diff options
authorGabor Pali <>2023-03-22 20:24:23 +0100
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2023-04-18 23:51:32 -0400
commit313b74e92161a80293de273e88661dd28ce1417e (patch)
parent3351a2647775050939947ec758dca7001a440d50 (diff)
mango: add eunit tests
2 files changed, 820 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
index 9abb5cb66..325727180 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
@@ -640,7 +640,794 @@ update_bookmark_keys(Cursor, _Props) ->
%%%%%%%% module tests below %%%%%%%%
+viewcbargs_test() ->
+ ViewCBArgs = viewcbargs_new(selector, fields, index),
+ ?assertEqual(selector, viewcbargs_get(selector, ViewCBArgs)),
+ ?assertEqual(fields, viewcbargs_get(fields, ViewCBArgs)),
+ ?assertEqual(index, viewcbargs_get(covering_index, ViewCBArgs)),
+ ?assertError(function_clause, viewcbargs_get(something_else, ViewCBArgs)).
+maybe_replace_max_json_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual([], maybe_replace_max_json([])),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"<MAX>">>, maybe_replace_max_json(?MAX_STR)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [val1, val2, <<"<MAX>">>, val3], maybe_replace_max_json([val1, val2, ?MAX_JSON_OBJ, val3])
+ ),
+ ?assertEqual(something, maybe_replace_max_json(something)).
+base_opts_test() ->
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field1, undefined}, {field2, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ Fields = [field1, field2],
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ index = Index,
+ selector = selector,
+ fields = Fields,
+ ranges = [{'$gte', start_key, '$lte', end_key}]
+ },
+ Extra =
+ [
+ {callback, {mango_cursor_view, view_cb}},
+ {selector, selector},
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => selector,
+ fields => Fields,
+ covering_index => Index
+ }},
+ {ignore_partition_query_limit, true}
+ ],
+ MRArgs =
+ #mrargs{
+ view_type = map,
+ reduce = false,
+ start_key = [start_key],
+ end_key = [end_key, ?MAX_JSON_OBJ],
+ include_docs = true,
+ extra = Extra
+ },
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgs, base_args(Cursor)),
+ % non-covering index
+ Cursor1 = Cursor#cursor{fields = all_fields},
+ Extra1 =
+ [
+ {callback, {mango_cursor_view, view_cb}},
+ {selector, selector},
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => selector,
+ fields => all_fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }},
+ {ignore_partition_query_limit, true}
+ ],
+ MRArgs1 = MRArgs#mrargs{extra = Extra1},
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgs1, base_args(Cursor1)).
+apply_opts_empty_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(args, apply_opts([], args)).
+apply_opts_r_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithDocs = Args#mrargs{include_docs = true},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithDocs, apply_opts([{r, "1"}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithoutDocs = Args#mrargs{include_docs = false},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithoutDocs, apply_opts([{r, "3"}], Args)).
+apply_opts_conflicts_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithConflicts = Args#mrargs{conflicts = true},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithConflicts, apply_opts([{conflicts, true}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithoutConflicts = Args#mrargs{conflicts = undefined},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithoutConflicts, apply_opts([{conflicts, false}], Args)).
+apply_opts_sort_test() ->
+ Args =
+ #mrargs{
+ start_key = start_key,
+ start_key_docid = start_key_docid,
+ end_key = end_key,
+ end_key_docid = end_key_docid
+ },
+ ?assertEqual(Args, apply_opts([{sort, {[]}}], Args)),
+ ?assertEqual(Args, apply_opts([{sort, {[{field1, <<"asc">>}]}}], Args)),
+ ?assertEqual(Args, apply_opts([{sort, {[{field1, <<"asc">>}, {field2, <<"desc">>}]}}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithSort =
+ Args#mrargs{
+ direction = rev,
+ start_key = end_key,
+ start_key_docid = end_key_docid,
+ end_key = start_key,
+ end_key_docid = start_key_docid
+ },
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithSort, apply_opts([{sort, {[{field1, <<"desc">>}]}}], Args)).
+apply_opts_stale_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithStale = Args#mrargs{stable = true, update = false},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithStale, apply_opts([{stale, ok}], Args)).
