ee12d5f5a3df54203b461caf (patch)
parent25bf5cbc4d08fe2f0cc4291b4451beebbaf1e43d (diff)
Convert aegis key cach to LRU with hard expiration time
4 files changed, 327 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
index a1e3c5851..66680a4e8 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
@@ -764,3 +764,16 @@ opts = #{budget => 100, target => 2500, window => 60000, sensitivity => 1000}
; performance. This value must be at least 10000 and cannot be set to higher than
; 10000000, the default transaction size limit.
;size_limit = 10000000
+; The maximum number of entries in the key cache.
+; Once the limit reached the least recently used entries are eviceted.
+;cache_limit = 100000
+; The period in seconds for how long each entry kept in cache.
+; This is not affected by access time, i.e. the keys are always removed
+; once expired and re-fetched on a next encrypt/decrypt operation.
+;cache_max_age_sec = 1800
+; The interval in seconds of how often the expiration check runs.
+;cache_expiration_check_sec = 10
diff --git a/src/aegis/src/aegis_server.erl b/src/aegis/src/aegis_server.erl
index be8202ced..21932626c 100644
--- a/src/aegis/src/aegis_server.erl
+++ b/src/aegis/src/aegis_server.erl
@@ -44,9 +44,13 @@
-define(KEY_CHECK, aegis_key_check).
-define(INIT_TIMEOUT, 60000).
-define(TIMEOUT, 10000).
+-define(CACHE_LIMIT, 100000).
+-define(CACHE_MAX_AGE_SEC, 1800).
--record(entry, {uuid, encryption_key}).
+-record(entry, {uuid, encryption_key, counter, last_accessed, expires_at}).
start_link() ->
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ encrypt(#{} = Db, Key, Value) when is_binary(Key), is_binary(Value) ->
uuid := UUID
} = Db,
- case ets:member(?KEY_CHECK, UUID) of
+ case is_key_fresh(UUID) of
true ->
case gen_server:call(?MODULE, {encrypt, Db, Key, Value}) of
CipherText when is_binary(CipherText) ->
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ decrypt(#{} = Db, Key, Value) when is_binary(Key), is_binary(Value) ->
uuid := UUID
} = Db,
- case ets:member(?KEY_CHECK, UUID) of
+ case is_key_fresh(UUID) of
true ->
case gen_server:call(?MODULE, {decrypt, Db, Key, Value}) of
PlainText when is_binary(PlainText) ->
@@ -133,10 +137,16 @@ decrypt(#{} = Db, Key, Value) when is_binary(Key), is_binary(Value) ->
init([]) ->
process_flag(sensitive, true),
Cache = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, private, {keypos, #entry.uuid}]),
+ ByAccess = ets:new(?MODULE,
+ [ordered_set, private, {keypos, #entry.counter}]),
ets:new(?KEY_CHECK, [named_table, protected, {read_concurrency, true}]),
+ erlang:send_after(0, self(), maybe_remove_expired),
St = #{
- cache => Cache
+ cache => Cache,
+ by_access => ByAccess,
+ counter => 0
{ok, St, ?INIT_TIMEOUT}.
@@ -146,15 +156,18 @@ terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
handle_call({insert_key, UUID, DbKey}, _From, #{cache := Cache} = St) ->
- ok = insert(Cache, UUID, DbKey),
- {reply, ok, St, ?TIMEOUT};
+ case ets:lookup(Cache, UUID) of
+ [#entry{uuid = UUID} = Entry] ->
+ delete(St, Entry);
+ [] ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ NewSt = insert(St, UUID, DbKey),
+ {reply, ok, NewSt, ?TIMEOUT};
handle_call({encrypt, #{uuid := UUID} = Db, Key, Value}, From, St) ->
- #{
- cache := Cache
- } = St,
- {ok, DbKey} = lookup(Cache, UUID),
+ {ok, DbKey} = lookup(St, UUID),
erlang:spawn(fun() ->
process_flag(sensitive, true),
@@ -172,11 +185,8 @@ handle_call({encrypt, #{uuid := UUID} = Db, Key, Value}, From, St) ->
{noreply, St, ?TIMEOUT};
handle_call({decrypt, #{uuid := UUID} = Db, Key, Value}, From, St) ->
- #{
- cache := Cache
- } = St,
- {ok, DbKey} = lookup(Cache, UUID),
+ {ok, DbKey} = lookup(St, UUID),
erlang:spawn(fun() ->
process_flag(sensitive, true),
@@ -197,10 +207,22 @@ handle_call(_Msg, _From, St) ->
{noreply, St}.
+handle_cast({accessed, UUID}, St) ->
+ NewSt = bump_last_accessed(St, UUID),
+ {noreply, NewSt};
handle_cast(_Msg, St) ->
{noreply, St}.
