path: root/src/nouveau/src/nouveau_fabric_search.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/nouveau/src/nouveau_fabric_search.erl')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/nouveau/src/nouveau_fabric_search.erl b/src/nouveau/src/nouveau_fabric_search.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e528cc93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nouveau/src/nouveau_fabric_search.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+-record(state, {
+ limit,
+ sort,
+ counters,
+ search_results
+go(DbName, GroupId, IndexName, QueryArgs0) when is_binary(GroupId) ->
+ {ok, DDoc} = fabric:open_doc(
+ DbName,
+ <<"_design/", GroupId/binary>>,
+ [ejson_body]
+ ),
+ go(DbName, DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs0);
+go(DbName, #doc{} = DDoc, IndexName, QueryArgs0) ->
+ {ok, Index} = nouveau_util:design_doc_to_index(DbName, DDoc, IndexName),
+ Shards = mem3:shards(DbName),
+ {PackedBookmark, #{limit := Limit, sort := Sort} = QueryArgs1} =
+ maps:take(bookmark, QueryArgs0),
+ Bookmark = nouveau_bookmark:unpack(DbName, PackedBookmark),
+ Counters0 = lists:map(
+ fun(#shard{} = Shard) ->
+ After = maps:get(Shard#shard.range, Bookmark, null),
+ Ref = rexi:cast(
+ Shard#shard.node,
+ {nouveau_rpc, search, [, Index, QueryArgs1#{'after' => After}]}
+ ),
+ Shard#shard{ref = Ref}
+ end,
+ Shards
+ ),
+ Counters = fabric_dict:init(Counters0, nil),
+ Workers = fabric_dict:fetch_keys(Counters),
+ RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(Workers),
+ State = #state{
+ limit = Limit,
+ sort = Sort,
+ counters = Counters,
+ search_results = #{}
+ },
+ try
+ rexi_utils:recv(
+ Workers,
+ #shard.ref,
+ fun handle_message/3,
+ State,
+ fabric_util:timeout("nouveau", "infinity"),
+ fabric_util:timeout("nouveau_permsg", "3600000")
+ )
+ of
+ {ok, SearchResults} ->
+ NewBookmark = nouveau_bookmark:update(DbName, Bookmark, SearchResults),
+ {ok, simplify_hits(SearchResults#{bookmark => NewBookmark})};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ after
+ rexi_monitor:stop(RexiMon),
+ fabric_util:cleanup(Workers)
+ end.
+handle_message({ok, Response}, Shard, State) ->
+ case fabric_dict:lookup_element(Shard, State#state.counters) of
+ undefined ->
+ %% already heard from someone else in this range
+ {ok, State};
+ nil ->
+ SearchResults = merge_search_results(State#state.search_results, Response, State),
+ Counters1 = fabric_dict:store(Shard, ok, State#state.counters),
+ Counters2 = fabric_view:remove_overlapping_shards(Shard, Counters1),
+ State1 = State#state{counters = Counters2, search_results = SearchResults},
+ case fabric_dict:any(nil, Counters2) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, State1};
+ false ->
+ {stop, SearchResults}
+ end
+ end;
+handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, {_, NodeRef}, _}, _Shard, State) ->
+ #state{counters = Counters0} = State,
+ case fabric_util:remove_down_workers(Counters0, NodeRef, []) of
+ {ok, Counters1} ->
+ {ok, Counters1};
+ error ->
+ {error, {nodedown, <<"progress not possible">>}}
+ end;
+handle_message({error, Reason}, _Shard, _State) ->
+ {error, Reason};
+handle_message(Else, _Shard, _State) ->
+ {error, Else}.
