diff options
authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2023-03-23 18:39:49 -0400
committerRobert Newson <>2023-03-24 10:32:44 +0000
commit3f0d86f99e3a9ccfa46508bc8958e4a6f836232e (patch)
parent07c1433d36940f9ba682339df804ea2774395c06 (diff)
Increase index crash test cover a bit
Fail index opens in a few different ways and assert async_error is called. Also crash an index process after it's open to test it doesn't take down any index servers.
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_index/test/eunit/couch_index_crash_tests.erl b/src/couch_index/test/eunit/couch_index_crash_tests.erl
index 97cfaea31..88f8dc845 100644
--- a/src/couch_index/test/eunit/couch_index_crash_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_index/test/eunit/couch_index_crash_tests.erl
@@ -15,15 +15,18 @@
+-define(TEST_INDEX, test_index).
start() ->
- failing_index(),
+ meck:new(couch_index_server, [passthrough]),
+ meck:new(couch_index, [passthrough]),
Ctx = test_util:start_couch([mem3, fabric]),
DbName = ?tempdb(),
- ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ ok = fabric:create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX, {q, 1}, {n, 1}]),
{Ctx, DbName}.
stop({Ctx, DbName}) ->
- meck:unload(test_index),
+ meck:unload(),
ok = fabric:delete_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
DbDir = config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
WaitFun = fun() ->
@@ -40,10 +43,16 @@ stop({Ctx, DbName}) ->
db_event_crash_test() ->
- St =
- {st, "", couch_index_server:server_name(1), couch_index_server:by_sig(1),
- couch_index_server:by_pid(1), couch_index_server:by_db(1),
- couch_index_server:openers(1)},
+ % mock st record from couch_index_server
+ St = {
+ st,
+ "",
+ couch_index_server:server_name(1),
+ couch_index_server:by_sig(1),
+ couch_index_server:by_pid(1),
+ couch_index_server:by_db(1),
+ couch_index_server:openers(1)
+ },
%% Assert that we get back what we sent in, and implicitly didn't crash instead.
{ok, St},
@@ -52,67 +61,163 @@ db_event_crash_test() ->
-index_crashes_while_opening_test_() ->
+index_crash_test_() ->
- "Simulate index crashing during open",
+ "Simulate index crashing",
- setup,
+ foreach,
fun start/0,
fun stop/1,
- fun crash_index_while_opening/1
+ [
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_can_open_mock_index),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_index_open_returns_error),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_index_open_raises_error),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_index_open_exits_with_error),
+ ?TDEF_FE(t_index_process_dies)
+ ]
-crash_index_while_opening({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
- ?_test(begin
- [DbShard1 | RestDbShards] = lists:map(
- fun(Sh) ->
- {ok, ShardDb} = couch_db:open(mem3:name(Sh), []),
- ShardDb
- end,
- mem3:local_shards(mem3:dbname(DbName))
- ),
- % create a DDoc on Db1
- DDocID = <<"idx_name">>,
- DDocJson = couch_doc:from_json_obj(
- {[
- {<<"_id">>, DDocID},
- {<<"value">>, 1}
- ]}
- ),
- {ok, _Rev} = couch_db:update_doc(DbShard1, DDocJson, []),
- {ok, DbShard} = couch_db:reopen(DbShard1),
- {ok, DDoc} = couch_db:open_doc(
- DbShard, DDocID, [ejson_body, ?ADMIN_CTX]
- ),
- DbShards = [DbShard | RestDbShards],
- %% fetch the index and confirm it fails
- lists:foreach(
- fun(ShardDb) ->
- ?assertMatch({ok, _}, couch_index_server:get_index(test_index, ShardDb, DDoc))
- end,
- DbShards
- ),
- %% assert openers ETS table is empty
- lists:foreach(
- fun(I) -> ?assertEqual([], ets:tab2list(couch_index_server:openers(I))) end,
- seq()
- ),
- ok
- end).
-failing_index() ->
- ok = meck:new([test_index], [non_strict]),
- ok = meck:expect(test_index, init, fun(Db, DDoc) ->
+t_can_open_mock_index({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
+ failing_index(dontfail),
+ [DbShard1] = open_shards(DbName),
+ % create a DDoc on Db1
+ {DDoc, DbShard} = create_ddoc(DbShard1, <<"idx_name">>),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ %% fetch the fake index works
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, get_index(DbShard, DDoc)),
+ %% assert openers ETS table is empty
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) -> ?assertEqual([], openers(I)) end, seq()),
+ ?assert(meck:called(couch_index_server, handle_call, [{async_open, '_', '_'}, '_', '_'])).
