diff options
authorRobert Newson <>2014-06-27 11:53:06 +0100
committerRobert Newson <>2014-06-27 14:45:09 +0100
commit694dadd51433f21b7ddedf4b19198f46d5616864 (patch)
parent6c66f61ba4a92cd3b7ffcb0a4319f94531cbb5aa (diff)
Consolidate .ini files
7 files changed, 345 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 868293404..1301b4974 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ install: dist
@cp -R rel/couchdb/* $(prefix)
@mkdir -p $(data_dir)
@chown $(user) $(data_dir)
- @mkdir -p $(view_dir)
- @chown $(user) $(view_dir)
+ @mkdir -p $(view_index_dir)
+ @chown $(user) $(view_index_dir)
@touch $(prefix)/var/log/couchdb.log
@chown $(user) $(prefix)/var/log/couchdb.log
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index e6a5e8ccb..1f7a26175 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# the License.
+PACKAGE_AUTHOR_NAME="The Apache Software Foundation"
@@ -97,9 +98,10 @@ cat > rel/couchdb.config << EOF
% The contents of this file are auto-generated by configure
+{package_author_name, "$PACKAGE_AUTHOR_NAME"}.
{prefix, "$PREFIX"}.
{data_dir, "$DATA"}.
-{view_dir, "$VIEW"}.
+{view_index_dir, "$VIEW"}.
{user, "$COUCHDB_USER"}.
{node_name, "-name couchdb"}.
{cluster_port, 5984}.
@@ -121,9 +123,10 @@ cat > << EOF
# The contents of this file are auto-generated by configure
+package_author_name = $PACKAGE_AUTHOR_NAME
prefix = $PREFIX
data_dir = $DATA
-view_dir = $VIEW
+view_index_dir = $VIEW
diff --git a/dev/run b/dev/run
index f66081d1e..58a3c5f0d 100755
--- a/dev/run
+++ b/dev/run
@@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ def write_configs(opts):
node = "node%d" % i
args = {
"prefix": COUCHDB,
+ "package_author_name": "The Apache Software Foundation",
"data_dir": os.path.join(DEV_PATH, "lib", node, "data"),
- "view_dir": os.path.join(DEV_PATH, "lib", node, "data"),
+ "view_index_dir": os.path.join(DEV_PATH, "lib", node, "data"),
"node_name": "-name %s@" % node,
"cluster_port": str((10000 * i) + 5984),
"backend_port" : str((10000 * i) + 5986)
diff --git a/etc/couchdb/ b/etc/couchdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18516ba26..000000000
--- a/etc/couchdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-; @configure_input@
-; Upgrading CouchDB will overwrite this file.
-name = %package_author_name%
-version = %version%
-database_dir = %localstatelibdir%
-index_dir = %localstatelibdir%
-util_driver_dir = %couchprivlibdir%
-max_document_size = 4294967296 ; 4 GB
-os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view and external servers.
-max_dbs_open = 100
-delayed_commits = true ; set this to false to ensure an fsync before 201 Created is returned
-uri_file = %localstaterundir%/couch.uri
-; Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index files, except
-; for attachments (see the attachments section). Available methods are:
-; none - no compression
-; snappy - use google snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
-; deflate_[N] - use zlib's deflate, N is the compression level which ranges from 1 (fastest,
-; lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression ratio)
-file_compression = snappy
-; Higher values may give better read performance due to less read operations
-; and/or more OS page cache hits, but they can also increase overall response
-; time for writes when there are many attachment write requests in parallel.
-attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
-; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
-doc_buffer_size = 524288 ; value in bytes
-checkpoint_after = 5242880 ; checkpoint after every N bytes were written
-; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
-keyvalue_buffer_size = 2097152 ; value in bytes
-port = 5984
-bind_address =
-authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
-default_handler = {couch_httpd_db, handle_request}
-secure_rewrites = true
-vhost_global_handlers = _utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users
-allow_jsonp = false
-; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
-;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
-; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
-;socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
-log_max_chunk_size = 1000000
-enable_cors = false
-port = 6984
-file = %localstatelogdir%/couch.log
-level = info
-include_sasl = true
-authentication_db = _users
-authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html
-require_valid_user = false
-timeout = 600 ; number of seconds before automatic logout
-auth_cache_size = 50 ; size is number of cache entries
-allow_persistent_cookies = false ; set to true to allow persistent cookies
-iterations = 10000 ; iterations for password hashing
-; min_iterations = 1
-; max_iterations = 1000000000
-credentials = false
-; List of origins separated by a comma, * means accept all
-; Origins must include the scheme:
-; You can’t set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
-;origins = *
-; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
-; headers =
-; List of accepted methods
-; methods =
-; Configuration for a vhost
-; credentials = false
-; List of origins separated by a comma
-; Origins must include the scheme:
-; You can’t set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
-;origins =
-; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
-; headers =
-; List of accepted methods
-; methods =
-; If set to 'true', oauth token and consumer secrets will be looked up
-; in the authentication database (_users). These secrets are stored in
-; a top level property named "oauth" in user documents. Example:
-; {
-; "_id": "org.couchdb.user:joe",
-; "type": "user",
-; "name": "joe",
-; "password_sha": "fe95df1ca59a9b567bdca5cbaf8412abd6e06121",
-; "salt": "4e170ffeb6f34daecfd814dfb4001a73"
-; "roles": ["foo", "bar"],
-; "oauth": {
-; "consumer_keys": {
-; "consumerKey1": "key1Secret",
-; "consumerKey2": "key2Secret"
-; },
-; "tokens": {
-; "token1": "token1Secret",
-; "token2": "token2Secret"
-; }
-; }
-; }
-use_users_db = false
-javascript = %bindir%/%couchjs_command_name% %localbuilddatadir%/server/main.js
-coffeescript = %bindir%/%couchjs_command_name% %localbuilddatadir%/server/main-coffee.js
-; Changing reduce_limit to false will disable reduce_limit.
-; If you think you're hitting reduce_limit with a "good" reduce function,
-; please let us know on the mailing list so we can fine tune the heuristic.
-reduce_limit = true
-os_process_limit = 25
-index_server={couch_index_server, start_link, []}
-external_manager={couch_external_manager, start_link, []}
-query_servers={couch_proc_manager, start_link, []}
-vhosts={couch_httpd_vhost, start_link, []}
-httpd={couch_httpd, start_link, []}
-stats_aggregator={couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}
-stats_collector={couch_stats_collector, start, []}
-uuids={couch_uuids, start, []}
-auth_cache={couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}
-replicator_manager={couch_replicator_manager, start_link, []}
-os_daemons={couch_os_daemons, start_link, []}
-compaction_daemon={couch_compaction_daemon, start_link, []}
-couch_mrview = true
-/ = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<"Welcome">>}
-favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "%localdatadir%/www"}
-_utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "%localdatadir%/www"}
-_all_dbs = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}
-_active_tasks = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}
-_config = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}
-_replicate = {couch_replicator_httpd, handle_req}
-_uuids = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}
-_restart = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}
-_stats = {couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}
-_session = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}
-_oauth = {couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}
-_all_docs = {couch_mrview_http, handle_all_docs_req}
-_changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
-_compact = {couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}
-_design = {couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}
-_temp_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_temp_view_req}
-_view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
-; The external module takes an optional argument allowing you to narrow it to a
-; single script. Otherwise the script name is inferred from the first path section
-; after _external's own path.
-; _mypath = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"mykey">>}
-; _external = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req}
-_compact = {couch_mrview_http, handle_compact_req}
-_info = {couch_mrview_http, handle_info_req}
-_list = {couch_mrview_show, handle_view_list_req}
-_rewrite = {couch_httpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}
-_show = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_show_req}
-_update = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_update_req}
-_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}
-; enable external as an httpd handler, then link it with commands here.
-; note, this api is still under consideration.
-; [external]
-; mykey = /path/to/mycommand
-; Here you can setup commands for CouchDB to manage
-; while it is alive. It will attempt to keep each command
-; alive if it exits.
-; [os_daemons]
-; some_daemon_name = /path/to/script -with args
-; Known algorithms:
-; random - 128 bits of random awesome
-; All awesome, all the time.
-; sequential - monotonically increasing ids with random increments
-; First 26 hex characters are random. Last 6 increment in
-; random amounts until an overflow occurs. On overflow, the
-; random prefix is regenerated and the process starts over.
-; utc_random - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds
-; First 14 characters are the time in hex. Last 18 are random.
-; utc_id - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds, plus utc_id_suffix string
-; First 14 characters are the time in hex. uuids/utc_id_suffix string value is appended to these.
-algorithm = sequential
-; The utc_id_suffix value will be appended to uuids generated by the utc_id algorithm.
