diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1922 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs b/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
index 6d4360d88..11687ab17 100644
--- a/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
+++ b/test/elixir/test/replication_test.exs
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ defmodule ReplicationTest do
# happens for JavaScript tests.
@moduletag config: [{"replicator", "startup_jitter", "0"}]
- @moduletag :skip_on_jenkins
test "source database not found with host" do
name = random_db_name()
src_url = "" <> name <> "_src"
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/replication.js b/test/javascript/tests/replication.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba586b409..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/replication.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1920 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.replication = function(debug) {
-// return console.log('TODO');
- if (debug) debugger;
- var host =;
- // as we change names during execution, do NOT use test_suite_db or a
- // pre-computed value like '' (compute only on use)
- var sourceDb;
- var targetDb;
- var dbPairsPrefixes = [
- {
- source: "",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: "",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/"
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/"
- }
- ];
- var att1_data = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_utils/script/test/lorem.txt");
- att1_data = att1_data.responseText;
- var att2_data = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_utils/script/test/lorem_b64.txt");
- att2_data = att2_data.responseText;
- var sourceInfo, targetInfo;
- var docs, doc, copy;
- var repResult;
- var i, j, k;
- function makeAttData(minSize) {
- var data = att1_data;
- while (data.length < minSize) {
- data = data + att1_data;
- }
- return data;
- }
- function runAllNodes(callback) {
- // new and fancy: clustered version: pull cluster_members and walk over all of them
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_membership");
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).cluster_nodes.forEach(callback);
- }
- function runFirstNode(callback) {
- // new and fancy: clustered version: pull cluster_members and walk over all of them
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_membership");
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- var node = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).cluster_nodes[0];
- return callback(node);
- }
- function getCompressionInfo() {
- return runFirstNode(function(node) {
- var xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "GET",
- "_node/" + node + "/_config/attachments"
- );
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- return {"level": res.compression_level, "types": res.compressible_types};
- });
- }
- function enableAttCompression(level, types) {
- runAllNodes(function(node) {
- var xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "PUT",
- "_node/" + node + "/_config/attachments/compression_level",
- {
- body: JSON.stringify(level),
- headers: {"X-Couch-Persist": "false"}
- }
- );
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "PUT",
- "_node/" + node + "/_config/attachments/compressible_types",
- {
- body: JSON.stringify(types),
- headers: {"X-Couch-Persist": "false"}
- }
- );
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- });
- }
- function disableAttCompression() {
- runAllNodes(function(node) {
- var xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "PUT",
- "_node/" + node + "/_config/attachments/compression_level",
- {
- body: JSON.stringify("0"),
- headers: {"X-Couch-Persist": "false"}
- }
- );
- T(xhr.status === 200);
- });
- }
- function populateSourceDb(docs, dontRecreateDb) {
- if(dontRecreateDb !== true) {
- if(sourceDb) {
- sourceDb.deleteDb();
- }
- sourceDb = new CouchDB(get_random_db_name() + "_src",{"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- sourceDb.createDb();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
- var doc = docs[i];
- delete doc._rev;
- }
- if (docs.length > 0) {
- sourceDb.bulkSave(docs);
- }
- }
- function populateTargetDb(docs, dontRecreateDb) {
- if(dontRecreateDb !== true) {
- if(targetDb) {
- targetDb.deleteDb();
- }
- targetDb = new CouchDB(get_random_db_name() + "_tgt",{"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- targetDb.createDb();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
- var doc = docs[i];
- delete doc._rev;
- }
- if (docs.length > 0) {
- targetDb.bulkSave(docs);
- }
- }
- function addAtt(db, doc, attName, attData, type) {
- var uri = "/" + + "/" + encodeURIComponent(doc._id) + "/" + attName;
- if (doc._rev) {
- uri += "?rev=" + doc._rev;
- }
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", uri, {
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": type
- },
- body: attData
- });
- T(xhr.status === 201);
- doc._rev = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).rev;
- }
- function compareObjects(o1, o2) {
- for (var p in o1) {
- if (o1[p] === null && o2[p] !== null) {
- return false;
- } else if (typeof o1[p] === "object") {
- if ((typeof o2[p] !== "object") || o2[p] === null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!arguments.callee(o1[p], o2[p])) {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- if (o1[p] !== o2[p]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function getTask(rep_id, delay) {
- var t0 = new Date();
- var t1;
- do {
- var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_active_tasks");
- var tasks = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
- for(var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
- if(tasks[i].replication_id == repResult._local_id) {
- return tasks[i];
- }
- }
- sleep(500);
- t1 = new Date();
- } while((t1 - t0) <= delay);
- return null;
- }
- function getSourceLastSeq(sourceDb) {
- return sourceDb.changes({"since":"now"}).last_seq;
- }
- function waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id) {
- var sourceSeq = getSourceLastSeq(sourceDb),
