path: root/src/chttpd/test/eunit/chttpd_purge_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/chttpd/test/eunit/chttpd_purge_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chttpd/test/eunit/chttpd_purge_tests.erl b/src/chttpd/test/eunit/chttpd_purge_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbd73de1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chttpd/test/eunit/chttpd_purge_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(USER, "chttpd_db_test_admin").
+-define(PASS, "pass").
+-define(AUTH, {basic_auth, {?USER, ?PASS}}).
+-define(CONTENT_JSON, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}).
+setup() ->
+ ok = config:set("admins", ?USER, ?PASS, _Persist=false),
+ TmpDb = ?tempdb(),
+ Addr = config:get("chttpd", "bind_address", ""),
+ Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(chttpd, port),
+ Url = lists:concat(["http://", Addr, ":", Port, "/", ?b2l(TmpDb)]),
+ create_db(Url),
+ Url.
+teardown(Url) ->
+ delete_db(Url),
+ ok = config:delete("admins", ?USER, _Persist=false).
+create_db(Url) ->
+ {ok, Status, _, _} = test_request:put(Url, [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "{}"),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202).
+create_doc(Url, Id) ->
+ test_request:put(Url ++ "/" ++ Id,
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "{\"mr\": \"rockoartischocko\"}").
+create_doc(Url, Id, Content) ->
+ test_request:put(Url ++ "/" ++ Id,
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "{\"mr\": \"" ++ Content ++ "\"}").
+create_docs(Url, Docs) ->
+ test_request:post(Url ++ "/_bulk_docs",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], ?JSON_ENCODE({[{docs, Docs}]})).
+delete_db(Url) ->
+ {ok, 200, _, _} = test_request:delete(Url, [?AUTH]).
+purge_test_() ->
+ {
+ "chttpd db tests",
+ {
+ setup,
+ fun chttpd_test_util:start_couch/0,
+ fun chttpd_test_util:stop_couch/1,
+ {
+ foreach,
+ fun setup/0,
+ fun teardown/1,
+ [
+ fun test_empty_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_ok_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_ok_purge_request_with_101_docid/1,
+ fun test_accepted_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_partial_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_mixed_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_overmany_ids_or_revs_purge_request/1,
+ fun test_exceed_limits_on_purge_infos/1,
+ fun should_error_set_purged_docs_limit_to0/1,
+ fun test_timeout_set_purged_infos_limit/1
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }.
+test_empty_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ IdsRevs = "{}",
+ {ok, Status, _, ResultBody} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>,{[]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ )
+ end).
+test_ok_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ {ok, _, _, Body2} = create_doc(Url, "doc2"),
+ {Json2} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body2),
+ Rev2 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json2, undefined),
+ {ok, _, _, Body3} = create_doc(Url, "doc3"),
+ {Json3} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body3),
+ Rev3 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json3, undefined),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]},
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev2]},
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]}
+ ]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ {ok, Status, _, ResultBody} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>, {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]},
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev2]},
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]}
+ ]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ )
+ end).
+test_ok_purge_request_with_101_docid(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ PurgedDocsNum = 101,
+ Docs = lists:foldl(fun(I, Acc) ->
+ Id = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(I)),
+ Doc = {[{<<"_id">>, Id}, {value, I}]},
+ [Doc | Acc]
+ end, [], lists:seq(1, PurgedDocsNum)),
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_docs(Url, Docs),
+ BodyJson = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ PurgeBody = lists:map(fun({DocResp}) ->
+ Id = couch_util:get_value(<<"id">>, DocResp, undefined),
+ Rev = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, DocResp, undefined),
+ {Id, [Rev]}
+ end, BodyJson),
+ ok = config:set("purge", "max_document_id_number", "101"),
+ try
+ {ok, Status, _, _} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202)
+ after
+ ok = config:delete("purge", "max_document_id_number")
+ end
+ end).
+test_accepted_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}
+ ]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ meck:new(fabric, [passthrough]),
+ meck:expect(fabric, purge_docs,
+ fun(_, _, _) -> {accepted,[{accepted,[{1,
+ <<57,27,64,134,152,18,73,243,40,1,141,214,135,104,79,188>>}]}]}
+ end
+ ),
+ {ok, Status, _, ResultBody} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ meck:unload(fabric),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>, {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}
+ ]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ )
+ end).
+test_partial_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ NewDoc = "{\"new_edits\": false, \"docs\": [{\"_id\": \"doc1\",
+ \"_revisions\": {\"start\": 1, \"ids\": [\"12345\", \"67890\"]},
+ \"content\": \"updated\", \"_rev\": \"" ++ ?b2l(Rev1) ++ "\"}]}",
+ {ok, _, _, _} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_bulk_docs/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], NewDoc),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[{<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ {ok, Status, _, ResultBody} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>, {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}
+ ]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ ),
+ {ok, Status2, _, ResultBody2} = test_request:get(Url
+ ++ "/doc1/", [?AUTH]),
+ {Json2} = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody2),
+ Content = couch_util:get_value(<<"content">>, Json2, undefined),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"updated">>, Content),
+ ?assert(Status2 =:= 200)
+ end).