-; Replicating instances should have unique utc_id_suffix values to ensure uniqueness of utc_id ids.
-utc_id_suffix =
-# Maximum number of UUIDs retrievable from /_uuids in a single request
-max_count = 1000
-; rate is in milliseconds
-rate = 1000
-; sample intervals are in seconds
-samples = [0, 60, 300, 900]
-compression_level = 8 ; from 1 (lowest, fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest), 0 to disable compression
-compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
-db = _replicator
-; Maximum replicaton retry count can be a non-negative integer or "infinity".
-max_replication_retry_count = 10
-; More worker processes can give higher network throughput but can also
-; imply more disk and network IO.
-worker_processes = 4
-; With lower batch sizes checkpoints are done more frequently. Lower batch sizes
-; also reduce the total amount of used RAM memory.
-worker_batch_size = 500
-; Maximum number of HTTP connections per replication.
-http_connections = 20
-; HTTP connection timeout per replication.
-; Even for very fast/reliable networks it might need to be increased if a remote
-; database is too busy.
-connection_timeout = 30000
-; If a request fails, the replicator will retry it up to N times.
-retries_per_request = 10
-; Some socket options that might boost performance in some scenarios:
-; {nodelay, boolean()}
-; {sndbuf, integer()}
-; {recbuf, integer()}
-; {priority, integer()}
-; See the `inet` Erlang module's man page for the full list of options.
-socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
-; Path to a file containing the user's certificate.
-;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
-; Path to file containing user's private PEM encoded key.
-;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
-; String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
-;password = somepassword
-; Set to true to validate peer certificates.
-verify_ssl_certificates = false
-; File containing a list of peer trusted certificates (in the PEM format).
-;ssl_trusted_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-; Maximum peer certificate depth (must be set even if certificate validation is off).
-ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
-; The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view indexes
-; need to be compacted.
-check_interval = 300
-; If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
-; compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
-; fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them.
-min_file_size = 131072
-; List of compaction rules for the compaction daemon.
-; The daemon compacts databases and their respective view groups when all the
-; condition parameters are satisfied. Configuration can be per database or
-; global, and it has the following format:
-; database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
-; _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
-; Possible parameters:
-; * db_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
-; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the database
-; file size is equal to or greater then this value, this
-; database compaction condition is satisfied.
-; This value is computed as:
-; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
-; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
-; querying a database's information URI (GET /dbname/).
-; * view_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
-; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the view
-; index (view group) file size is equal to or greater then
-; this value, then this view index compaction condition is
-; satisfied. This value is computed as:
-; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
-; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
-; querying a view group's information URI
-; (GET /dbname/_design/groupname/_info).
-; * from _and_ to - The period for which a database (and its view groups) compaction
-; is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the format:
-; HH:MM - HH:MM (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
-; * strict_window - If a compaction is still running after the end of the allowed
-; period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to 'true'.
-; It defaults to 'false' and it's meaningful only if the *period*
-; parameter is also specified.
-; * parallel_view_compaction - If set to 'true', the database and its views are
-; compacted in parallel. This is only useful on
-; certain setups, like for example when the database
-; and view index directories point to different
-; disks. It defaults to 'false'.
-; Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space is
-; needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to 2 times the data size of
-; the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact
-; a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
-; Examples:
-; 1) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]
-; The `foo` database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more.
-; Any view index of this database is compacted only if its fragmentation
-; is 60% or more.
-; 2) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
-; Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database or view index)
-; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM.
-; 3) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]
-; Similar to the preceding example - a compaction (database or view index)
-; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM. If at
-; 4 AM the database or one of its views is still compacting, the compaction
-; process will be canceled.
-; 4) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, true}]
-; Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can be
-; compacted in parallel.
-;_default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
diff --git a/etc/couchdb/local.ini b/etc/couchdb/local.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index ab671e134..000000000
--- a/etc/couchdb/local.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-; CouchDB Configuration Settings
-; Custom settings should be made in this file. They will override settings
-; in default.ini, but unlike changes made to default.ini, this file won't be
-; overwritten on server upgrade.
-;max_document_size = 4294967296 ; bytes
-;port = 5984
-;bind_address =
-; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
-;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
-; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
-;socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
-; Uncomment next line to trigger basic-auth popup on unauthorized requests.