- t0 = new Date(),
- t1,
- ms = 30000;
- do {
- var task = getTask(rep_id, 0);
- if(task && task["through_seq"] == sourceSeq) {
- return;
- }
- t1 = new Date();
- sleep(500);
- } while (((t1 - t0) <= ms));
- throw(Error('Timeout waiting for replication through_seq = source update seq'));
- }
- function waitReplicationTaskStop(rep_id) {
- var t0 = new Date(),
- t1,
- ms = 30000;
- do {
- var task = getTask(rep_id, 0);
- if(task == null) {
- return;
- }
- t1 = new Date();
- sleep(500);
- } while (((t1 - t0) <= ms));
- throw(Error('Timeout waiting for replication task stop' + rep_id));
- }
- // test simple replications (not continuous, not filtered), including
- // conflict creation
- docs = makeDocs(1, 21);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/foo",
- language: "javascript",
- value: "ddoc"
- });
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- // add some attachments
- for (j = 10; j < 15; j++) {
- addAtt(sourceDb, docs[j], "readme.txt", att1_data, "text/plain");
- }
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.session_id);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(repResult.source_last_seq, sourceInfo.update_seq);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(repResult.history[0].session_id, repResult.session_id);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.history[0].start_time);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.history[0].end_time);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- if (j >= 10 && j < 15) {
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(2, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att_copy);
- }
- }
- // add one more doc to source, more attachments to some existing docs
- // and replicate again
- var newDoc = {
- _id: "foo666",
- value: "d"
- };
- TEquals(true,;
- // add some more attachments
- for (j = 10; j < 15; j++) {
- addAtt(sourceDb, docs[j], "data.dat", att2_data, "application/binary");
- }
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(targetInfo.doc_count, sourceInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.session_id);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.source_last_seq);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(repResult.history[0].session_id, repResult.session_id);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.history[0].start_time);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.history[0].end_time);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals((sourceInfo.update_seq - 6), repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(6, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(6, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(6, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(6, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(newDoc._id, copy._id);
- TEquals(newDoc.value, copy.value);
- for (j = 10; j < 15; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(2, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att1_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att1_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att1_copy);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["data.dat"]);
- TEquals(3, atts["data.dat"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["data.dat"].content_type.indexOf("application/binary"));
- TEquals(true, atts["data.dat"].stub);
- var att2_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/data.dat"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att2_data.length, att2_copy.length);
- TEquals(att2_data, att2_copy);
- }
- // test deletion is replicated
- doc =[1]._id);
- TEquals(true, sourceDb.deleteDoc(doc).ok);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(targetInfo.doc_count, sourceInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals(targetInfo.doc_del_count, sourceInfo.doc_del_count);
- TEquals(1, targetInfo.doc_del_count);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history.length);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals((sourceInfo.update_seq - 1), repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =[1]._id);
- TEquals(null, copy);
- var changes = targetDb.changes({since: 0});
- // there is no guarantee of ordering also
- // however: the doc has to appear somewhere
- //var idx = changes.results.length - 1;
- var changesResDoc1 = changes.results.filter(function(c){return == docs[1]._id;});
- TEquals(1, changesResDoc1.length);
- TEquals(docs[1]._id, changesResDoc1[0].id);
- TEquals(true, changesResDoc1[0].deleted);
- // test conflict
- doc =[0]._id);
- doc.value = "white";
- TEquals(true,;
- copy =[0]._id);
- copy.value = "black";
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(4, repResult.history.length);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals((sourceInfo.update_seq - 1), repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =[0]._id, {conflicts: true});
- TEquals(0, copy._rev.indexOf("2-"));
- TEquals(true, copy._conflicts instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, copy._conflicts.length);
- TEquals(0, copy._conflicts[0].indexOf("2-"));
- // replicate again with conflict
- doc.value = "yellow";
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(5, repResult.history.length);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals((sourceInfo.update_seq - 1), repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =[0]._id, {conflicts: true});
- TEquals(0, copy._rev.indexOf("3-"));
- TEquals(true, copy._conflicts instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, copy._conflicts.length);
- TEquals(0, copy._conflicts[0].indexOf("2-"));
- // resolve the conflict
- TEquals(true, targetDb.deleteDoc({_id: copy._id, _rev: copy._conflicts[0]}).ok);
- // replicate again, check there are no more conflicts
- doc.value = "rainbow";
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(6, repResult.history.length);
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals((sourceInfo.update_seq - 1), repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =[0]._id, {conflicts: true});
- TEquals(0, copy._rev.indexOf("4-"));
- TEquals('undefined', typeof copy._conflicts);