+apply_opts_stable_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithStable = Args#mrargs{stable = true},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithStable, apply_opts([{stable, true}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithoutStable = Args#mrargs{stable = false},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithoutStable, apply_opts([{stable, false}], Args)).
+apply_opts_update_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithUpdate = Args#mrargs{update = true},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithUpdate, apply_opts([{update, true}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithoutUpdate = Args#mrargs{update = false},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithoutUpdate, apply_opts([{update, false}], Args)).
+apply_opts_partition_test() ->
+ Args = #mrargs{},
+ ArgsWithPartition = Args#mrargs{extra = [{partition, <<"partition">>}]},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithPartition, apply_opts([{partition, <<"partition">>}], Args)),
+ ArgsWithoutPartition = Args#mrargs{extra = []},
+ ?assertEqual(ArgsWithoutPartition, apply_opts([{partition, <<>>}], Args)).
+consider_index_coverage_positive_test() ->
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[]}}]}
+ },
+ Fields = [<<"_id">>],
+ MRArgs = #mrargs{include_docs = true},
+ MRArgsRef = MRArgs#mrargs{include_docs = false},
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgsRef, consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, MRArgs)),
+ MRArgs1 = #mrargs{include_docs = false},
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgsRef, consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, MRArgs1)).
+consider_index_coverage_negative_test() ->
+ Index = undefined,
+ Fields = all_fields,
+ MRArgs = #mrargs{include_docs = true},
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgs, consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, MRArgs)),
+ MRArgs1 = #mrargs{include_docs = false},
+ ?assertEqual(MRArgs1, consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, MRArgs1)).
+derive_doc_from_index_test() ->
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{<<"field1">>, undefined}, {<<"field2">>, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ DocId = doc_id,
+ Keys = [key1, key2],
+ ViewRow = #view_row{id = DocId, key = Keys},
+ Doc = {[{<<"_id">>, DocId}, {<<"field2">>, key2}, {<<"field1">>, key1}]},
+ ?assertEqual(Doc, derive_doc_from_index(Index, ViewRow)).
+composite_indexes_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual([], composite_indexes([], [])),
+ Index1 =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field1, undefined}, {field2, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ Index2 =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field1, undefined}, {field3, undefined}, {field4, range4}]}}]}
+ },
+ Index3 =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field3, undefined}, {field4, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ Indexes = [Index1, Index2, Index3],
+ Ranges = [{field1, range1}, {field3, range3}, {field4, range4}],
+ Result = [
+ {Index3, [range3, range4], 1}, {Index2, [range1, range3, range4], 0}, {Index1, [range1], 2}
+ ],
+ ?assertEqual(Result, composite_indexes(Indexes, Ranges)).
+create_test() ->
+ Index = #idx{type = <<"json">>, def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[]}}]}},
+ Indexes = [Index],
+ Ranges = [],
+ Selector = {[]},
+ Options = [{limit, limit}, {skip, skip}, {fields, fields}, {bookmark, bookmark}],
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ db = db,
+ index = Index,
+ ranges = Ranges,
+ selector = Selector,
+ opts = Options,
+ limit = limit,
+ skip = skip,
+ fields = fields,
+ bookmark = bookmark
+ },
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor}, create(db, Indexes, Selector, Options)).
+explain_test() ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ ranges = [empty],
+ fields = all_fields,
+ opts = []
+ },
+ Response =
+ [
+ {mrargs,
+ {[
+ {include_docs, true},
+ {view_type, map},
+ {reduce, false},
+ {partition, null},
+ {start_key, null},
+ {end_key, null},
+ {direction, fwd},
+ {stable, false},
+ {update, true},
+ {conflicts, undefined}
+ ]}},
+ {covered, false}
+ ],
+ ?assertEqual(Response, explain(Cursor)).
+execute_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() ->
+ meck:new(foo, [non_strict]),
+ meck:new(fabric)
+ end,
+ fun(_) ->
+ meck:unload(fabric),
+ meck:unload(foo)
+ end,
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_execute_empty),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_execute_ok_all_docs),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_execute_ok_query_view),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_execute_error)
+ ]
+ }.
+t_execute_empty(_) ->
+ Cursor = #cursor{ranges = [empty]},
+ meck:expect(fabric, all_docs, ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_'], meck:val(error)),
+ meck:expect(fabric, query_view, ['_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'], meck:val(error)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, accumulator}, execute(Cursor, undefined, accumulator)),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(fabric, all_docs, '_')),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(fabric, query_view, '_')).
