diff options
authorNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-04-13 19:38:23 -0400
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2021-04-15 00:41:21 -0400
commitd9a4be9f88bff33fb29789ca5a05307c3be6b3ac (patch)
parenta028e85bffde511c07e537192b5d462432315720 (diff)
Clean up config files
Remove default.ini and local.ini sections related to applications and functionality which is no longer there. One odd change is the commented out`partitioned` flag. The reason is because the "flags" logic is kept, and seems to be functional, however partitioned flag is not functional. `couch_flags` loads flags using `list_to_existing_atom/1` and since `partitioned` is not an existing atom it continuously emits crash logs from the `_up` point related to that.
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
index dded4a973..58cd6a0a4 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
@@ -4,33 +4,17 @@ name = {{package_author_name}}
uuid = {{uuid}}
-database_dir = {{data_dir}}
-view_index_dir = {{view_index_dir}}
; util_driver_dir =
; plugin_dir =
os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view servers.
max_dbs_open = 500
-; Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index files, except
-; for attachments (see the attachments section). Available methods are:
-; none - no compression
-; snappy - use google snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
-; deflate_N - use zlib's deflate, N is the compression level which ranges from 1 (fastest,
-; lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression ratio)
-file_compression = snappy
-; Higher values may give better read performance due to less read operations
-; and/or more OS page cache hits, but they can also increase overall response
-; time for writes when there are many attachment write requests in parallel.
-attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
; Default security object for databases if not explicitly set
; everyone - same as couchdb 1.0, everyone can read/write
; admin_only - only admins can read/write
; admin_local - sharded dbs on :5984 are read/write for everyone,
; local dbs on :5986 are read/write for admins only
default_security = admin_only
-; btree_chunk_size = 1279
; maintenance_mode = false
-; stem_interactive_updates = true
; uri_file =
; The speed of processing the _changes feed with doc_ids filter can be
; influenced directly with this setting - increase for faster processing at the
@@ -64,68 +48,15 @@ max_document_size = 8000000 ; bytes
; Maximum attachment size.
; max_attachment_size = infinity
-; Do not update the least recently used DB cache on reads, only writes
-;update_lru_on_read = false
-; The default storage engine to use when creating databases
-; is set as a key into the [couchdb_engines] section.
-default_engine = couch
; Enable this to only "soft-delete" databases when DELETE /{db} requests are
; made. This will place a .recovery directory in your data directory and
; move deleted databases/shards there instead. You can then manually delete
; these files later, as desired.
;enable_database_recovery = false
-; Set the maximum size allowed for a partition. This helps users avoid
-; inadvertently abusing partitions resulting in hot shards. The default
-; is 10GiB. A value of 0 or less will disable partition size checks.
-;max_partition_size = 10737418240
-; When true, system databases _users and _replicator are created immediately
-; on startup if not present.
-;single_node = false
; Allow edits on the _security object in the user db. By default, it's disabled.
users_db_security_editable = false
-; Allowed maximum number of documents in one purge request
-;max_document_id_number = 100
-; Allowed maximum number of accumulated revisions in one purge request
-;max_revisions_number = 1000
-; Allowed durations when index is not updated for local purge checkpoint
-; document. Default is 24 hours.
-;index_lag_warn_seconds = 86400
-; The keys in this section are the filename extension that
-; the specified engine module will use. This is important so
-; that couch_server is able to find an existing database without
-; having to ask every configured engine.
-couch = couch_bt_engine
-; Selectively disable altering process priorities for modules that request it.
-; * NOTE: couch_server priority has been shown to lead to CouchDB hangs and
-; failures on Erlang releases 21.0 - and 22.0 -> 22.2.4. Do not
-; enable when running with those versions.
-;couch_server = false
-; placement = metro-dc-a:2,metro-dc-b:1
-; Supply a comma-delimited list of node names that this node should
-; contact in order to join a cluster. If a seedlist is configured the ``_up``
-; endpoint will return a 404 until the node has successfully contacted at
-; least one of the members of the seedlist and replicated an up-to-date copy
-; of the ``_nodes``, ``_dbs``, and ``_users`` system databases.
-; seedlist =,
; These settings affect the main, clustered port (5984 by default).
port = {{cluster_port}}
@@ -178,23 +109,6 @@ max_db_number_for_dbs_info_req = 100
; rsa:foo = -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjAN...IDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n
; ec:bar = -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMHYwEAYHK...AzztRs\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n
-; If enabled, couch_peruser ensures that a private per-user database
-; exists for each document in _users. These databases are writable only
-; by the corresponding user. Databases are in the following form:
-; userdb-{hex encoded username}
-enable = false
-; If set to true and a user is deleted, the respective database gets
-; deleted as well.
-delete_dbs = false
-; Set a default q value for peruser-created databases that is different from
-; cluster / q
-;q = 1
-; prefix for user databases. If you change this after user dbs have been
-; created, the existing databases won't get deleted if the associated user
-; gets deleted because of the then prefix mismatch.