- // test that revisions already in a target are not copied
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo1", value: 111}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo1", value: 111}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo2", value: 222}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo3", value: 333}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo3", value: 333}).ok);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.source_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq - 3, repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo4", value: 444}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo4", value: 444}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo5", value: 555}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo5", value: 555}).ok);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.source_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq - 2, repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.no_changes);
- sourceInfo =;
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- //TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, repResult.source_last_seq);
- }
- // test error when source database does not exist
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate("foobar", "test_suite_db");
- T(false, "should have failed with db_not_found error");
- } catch (x) {
- TEquals("db_not_found", x.error);
- }
- // validate COUCHDB-317
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate("/foobar", "test_suite_db");
- T(false, "should have failed with db_not_found error");
- } catch (x) {
- TEquals("db_not_found", x.error);
- }
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate(CouchDB.protocol + host + "/foobar", "test_suite_db");
- T(false, "should have failed with db_not_found error");
- } catch (x) {
- TEquals("db_not_found", x.error);
- }
- // test since_seq parameter
- docs = makeDocs(1, 6);
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- // sequences are no longer simple numbers - so pull #3 from a feed
- var since_seq = sourceDb.changes().results[2].seq;
- var expected_ids = [];
- var changes = sourceDb.changes({since: JSON.stringify(since_seq)});
- for (j = 0; j < changes.results.length; j++) {
- expected_ids.push(changes.results[j].id);
- }
- TEquals(2, expected_ids.length, "2 documents since since_seq");
- // For OTP < R14B03, temporary child specs are kept in the supervisor
- // after the child terminates, so cancel the replication to delete the
- // child spec in those OTP releases, otherwise since_seq will have no
- // effect.
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {body: {cancel: true}}
- );
- } catch (x) {
- // OTP R14B03 onwards
- TEquals("not_found", x.error);
- }
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {body: {since_seq: since_seq}}
- );
- // Same reason as before. But here we don't want since_seq to affect
- // subsequent replications, so we need to delete the child spec from the
- // supervisor (since_seq is not used to calculate the replication ID).
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {body: {cancel: true}}
- );
- } catch (x) {
- // OTP R14B03 onwards
- TEquals("not_found", x.error);
- }
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- if (expected_ids.indexOf(doc._id) === -1) {
- T(copy === null);
- } else {
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- }
- }
- }
- // test errors due to doc validate_doc_update functions in the target endpoint
- docs = makeDocs(1, 8);
- docs[2]["_attachments"] = {
- "hello.txt": {
- "content_type": "text/plain",
- "data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" // base64:encode("hello world")
- }
- };
- var ddoc = {
- _id: "_design/test",
- language: "javascript",
- validate_doc_update: (function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
- if ((newDoc.integer % 2) !== 0) {
- throw {forbidden: "I only like multiples of 2."};
- }
- }).toString()
- };
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([ddoc]);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i]
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(7, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(7, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(7, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(4, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- if (doc.integer % 2 === 0) {
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(copy.integer, doc.integer);
- } else {
- T(copy === null);
- }
- }
- }
- // test create_target option
- docs = makeDocs(1, 2);
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- targetDb.deleteDb();
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {body: {create_target: true}}
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- TEquals(sourceInfo.update_seq, targetInfo.update_seq);
- }
- // test filtered replication
- docs = makeDocs(1, 31);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/mydesign",
- language: "javascript",
- filters: {
- myfilter: (function(doc, req) {
- var modulus = Number(req.query.modulus);
- var special = req.query.special;
- return (doc.integer % modulus === 0) || (doc.string === special);
- }).toString()
- }
- });
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- filter: "mydesign/myfilter",
- query_params: {
- modulus: "2",
- special: "7"
- }
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- if ((doc.integer && (doc.integer % 2 === 0)) || (doc.string === "7")) {
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- } else {
- TEquals(null, copy);
- }
- }
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- // We (incorrectly) don't record update sequences for things
- // that don't pass the changse feed filter. Historically the
- // last document to pass was the second to last doc which has
- // an update sequence of 30. Work that has been applied to avoid
- // conflicts from duplicate IDs breaking _bulk_docs updates added
- // a sort to the logic which changes this. Now the last document
- // to pass has an doc id of "8" and is at update_seq 29 (because only
- // "9" and the design doc are after it).