+t_execute_ok_all_docs(_) ->
+ Bookmark = bookmark,
+ UserFnParameters = [{add_key, bookmark, Bookmark}, accumulator],
+ meck:expect(foo, bar, UserFnParameters, meck:val({undefined, updated_accumulator})),
+ Index = #idx{type = <<"json">>, def = all_docs},
+ Selector = {[]},
+ Fields = all_fields,
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ index = Index,
+ db = db,
+ selector = Selector,
+ fields = Fields,
+ ranges = [{'$gte', start_key, '$lte', end_key}],
+ opts = [{user_ctx, user_ctx}],
+ bookmark = nil
+ },
+ Cursor1 =
+ Cursor#cursor{
+ user_acc = accumulator,
+ user_fun = fun foo:bar/2,
+ execution_stats = '_'
+ },
+ Cursor2 =
+ Cursor1#cursor{
+ bookmark = Bookmark,
+ bookmark_docid = undefined,
+ bookmark_key = undefined,
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{executionStartTime = {0, 0, 0}}
+ },
+ Extra =
+ [
+ {callback, {mango_cursor_view, view_cb}},
+ {selector, Selector},
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => Selector,
+ fields => Fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }},
+ {ignore_partition_query_limit, true}
+ ],
+ Args =
+ #mrargs{
+ view_type = map,
+ reduce = false,
+ start_key = [start_key],
+ end_key = [end_key, ?MAX_JSON_OBJ],
+ include_docs = true,
+ extra = Extra
+ },
+ Parameters = [
+ db, [{user_ctx, user_ctx}], fun mango_cursor_view:handle_all_docs_message/2, Cursor1, Args
+ ],
+ meck:expect(fabric, all_docs, Parameters, meck:val({ok, Cursor2})),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, updated_accumulator}, execute(Cursor, fun foo:bar/2, accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(fabric, all_docs, '_')).
+t_execute_ok_query_view(_) ->
+ Bookmark = bookmark,
+ UserFnParameters = [{add_key, bookmark, Bookmark}, accumulator],
+ meck:expect(foo, bar, UserFnParameters, meck:val({undefined, updated_accumulator})),
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ ddoc = <<"_design/ghibli">>,
+ name = index_name,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field1, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ Selector = {[]},
+ Fields = all_fields,
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ index = Index,
+ db = db,
+ selector = Selector,
+ fields = Fields,
+ ranges = [{'$gte', start_key, '$lte', end_key}],
+ opts = [{user_ctx, user_ctx}],
+ bookmark = nil
+ },
+ Cursor1 =
+ Cursor#cursor{
+ user_acc = accumulator,
+ user_fun = fun foo:bar/2,
+ execution_stats = '_'
+ },
+ Cursor2 =
+ Cursor1#cursor{
+ bookmark = Bookmark,
+ bookmark_docid = undefined,
+ bookmark_key = undefined,
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{executionStartTime = {0, 0, 0}}
+ },
+ Extra =
+ [
+ {callback, {mango_cursor_view, view_cb}},
+ {selector, Selector},
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => Selector,
+ fields => Fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }},
+ {ignore_partition_query_limit, true}
+ ],
+ Args =
+ #mrargs{
+ view_type = map,
+ reduce = false,
+ start_key = [start_key],
+ end_key = [end_key, ?MAX_JSON_OBJ],
+ include_docs = true,
+ extra = Extra
+ },
+ Parameters = [
+ db,
+ [{user_ctx, user_ctx}],
+ <<"ghibli">>,
+ index_name,
+ fun mango_cursor_view:handle_message/2,
+ Cursor1,
+ Args
+ ],
+ meck:expect(fabric, query_view, Parameters, meck:val({ok, Cursor2})),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, updated_accumulator}, execute(Cursor, fun foo:bar/2, accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(fabric, query_view, '_')).
+t_execute_error(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ index = #idx{type = <<"json">>, ddoc = <<"_design/ghibli">>, name = index_name},
+ db = db,
+ selector = {[]},
+ fields = all_fields,
+ ranges = [{'$gte', start_key, '$lte', end_key}],
+ opts = [{user_ctx, user_ctx}],
+ bookmark = nil
+ },
+ Parameters = [
+ db, '_', <<"ghibli">>, index_name, fun mango_cursor_view:handle_message/2, '_', '_'
+ ],
+ meck:expect(fabric, query_view, Parameters, meck:val({error, reason})),
+ ?assertEqual({error, reason}, execute(Cursor, undefined, accumulator)).
