path: root/test/elixir/lib/setup.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/elixir/lib/setup.ex')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/elixir/lib/setup.ex b/test/elixir/lib/setup.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..037988521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/elixir/lib/setup.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+defmodule Couch.Test.Setup do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Allows to chain setup functions.
+ Example of using:
+ ```
+ alias Couch,Test.Utils
+ def with_db_name(context, setup) do
+ setup =
+ setup
+ |>, extra_apps: [:chttpd])
+ |>, roles: [:server_admin])
+ |>
+ context =
+ Map.merge(context, %{
+ db_name: Utils.random_name("db")
+ base_url: setup |> Setup.get(:start) |> Step.Start.clustered_url(),
+ user: setup |> Setup.get(:admin) |>
+ })
+ {context, setup}
+ end
+ @tag setup: &__MODULE__.with_db_name/2
+ test "Create", %{db_name: db_name, user: user} do
+ ...
+ end
+ ```
+ """
+ import ExUnit.Callbacks, only: [on_exit: 1]
+ import ExUnit.Assertions, only: [assert: 2]
+ require Logger
+ alias Couch.Test.Setup
+ alias Couch.Test.Setup.Step
+ defstruct stages: [], by_type: %{}, state: %{}
+ def step(%Setup{stages: stages} = setup, id, step) do
+ %{setup | stages: [{id, step} | stages]}
+ end
+ defp setup_step({id, step}, %Setup{state: state, by_type: by_type} = setup) do
+ %module{} = step
+ # credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Warning.LazyLogging
+ Logger.debug("Calling 'setup/2' for '#{module}'")
+ step = module.setup(setup, step)
+ state = Map.put(state, id, step)
+ by_type = Map.update(by_type, module, [id], fn ids -> [id | ids] end)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ # credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Warning.LazyLogging
+ Logger.debug("Calling 'teardown/3' for '#{module}'")
+ try do
+ module.teardown(setup, step)
+ :ok
+ catch
+ _ -> :ok
+ _, _ -> :ok
+ end
+ end)
+ {{id, step}, %{setup | state: state, by_type: by_type}}
+ end
+ def run(%Setup{stages: stages} = setup) do
+ {stages, setup} = stages
+ |> Enum.reverse
+ |> Enum.map_reduce(setup, &setup_step/2)
+ %{setup | stages: stages}
+ end
+ def setup(ctx) do
+ Map.get(ctx, :__setup)
+ end
+ def setup(ctx, setup_fun) do
+ setup = %Setup{} |>, config_file: nil)
+ {ctx, setup} = setup_fun.(ctx, setup)
+ assert not Map.has_key?(ctx, :__setup), "Key `__setup` is reserved for internal purposes"
+ Map.put(ctx, :__setup, setup)
+ end
+ def completed?(%Setup{by_type: by_type}, step) do
+ Map.has_key?(by_type, step)
+ end
+ def all_for(%Setup{by_type: by_type, state: state}, step_module) do
+ Map.take(state, by_type[step_module] || [])
+ end
+ def reduce_for(setup, step_module, acc, fun) do
+ Enum.reduce(all_for(setup, step_module), acc, fun)
+ end
+ def get(%Setup{state: state}, id) do
+ state[id]
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file