- //
- // In the future the fix ought to be that we record that update
- // sequence of the database. BigCouch has some existing work on
- // this in the clustered case because if you have very few documents
- // that pass the filter then (given single node's behavior) you end
- // up having to rescan a large portion of the database.
- // we can't rely on sequences in a cluster
- // not only can one figure appear twice (at least for n>1), there's also hashes involved now - so comparing seq==29 is lottery (= cutting off hashes is nonsense)
- // above, there was brute-force comparing all attrs of all docs - now we did check if excluded docs did NOT make it
- // in any way, we can't rely on sequences in a cluster (so leave out)
- //TEquals(29, repResult.source_last_seq);
- //TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(29, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(29, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- // 16 => 15 docs with even integer field + 1 doc with string field "7"
- TEquals(16, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(16, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(16, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(16, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- // add new docs to source and resume the same replication
- var newDocs = makeDocs(50, 56);
- populateSourceDb(newDocs, true);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- filter: "mydesign/myfilter",
- query_params: {
- modulus: "2",
- special: "7"
- }
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- for (j = 0; j < newDocs.length; j++) {
- doc = newDocs[j];
- copy =;
- if (doc.integer && (doc.integer % 2 === 0)) {
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- } else {
- TEquals(null, copy);
- }
- }
- // last doc has even integer field, so last replicated seq is 36
- // cluster - so no seq (ditto above)
- //TEquals(36, repResult.source_last_seq);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history.length);
- //TEquals(29, repResult.history[0].start_last_seq);
- //TEquals(36, repResult.history[0].end_last_seq);
- //TEquals(36, repResult.history[0].recorded_seq);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- }
- // test filtered replication works as expected after changing the filter's
- // code (ticket COUCHDB-892)
- var filterFun1 = (function(doc, req) {
- if (doc.value < Number(req.query.maxvalue)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }).toString();
- var filterFun2 = (function(doc, req) {
- return true;
- }).toString();
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateTargetDb([]);
- populateSourceDb([]);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo1", value: 1}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo2", value: 2}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo3", value: 3}).ok);
- TEquals(true,{_id: "foo4", value: 4}).ok);
- var ddoc = {
- "_id": "_design/mydesign",
- "language": "javascript",
- "filters": {
- "myfilter": filterFun1
- }
- };
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- filter: "mydesign/myfilter",
- query_params: {
- maxvalue: "3"
- }
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- var docFoo1 ="foo1");
- T(docFoo1 !== null);
- TEquals(1, docFoo1.value);
- var docFoo2 ="foo2");
- T(docFoo2 !== null);
- TEquals(2, docFoo2.value);
- var docFoo3 ="foo3");
- TEquals(null, docFoo3);
- var docFoo4 ="foo4");
- TEquals(null, docFoo4);
- // replication should start from scratch after the filter's code changed
- ddoc.filters.myfilter = filterFun2;
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- filter: "mydesign/myfilter",
- query_params : {
- maxvalue: "3"
- }
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(3, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- docFoo1 ="foo1");
- T(docFoo1 !== null);
- TEquals(1, docFoo1.value);
- docFoo2 ="foo2");
- T(docFoo2 !== null);
- TEquals(2, docFoo2.value);
- docFoo3 ="foo3");
- T(docFoo3 !== null);
- TEquals(3, docFoo3.value);
- docFoo4 ="foo4");
- T(docFoo4 !== null);
- TEquals(4, docFoo4.value);
- T("_design/mydesign") !== null);
- }
- // test replication by doc IDs
- docs = makeDocs(1, 11);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/foo",
- language: "javascript",
- integer: 1
- });
- var target_doc_ids = [
- { initial: ["1", "2", "10"], after: [], conflict_id: "2" },
- { initial: ["1", "2"], after: ["7"], conflict_id: "1" },
- { initial: ["1", "foo_666", "10"], after: ["7"], conflict_id: "10" },
- { initial: ["_design/foo", "8"], after: ["foo_5"], conflict_id: "8" },
- { initial: ["_design%2Ffoo", "8"], after: ["foo_5"], conflict_id: "8" },
- { initial: [], after: ["foo_1000", "_design/foo", "1"], conflict_id: "1" }
- ];
- var doc_ids, after_doc_ids;
- var id, num_inexistent_docs, after_num_inexistent_docs;
- var total, after_total;
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < target_doc_ids.length; j++) {
- doc_ids = target_doc_ids[j].initial;
- num_inexistent_docs = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < doc_ids.length; k++) {
- id = doc_ids[k];
- if (id.indexOf("foo_") === 0) {
- num_inexistent_docs += 1;
- }
- }
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- doc_ids: doc_ids
- }
- }
- );
- total = doc_ids.length - num_inexistent_docs;
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- if (total === 0) {
