diff options
authorPaul J. Davis <>2017-07-24 11:39:21 -0500
committerPaul J. Davis <>2017-07-24 11:40:17 -0500
commit5c478ee9ee867bbe2f4deb23cf0350983160dd5e (patch)
parent4d545714e504bb7d8a196265ff8434e5eb95e456 (diff)
Don't track errors in rexi_server
This is fairly expensive for something that's not used very much. And generally speaking when it could be useful things are too busy to really rely on it as the messaging rates through rexi are so high.
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl b/src/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl
index 6cecdb8e7..4b0362843 100644
--- a/src/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl
+++ b/src/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
-export([start_link/1, init_p/2, init_p/3]).
-record(job, {
@@ -27,12 +26,14 @@
+-record(error, {
+ reason,
+ stack
-record(st, {
workers = ets:new(workers, [private, {keypos, #job.worker}]),
- clients = ets:new(clients, [private, {keypos, #job.client}]),
- errors = queue:new(),
- error_limit = 0,
- error_count = 0
+ clients = ets:new(clients, [private, {keypos, #job.client}])
start_link(ServerId) ->
@@ -41,24 +42,6 @@ start_link(ServerId) ->
init([]) ->
{ok, #st{}}.
-handle_call(get_errors, _From, #st{errors = Errors} = St) ->
- {reply, {ok, lists:reverse(queue:to_list(Errors))}, St};
-handle_call(get_last_error, _From, #st{errors = Errors} = St) ->
- try
- {reply, {ok, queue:get_r(Errors)}, St}
- catch error:empty ->
- {reply, {error, empty}, St}
- end;
-handle_call({set_error_limit, N}, _From, #st{error_count=Len, errors=Q} = St) ->
- if N < Len ->
- {NewQ, _} = queue:split(N, Q);
- true ->
- NewQ = Q
- end,
- NewLen = queue:len(NewQ),
- {reply, ok, St#st{error_limit=N, error_count=NewLen, errors=NewQ}};
handle_call(_Request, _From, St) ->
{reply, ignored, St}.
@@ -103,14 +86,14 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _, normal}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Error}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
case find_worker(Ref, Workers) of
#job{worker_pid=Pid, worker=Ref, client_pid=CPid, client=CRef} =Job ->
- case Error of #error{reason = {_Class, Reason}, stack = Stack} ->
- notify_caller({CPid, CRef}, {Reason, Stack}),
- St1 = save_error(Error, St),
- {noreply, remove_job(Job, St1)};
- _ ->
- notify_caller({CPid, CRef}, Error),
- {noreply, remove_job(Job, St)}
- end;
+ Msg = case Error of
+ #error{reason = {_Class, Reason}, stack = Stack} ->
+ {Reason, Stack};
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end,
+ notify_caller({CPid, CRef}, Msg),
+ {noreply, remove_job(Job, St)};
false ->
{noreply, St}
@@ -138,25 +121,16 @@ init_p(From, {M,F,A}, Nonce) ->
put(nonce, Nonce),
try apply(M, F, A) catch exit:normal -> ok; Class:Reason ->
Stack = clean_stack(),
- couch_log:error("rexi_server ~p:~p ~100p", [Class, Reason, Stack]),
+ Args = [M, F, length(A), Class, Reason, Stack],
+ couch_log:error("rexi_server ~s:~s/~b :: ~p:~p ~100p", Args),
- timestamp = now(),
reason = {Class, Reason},
- mfa = {M,F,A},
- nonce = Nonce,
stack = Stack
%% internal
-save_error(_E, #st{error_limit = 0} = St) ->
- St;
-save_error(E, #st{errors=Q, error_limit=L, error_count=C} = St) when C >= L ->
- St#st{errors = queue:in(E, queue:drop(Q))};
-save_error(E, #st{errors=Q, error_count=C} = St) ->
- St#st{errors = queue:in(E, Q), error_count = C+1}.
clean_stack() ->
lists:map(fun({M,F,A}) when is_list(A) -> {M,F,length(A)}; (X) -> X end,