path: root/src
diff options
authorGabor Pali <>2023-04-18 09:37:42 +0200
committerNick Vatamaniuc <>2023-04-18 23:51:32 -0400
commitdf52be5778534c2c11e18b6ed2f7bdf242012184 (patch)
treeaebbd372ce83728a866b6774927fc14abbce4616 /src
parent28480f9a438fa27e35219b9e09fcaaebe8010047 (diff)
mango: refactor
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
index 4dbea77c8..eec8dc4fe 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_cursor_view.erl
@@ -114,14 +114,19 @@ required_fields(#cursor{fields = all_fields}) ->
required_fields(#cursor{fields = Fields, selector = Selector}) ->
lists:usort(Fields ++ mango_selector:fields(Selector)).
--spec explain(#cursor{}) -> nonempty_list(term()).
-explain(#cursor{opts = Opts} = Cursor) ->
+-spec apply_cursor_opts(#cursor{}) -> {#mrargs{}, boolean()}.
+apply_cursor_opts(#cursor{} = Cursor) ->
+ #cursor{index = Index, opts = Opts} = Cursor,
BaseArgs = base_args(Cursor),
Args0 = apply_opts(Opts, BaseArgs),
- #cursor{index = Index} = Cursor,
Fields = required_fields(Cursor),
Args = consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, Args0),
+ Covered = mango_idx_view:covers(Index, Fields),
+ {Args, Covered}.
+-spec explain(#cursor{}) -> nonempty_list(term()).
+explain(Cursor) ->
+ {Args, Covered} = apply_cursor_opts(Cursor),
@@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ explain(#cursor{opts = Opts} = Cursor) ->
{update, Args#mrargs.update},
{conflicts, Args#mrargs.conflicts}
- {covered, mango_idx_view:covers(Index, Fields)}
+ {covered, Covered}
% replace internal values that cannot
@@ -201,12 +206,9 @@ execute(#cursor{db = Db, index = Idx, execution_stats = Stats} = Cursor0, UserFu
% empty indicates unsatisfiable ranges, so don't perform search
{ok, UserAcc};
_ ->
- BaseArgs = base_args(Cursor),
+ {Args0, _Covered} = apply_cursor_opts(Cursor),
#cursor{opts = Opts, bookmark = Bookmark} = Cursor,
- Args0 = apply_opts(Opts, BaseArgs),
- Fields = required_fields(Cursor),
- Args1 = consider_index_coverage(Idx, Fields, Args0),
- Args = mango_json_bookmark:update_args(Bookmark, Args1),
+ Args = mango_json_bookmark:update_args(Bookmark, Args0),
UserCtx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Opts, #user_ctx{}),
DbOpts = [{user_ctx, UserCtx}],
Result =
@@ -573,24 +575,25 @@ apply_opts([{_, _} | Rest], Args) ->
apply_opts(Rest, Args).
-spec consider_index_coverage(#idx{}, fields(), #mrargs{}) -> #mrargs{}.
-consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, #mrargs{include_docs = IncludeDocs} = Args) ->
+consider_index_coverage(Index, Fields, #mrargs{include_docs = IncludeDocs0} = Args0) ->
Covering = mango_idx_view:covers(Index, Fields),
- Args0 = Args#mrargs{include_docs = IncludeDocs andalso (not Covering)},
+ Args = Args0#mrargs{include_docs = IncludeDocs0 andalso (not Covering)},
+ #mrargs{include_docs = IncludeDocs, extra = Extra0} = Args,
- Args0#mrargs.include_docs,
+ IncludeDocs,
- couch_util:get_value(callback_args, Args#mrargs.extra)
+ couch_util:get_value(callback_args, Extra0)
- {false, true, ViewCBArgs} when ViewCBArgs =/= undefined ->
- VCBSelector = viewcbargs_get(selector, ViewCBArgs),
- VCBFields = viewcbargs_get(fields, ViewCBArgs),
- ViewCBArgs0 = viewcbargs_new(VCBSelector, VCBFields, Index),
- Extra = couch_util:set_value(callback_args, Args#mrargs.extra, ViewCBArgs0),
- Args0#mrargs{extra = Extra};
+ {false, true, ViewCBArgs0} when ViewCBArgs0 =/= undefined ->
+ VCBSelector = viewcbargs_get(selector, ViewCBArgs0),
+ VCBFields = viewcbargs_get(fields, ViewCBArgs0),
+ ViewCBArgs = viewcbargs_new(VCBSelector, VCBFields, Index),
+ Extra = couch_util:set_value(callback_args, Extra0, ViewCBArgs),
+ Args#mrargs{extra = Extra};
_ ->
- Args0
+ Args
-spec doc_member_and_extract(#cursor{}, row_properties()) -> Result when