- TEquals(true, repResult.no_changes);
- } else {
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.start_time);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.end_time);
- TEquals(total, repResult.docs_read);
- TEquals(total, repResult.docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.doc_write_failures);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < doc_ids.length; k++) {
- id = decodeURIComponent(doc_ids[k]);
- doc =;
- copy =;
- if (id.indexOf("foo_") === 0) {
- TEquals(null, doc);
- TEquals(null, copy);
- } else {
- T(doc !== null);
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- }
- }
- // be absolutely sure that other docs were not replicated
- for (k = 0; k < docs.length; k++) {
- var base_id = docs[k]._id;
- id = encodeURIComponent(base_id);
- doc =;
- if ((doc_ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) || (doc_ids.indexOf(base_id) >= 0)) {
- T(doc !== null);
- } else {
- TEquals(null, doc);
- }
- }
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(total, targetInfo.doc_count);
- // add more docs throught replication by doc IDs
- after_doc_ids = target_doc_ids[j].after;
- after_num_inexistent_docs = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < after_doc_ids.length; k++) {
- id = after_doc_ids[k];
- if (id.indexOf("foo_") === 0) {
- after_num_inexistent_docs += 1;
- }
- }
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- doc_ids: after_doc_ids
- }
- }
- );
- after_total = after_doc_ids.length - after_num_inexistent_docs;
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- if (after_total === 0) {
- TEquals(true, repResult.no_changes);
- } else {
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.start_time);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult.end_time);
- TEquals(after_total, repResult.docs_read);
- TEquals(after_total, repResult.docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.doc_write_failures);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < after_doc_ids.length; k++) {
- id = after_doc_ids[k];
- doc =;
- copy =;
- if (id.indexOf("foo_") === 0) {
- TEquals(null, doc);
- TEquals(null, copy);
- } else {
- T(doc !== null);
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- }
- }
- // be absolutely sure that other docs were not replicated
- for (k = 0; k < docs.length; k++) {
- var base_id = docs[k]._id;
- id = encodeURIComponent(base_id);
- doc =;
- if ((doc_ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) || (after_doc_ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) ||
- (doc_ids.indexOf(base_id) >= 0) ||
- (after_doc_ids.indexOf(base_id) >= 0)) {
- T(doc !== null);
- } else {
- TEquals(null, doc);
- }
- }
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals((total + after_total), targetInfo.doc_count);
- // replicate again the same doc after updated on source (no conflict)
- id = target_doc_ids[j].conflict_id;
- doc =;
- T(doc !== null);
- doc.integer = 666;
- TEquals(true,;
- addAtt(sourceDb, doc, "readme.txt", att1_data, "text/plain");
- addAtt(sourceDb, doc, "data.dat", att2_data, "application/binary");
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- doc_ids: [id]
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(1, repResult.docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.doc_write_failures);
- copy =, {conflicts: true});
- TEquals(666, copy.integer);
- TEquals(0, copy._rev.indexOf("4-"));
- TEquals('undefined', typeof copy._conflicts);
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(3, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att1_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att1_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att1_copy);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["data.dat"]);
- TEquals(4, atts["data.dat"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["data.dat"].content_type.indexOf("application/binary"));
- TEquals(true, atts["data.dat"].stub);
- var att2_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/data.dat"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att2_data.length, att2_copy.length);
- TEquals(att2_data, att2_copy);
- // generate a conflict throught replication by doc IDs
- id = target_doc_ids[j].conflict_id;
- doc =;
- copy =;
- T(doc !== null);
- T(copy !== null);
- doc.integer += 100;
- copy.integer += 1;
- TEquals(true,;
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- doc_ids: [id]
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(1, repResult.docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.doc_write_failures);
- copy =, {conflicts: true});
- TEquals(0, copy._rev.indexOf("5-"));
- TEquals(true, copy._conflicts instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, copy._conflicts.length);
- TEquals(0, copy._conflicts[0].indexOf("5-"));
- }
- }
- docs = makeDocs(1, 25);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/foo",
- language: "javascript",
- filters: {
- myfilter: (function(doc, req) { return true; }).toString()
- }
- });
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- // add some attachments
- for (j = 10; j < 15; j++) {
- addAtt(sourceDb, docs[j], "readme.txt", att1_data, "text/plain");
- }
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult._local_id);
- var rep_id = repResult._local_id;
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id);
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- if (j >= 10 && j < 15) {