-;WWW-Authenticate = Basic realm="administrator"
-; Uncomment next line to set the configuration modification whitelist. Only
-; whitelisted values may be changed via the /_config URLs. To allow the admin
-; to change this value over HTTP, remember to include {httpd,config_whitelist}
-; itself. Excluding it from the list would require editing this file to update
-; the whitelist.
-;config_whitelist = [{httpd,config_whitelist}, {log,level}, {etc,etc}]
-;_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
-; If you set this to true, you should also uncomment the WWW-Authenticate line
-; above. If you don't configure a WWW-Authenticate header, CouchDB will send
-; Basic realm="server" in order to prevent you getting logged out.
-; require_valid_user = false
-; For any commands listed here, CouchDB will attempt to ensure that
-; the process remains alive. Daemons should monitor their environment
-; to know when to exit. This can most easily be accomplished by exiting
-; when stdin is closed.
-;foo = /path/to/command -with args
-; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
-; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
-; httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
-;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
-;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
-;password = somepassword
-; set to true to validate peer certificates
-verify_ssl_certificates = false
-; Path to file containing PEM encoded CA certificates (trusted
-; certificates used for verifying a peer certificate). May be omitted if
-; you do not want to verify the peer.
-;cacert_file = /full/path/to/cacertf
-; The verification fun (optional) if not specified, the default
-; verification fun will be used.
-;verify_fun = {Module, VerifyFun}
-; maximum peer certificate depth
-ssl_certificate_max_depth = 1
-; To enable Virtual Hosts in CouchDB, add a vhost = path directive. All requests to
-; the Virual Host will be redirected to the path. In the example below all requests
-; to are redirected to /database.
-; If you run CouchDB on a specific port, include the port number in the vhost:
-; = /database
-; = /database/
-;unique notifier name=/full/path/to/exe -with "cmd line arg"
-; To create an admin account uncomment the '[admins]' section below and add a
-; line in the format 'username = password'. When you next start CouchDB, it
-; will change the password to a hash (so that your passwords don't linger
-; around in plain-text files). You can add more admin accounts with more
-; 'username = password' lines. Don't forget to restart CouchDB after
-; changing this.
-;admin = mysecretpassword
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
index 6d7c517c3..e36b0c274 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/default.ini
@@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
+; Upgrading CouchDB will overwrite this file.
+name = {{package_author_name}}
database_dir = {{data_dir}}
-view_index_dir = {{view_dir}}
-max_document_size = 67108864
-os_process_timeout = 5000
+view_index_dir = {{view_index_dir}}
+; util_driver_dir =
+max_document_size = 67108864 ; 64 MB
+os_process_timeout = 5000 ; 5 seconds. for view and external servers.
max_dbs_open = 500
delayed_commits = false
+; Method used to compress everything that is appended to database and view index files, except
+; for attachments (see the attachments section). Available methods are:
+; none - no compression
+; snappy - use google snappy, a very fast compressor/decompressor
+; deflate_[N] - use zlib's deflate, N is the compression level which ranges from 1 (fastest,
+; lowest compression ratio) to 9 (slowest, highest compression ratio)
+file_compression = snappy
+; Higher values may give better read performance due to less read operations
+; and/or more OS page cache hits, but they can also increase overall response
+; time for writes when there are many attachment write requests in parallel.
+attachment_stream_buffer_size = 4096
@@ -17,53 +34,126 @@ port = {{cluster_port}}
backlog = 512
docroot = {{prefix}}/share/www
+; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
+doc_buffer_size = 524288 ; value in bytes
+checkpoint_after = 5242880 ; checkpoint after every N bytes were written
+; larger buffer sizes can originate smaller files
+keyvalue_buffer_size = 2097152 ; value in bytes
port = {{backend_port}}
bind_address =
-max_connections = 2048
authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
default_handler = {couch_httpd_db, handle_request}
secure_rewrites = true
vhost_global_handlers = _utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users
allow_jsonp = false
+; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
+;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
+; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
+;socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+log_max_chunk_size = 1000000
+enable_cors = false
-file = {{prefix}}/var/log/bigcouch.log
-level = info
-include_sasl = true
+port = 6984
authentication_db = _users
authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html
-secret = somethingveryverysecret
require_valid_user = false
timeout = 600 ; number of seconds before automatic logout
auth_cache_size = 50 ; size is number of cache entries
+allow_persistent_cookies = false ; set to true to allow persistent cookies
+iterations = 10000 ; iterations for password hashing
+; min_iterations = 1
+; max_iterations = 1000000000
+credentials = false
+; List of origins separated by a comma, * means accept all
+; Origins must include the scheme:
+; You can’t set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
+;origins = *
+; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
+; headers =
+; List of accepted methods
+; methods =
+; Configuration for a vhost
+; credentials = false
+; List of origins separated by a comma
+; Origins must include the scheme:
+; You can’t set origins: * and credentials = true at the same time.