+handle_info(maybe_remove_expired, St) ->
+ remove_expired_entries(St),
+ CheckInterval = erlang:convert_time_unit(
+ expiration_check_interval(), second, millisecond),
+ erlang:send_after(CheckInterval, self(), maybe_remove_expired),
+ {noreply, St};
handle_info(_Msg, St) ->
{noreply, St}.
@@ -257,19 +279,134 @@ do_decrypt(DbKey, #{uuid := UUID}, Key, Value) ->
+is_key_fresh(UUID) ->
+ Now = fabric2_util:now(sec),
+ case ets:lookup(?KEY_CHECK, UUID) of
+ [{UUID, ExpiresAt}] when ExpiresAt >= Now -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.
%% cache functions
-insert(Cache, UUID, DbKey) ->
- Entry = #entry{uuid = UUID, encryption_key = DbKey},
+insert(St, UUID, DbKey) ->
+ #{
+ cache := Cache,
+ by_access := ByAccess,
+ counter := Counter
+ } = St,
+ Now = fabric2_util:now(sec),
+ ExpiresAt = Now + max_age(),
+ Entry = #entry{
+ uuid = UUID,
+ encryption_key = DbKey,
+ counter = Counter,
+ last_accessed = Now,
+ expires_at = ExpiresAt
+ },
true = ets:insert(Cache, Entry),
- true = ets:insert(?KEY_CHECK, {UUID, true}),
- ok.
+ true = ets:insert_new(ByAccess, Entry),
+ true = ets:insert(?KEY_CHECK, {UUID, ExpiresAt}),
+ CacheLimit = cache_limit(),
+ CacheSize = ets:info(Cache, size),
+ case CacheSize > CacheLimit of
+ true ->
+ LRUKey = ets:first(ByAccess),
+ [LRUEntry] = ets:lookup(ByAccess, LRUKey),
+ delete(St, LRUEntry);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
-lookup(Cache, UUID) ->
+ St#{counter := Counter + 1}.
+lookup(#{cache := Cache}, UUID) ->
case ets:lookup(Cache, UUID) of
- [#entry{uuid = UUID, encryption_key = DbKey}] ->
+ [#entry{uuid = UUID, encryption_key = DbKey} = Entry] ->
+ maybe_bump_last_accessed(Entry),
{ok, DbKey};
[] ->
{error, not_found}
+delete(St, #entry{uuid = UUID} = Entry) ->
+ #{
+ cache := Cache,
+ by_access := ByAccess
+ } = St,
+ true = ets:delete(?KEY_CHECK, UUID),
+ true = ets:delete_object(Cache, Entry),
+ true = ets:delete_object(ByAccess, Entry).
+maybe_bump_last_accessed(#entry{last_accessed = LastAccessed} = Entry) ->
+ case fabric2_util:now(sec) > LastAccessed + ?LAST_ACCESSED_INACTIVITY_SEC of
+ true ->
+ gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {accessed, Entry#entry.uuid});
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+bump_last_accessed(St, UUID) ->
+ #{
+ cache := Cache,
+ by_access := ByAccess,
+ counter := Counter
+ } = St,
+ [#entry{counter = OldCounter} = Entry0] = ets:lookup(Cache, UUID),
+ Entry = Entry0#entry{
+ last_accessed = fabric2_util:now(sec),
+ counter = Counter
+ },
+ true = ets:insert(Cache, Entry),
+ true = ets:insert_new(ByAccess, Entry),
+ ets:delete(ByAccess, OldCounter),
+ St#{counter := Counter + 1}.
+remove_expired_entries(St) ->
+ #{
+ cache := Cache,
+ by_access := ByAccess
+ } = St,
+ MatchConditions = [{'=<', '$1', fabric2_util:now(sec)}],
+ KeyCheckMatchHead = {'_', '$1'},
+ KeyCheckExpired = [{KeyCheckMatchHead, MatchConditions, [true]}],
+ Count = ets:select_delete(?KEY_CHECK, KeyCheckExpired),
+ CacheMatchHead = #entry{expires_at = '$1', _ = '_'},
+ CacheExpired = [{CacheMatchHead, MatchConditions, [true]}],
+ Count = ets:select_delete(Cache, CacheExpired),
+ Count = ets:select_delete(ByAccess, CacheExpired).
+max_age() ->
+ config:get_integer("aegis", "cache_max_age_sec", ?CACHE_MAX_AGE_SEC).
+expiration_check_interval() ->
+ config:get_integer(
+ "aegis", "cache_expiration_check_sec", ?CACHE_EXPIRATION_CHECK_SEC).
+cache_limit() ->
+ config:get_integer("aegis", "cache_limit", ?CACHE_LIMIT).
diff --git a/src/aegis/test/aegis_server_test.erl b/src/aegis/test/aegis_server_test.erl
index 0f23a3fd9..0f96798b7 100644
--- a/src/aegis/test/aegis_server_test.erl
+++ b/src/aegis/test/aegis_server_test.erl
@@ -163,3 +163,152 @@ test_disabled_decrypt() ->
Db = ?DB#{is_encrypted => aegis_server:open_db(?DB)},
Decrypted = aegis:decrypt(Db, <<1:64>>, ?ENCRYPTED),
?assertEqual(?ENCRYPTED, Decrypted).