-database_prefix = userdb-
port = {{backend_port}}
bind_address =
@@ -220,13 +134,6 @@ enable_xframe_options = false
; Maximum allowed http request size. Applies to both clustered and local port.
max_http_request_size = 4294967296 ; 4GB
-; [httpd_design_handlers]
-; _view =
-; [ioq]
-; concurrency = 10
-; ratio = 0.01
port = 6984
@@ -238,23 +145,7 @@ port = 6984
; max_objects =
; max_size = 104857600
-; [mem3]
-; nodes_db = _nodes
-; shard_cache_size = 25000
-; shards_db = _dbs
-; sync_concurrency = 10
; [fabric]
-; all_docs_concurrency = 10
-; changes_duration =
-; shard_timeout_factor = 2
-; uuid_prefix_len = 7
-; request_timeout = 60000
-; all_docs_timeout = 10000
-; attachments_timeout = 60000
-; view_timeout = 3600000
-; partition_view_timeout = 3600000
; Custom FDB directory prefix. All the nodes of the same CouchDB instance
; should have a matching directory prefix in order to read and write the same
; data. Changes to this value take effect only on node start-up.
@@ -279,26 +170,6 @@ port = 6984
; Bulk docs transaction batch size in bytes
;update_docs_batch_size = 2500000
-; [rexi]
-; buffer_count = 2000
-; server_per_node = true
-; stream_limit = 5
-; Use a single message to kill a group of remote workers This is
-; mostly is an upgrade clause to allow operating in a mixed cluster of
-; 2.x and 3.x nodes. After upgrading switch to true to save some
-; network bandwidth
-;use_kill_all = false
-; [global_changes]
-; max_event_delay = 25
-; max_write_delay = 500
-; update_db = true
-; [view_updater]
-; min_writer_items = 100
-; min_writer_size = 16777216
; WARNING! This only affects the node-local port (5986 by default).
; You probably want the settings under [chttpd].
@@ -440,7 +311,6 @@ os_process_limit = 100
; os_process_soft_limit = 100
; Timeout for how long a response from a busy view group server can take.
; "infinity" is also a valid configuration value.
-;group_info_timeout = 5000
;query_limit = 268435456
;partition_query_limit = 268435456
@@ -462,15 +332,12 @@ query = mango_eval
; the warning.
;index_scan_warning_threshold = 10
-couch_mrview = true
; This enables any database to be created as a partitioned databases (except system db's).
; Setting this to false will stop the creation of paritioned databases.
; paritioned||allowed* = true will scope the creation of partitioned databases
; to databases with 'allowed' prefix.
-partitioned||* = true
+; partitioned||* = true
; Known algorithms:
@@ -699,86 +566,6 @@ writer = stderr
; Stats collection interval in seconds. Default 10 seconds.
;interval = 10
-min_priority = 2.0
-min_priority = 2.0
-; The maximum number of concurrent in-flight IO requests that
-concurrency = 10
-; The fraction of the time that a background IO request will be selected
-; over an interactive IO request when both queues are non-empty
-ratio = 0.01
-; System administrators can choose to submit specific classes of IO directly
-; to the underlying file descriptor or OS process, bypassing the queues
-; altogether. Installing a bypass can yield higher throughput and lower
-; latency, but relinquishes some control over prioritization. The following
-; classes are recognized with the following defaults:
-; Messages on their way to an external process (e.g., couchjs) are bypassed
-os_process = true
-; Disk IO fulfilling interactive read requests is bypassed
-read = true
-; Disk IO required to update a database is bypassed
-write = true
-; Disk IO required to update views and other secondary indexes is bypassed
-view_update = true
-; Disk IO issued by the background replication processes that fix any
-; inconsistencies between shard copies is queued
-shard_sync = false
-; Disk IO issued by compaction jobs is queued
-compaction = false
-; The name and location of the Clouseau Java service required to
-; enable Search functionality.
-; name = clouseau@
-; CouchDB will try to re-connect to Clouseau using a bounded
-; exponential backoff with the following number of iterations.
-; retry_limit = 5
-; The default number of results returned from a global search query.
-; limit = 25
-; The default number of results returned from a search on a partition
-; of a database.
-; limit_partitions = 2000
-; The maximum number of results that can be returned from a global
-; search query (or any search query on a database without user-defined
-; partitions). Attempts to set ?limit=N higher than this value will
-; be rejected.
-; max_limit = 200
-; The maximum number of results that can be returned when searching
-; a partition of a database. Attempts to set ?limit=N higher than this
-; value will be rejected. If this config setting is not defined,
-; CouchDB will use the value of `max_limit` instead. If neither is
-; defined, the default is 2000 as stated here.
-; max_limit_partitions = 2000
-;max_jobs = 48
-;max_history = 20
-;max_retries = 1
-;retry_interval_sec = 10
-;delete_source = true
-;update_shard_map_timeout_sec = 60
-;source_close_timeout_sec = 600
-;require_node_param = false
-;require_range_param = false
; Maximum jitter used when checking for active job timeouts
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
index 2c9e89955..b788e822f 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
@@ -8,19 +8,6 @@
;max_document_size = 4294967296 ; bytes
;os_process_timeout = 5000
-; If enabled, couch_peruser ensures that a private per-user database
-; exists for each document in _users. These databases are writable only
-; by the corresponding user. Databases are in the following form:
-; userdb-{hex encoded username}
-;enable = true
-; If set to true and a user is deleted, the respective database gets
-; deleted as well.
-;delete_dbs = true
-; Set a default q value for peruser-created databases that is different from
-; cluster / q
-;q = 1
;port = 5984
;bind_address =