+test_mixed_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ NewDoc = "{\"new_edits\": false, \"docs\": [{\"_id\": \"doc1\",
+ \"_revisions\": {\"start\": 1, \"ids\": [\"12345\", \"67890\"]},
+ \"content\": \"updated\", \"_rev\": \"" ++ ?b2l(Rev1) ++ "\"}]}",
+ {ok, _, _, _} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_bulk_docs/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], NewDoc),
+ {ok, _, _, _Body2} = create_doc(Url, "doc2", "content2"),
+ {ok, _, _, Body3} = create_doc(Url, "doc3", "content3"),
+ {Json3} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body3),
+ Rev3 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json3, undefined),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}, % partial purge
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev3, Rev1]}, % correct format, but invalid rev
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]} % correct format and rev
+ ]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ {ok, Status, _, Body4} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(Body4),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 201 orelse Status =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>, {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]},
+ {<<"doc2">>, []},
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]}
+ ]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ ),
+ {ok, Status2, _, Body5} = test_request:get(Url
+ ++ "/doc1/", [?AUTH]),
+ {Json5} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body5),
+ Content = couch_util:get_value(<<"content">>, Json5, undefined),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"updated">>, Content),
+ ?assert(Status2 =:= 200)
+ end).
+test_overmany_ids_or_revs_purge_request(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ NewDoc = "{\"new_edits\": false, \"docs\": [{\"_id\": \"doc1\",
+ \"_revisions\": {\"start\": 1, \"ids\": [\"12345\", \"67890\"]},
+ \"content\": \"updated\", \"_rev\": \"" ++ ?b2l(Rev1) ++ "\"}]}",
+ {ok, _, _, _} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_bulk_docs/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], NewDoc),
+ {ok, _, _, _Body2} = create_doc(Url, "doc2", "content2"),
+ {ok, _, _, Body3} = create_doc(Url, "doc3", "content3"),
+ {Json3} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body3),
+ Rev3 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json3, undefined),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]}, % partial purge
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev3, Rev1]}, % correct format, but invalid rev
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]} % correct format and rev
+ ]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ % Ids larger than expected
+ config:set("purge", "max_document_id_number", "1"),
+ {ok, Status, _, Body4} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ config:delete("purge", "max_document_id_number"),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(Body4),
+ ?assertEqual(400, Status),
+ ?assertMatch({[
+ {<<"error">>,<<"bad_request">>},
+ {<<"reason">>,<<"Exceeded maximum number of documents.">>}]},
+ ResultJson),
+ % Revs larger than expected
+ config:set("purge", "max_revisions_number", "1"),
+ {ok, Status2, _, Body5} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ config:delete("purge", "max_revisions_number"),
+ ResultJson2 = ?JSON_DECODE(Body5),
+ ?assertEqual(400, Status2),
+ ?assertMatch({[
+ {<<"error">>,<<"bad_request">>},
+ {<<"reason">>,<<"Exceeded maximum number of revisions.">>}]},
+ ResultJson2)
+ end).
+test_exceed_limits_on_purge_infos(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, Status1, _, _} = test_request:put(Url ++ "/_purged_infos_limit/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "2"),
+ ?assert(Status1 =:= 200),
+ {ok, _, _, Body} = create_doc(Url, "doc1"),
+ {Json} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body),
+ Rev1 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json, undefined),
+ {ok, _, _, Body2} = create_doc(Url, "doc2"),
+ {Json2} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body2),
+ Rev2 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json2, undefined),
+ {ok, _, _, Body3} = create_doc(Url, "doc3"),
+ {Json3} = ?JSON_DECODE(Body3),
+ Rev3 = couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, Json3, undefined),
+ IdsRevsEJson = {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]},
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev2]},
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]}
+ ]},
+ IdsRevs = binary_to_list(?JSON_ENCODE(IdsRevsEJson)),
+ {ok, Status2, _, ResultBody} = test_request:post(Url ++ "/_purge/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], IdsRevs),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ ?assert(Status2 =:= 201 orelse Status2 =:= 202),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {[
+ {<<"purge_seq">>, null},
+ {<<"purged">>, {[
+ {<<"doc1">>, [Rev1]},
+ {<<"doc2">>, [Rev2]},
+ {<<"doc3">>, [Rev3]}
+ ]}}
+ ]},
+ ResultJson
+ )
+ end).
+should_error_set_purged_docs_limit_to0(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ {ok, Status, _, _} = test_request:put(Url ++ "/_purged_infos_limit/",
+ [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "0"),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 400)
+ end).
+test_timeout_set_purged_infos_limit(Url) ->
+ ?_test(begin
+ meck:new(fabric, [passthrough]),
+ meck:expect(fabric, set_purge_infos_limit, fun(_, _, _) ->
+ {error, timeout} end),
+ {ok, Status, _, ResultBody} = test_request:put(Url
+ ++ "/_purged_infos_limit/", [?CONTENT_JSON, ?AUTH], "2"),
+ meck:unload(fabric),
+ ResultJson = ?JSON_DECODE(ResultBody),
+ ?assert(Status =:= 500),
+ ?assertMatch({[
+ {<<"error">>,<<"error">>},
+ {<<"reason">>,<<"timeout">>}]},
+ ResultJson)
+ end).