+;origins =
+; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
+; headers =
+; List of accepted methods
+; methods =
+; If set to 'true', oauth token and consumer secrets will be looked up
+; in the authentication database (_users). These secrets are stored in
+; a top level property named "oauth" in user documents. Example:
+; {
+; "_id": "org.couchdb.user:joe",
+; "type": "user",
+; "name": "joe",
+; "password_sha": "fe95df1ca59a9b567bdca5cbaf8412abd6e06121",
+; "salt": "4e170ffeb6f34daecfd814dfb4001a73"
+; "roles": ["foo", "bar"],
+; "oauth": {
+; "consumer_keys": {
+; "consumerKey1": "key1Secret",
+; "consumerKey2": "key2Secret"
+; },
+; "tokens": {
+; "token1": "token1Secret",
+; "token2": "token2Secret"
+; }
+; }
+; }
+use_users_db = false
javascript = {{prefix}}/bin/couchjs {{prefix}}/share/server/main.js
coffeescript = {{prefix}}/bin/couchjs {{prefix}}/share/server/main-coffee.js
+; Changing reduce_limit to false will disable reduce_limit.
+; If you think you're hitting reduce_limit with a "good" reduce function,
+; please let us know on the mailing list so we can fine tune the heuristic.
reduce_limit = true
+os_process_limit = 25
index_server={couch_index_server, start_link, []}
external_manager={couch_external_manager, start_link, []}
query_servers={couch_proc_manager, start_link, []}
+vhosts={couch_httpd_vhost, start_link, []}
httpd={couch_httpd, start_link, []}
-stats_collector={couch_stats_collector, start, []}
stats_aggregator={couch_stats_aggregator, start, []}
-replicator_manager={couch_replicator_manager, start_link, []}
+stats_collector={couch_stats_collector, start, []}
uuids={couch_uuids, start, []}
auth_cache={couch_auth_cache, start_link, []}
-vhosts={couch_httpd_vhost, start_link, []}
+replicator_manager={couch_replicator_manager, start_link, []}
+os_daemons={couch_os_daemons, start_link, []}
+compaction_daemon={couch_compaction_daemon, start_link, []}
+couch_mrview = true
/ = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_welcome_req, <<"Welcome">>}
-favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "{{prefix}}/share/www"}
+favicon.ico = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_favicon_req, "{{prefix}}/www"}
-_utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "{{prefix}}/share/www"}
+_utils = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_utils_dir_req, "{{prefix}}/www"}
_all_dbs = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_all_dbs_req}
_active_tasks = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_task_status_req}
_config = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_config_req}
@@ -71,18 +161,22 @@ _replicate = {couch_replicator_httpd, handle_req}
_uuids = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_uuids_req}
_restart = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_restart_req}
_stats = {couch_httpd_stats_handlers, handle_stats_req}
-_log = {couch_httpd_misc_handlers, handle_log_req}
_session = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_session_req}
_oauth = {couch_httpd_oauth, handle_oauth_req}
-_system = {chttpd_misc, handle_system_req}
_all_docs = {couch_mrview_http, handle_all_docs_req}
-_view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
+_changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
_compact = {couch_httpd_db, handle_compact_req}
_design = {couch_httpd_db, handle_design_req}
_temp_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_temp_view_req}
-_changes = {couch_httpd_db, handle_changes_req}
+_view_cleanup = {couch_mrview_http, handle_cleanup_req}
+; The external module takes an optional argument allowing you to narrow it to a
+; single script. Otherwise the script name is inferred from the first path section
+; after _external's own path.
+; _mypath = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"mykey">>}
+; _external = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req}
_compact = {couch_mrview_http, handle_compact_req}
@@ -93,6 +187,18 @@ _show = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_show_req}
_update = {couch_mrview_show, handle_doc_update_req}
_view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}
+; enable external as an httpd handler, then link it with commands here.
+; note, this api is still under consideration.
+; [external]
+; mykey = /path/to/mycommand
+; Here you can setup commands for CouchDB to manage
+; while it is alive. It will attempt to keep each command
+; alive if it exits.