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(2, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att_copy);
- }
- }
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- // add attachments to docs in source
- for (j = 10; j < 15; j++) {
- addAtt(sourceDb, docs[j], "data.dat", att2_data, "application/binary");
- }
- var ddoc = docs[docs.length - 1]; // design doc
- addAtt(sourceDb, ddoc, "readme.txt", att1_data, "text/plain");
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id);
- var modifDocs = docs.slice(10, 15).concat([ddoc]);
- for (j = 0; j < modifDocs.length; j++) {
- doc = modifDocs[j];
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(2, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att1_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att1_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att1_copy);
- if (doc._id.indexOf("_design/") === -1) {
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["data.dat"]);
- TEquals(3, atts["data.dat"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["data.dat"].content_type.indexOf("application/binary"));
- TEquals(true, atts["data.dat"].stub);
- var att2_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/data.dat"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att2_data.length, att2_copy.length);
- TEquals(att2_data, att2_copy);
- }
- }
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- // add another attachment to the ddoc on source
- addAtt(sourceDb, ddoc, "data.dat", att2_data, "application/binary");
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id);
- copy =;
- var atts = copy._attachments;
- TEquals('object', typeof atts);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["readme.txt"]);
- TEquals(2, atts["readme.txt"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["readme.txt"].content_type.indexOf("text/plain"));
- TEquals(true, atts["readme.txt"].stub);
- var att1_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/readme.txt"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att1_data.length, att1_copy.length);
- TEquals(att1_data, att1_copy);
- TEquals('object', typeof atts["data.dat"]);
- TEquals(3, atts["data.dat"].revpos);
- TEquals(0, atts["data.dat"].content_type.indexOf("application/binary"));
- TEquals(true, atts["data.dat"].stub);
- var att2_copy = CouchDB.request(
- "GET", "/" + + "/" + copy._id + "/data.dat"
- ).responseText;
- TEquals(att2_data.length, att2_copy.length);
- TEquals(att2_data, att2_copy);
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- // add more docs to source
- var newDocs = makeDocs(25, 35);
- populateSourceDb(newDocs, true);
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id);
- for (j = 0; j < newDocs.length; j++) {
- doc = newDocs[j];
- copy =;
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- }
- sourceInfo =;
- targetInfo =;
- TEquals(sourceInfo.doc_count, targetInfo.doc_count);
- // delete docs from source
- TEquals(true, sourceDb.deleteDoc(newDocs[0]).ok);
- TEquals(true, sourceDb.deleteDoc(newDocs[6]).ok);
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, rep_id);
- copy =[0]._id);
- TEquals(null, copy);
- copy =[6]._id);
- TEquals(null, copy);
- var changes = targetDb.changes({since: targetInfo.update_seq});
- // quite unfortunately, there is no way on relying on ordering in a cluster
- // but we can assume a length of 2
- var line1 = changes.results[changes.results.length - 2];
- var line2 = changes.results[changes.results.length - 1];
- T(newDocs[0]._id == || newDocs[0]._id ==;
- T(newDocs[6]._id == || newDocs[6]._id ==;
- T(line1.deleted && line2.deleted);
- // cancel the replication
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- dbPairsPrefixes[i],
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true,
- cancel: true
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(rep_id, repResult._local_id);
- doc = {
- _id: 'foobar',
- value: 666
- };
- TEquals(true,;
- waitReplicationTaskStop(rep_id);
- copy =;
- TEquals(null, copy);
- }
- // COUCHDB-1093 - filtered and continuous _changes feed dies when the
- // database is compacted
- // no more relevant when clustering, you can't compact (per se at least)
- /*
- docs = makeDocs(1, 10);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/foo",
- language: "javascript",
- filters: {
- myfilter: (function(doc, req) { return true; }).toString()
- }
- });
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +,
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true,
- filter: "foo/myfilter"
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult._local_id);
- TEquals(true, sourceDb.compact().ok);
- while ( {};
- TEquals(true,, 31)[0]).ok);
- var task = getTask(repResult._local_id, 1000);
- T(task != null);
- waitForSeq(sourceDb, targetDb, repResult._local_id);
- T("30") !== null);
- // cancel replication
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +,
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true,
- filter: "foo/myfilter",
- cancel: true
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult._local_id);
- */
- //
- // test replication of compressed attachments
- //
- doc = {
- _id: "foobar"
- };
- var bigTextAtt = makeAttData(128 * 1024);
- var attName = "readme.txt";
- var oldSettings = getCompressionInfo();
- var compressionLevel = oldSettings.level;
- var compressibleTypes = oldSettings.types;