+view_cb_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() ->
+ meck:new(rexi)
+ end,
+ fun(_) ->
+ meck:unload(rexi)
+ end,
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_meta),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_matching_regular_doc),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_non_matching_regular_doc),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_null_doc),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_missing_doc_triggers_quorum_fetch),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_matching_covered_doc),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_non_matching_covered_doc),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_row_backwards_compatible),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_complete),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_view_cb_ok)
+ ]
+ }.
+t_view_cb_meta(_) ->
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, [{meta, meta}], meck:val(ok)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, accumulator}, view_cb({meta, meta}, accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_matching_regular_doc(_) ->
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, doc}],
+ Result = #view_row{id = id, key = key, doc = doc},
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, [Result], meck:val(ok)),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[]},
+ fields => all_fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ put(mango_docs_examined, 0),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_non_matching_regular_doc(_) ->
+ Doc = {[]},
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, Doc}],
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, ['_'], undefined),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[{<<"field">>, {[{<<"$exists">>, true}]}}]},
+ fields => all_fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ put(mango_docs_examined, 0),
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, os:timestamp()),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_null_doc(_) ->
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, null}],
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, ['_'], undefined),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[]},
+ fields => all_fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, os:timestamp()),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_missing_doc_triggers_quorum_fetch(_) ->
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, undefined}],
+ ViewRow = #view_row{id = id, key = key, doc = undefined},
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, [ViewRow], meck:val(ok)),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[]},
+ fields => all_fields,
+ covering_index => undefined
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_matching_covered_doc(_) ->
+ Keys = [key1, key2],
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, Keys}, {doc, undefined}],
+ Doc = {[{<<"field1">>, key1}, {<<"field2">>, key2}]},
+ Result = #view_row{id = id, key = Keys, doc = Doc},
+ Fields = [<<"field1">>, <<"field2">>],
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{<<"field1">>, undefined}, {<<"field2">>, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, [Result], meck:val(ok)),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[]},
+ fields => Fields,
+ covering_index => Index
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_non_matching_covered_doc(_) ->
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, [key1, key2]}, {doc, undefined}],
+ Fields = [<<"field1">>, <<"field2">>],
+ Index =
+ #idx{
+ type = <<"json">>,
+ def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{<<"field1">>, undefined}, {<<"field2">>, undefined}]}}]}
+ },
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, ['_'], undefined),
+ Accumulator =
+ #mrargs{
+ extra = [
+ {callback_args, #{
+ selector => {[{<<"field">>, {[{<<"$exists">>, true}]}}]},
+ fields => Fields,
+ covering_index => Index
+ }}
+ ]
+ },
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, os:timestamp()),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_row_backwards_compatible(_) ->
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, null}],
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, ['_'], undefined),
+ Accumulator = #mrargs{extra = [{selector, {[]}}]},
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, os:timestamp()),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Accumulator}, view_cb({row, Row}, Accumulator)),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')).
+t_view_cb_complete(_) ->
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream2, [{execution_stats, {docs_examined, '_'}}], meck:val(ok)),
+ meck:expect(rexi, stream_last, [complete], meck:val(ok)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, accumulator}, view_cb(complete, accumulator)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream2, '_')),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, stream_last, '_')).
+t_view_cb_ok(_) ->
+ meck:expect(rexi, reply, [{ok, ddoc_updated}], meck:val(ok)),
+ view_cb(ok, ddoc_updated),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, reply, '_')).
+maybe_send_mango_ping_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() ->
+ meck:new(rexi)
+ end,
+ fun(_) ->
+ meck:unload(rexi)
+ end,
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_maybe_send_mango_ping_nop),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_maybe_send_mango_ping_happens)
+ ]
+ }.
+t_maybe_send_mango_ping_nop(_) ->
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, os:timestamp()),
+ meck:expect(rexi, ping, [], meck:val(error)),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, maybe_send_mango_ping()),
+ ?assertNot(meck:called(rexi, ping, '_')).
