path: root/src/couch/test/couchdb_os_daemons_tests.erl
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diff --git a/src/couch/test/couchdb_os_daemons_tests.erl b/src/couch/test/couchdb_os_daemons_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1728314bb..000000000
--- a/src/couch/test/couchdb_os_daemons_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-%% tests are UNIX-specific, will not function under Windows
--define(NOTEST, 1).
-%% keep in sync with couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl
--record(daemon, {
- port,
- name,
- cmd,
- kill,
- status=running,
- cfg_patterns=[],
- errors=[],
- buf=[]
--define(DAEMON_CONFIGER, "os_daemon_configer.escript").
--define(DAEMON_LOOPER, "os_daemon_looper.escript").
--define(DAEMON_BAD_PERM, "").
--define(DAEMON_CAN_REBOOT, "").
--define(DAEMON_DIE_ON_BOOT, "").
--define(DAEMON_DIE_QUICKLY, "").
--define(TRIES, 40).
--define(TRY_DELAY_MS, 100).
--define(TIMEOUT, 10000).
--define(CONFIG_TIMEOUT, 1000).
-setup(DName) ->
- Ctx = test_util:start(?MODULE, [couch_log], [{dont_mock, [config]}]),
- {ok, OsDPid} = couch_os_daemons:start_link(),
- config:set("os_daemons", DName,
- filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, DName]), false),
- % Set configuration option to be used by configuration_reader_test_
- % This will be used in os_daemon_configer.escript:test_get_cfg2
- config:set("uuids", "algorithm","sequential", false),
- config:set("os_daemon_settings", "max_retries", "2", false),
- ensure_n_daemons_are_alive(1),
- {Ctx, OsDPid}.
-teardown(_, {Ctx, OsDPid}) ->
- try
- test_util:stop_sync_throw(OsDPid, fun() ->
- exit(OsDPid, shutdown)
- end, {timeout, os_daemon_stop}, ?TIMEOUT)
- catch
- {timeout, os_daemon_stop} ->
- Msg = "~nWARNING: OS daemons test stop ~p msec timeout exceeded~n",
- io:format(standard_error, Msg, [?TIMEOUT]),
- exit(OsDPid, kill)
- end,
- test_util:stop(Ctx).
-os_daemons_test_() ->
- {
- "OS Daemons tests",
- {
- foreachx,
- fun setup/1, fun teardown/2,
- [{?DAEMON_LOOPER, Fun} || Fun <- [
- fun should_check_daemon/2,
- fun should_check_daemon_table_form/2,
- fun should_clean_tables_on_daemon_remove/2,
- fun should_spawn_multiple_daemons/2,
- fun should_keep_alive_one_daemon_on_killing_other/2
- ]]
- }
- }.
-configuration_reader_test_() ->
- {
- "OS Daemon requests CouchDB configuration",
- {
- foreachx,
- fun setup/1, fun teardown/2,
- fun should_read_write_config_settings_by_daemon/2}]
- }
- }.
-error_test_() ->
- {
- "OS Daemon process error tests",
- {
- foreachx,
- fun setup/1, fun teardown/2,
- [{?DAEMON_BAD_PERM, fun should_fail_due_to_lack_of_permissions/2},
- {?DAEMON_DIE_ON_BOOT, fun should_die_on_boot/2},
- {?DAEMON_DIE_QUICKLY, fun should_die_quickly/2},
- {?DAEMON_CAN_REBOOT, fun should_not_being_halted/2}]
- }
- }.
-should_check_daemon(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- {ok, [D]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_daemon(D, DName)
- end).
-should_check_daemon_table_form(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- {ok, Tab} = couch_os_daemons:info(),
- [D] = ets:tab2list(Tab),
- check_daemon(D, DName)
- end).
-should_clean_tables_on_daemon_remove(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- config:delete("os_daemons", DName, false),
- {ok, Tab2} = couch_os_daemons:info(),
- ?_assertEqual([], ets:tab2list(Tab2))
- end).