+lru_cache_with_expiration_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() ->
+ %% this has to be be set before start of aegis server
+ %% for config param "cache_expiration_check_sec" to be picked up
+ meck:new([config, aegis_server, fabric2_util], [passthrough]),
+ ok = meck:expect(config, get_integer, fun
+ ("aegis", "cache_limit", _) -> 5;
+ ("aegis", "cache_max_age_sec", _) -> 130;
+ ("aegis", "cache_expiration_check_sec", _) -> 1;
+ (_, _, Default) -> Default
+ end),
+ Ctx = setup(),
+ ok = meck:expect(fabric2_util, now, fun(sec) ->
+ get(time) == undefined andalso put(time, 10),
+ Now = get(time),
+ put(time, Now + 10),
+ Now
+ end),
+ Ctx
+ end,
+ fun teardown/1,
+ [
+ {"counter moves forward on access bump",
+ {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, fun test_advance_counter/0}},
+ {"oldest entries evicted",
+ {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, fun test_evict_old_entries/0}},
+ {"access bump preserves entries",
+ {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, fun test_bump_accessed/0}},
+ {"expired entries removed",
+ {timeout, ?TIMEOUT, fun test_remove_expired/0}}
+ ]
+ }.
+test_advance_counter() ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ ok = meck:expect(aegis_server, handle_cast, fun({accessed, _} = Msg, St) ->
+ #{counter := Counter} = St,
+ get(counter) == undefined andalso put(counter, 0),
+ OldCounter = get(counter),
+ put(counter, Counter),
+ ?assert(Counter > OldCounter),
+ meck:passthrough([Msg, St])
+ end),
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE),
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<(I+1):64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 10)),
+ ?assertEqual(10, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)).
+test_evict_old_entries() ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% overflow cache
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 10)),
+ ?assertEqual(10, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% confirm that newest keys are still in cache
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<(I+1):64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(6, 10)),
+ ?assertEqual(10, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% confirm that oldest keys been eviced and needed re-fetch
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<(I+1):64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ ?assertEqual(15, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)).
+test_bump_accessed() ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% fill the cache
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ ?assertEqual(5, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% bump oldest key and then insert a new key to trigger eviction
+ aegis_server:encrypt(?DB#{uuid => <<1:64>>}, <<1:64>>, ?VALUE),
+ aegis_server:encrypt(?DB#{uuid => <<6:64>>}, <<6:64>>, ?VALUE),
+ ?assertEqual(6, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% confirm that former oldest key is still in cache
+ aegis_server:encrypt(?DB#{uuid => <<1:64>>}, <<2:64>>, ?VALUE),
+ ?assertEqual(6, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% confirm that the second oldest key been evicted by the new insert
+ aegis_server:encrypt(?DB#{uuid => <<2:64>>}, <<3:64>>, ?VALUE),
+ ?assertEqual(7, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)).
+test_remove_expired() ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% to detect when maybe_remove_expired called
+ ok = meck:expect(aegis_server, handle_info,fun
+ (maybe_remove_expired, St) ->
+ meck:passthrough([maybe_remove_expired, St])
+ end),
+ %% fill the cache. first key expires a 140, last at 180 of "our" time
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ ?assertEqual(5, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% confirm enties are still in cache and wind up our "clock" to 160
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ ?assertEqual(5, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)),
+ %% wait for remove_expired_entries to be triggered
+ meck:reset(aegis_server),
+ meck:wait(aegis_server, handle_info, [maybe_remove_expired, '_'], 2500),
+ %% 3 "oldest" entries should be removed, 2 yet to expire still in cache
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
+ Db = ?DB#{uuid => <<I:64>>},
+ aegis_server:encrypt(Db, <<I:64>>, ?VALUE)
+ end, lists:seq(1, 5)),
+ ?assertEqual(8, meck:num_calls(?AEGIS_KEY_MANAGER, open_db, 1)).
diff --git a/src/fabric/src/fabric2_util.erl b/src/fabric/src/fabric2_util.erl
index 9b6d18c58..136762b34 100644
--- a/src/fabric/src/fabric2_util.erl
+++ b/src/fabric/src/fabric2_util.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
+ now/1,
@@ -348,6 +349,13 @@ iso8601_timestamp() ->
io_lib:format(Format, [Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second]).
+now(ms) ->
+ {Mega, Sec, Micro} = os:timestamp(),
+ (Mega * 1000000 + Sec) * 1000 + round(Micro / 1000);
+now(sec) ->
+ now(ms) div 1000.
do_recovery() ->
"enable_database_recovery", false).