+merge_search_results(A, B, #state{} = State) ->
+ #{
+ <<"total_hits">> => merge_total_hits(
+ maps:get(<<"total_hits">>, A, 0), maps:get(<<"total_hits">>, B, 0)
+ ),
+ <<"total_hits_relation">> => merge_total_hits_relation(
+ maps:get(<<"total_hits_relation">>, A, null),
+ maps:get(<<"total_hits_relation">>, B, null)
+ ),
+ <<"hits">> => merge_hits(
+ maps:get(<<"hits">>, A, []),
+ maps:get(<<"hits">>, B, []),
+ State#state.sort,
+ State#state.limit
+ ),
+ <<"counts">> => merge_facets(
+ maps:get(<<"counts">>, A, null), maps:get(<<"counts">>, B, null), State#state.limit
+ ),
+ <<"ranges">> => merge_facets(
+ maps:get(<<"ranges">>, A, null), maps:get(<<"ranges">>, B, null), State#state.limit
+ )
+ }.
+merge_total_hits(TotalHitsA, TotalHitsB) ->
+ TotalHitsA + TotalHitsB.
+merge_total_hits_relation(A, B) when
+merge_total_hits_relation(A, B) when A == <<"EQUAL_TO">>; B == <<"EQUAL_TO">> ->
+ <<"EQUAL_TO">>;
+merge_total_hits_relation(null, null) ->
+ %% not supported in selected Lucene version.
+ null.
+merge_hits(HitsA, HitsB, Sort, Limit) ->
+ MergedHits = lists:merge(merge_fun(Sort), HitsA, HitsB),
+ lists:sublist(MergedHits, Limit).
+simplify_hits(SearchResults) ->
+ #{<<"hits">> := Hits} = SearchResults,
+ SearchResults#{<<"hits">> => lists:map(fun simplify_hit/1, Hits)}.
+simplify_hit(#{} = Hit) ->
+ #{<<"fields">> := Fields} = Hit,
+ Hit#{<<"fields">> => simplify_fields(Fields)}.
+simplify_fields(Fields) when is_list(Fields) ->
+ Fun = fun(Field, Acc) ->
+ {Key, Value} = simplify_field(Field),
+ Acc#{Key => Value}
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(Fun, #{}, Fields).
+simplify_field(#{<<"@type">> := <<"stored">>} = Field) ->
+ #{<<"name">> := Key, <<"value">> := Value} = Field,
+ {Key, Value}.
+merge_fun(Sort) ->
+ fun(HitA, HitB) ->
+ OrderA = maps:get(<<"order">>, HitA),
+ OrderB = maps:get(<<"order">>, HitB),
+ compare_order(Sort, OrderA, OrderB)
+ end.
+%% no sort order specified
+compare_order(null, [A | ARest], [B | BRest]) ->
+ case couch_ejson_compare:less(convert_item(A), convert_item(B)) of
+ 0 ->
+ compare_order(null, ARest, BRest);
+ Less ->
+ Less < 1
+ end;
+%% server-side adds _id on the end of sort order if not present
+compare_order([], [A], [B]) ->
+ couch_ejson_compare:less(convert_item(A), convert_item(B)) < 1;
+%% reverse order specified
+compare_order([<<"-", _/binary>> | SortRest], [A | ARest], [B | BRest]) ->
+ case couch_ejson_compare:less(convert_item(B), convert_item(A)) of
+ 0 ->
+ compare_order(SortRest, ARest, BRest);
+ Less ->
+ Less < 1
+ end;
+%% forward order specified
+compare_order([_ | SortRest], [A | ARest], [B | BRest]) ->
+ case couch_ejson_compare:less(convert_item(A), convert_item(B)) of
+ 0 ->
+ compare_order(SortRest, ARest, BRest);
+ Less ->
+ Less < 1
+ end.
+convert_item(Item) ->
+ case maps:get(<<"@type">>, Item) of
+ <<"bytes">> ->
+ base64:decode(maps:get(<<"value">>, Item));
+ _ ->
+ maps:get(<<"value">>, Item)
+ end.
+merge_facets(FacetsA, null, _Limit) ->
+ FacetsA;
+merge_facets(null, FacetsB, _Limit) ->
+ FacetsB;
+merge_facets(FacetsA, FacetsB, _Limit) ->
+ Combiner = fun(_, V1, V2) -> maps:merge_with(fun(_, V3, V4) -> V3 + V4 end, V1, V2) end,
+ maps:merge_with(Combiner, FacetsA, FacetsB).