+t_index_open_returns_error({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
+ failing_index({return, idxerr}),
+ [DbShard1] = open_shards(DbName),
+ % create a DDoc on Db1
+ {DDoc, DbShard} = create_ddoc(DbShard1, <<"idx_name">>),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ %% fetch the index and confirm it fails
+ ?assertEqual({error, idxerr}, get_index(DbShard, DDoc)),
+ %% assert openers ETS table is empty
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) -> ?assertEqual([], openers(I)) end, seq()),
+ ?assert(meck:called(couch_index_server, handle_call, [{async_error, '_', '_'}, '_', '_'])).
+t_index_open_raises_error({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
+ failing_index({raise, idxerr}),
+ [DbShard1] = open_shards(DbName),
+ % create a DDoc on Db1
+ {DDoc, DbShard} = create_ddoc(DbShard1, <<"idx_name">>),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ %% fetch the index and confirm it fails
+ ?assertEqual({meck_raise, error, idxerr}, get_index(DbShard, DDoc)),
+ %% assert openers ETS table is empty
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) -> ?assertEqual([], openers(I)) end, seq()),
+ ?assert(meck:called(couch_index_server, handle_call, [{async_error, '_', '_'}, '_', '_'])).
+t_index_open_exits_with_error({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
+ failing_index({exit, idxerr}),
+ [DbShard1] = open_shards(DbName),
+ % create a DDoc on Db1
+ {DDoc, DbShard} = create_ddoc(DbShard1, <<"idx_name">>),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ %% fetch the index and confirm it fails
+ ?assertEqual({meck_raise, exit, idxerr}, get_index(DbShard, DDoc)),
+ %% assert openers ETS table is empty
+ lists:foreach(fun(I) -> ?assertEqual([], openers(I)) end, seq()),
+ ?assert(meck:called(couch_index_server, handle_call, [{async_error, '_', '_'}, '_', '_'])).
+t_index_process_dies({_Ctx, DbName}) ->
+ failing_index(dontfail),
+ [DbShard1] = open_shards(DbName),
+ % create a DDoc on Db1
+ {DDoc, DbShard} = create_ddoc(DbShard1, <<"idx_name">>),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ {ok, IdxPid} = get_index(DbShard, DDoc),
+ ?assert(is_pid(IdxPid)),
+ % Save index servers before so we can assert a dying index won't take any
+ % of them down.
+ ServerPids = lists:sort([whereis(N) || N <- couch_index_server:names()]),
+ meck:reset(couch_index_server),
+ exit(IdxPid, boom),
+ meck:wait(couch_index_server, handle_info, [{'EXIT', IdxPid, boom}, '_'], 1000),
+ {ok, IdxPid2} = get_index(DbShard, DDoc),
+ ?assert(is_pid(IdxPid2)),
+ % Same index servers are still up
+ ServerPids2 = lists:sort([whereis(N) || N <- couch_index_server:names()]),
+ ?assertEqual(ServerPids, ServerPids2).
+create_ddoc(Db, DDocID) ->
+ DDocJson = couch_doc:from_json_obj(
+ {[
+ {<<"_id">>, DDocID},
+ {<<"value">>, 1}
+ ]}
+ ),
+ {ok, _Rev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, DDocJson, []),
+ {ok, Db1} = couch_db:reopen(Db),
+ {ok, DDoc} = couch_db:open_doc(Db1, DDocID, [ejson_body, ?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ {DDoc, Db1}.
+open_shards(DbName) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun(Sh) ->
+ {ok, ShardDb} = couch_db:open(mem3:name(Sh), []),
+ ShardDb
+ end,
+ mem3:local_shards(mem3:dbname(DbName))
+ ).
+get_index(ShardDb, DDoc) ->
+ couch_index_server:get_index(?TEST_INDEX, ShardDb, DDoc).
+openers(I) ->
+ ets:tab2list(couch_index_server:openers(I)).
+failing_index(Error) ->
+ ok = meck:new([?TEST_INDEX], [non_strict]),
+ ok = meck:expect(?TEST_INDEX, init, fun(Db, DDoc) ->
{ok, {couch_db:name(Db), DDoc}}
- ok = meck:expect(test_index, open, fun(_Db, State) ->
- {ok, State}
+ ok = meck:expect(?TEST_INDEX, open, fun(_Db, State) ->
+ case Error of
+ dontfail ->
+ {ok, State};
+ {return, Err} ->
+ {error, Err};
+ {raise, Err} ->
+ meck:raise(error, Err);
+ {exit, Err} ->
+ meck:raise(exit, Err)
+ end
- ok = meck:expect(test_index, get, fun
+ ok = meck:expect(?TEST_INDEX, get, fun
(db_name, {DbName, _DDoc}) ->
(idx_name, {_DbName, DDoc}) ->
@@ -122,7 +227,7 @@ failing_index() ->
(update_seq, Seq) ->
- ok = meck:expect(test_index, shutdown, ['_'], ok).
+ ok = meck:expect(?TEST_INDEX, shutdown, ['_'], ok).
seq() ->
lists:seq(1, couch_index_server:num_servers()).