diff options
authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-04-14 00:10:08 -0400
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-04-16 17:44:43 -0400
commit41fa9a7ad84e9e6f92e873f7252e95c387416eca (patch)
parent1c3ed04887d1a5b4f2775d5391000bc4482069e5 (diff)
Remove commented out tests from couch_att
Many of those tests check attachemnt upgrades from older 1-3.x formats, check the `follows` functionality which is not supported in FDB (we don't stream attachments but buffer them outside transactions), or import couch_bt_engine.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
index b4c95e933..9009b5226 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_att.erl
@@ -690,192 +690,3 @@ validate_attachment_size(AttName, AttSize, MaxAttSize)
throw({request_entity_too_large, {attachment, AttName}});
validate_attachment_size(_AttName, _AttSize, _MAxAttSize) ->
-%% -ifdef(TEST).
-%% -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
-%% % Eww...
-%% -include("couch_bt_engine.hrl").
-%% %% Test utilities
-%% empty_att() -> new().
-%% upgraded_empty_att() ->
-%% new([{headers, undefined}]).
-%% %% Test groups
-%% attachment_upgrade_test_() ->
-%% {"Lazy record upgrade tests", [
-%% {"Existing record fields don't upgrade",
-%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_non_upgrading_fields/1]}
-%% },
-%% {"New fields upgrade",
-%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_upgrading_fields/1]}
-%% }
-%% ]}.
-%% attachment_defaults_test_() ->
-%% {"Attachment defaults tests", [
-%% {"Records retain old default values", [
-%% {with, empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
-%% ]},
-%% {"Upgraded records inherit defaults", [
-%% {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_legacy_defaults/1]}
-%% ]},
-%% {"Undefined entries are elided on upgrade", [
-%% {with, upgraded_empty_att(), [fun test_elided_entries/1]}
-%% ]}
-%% ]}.
-%% attachment_field_api_test_() ->
-%% {"Basic attachment field api", [
-%% fun test_construction/0,
-%% fun test_store_and_fetch/0,
-%% fun test_transform/0
-%% ]}.
-%% attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
-%% BaseAttachment = new([
-%% {name, <<"empty">>},
-%% {type, <<"application/octet-stream">>},
-%% {att_len, 0},
-%% {disk_len, 0},
-%% {md5, <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>},
-%% {revpos, 4},
-%% {data, {stream, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {fake_fd, fake_sp}}}},
-%% {encoding, identity}
-%% ]),
-%% BaseDiskTerm = {
-%% <<"empty">>,
-%% <<"application/octet-stream">>,
-%% fake_sp,
-%% 0, 0, 4,
-%% <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>,
-%% identity
-%% },
-%% Headers = [{<<"X-Foo">>, <<"bar">>}],
-%% ExtendedAttachment = store(headers, Headers, BaseAttachment),
-%% ExtendedDiskTerm = {BaseDiskTerm, [{headers, Headers}]},
-%% FakeDb = test_util:fake_db([{engine, {couch_bt_engine, #st{fd=fake_fd}}}]),
-%% {"Disk term tests", [
-%% ?_assertEqual(BaseDiskTerm, to_disk_term(BaseAttachment)),
-%% ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, BaseDiskTerm)),
-%% ?_assertEqual(ExtendedDiskTerm, to_disk_term(ExtendedAttachment)),
-%% ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, ExtendedDiskTerm))
-%% ]}.
-%% attachment_json_term_test_() ->
-%% Props = [
-%% {<<"content_type">>, <<"application/json">>},
-%% {<<"digest">>, <<"md5-QCNtWUNXV0UzJnEjMk92YUk1JA==">>},
-%% {<<"length">>, 14},
-%% {<<"revpos">>, 1}
-%% ],
-%% PropsInline = [{<<"data">>, <<"eyJhbnN3ZXIiOiA0Mn0=">>}] ++ Props,
-%% InvalidProps = [{<<"data">>, <<"!Base64Encoded$">>}] ++ Props,
-%% Att = couch_att:new([
-%% {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
-%% {type, <<"application/json">>}
-%% ]),
-%% ResultStub = couch_att:new([
-%% {name, <<"attachment.json">>},
-%% {type, <<"application/json">>},
-%% {att_len, 14},
-%% {disk_len, 14},
-%% {md5, <<"@#mYCWWE3&q#2OvaI5$">>},
-%% {revpos, 1},
-%% {data, stub},
-%% {encoding, identity}
-%% ]),
-%% ResultFollows = ResultStub#att{data = follows},
-%% ResultInline = ResultStub#att{md5 = <<>>, data = <<"{\"answer\": 42}">>},
-%% {"JSON term tests", [
-%% ?_assertEqual(ResultStub, stub_from_json(Att, Props)),
-%% ?_assertEqual(ResultFollows, follow_from_json(Att, Props)),
-%% ?_assertEqual(ResultInline, inline_from_json(Att, PropsInline)),
-%% ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, Props)),
-%% ?_assertThrow({bad_request, _}, inline_from_json(Att, InvalidProps))
-%% ]}.
-%% attachment_stub_merge_test_() ->
-%% %% Stub merging needs to demonstrate revpos matching, skipping, and missing
-%% %% attachment errors.
-%% {"Attachment stub merging tests", []}.
-%% %% Test generators
-%% test_non_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
-%% Pairs = [
-%% {name, "cat.gif"},
-%% {type, "text/very-very-plain"},
-%% {att_len, 1024},
-%% {disk_len, 42},
-%% {md5, <<"md5-hashhashhash">>},
-%% {revpos, 4},
-%% {data, stub},
-%% {encoding, gzip}
-%% ],
-%% lists:foreach(
-%% fun({Field, Value}) ->
-%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
-%% Updated = store(Field, Value, Attachment),
-%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Updated)
-%% end,
-%% Pairs).
-%% test_upgrading_fields(Attachment) ->
-%% ?assertMatch(#att{}, Attachment),
-%% UpdatedHeaders = store(headers, [{<<"Ans">>, <<"42">>}], Attachment),
-%% ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeaders),
-%% UpdatedHeadersUndefined = store(headers, undefined, Attachment),
-%% ?assertMatch(X when is_list(X), UpdatedHeadersUndefined).
-%% test_legacy_defaults(Attachment) ->
-%% ?assertEqual(<<>>, fetch(md5, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertEqual(0, fetch(revpos, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertEqual(identity, fetch(encoding, Attachment)).
-%% test_elided_entries(Attachment) ->
-%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(name, 1, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(type, 1, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(att_len, 1, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(disk_len, 1, Attachment)),
-%% ?assertNot(lists:keymember(data, 1, Attachment)).
-%% test_construction() ->
-%% ?assert(new() == new()),
-%% Initialized = new([{name, <<"">>}, {type, <<"application/qux">>}]),
-%% ?assertEqual(<<"">>, fetch(name, Initialized)),
-%% ?assertEqual(<<"application/qux">>, fetch(type, Initialized)).
-%% test_store_and_fetch() ->
-%% Attachment = empty_att(),
-%% ?assertEqual(<<"abc">>, fetch(name, store(name, <<"abc">>, Attachment))),
-%% ?assertEqual(42, fetch(ans, store(ans, 42, Attachment))).
-%% test_transform() ->
-%% Attachment = new([{counter, 0}]),
-%% Transformed = transform(counter, fun(Count) -> Count + 1 end, Attachment),
-%% ?assertEqual(1, fetch(counter, Transformed)).
-%% -endif.