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- populateSourceDb([doc]);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- // enable compression of text types
- enableAttCompression("8", "text/*");
- // add text attachment to foobar doc
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "PUT",
- "/" + + "/" + doc._id + "/" + attName + "?rev=" + doc._rev,
- {
- body: bigTextAtt,
- headers: {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}
- }
- );
- TEquals(201, xhr.status);
- // disable compression and replicate
- disableAttCompression();
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_checked);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].missing_found);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =
- doc._id,
- {att_encoding_info: true, bypass_cache: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)}
- );
- T(copy !== null);
- T(attName in copy._attachments);
- TEquals("gzip", copy._attachments[attName].encoding);
- TEquals("number", typeof copy._attachments[attName].length);
- TEquals("number", typeof copy._attachments[attName].encoded_length);
- T(copy._attachments[attName].encoded_length < copy._attachments[attName].length);
- }
- delete bigTextAtt;
- // restore original settings
- enableAttCompression(compressionLevel, compressibleTypes);
- //
- // test replication triggered by non admins
- //
- // case 1) user triggering the replication is not a DB admin of the target DB
- var joeUserDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({
- name: "joe",
- roles: ["erlanger"]
- }, "erly");
- var defaultUsersDb = new CouchDB("_users", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- try { defaultUsersDb.createDb(); } catch (e) { /* ignore if exists*/ }
- //var usersDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_auth", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- /*var server_config = [
- {
- section: "couch_httpd_auth",
- key: "authentication_db",
- value:
- }
- ];*/
- docs = makeDocs(1, 6);
- docs.push({
- _id: "_design/foo",
- language: "javascript"
- });
- dbPairsPrefixes = [
- {
- source: "",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: "",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + "joe:erly@" + host + "/"
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + "joe:erly@" + host + "/"
- }
- ];
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- //usersDb.deleteDb();
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- TEquals(true, targetDb.setSecObj({
- admins: {
- names: ["superman"],
- roles: ["god"]
- }
- }).ok);
- // do NOT run on modified server b/c we use the default DB
- //run_on_modified_server(server_config, function() {
- delete joeUserDoc._rev;
- var prevJoeUserDoc =;
- if (prevJoeUserDoc) {
- joeUserDoc._rev = prevJoeUserDoc._rev;
- }
- if(i == 0) {
- TEquals(true,;
- wait(5000);
- }
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("joe", "erly").ok);
- TEquals('joe', CouchDB.session();
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.logout().ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(docs.length, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals((docs.length - 1), repResult.history[0].docs_written); // 1 ddoc
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- //});
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- if (doc._id.indexOf("_design/") === 0) {
- TEquals(null, copy);
- } else {
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals(true, compareObjects(doc, copy));
- }
- }
- }
- // case 2) user triggering the replication is not a reader (nor admin) of the source DB
- dbPairsPrefixes = [
- {
- source: "",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + "joe:erly@" + host + "/",
- target: ""
- },
- {
- source: "",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/"
- },
- {
- source: CouchDB.protocol + "joe:erly@" + host + "/",
- target: CouchDB.protocol + host + "/"
- }
- ];
- for (i = 0; i < dbPairsPrefixes.length; i++) {
- //usersDb.deleteDb();
- populateSourceDb(docs);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- TEquals(true, sourceDb.setSecObj({
- admins: {
- names: ["superman"],
- roles: ["god"]
- },
- readers: {
- names: ["john"],
- roles: ["secret"]
- }
- }).ok);
- // check that we start OK (plus give time for sec object apply 2 avoid Heisenbugs)
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- TEquals(null, copy);
- }
- // do NOT run on modified server b/c we use the default DB
- //run_on_modified_server(server_config, function() {
- delete joeUserDoc._rev;
- var prevJoeUserDoc =;
- if (prevJoeUserDoc) {
- joeUserDoc._rev = prevJoeUserDoc._rev;
- }
- if(i == 0) {
- TEquals(true,;
- wait(5000);
- }
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("joe", "erly").ok);
- TEquals('joe', CouchDB.session();
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate(dbPairsPrefixes[i], dbPairsPrefixes[i];
- T(false, "should have raised an exception");
- } catch (x) {
- // TODO: small thing: DB exists but is no more found - at least we have an exception, so it's rather minor
- //TEquals("unauthorized", x.error);
- T(!!x);
- }
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.logout().ok);
- //});
- for (j = 0; j < docs.length; j++) {
- doc = docs[j];
- copy =;
- TEquals(null, copy);
- }
- }
- // COUCHDB-885 - push replication of a doc with attachment causes a
- // conflict in the target.
