path: root/src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl b/src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl
index d3d200517..8e04ab4b8 100644
--- a/src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl
+++ b/src/mango/src/mango_native_proc.erl
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>]}, _From, St) ->
{reply, true, St#st{indexes = []}};
handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>, _QueryConfig]}, _From, St) ->
{reply, true, St#st{indexes = []}};
-handle_call({prompt, [<<"add_fun">>, IndexInfo]}, _From, St) ->
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"add_fun">>, IndexInfo | _IgnoreRest]}, _From, St) ->
Indexes =
case validate_index_info(IndexInfo) of
true ->
@@ -88,6 +88,15 @@ handle_call({prompt, [<<"index_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
{reply, Vals, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"nouveau_index_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
+ Vals =
+ case nouveau_index_doc(St, mango_json:to_binary(Doc)) of
+ [] ->
+ [[]];
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end,
+ {reply, Vals, St};
handle_call(Msg, _From, St) ->
{stop, {invalid_call, Msg}, {invalid_call, Msg}, St}.
@@ -111,6 +120,9 @@ map_doc(#st{indexes = Indexes}, Doc) ->
index_doc(#st{indexes = Indexes}, Doc) ->
lists:map(fun(Idx) -> get_text_entries(Idx, Doc) end, Indexes).
+nouveau_index_doc(#st{indexes = Indexes}, Doc) ->
+ lists:map(fun(Idx) -> get_nouveau_entries(Idx, Doc) end, Indexes).
get_index_entries({IdxProps}, Doc) ->
{Fields} = couch_util:get_value(<<"fields">>, IdxProps),
Selector = get_index_partial_filter_selector(IdxProps),
@@ -146,6 +158,15 @@ get_text_entries({IdxProps}, Doc) ->
+get_nouveau_entries({IdxProps}, Doc) ->
+ Selector = get_index_partial_filter_selector(IdxProps),
+ case should_index(Selector, Doc) of
+ true ->
+ get_nouveau_entries0(IdxProps, Doc);
+ false ->
+ []
+ end.
get_index_partial_filter_selector(IdxProps) ->
case couch_util:get_value(<<"partial_filter_selector">>, IdxProps, {[]}) of
{[]} ->
@@ -307,14 +328,78 @@ make_text_field_name([P | Rest], Type) ->
Escaped = [mango_util:lucene_escape_field(N) || N <- Parts],
iolist_to_binary(mango_util:join(".", Escaped)).
+get_nouveau_entries0(IdxProps, Doc) ->
+ DefaultEnabled = get_default_enabled(IdxProps),
+ IndexArrayLengths = get_index_array_lengths(IdxProps),
+ FieldsList = get_text_field_list(IdxProps),
+ TAcc = #tacc{
+ index_array_lengths = IndexArrayLengths,
+ fields = FieldsList
+ },
+ Fields0 = get_text_field_values(Doc, TAcc),
+ Fields =
+ if
+ not DefaultEnabled -> Fields0;
+ true -> add_default_text_field(Fields0)
+ end,
+ FieldNames0 = get_field_names(Fields),
+ FieldNames1 = lists:map(fun convert_to_nouveau_string_field/1, FieldNames0),
+ Converted = convert_nouveau_fields(Fields),
+ FieldNames1 ++ Converted.
+convert_to_nouveau_string_field([Name, Value, []]) when is_binary(Name), is_binary(Value) ->
+ {[
+ {<<"@type">>, <<"string">>},
+ {<<"name">>, Name},
+ {<<"value">>, Value}
+ ]}.
+convert_nouveau_fields([]) ->
+ [];
+convert_nouveau_fields([{Name, <<"string">>, Value} | Rest]) ->
+ Field =
+ {[
+ {<<"@type">>, <<"text">>},
+ {<<"name">>, Name},
+ {<<"value">>, Value}
+ ]},
+ [Field | convert_nouveau_fields(Rest)];
+convert_nouveau_fields([{Name, <<"number">>, Value} | Rest]) ->
+ Field =
+ {[
+ {<<"@type">>, <<"double">>},
+ {<<"name">>, Name},
+ {<<"value">>, Value}
+ ]},
+ [Field | convert_nouveau_fields(Rest)];
+convert_nouveau_fields([{Name, <<"boolean">>, true} | Rest]) ->
+ Field =
+ {[
+ {<<"@type">>, <<"string">>},
+ {<<"name">>, Name},
+ {<<"value">>, <<"true">>}
+ ]},
+ [Field | convert_nouveau_fields(Rest)];
+convert_nouveau_fields([{Name, <<"boolean">>, false} | Rest]) ->
+ Field =
+ {[
+ {<<"@type">>, <<"string">>},
+ {<<"name">>, Name},
+ {<<"value">>, <<"false">>}
+ ]},
+ [Field | convert_nouveau_fields(Rest)].
validate_index_info(IndexInfo) ->
IdxTypes =
case dreyfus:available() of
- true ->
- [mango_idx_view, mango_idx_text];
- false ->
- [mango_idx_view]
- end,
+ true -> [mango_idx_text];
+ false -> []
+ end ++
+ case nouveau:enabled() of
+ true -> [mango_idx_nouveau];
+ false -> []
+ end ++
+ [mango_idx_view],
Results = lists:foldl(
fun(IdxType, Results0) ->