+t_maybe_send_mango_ping_happens(_) ->
+ put(mango_last_msg_timestamp, {0, 0, 0}),
+ meck:expect(rexi, ping, [], meck:val(ok)),
+ maybe_send_mango_ping(),
+ ?assert(meck:called(rexi, ping, '_')),
+ Timestamp = get(mango_last_msg_timestamp),
+ ?assertNotEqual(Timestamp, {0, 0, 0}).
+ddocid_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(<<"name">>, ddocid(#idx{ddoc = <<"_design/name">>})),
+ ?assertEqual(something_else, ddocid(#idx{ddoc = something_else})).
+is_design_doc_test() ->
+ ?assert(is_design_doc([{id, <<"_design/name">>}])),
+ ?assertNot(is_design_doc([{id, something_else}])).
+handle_message_test_() ->
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun() ->
+ meck:new(foo, [non_strict])
+ end,
+ fun(_) ->
+ meck:unload(foo)
+ end,
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_meta),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_ok_above_limit),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_ok_at_limit),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_ok_skip),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_ok_triggers_quorum_fetch_match),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_ok_triggers_quorum_fetch_no_match),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_no_match),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_row_error),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_execution_stats),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_complete),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_handle_message_error)
+ ]
+ }.
+t_handle_message_meta(_) ->
+ ?assertEqual({ok, cursor}, handle_message({meta, undefined}, cursor)).
+t_handle_message_row_ok_above_limit(_) ->
+ Doc = {[{<<"field1">>, value1}, {<<"field2">>, value2}]},
+ meck:expect(foo, bar, [{row, Doc}, accumulator], meck:val({go, updated_accumulator})),
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = 0},
+ fields = all_fields,
+ limit = 9,
+ user_acc = accumulator,
+ user_fun = fun foo:bar/2
+ },
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}, {doc, Doc}],
+ Cursor1 =
+ Cursor#cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = 1},
+ limit = 8,
+ user_acc = updated_accumulator,
+ bookmark_docid = id,
+ bookmark_key = key
+ },
+ ?assertEqual({go, Cursor1}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)).
+t_handle_message_row_ok_at_limit(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = n},
+ fields = all_fields,
+ limit = 0
+ },
+ Row = [{doc, {[]}}],
+ ?assertEqual({stop, Cursor}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)).
+t_handle_message_row_ok_skip(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = n},
+ fields = all_fields,
+ skip = 8
+ },
+ Row = [{doc, {[]}}],
+ Cursor1 = Cursor#cursor{skip = 7},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor1}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)).
+t_handle_message_row_ok_triggers_quorum_fetch_match(_) ->
+ Doc = #doc{id = id, body = {[{<<"field">>, something}]}},
+ Object = {[{<<"_id">>, id}, {<<"field">>, something}]},
+ meck:expect(foo, bar, [{row, Object}, accumulator], meck:val({go, updated_accumulator})),
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ db = db,
+ opts = opts,
+ execution_stats =
+ #execution_stats{
+ totalQuorumDocsExamined = 0,
+ resultsReturned = 0
+ },
+ fields = all_fields,
+ selector = {[{<<"field">>, {[{<<"$exists">>, true}]}}]},
+ user_fun = fun foo:bar/2,
+ user_acc = accumulator,
+ limit = 1
+ },
+ Row = [{id, id}, {doc, undefined}],
+ Cursor1 =
+ Cursor#cursor{
+ execution_stats =
+ #execution_stats{
+ totalQuorumDocsExamined = 1,
+ resultsReturned = 1
+ },
+ user_acc = updated_accumulator,
+ limit = 0,
+ bookmark_docid = id
+ },
+ meck:expect(mango_util, defer, [fabric, open_doc, [db, id, opts]], meck:val({ok, Doc})),
+ ?assertEqual({go, Cursor1}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(mango_util, defer, '_')),
+ meck:delete(mango_util, defer, 3).
+t_handle_message_row_ok_triggers_quorum_fetch_no_match(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ db = db,
+ opts = opts,
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{totalQuorumDocsExamined = 0},
+ fields = all_fields,
+ selector = {[{<<"field">>, {[{<<"$exists">>, true}]}}]}
+ },
+ Row = [{id, id}, {doc, undefined}],
+ Cursor1 =
+ Cursor#cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{totalQuorumDocsExamined = 1}
+ },
+ Doc = #doc{id = id, body = {[]}},
+ meck:expect(mango_util, defer, [fabric, open_doc, [db, id, opts]], meck:val({ok, Doc})),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor1}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(mango_util, defer, '_')),
+ meck:delete(mango_util, defer, 3).