- populateSourceDb([]);
- populateTargetDb([]);
- doc = {
- _id: "doc1"
- };
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- doc["_attachments"] = {
- "hello.txt": {
- "content_type": "text/plain",
- "data": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" // base64:encode("hello world")
- },
- "foo.dat": {
- "content_type": "not/compressible",
- "data": "aSBhbSBub3QgZ3ppcGVk" // base64:encode("i am not gziped")
- }
- };
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals(true, repResult.history instanceof Array);
- TEquals(2, repResult.history.length);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_written);
- TEquals(1, repResult.history[0].docs_read);
- TEquals(0, repResult.history[0].doc_write_failures);
- copy =, {
- conflicts: true, deleted_conflicts: true,
- attachments: true, att_encoding_info: true});
- T(copy !== null);
- TEquals("undefined", typeof copy._conflicts);
- TEquals("undefined", typeof copy._deleted_conflicts);
- TEquals("text/plain", copy._attachments["hello.txt"]["content_type"]);
- TEquals("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=", copy._attachments["hello.txt"]["data"]);
- TEquals("gzip", copy._attachments["hello.txt"]["encoding"]);
- TEquals("not/compressible", copy._attachments["foo.dat"]["content_type"]);
- TEquals("aSBhbSBub3QgZ3ppcGVk", copy._attachments["foo.dat"]["data"]);
- TEquals("undefined", typeof copy._attachments["foo.dat"]["encoding"]);
- // end of test for COUCHDB-885
- // Test for COUCHDB-1242 (reject non-string query_params)
- // TODO: non-String params crash CouchDB alltogether
- /*
- try {
- CouchDB.replicate(sourceDb, targetDb, {
- body: {
- filter : "mydesign/myfilter",
- query_params : {
- "maxvalue": 4
- }
- }
- });
- } catch (e) {
- TEquals("bad_request", e.error);
- }
- */
- // Test that we can cancel a replication just by POSTing an object
- // like {"replication_id": Id, "cancel": true}. The replication ID
- // can be obtained from a continuous replication request response
- // (_local_id field), from _active_tasks or from the log
- populateSourceDb(makeDocs(1, 6));
- populateTargetDb([]);
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +,
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true,
- create_target: true
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult._local_id);
- var repId = repResult._local_id;
- var task = getTask(repId, 3000);
- T(task != null);
- TEquals(task["replication_id"], repId, "Replication found in _active_tasks");
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "POST", "/_replicate", {
- body: JSON.stringify({"replication_id": repId, "cancel": true}),
- headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- });
- TEquals(200, xhr.status, "Replication cancel request success");
- waitReplicationTaskStop(repId);
- task = getTask(repId);
- TEquals(null, task, "Replication was canceled");
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "POST", "/_replicate", {
- body: JSON.stringify({"replication_id": repId, "cancel": true}),
- headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- });
- TEquals(404, xhr.status, "2nd replication cancel failed");
- // Non-admin user can not cancel replications triggered by other users
- var userDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({
- name: "tony",
- roles: ["mafia"]
- }, "soprano");
- // again, due doe _security not there, we use the default users DB
- defaultUsersDb = new CouchDB("_users", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- //usersDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_auth", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
- // (and leave the server alone)
- /*server_config = [
- {
- section: "couch_httpd_auth",
- key: "authentication_db",
- value:
- }
- ];*/
- //run_on_modified_server(server_config, function() {
- populateSourceDb(makeDocs(1, 6));
- populateTargetDb([]);
- var prevUserDoc =;
- if(prevUserDoc) {
- userDoc._rev = prevUserDoc._rev;
- }
- TEquals(true,;
- repResult = CouchDB.replicate(
- CouchDB.protocol + host + "/" +,
- {
- body: {
- continuous: true
- }
- }
- );
- TEquals(true, repResult.ok);
- TEquals('string', typeof repResult._local_id);
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("tony", "soprano").ok);
- TEquals('tony', CouchDB.session();
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "POST", "/_replicate", {
- body: JSON.stringify({"replication_id": repResult._local_id, "cancel": true}),
- headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- });
- TEquals(401, xhr.status, "Unauthorized to cancel replication");
- TEquals("unauthorized", JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).error);
- TEquals(true, CouchDB.logout().ok);
- xhr = CouchDB.request(
- "POST", "/_replicate", {
- body: JSON.stringify({"replication_id": repResult._local_id, "cancel": true}),
- headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- });
- TEquals(200, xhr.status, "Authorized to cancel replication");
- //});
- // cleanup
- //usersDb.deleteDb();
- sourceDb.deleteDb();
- targetDb.deleteDb();
- // (not sure what this is - cleanup after 'file not found tests' poss. - not harmful anyway)
- (new CouchDB("test_suite_db")).deleteDb();