+; [os_daemons]
+; some_daemon_name = /path/to/script -with args
; Known algorithms:
; random - 128 bits of random awesome
@@ -103,7 +209,14 @@ _view = {couch_mrview_http, handle_view_req}
; random prefix is regenerated and the process starts over.
; utc_random - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds
; First 14 characters are the time in hex. Last 18 are random.
+; utc_id - Time since Jan 1, 1970 UTC with microseconds, plus utc_id_suffix string
+; First 14 characters are the time in hex. uuids/utc_id_suffix string value is appended to these.
algorithm = sequential
+; The utc_id_suffix value will be appended to uuids generated by the utc_id algorithm.
+; Replicating instances should have unique utc_id_suffix values to ensure uniqueness of utc_id ids.
+utc_id_suffix =
+# Maximum number of UUIDs retrievable from /_uuids in a single request
+max_count = 1000
; rate is in milliseconds
@@ -113,15 +226,130 @@ samples = [0, 60, 300, 900]
compression_level = 8 ; from 1 (lowest, fastest) to 9 (highest, slowest), 0 to disable compression
-compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
+compressible_types = text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml
db = _replicator
-max_http_sessions = 20
-max_http_pipeline_size = 50
-; set to true to validate peer certificates
+; Maximum replicaton retry count can be a non-negative integer or "infinity".
+max_replication_retry_count = 10
+; More worker processes can give higher network throughput but can also
+; imply more disk and network IO.
+worker_processes = 4
+; With lower batch sizes checkpoints are done more frequently. Lower batch sizes
+; also reduce the total amount of used RAM memory.
+worker_batch_size = 500
+; Maximum number of HTTP connections per replication.
+http_connections = 20
+; HTTP connection timeout per replication.
+; Even for very fast/reliable networks it might need to be increased if a remote
+; database is too busy.
+connection_timeout = 30000
+; If a request fails, the replicator will retry it up to N times.
+retries_per_request = 10
+; Some socket options that might boost performance in some scenarios:
+; {nodelay, boolean()}
+; {sndbuf, integer()}
+; {recbuf, integer()}
+; {priority, integer()}
+; See the `inet` Erlang module's man page for the full list of options.
+socket_options = [{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]
+; Path to a file containing the user's certificate.
+;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+; Path to file containing user's private PEM encoded key.
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
+; String containing the user's password. Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
+;password = somepassword
+; Set to true to validate peer certificates.
verify_ssl_certificates = false
-; file containing a list of peer trusted certificates (PEM format)
-; ssl_trusted_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-; maximum peer certificate depth (must be set even if certificate validation is off)
+; File containing a list of peer trusted certificates (in the PEM format).
+;ssl_trusted_certificates_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+; Maximum peer certificate depth (must be set even if certificate validation is off).
ssl_certificate_max_depth = 3
+; The delay, in seconds, between each check for which database and view indexes
+; need to be compacted.
+check_interval = 300
+; If a database or view index file is smaller then this value (in bytes),
+; compaction will not happen. Very small files always have a very high
+; fragmentation therefore it's not worth to compact them.
+min_file_size = 131072
+; List of compaction rules for the compaction daemon.
+; The daemon compacts databases and their respective view groups when all the
+; condition parameters are satisfied. Configuration can be per database or
+; global, and it has the following format:
+; database_name = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
+; _default = [ {ParamName, ParamValue}, {ParamName, ParamValue}, ... ]
+; Possible parameters:
+; * db_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
+; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the database
+; file size is equal to or greater then this value, this
+; database compaction condition is satisfied.
+; This value is computed as:
+; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
+; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
+; querying a database's information URI (GET /dbname/).
+; * view_fragmentation - If the ratio (as an integer percentage), of the amount
+; of old data (and its supporting metadata) over the view
+; index (view group) file size is equal to or greater then
+; this value, then this view index compaction condition is
+; satisfied. This value is computed as:
+; (file_size - data_size) / file_size * 100
+; The data_size and file_size values can be obtained when
+; querying a view group's information URI
+; (GET /dbname/_design/groupname/_info).
+; * from _and_ to - The period for which a database (and its view groups) compaction
+; is allowed. The value for these parameters must obey the format:
+; HH:MM - HH:MM (HH in [0..23], MM in [0..59])
+; * strict_window - If a compaction is still running after the end of the allowed
+; period, it will be canceled if this parameter is set to 'true'.
