path: root/src/ddoc_cache/test/eunit/ddoc_cache_remove_test.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ddoc_cache/test/eunit/ddoc_cache_remove_test.erl')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ddoc_cache/test/eunit/ddoc_cache_remove_test.erl b/src/ddoc_cache/test/eunit/ddoc_cache_remove_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e40518529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ddoc_cache/test/eunit/ddoc_cache_remove_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+ recover/1
+recover(DbName) ->
+ {ok, #doc{body = {Body}}} = fabric:open_doc(DbName, ?CUSTOM, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"status">>, Body) of
+ <<"ok">> ->
+ {ok, yay};
+ <<"not_ok">> ->
+ {ruh, roh};
+ <<"error">> ->
+ erlang:error(thpppt)
+ end.
+start_couch() ->
+ Ctx = ddoc_cache_tutil:start_couch(),
+ meck:new(ddoc_cache_ev, [passthrough]),
+ Ctx.
+stop_couch(Ctx) ->
+ meck:unload(),
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:stop_couch(Ctx).
+check_refresh_test_() ->
+ {
+ setup,
+ fun start_couch/0,
+ fun stop_couch/1,
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:with([
+ {"remove_ddoc", fun remove_ddoc/1},
+ {"remove_ddoc_rev", fun remove_ddoc_rev/1},
+ {"remove_ddoc_rev_only", fun remove_ddoc_rev_only/1},
+ {"remove_custom_not_ok", fun remove_custom_not_ok/1},
+ {"remove_custom_error", fun remove_custom_error/1}
+ ])
+ }.
+remove_ddoc({DbName, _}) ->
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:clear(),
+ meck:reset(ddoc_cache_ev),
+ ?assertEqual(0, ets:info(?CACHE, size)),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?FOOBAR),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [started, '_'], 1000),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [default_started, '_'], 1000),
+ [#entry{val = DDoc}, #entry{val = DDoc}] = ets:tab2list(?CACHE),
+ {Depth, [RevId | _]} = DDoc#doc.revs,
+ NewDDoc = DDoc#doc{
+ deleted = true,
+ body = {[]}
+ },
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ DDocIdKey = {ddoc_cache_entry_ddocid, {DbName, ?FOOBAR}},
+ Rev = {Depth, RevId},
+ DDocIdRevKey = {ddoc_cache_entry_ddocid_rev, {DbName, ?FOOBAR, Rev}},
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [removed, DDocIdKey], 1000),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [update_noop, DDocIdRevKey], 1000),
+ ?assertMatch({not_found, deleted}, ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?FOOBAR)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?CACHE, size)).
+remove_ddoc_rev({DbName, _}) ->
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:clear(),
+ meck:reset(ddoc_cache_ev),
+ Rev = ddoc_cache_tutil:get_rev(DbName, ?VDU),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU, Rev),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [started, '_'], 1000),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [default_started, '_'], 1000),
+ % Notice the sort so that we know we're getting the
+ % revid version second.
+ [_, #entry{key = Key, val = DDoc, pid = Pid}]
+ = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(?CACHE)),
+ NewDDoc = DDoc#doc{
+ body = {[{<<"an">>, <<"update">>}]}
+ },
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [update_noop, Key], 1000),
+ % Compact the database so that the old rev is removed
+ lists:foreach(fun(Shard) ->
+ do_compact(
+ end, mem3:local_shards(DbName)),
+ % Trigger a refresh rather than wait for the timeout
+ ddoc_cache_entry:refresh(Pid),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [removed, Key], 1000),
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {{not_found, missing}, _},
+ ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU, Rev)
+ ),
+ ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?CACHE, size)).
+remove_ddoc_rev_only({DbName, _}) ->
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:clear(),
+ meck:reset(ddoc_cache_ev),
+ Rev = ddoc_cache_tutil:get_rev(DbName, ?VDU),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU, Rev),
+ % Relying on the sort order of keys to keep
+ % these lined up for testing
+ [
+ #entry{key = NoRevKey, val = DDoc, pid = NoRevPid},
+ #entry{key = RevKey, val = DDoc, pid = RevPid}
+ ] = lists:sort(ets:tab2list(?CACHE)),
+ NewDDoc = DDoc#doc{
+ body = {[{<<"new">>, <<"awesomeness">>}]}
+ },
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [updated, '_'], 1000),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [update_noop, RevKey], 1000),
+ % Compact the database so that the old rev is removed
+ lists:foreach(fun(Shard) ->
+ do_compact(
+ end, mem3:local_shards(DbName)),
+ % Trigger a refresh rather than wait for the timeout
+ ddoc_cache_entry:refresh(NoRevPid),
+ ddoc_cache_entry:refresh(RevPid),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [update_noop, NoRevKey], 1000),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [removed, RevKey], 1000),
+ ?assertMatch({ok, _}, ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU)),
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {{not_found, missing}, _},
+ ddoc_cache:open_doc(DbName, ?VDU, Rev)
+ ),
+ ?assertEqual(1, ets:info(?CACHE, size)).
+remove_custom_not_ok({DbName, _}) ->
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:clear(),
+ meck:reset(ddoc_cache_ev),
+ init_custom_ddoc(DbName),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_custom(DbName, ?MODULE),
+ [#entry{key = Key}] = ets:tab2list(?CACHE),
+ {ok, DDoc} = fabric:open_doc(DbName, ?CUSTOM, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ NewDDoc = DDoc#doc{
+ body = {[{<<"status">>, <<"not_ok">>}]}
+ },
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [removed, Key], 1000),
+ ?assertEqual({ruh, roh}, ddoc_cache:open_custom(DbName, ?MODULE)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, ets:info(?CACHE, size)).
+remove_custom_error({DbName, _}) ->
+ ddoc_cache_tutil:clear(),
+ meck:reset(ddoc_cache_ev),
+ init_custom_ddoc(DbName),
+ {ok, _} = ddoc_cache:open_custom(DbName, ?MODULE),
+ [#entry{key = Key}] = ets:tab2list(?CACHE),
+ {ok, DDoc} = fabric:open_doc(DbName, ?CUSTOM, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ NewDDoc = DDoc#doc{
+ body = {[{<<"status">>, <<"error">>}]}
+ },
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ meck:wait(ddoc_cache_ev, event, [removed, Key], 1000),
+ ?assertError(thpppt, ddoc_cache:open_custom(DbName, ?MODULE)),
+ ?assertEqual(0, ets:info(?CACHE, size)).
+init_custom_ddoc(DbName) ->
+ Body = {[{<<"status">>, <<"ok">>}]},
+ {ok, Doc} = fabric:open_doc(DbName, ?CUSTOM, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
+ NewDoc = Doc#doc{body = Body},
+ {ok, _} = fabric:update_doc(DbName, NewDoc, [?ADMIN_CTX]).
+do_compact(ShardName) ->
+ {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(ShardName, []),
+ try
+ {ok, Pid} = couch_db:start_compact(Db),
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} ->
+ ok
+ end
+ after
+ couch_db:close(Db)
+ end,
+ wait_for_compaction(ShardName).
+wait_for_compaction(ShardName) ->
+ {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(ShardName, []),
+ CompactRunning = try
+ {ok, Info} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db),
+ couch_util:get_value(compact_running, Info)
+ after
+ couch_db:close(Db)
+ end,
+ if not CompactRunning -> ok; true ->
+ timer:sleep(100),
+ wait_for_compaction(ShardName)
+ end. \ No newline at end of file