-should_spawn_multiple_daemons(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- config:set("os_daemons", "bar",
- filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, DName]), false),
- config:set("os_daemons", "baz",
- filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, DName]), false),
- ensure_n_daemons_are_alive(3), % DName, "bar" and "baz"
- {ok, Daemons} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- lists:foreach(fun(D) ->
- check_daemon(D)
- end, Daemons),
- {ok, Tab} = couch_os_daemons:info(),
- lists:foreach(fun(D) ->
- check_daemon(D)
- end, ets:tab2list(Tab))
- end).
-should_keep_alive_one_daemon_on_killing_other(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- config:set("os_daemons", "bar",
- filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, DName]), false),
- ensure_n_daemons_are_alive(2), % DName and "bar"
- {ok, Daemons} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- lists:foreach(fun(D) ->
- check_daemon(D)
- end, Daemons),
- config:delete("os_daemons", "bar", false),
- ensure_n_daemons_are_alive(1), % Dname only, "bar" should be dead
- {ok, [D2]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_daemon(D2, DName),
- {ok, Tab} = couch_os_daemons:info(),
- [T] = ets:tab2list(Tab),
- check_daemon(T, DName)
- end).
-should_read_write_config_settings_by_daemon(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- % have to wait till daemon run all his tests
- % see daemon's script for more info
- timer:sleep(?CONFIG_TIMEOUT),
- {ok, [D]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_daemon(D, DName)
- end).
-should_fail_due_to_lack_of_permissions(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(should_halts(DName, 1000)).
-should_die_on_boot(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(should_halts(DName, 2000)).
-should_die_quickly(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(should_halts(DName, 4000)).
-should_not_being_halted(DName, _) ->
- ?_test(begin
- timer:sleep(1000),
- {ok, [D1]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_daemon(D1, DName, 0),
- % Should reboot every two seconds. We're at 1s, so wait
- % until 3s to be in the middle of the next invocation's
- % life span.
- timer:sleep(2000),
- {ok, [D2]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_daemon(D2, DName, 1),
- % If the kill command changed, that means we rebooted the process.
- ?assertNotEqual(D1#daemon.kill, D2#daemon.kill)
- end).
-should_halts(DName, Time) ->
- timer:sleep(Time),
- {ok, [D]} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- check_dead(D, DName),
- config:delete("os_daemons", DName, false).
-check_daemon(D) ->
- check_daemon(D,
-check_daemon(D, Name) ->
- check_daemon(D, Name, 0).
-check_daemon(D, Name, Errs) ->
- ?assert(is_port(D#daemon.port)),
- ?assertEqual(Name,,
- ?assertNotEqual(undefined, D#daemon.kill),
- ?assertEqual(running, D#daemon.status),
- ?assertEqual(Errs, length(D#daemon.errors)),
- ?assertEqual([], D#daemon.buf).
-check_dead(D, Name) ->
- ?assert(is_port(D#daemon.port)),
- ?assertEqual(Name,,
- ?assertNotEqual(undefined, D#daemon.kill),
- ?assertEqual(halted, D#daemon.status),
- ?assertEqual(nil, D#daemon.errors),
- ?assertEqual(nil, D#daemon.buf).
-daemons() ->
- {ok, Daemons} = couch_os_daemons:info([table]),
- Daemons.
-ensure_n_daemons_are_alive(NumDaemons) ->
- retry(fun() -> length(daemons()) == NumDaemons end, "spawning"),
- retry(fun() ->
- lists:all(fun(D) -> D#daemon.kill =/= undefined end, daemons())
- end, "waiting for kill flag").
-retry(Pred, FailReason) ->
- retry(Pred, ?TRIES, FailReason).
-retry(_Pred, 0, FailReason) ->
- erlang:error({assertion_failed,[{module, ?MODULE}, {line, ?LINE},
- {reason, "Timed out: " ++ FailReason}]});
-retry(Pred, N, FailReason) ->
- case Pred() of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- timer:sleep(?TRY_DELAY_MS),
- retry(Pred, N - 1, FailReason)
- end.