diff options
authorMike Wallace <>2014-08-21 13:08:30 +0100
committerJay Doane <>2021-04-19 00:35:19 -0700
commit9fb7d72eee1b524d25c83d6429d43b47fb21df4b (patch)
parent49d1fdeb1b210b9763d82aa0493d383535ec73dd (diff)
Generalise threshold checks on process attributes
This commit generalises the logic that checks for process attributes and moves it to weatherreport_utils. This is groundwork for the following commit which will add a check for processes by memory usage by re-using the generalised code. We also take the opportunity to rename fold_processes to something that is more descriptive and also correct. BugzID: 32875
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_check_message_queues.erl b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_check_message_queues.erl
index 3633ae3f1..ae99ff4dc 100644
--- a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_check_message_queues.erl
+++ b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_check_message_queues.erl
@@ -41,35 +41,17 @@ description() ->
valid() ->
-fold_processes([], Acc, _Opts) ->
- Acc;
-fold_processes([{Pid, MBoxSize, Info} | T], Acc, Opts) when MBoxSize < ?THRESHOLD ->
- Message = {info, {mbox_ok, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}},
- fold_processes(T, [Message | Acc], Opts);
-fold_processes([{Pid, MBoxSize, Info} | T], Acc, Opts) ->
- Message = case proplists:get_value(expert, Opts) of
- true ->
- Pinfo = weatherreport_node:local_command(recon, info, [Pid]),
- {warning, {mbox_large, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info, Pinfo}}};
- _ ->
- {warning, {mbox_large, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}}
- end,
- fold_processes(T, [Message | Acc], Opts).
-spec check(list()) -> [{atom(), term()}].
check(Opts) ->
- Processes = weatherreport_node:local_command(
- recon,
- proc_count,
- [message_queue_len, 10]
- ),
- fold_processes(Processes, [], Opts).
+ weatherreport_util:check_proc_count(
+ message_queue_len,
+ Opts).
-spec format(term()) -> {io:format(), [term()]}.
-format({mbox_large, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info, Pinfo}}) ->
+format({high, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info, Pinfo}}) ->
{"Process ~w has excessive mailbox size of ~w: ~w ~w", [Pid, MBoxSize, Info, Pinfo]};
-format({mbox_large, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}) ->
+format({high, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}) ->
{"Process ~w has excessive mailbox size of ~w: ~w", [Pid, MBoxSize, Info]};
-format({mbox_ok, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}) ->
+format({ok, {Pid, MBoxSize, Info}}) ->
{"Process ~w has mailbox size of ~w: ~w", [Pid, MBoxSize, Info]}.
diff --git a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_util.erl b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_util.erl
index a7957922f..ab5370812 100644
--- a/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_util.erl
+++ b/src/weatherreport/src/weatherreport_util.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
- flush_stdout/0]).
+ flush_stdout/0,
+ check_proc_count/3]).
%% @doc Converts a check module name into a short name that can be
%% used to refer to a check on the command line. For example,
@@ -113,3 +114,31 @@ should_log(Level) ->
flush_stdout() ->
+%% @doc Utility function to check processes based on an attribute returned
+%% by recon:proc_count/2.
+-spec check_proc_count(atom(), integer(), list()) -> [{atom(), term()}].
+check_proc_count(Key, Threshold, Opts) ->
+ Processes = weatherreport_node:local_command(recon, proc_count, [Key, 10]),
+ procs_to_messages(Processes, Threshold, [], Opts).
+%% @doc Utility function to convert the list of process info returned by
+%% recon:proc_count/2 into a list of diagnostic messages.
+-spec procs_to_messages(list(), integer(), list(), list()) -> [{atom(), term()}].
+procs_to_messages([], _Threshold, Acc, _Opts) ->
+ Acc;
+procs_to_messages([{Pid, Value, Info} | T], Threshold, Acc, Opts) ->
+ Level = case Value > Threshold of
+ true -> warning;
+ _ -> info
+ end,
+ Message = case {Level, proplists:get_value(expert, Opts)} of
+ {warning, true} ->
+ Pinfo = weatherreport_node:local_command(recon, info, [Pid]),
+ {warning, {high, {Pid, Value, Info, Pinfo}}};
+ {warning, _} ->
+ {warning, {high, {Pid, Value, Info}}};
+ {info, _} ->
+ {info, {ok, {Pid, Value, Info}}}
+ end,
+ procs_to_messages(T, Threshold, [Message | Acc], Opts).