+t_handle_message_row_no_match(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = n}
+ },
+ Row = [{doc, null}],
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)).
+t_handle_message_row_error(_) ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ db = db,
+ opts = opts,
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{totalQuorumDocsExamined = 0}
+ },
+ Row = [{id, id}, {doc, undefined}],
+ meck:expect(mango_util, defer, [fabric, open_doc, [db, id, opts]], meck:val(error)),
+ meck:expect(couch_log, error, ['_', [mango_cursor_view, error]], meck:val(ok)),
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor}, handle_message({row, Row}, Cursor)),
+ ?assert(meck:called(mango_util, defer, '_')),
+ ?assert(meck:called(couch_log, error, '_')),
+ meck:delete(mango_util, defer, 3),
+ meck:delete(couch_log, error, 2).
+t_handle_message_execution_stats(_) ->
+ ShardStats = {docs_examined, 42},
+ ExecutionStats = #execution_stats{totalDocsExamined = 11},
+ ExecutionStats1 = #execution_stats{totalDocsExamined = 53},
+ Cursor = #cursor{execution_stats = ExecutionStats},
+ Cursor1 = #cursor{execution_stats = ExecutionStats1},
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor1}, handle_message({execution_stats, ShardStats}, Cursor)).
+t_handle_message_complete(_) ->
+ ?assertEqual({ok, cursor}, handle_message(complete, cursor)).
+t_handle_message_error(_) ->
+ ?assertEqual({error, reason}, handle_message({error, reason}, undefined)).
+handle_all_docs_message_ddoc_test() ->
+ Row = [{id, <<"_design/foobar">>}],
+ ?assertEqual({ok, cursor}, handle_all_docs_message({row, Row}, cursor)).
+handle_all_docs_message_row_test() ->
+ Cursor =
+ #cursor{
+ execution_stats = #execution_stats{resultsReturned = n}
+ },
+ Row = [{doc, null}],
+ ?assertEqual({ok, Cursor}, handle_all_docs_message({row, Row}, Cursor)).
+handle_all_docs_message_regular_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(handle_message(complete, cursor), handle_all_docs_message(complete, cursor)).
%% Test the doc_member_and_extract bypasses the selector check if it receives
%% a document in RowProps.doc.
@@ -821,4 +1608,12 @@ with_dummy_columns(Index, Count) ->
Columns =
{[{<<"field", (integer_to_binary(I))/binary>>, undefined} || I <- lists:seq(1, Count)]},
Index#idx{def = {[{<<"fields">>, Columns}]}}.
+update_bookmark_keys_test() ->
+ Cursor0 = #cursor{limit = 0},
+ ?assertEqual(Cursor0, update_bookmark_keys(Cursor0, undefined)),
+ Cursor1 = #cursor{limit = 1},
+ Row = [{id, id}, {key, key}],
+ UpdatedCursor1 = Cursor1#cursor{bookmark_docid = id, bookmark_key = key},
+ ?assertEqual(UpdatedCursor1, update_bookmark_keys(Cursor1, Row)).
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
index d3444a0e2..641b8140a 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
@@ -538,3 +538,27 @@ covers(Idx, Fields) ->
Available = [<<"_id">> | columns(Idx)],
sets:is_subset(sets:from_list(Fields), sets:from_list(Available))
+covers_all_fields_test() ->
+ ?assertNot(covers(undefined, all_fields)).
+covers_all_docs_test() ->
+ ?assertNot(covers(#idx{def = all_docs}, undefined)).
+covers_empty_index_test() ->
+ Index = #idx{def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[]}}]}},
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [])),
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [<<"_id">>])).
+covers_regular_index_test() ->
+ Index = #idx{def = {[{<<"fields">>, {[{field1, undefined}, {field2, undefined}]}}]}},
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [])),
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [<<"_id">>])),
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [field1])),
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [field2, field1])),
+ ?assert(covers(Index, [<<"_id">>, field1, field2])),
+ ?assertNot(covers(Index, [field3, field1, field2])).