+; It defaults to 'false' and it's meaningful only if the *period*
+; parameter is also specified.
+; * parallel_view_compaction - If set to 'true', the database and its views are
+; compacted in parallel. This is only useful on
+; certain setups, like for example when the database
+; and view index directories point to different
+; disks. It defaults to 'false'.
+; Before a compaction is triggered, an estimation of how much free disk space is
+; needed is computed. This estimation corresponds to 2 times the data size of
+; the database or view index. When there's not enough free disk space to compact
+; a particular database or view index, a warning message is logged.
+; Examples:
+; 1) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}]
+; The `foo` database is compacted if its fragmentation is 70% or more.
+; Any view index of this database is compacted only if its fragmentation
+; is 60% or more.
+; 2) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
+; Similar to the preceding example but a compaction (database or view index)
+; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM.
+; 3) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}]
+; Similar to the preceding example - a compaction (database or view index)
+; is only triggered if the current time is between midnight and 4 AM. If at
+; 4 AM the database or one of its views is still compacting, the compaction
+; process will be canceled.
+; 4) [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "00:00"}, {to, "04:00"}, {strict_window, true}, {parallel_view_compaction, true}]
+; Similar to the preceding example, but a database and its views can be
+; compacted in parallel.
+;_default = [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]
diff --git a/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini b/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
index 3146ea257..ab671e134 100644
--- a/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
+++ b/rel/overlay/etc/local.ini
@@ -1 +1,83 @@
-; local customizations are stored here
+; CouchDB Configuration Settings
+; Custom settings should be made in this file. They will override settings
+; in default.ini, but unlike changes made to default.ini, this file won't be
+; overwritten on server upgrade.
+;max_document_size = 4294967296 ; bytes
+;port = 5984
+;bind_address =
+; Options for the MochiWeb HTTP server.
+;server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
+; For more socket options, consult Erlang's module 'inet' man page.
+;socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+; Uncomment next line to trigger basic-auth popup on unauthorized requests.
+;WWW-Authenticate = Basic realm="administrator"
+; Uncomment next line to set the configuration modification whitelist. Only
+; whitelisted values may be changed via the /_config URLs. To allow the admin
+; to change this value over HTTP, remember to include {httpd,config_whitelist}
+; itself. Excluding it from the list would require editing this file to update
+; the whitelist.
+;config_whitelist = [{httpd,config_whitelist}, {log,level}, {etc,etc}]
+;_google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
+; If you set this to true, you should also uncomment the WWW-Authenticate line
+; above. If you don't configure a WWW-Authenticate header, CouchDB will send
+; Basic realm="server" in order to prevent you getting logged out.
+; require_valid_user = false
+; For any commands listed here, CouchDB will attempt to ensure that
+; the process remains alive. Daemons should monitor their environment
+; to know when to exit. This can most easily be accomplished by exiting
+; when stdin is closed.
+;foo = /path/to/command -with args
+; enable SSL support by uncommenting the following line and supply the PEM's below.
+; the default ssl port CouchDB listens on is 6984
+; httpsd = {couch_httpd, start_link, [https]}
+;cert_file = /full/path/to/server_cert.pem
+;key_file = /full/path/to/server_key.pem
+;password = somepassword
+; set to true to validate peer certificates
+verify_ssl_certificates = false
+; Path to file containing PEM encoded CA certificates (trusted
+; certificates used for verifying a peer certificate). May be omitted if
+; you do not want to verify the peer.
+;cacert_file = /full/path/to/cacertf
+; The verification fun (optional) if not specified, the default
+; verification fun will be used.
+;verify_fun = {Module, VerifyFun}
+; maximum peer certificate depth
+ssl_certificate_max_depth = 1
+; To enable Virtual Hosts in CouchDB, add a vhost = path directive. All requests to
+; the Virual Host will be redirected to the path. In the example below all requests
+; to are redirected to /database.
+; If you run CouchDB on a specific port, include the port number in the vhost:
+; = /database
+; = /database/
+;unique notifier name=/full/path/to/exe -with "cmd line arg"
+; To create an admin account uncomment the '[admins]' section below and add a
+; line in the format 'username = password'. When you next start CouchDB, it
+; will change the password to a hash (so that your passwords don't linger
+; around in plain-text files). You can add more admin accounts with more
+; 'username = password' lines. Don't forget to restart CouchDB after
+; changing this.
+;admin = mysecretpassword