% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couchdb_attachments_tests). -include_lib("couch/include/couch_eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("couch/include/couch_db.hrl"). -include_lib("mem3/include/mem3.hrl"). -define(COMPRESSION_LEVEL, 8). -define(ATT_BIN_NAME, <<"logo.png">>). -define(ATT_TXT_NAME, <<"file.erl">>). -define(FIXTURE_PNG, filename:join([?FIXTURESDIR, "logo.png"])). -define(FIXTURE_TXT, ?ABS_PATH(?FILE)). -define(TIMEOUT, 5000). -define(TIMEOUT_EUNIT, 100). -define(TIMEWAIT, 1000). -define(i2l(I), integer_to_list(I)). start() -> Ctx = test_util:start_couch(), % ensure in default compression settings for attachments_compression_tests config:set( "attachments", "compression_level", ?i2l(?COMPRESSION_LEVEL), false ), config:set("attachments", "compressible_types", "text/*", false), Ctx. setup() -> DbName = ?tempdb(), {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(DbName, []), ok = couch_db:close(Db), Addr = config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""), Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port), Host = Addr ++ ":" ++ ?i2l(Port), {Host, ?b2l(DbName)}. setup({binary, standalone}) -> {Host, DbName} = setup(), setup_att(fun create_standalone_png_att/2, Host, DbName, ?FIXTURE_PNG); setup({text, standalone}) -> {Host, DbName} = setup(), setup_att(fun create_standalone_text_att/2, Host, DbName, ?FIXTURE_TXT); setup({binary, inline}) -> {Host, DbName} = setup(), setup_att(fun create_inline_png_att/2, Host, DbName, ?FIXTURE_PNG); setup({text, inline}) -> {Host, DbName} = setup(), setup_att(fun create_inline_text_att/2, Host, DbName, ?FIXTURE_TXT); setup(compressed) -> {Host, DbName} = setup(), setup_att(fun create_already_compressed_att/2, Host, DbName, ?FIXTURE_TXT). setup_att(Fun, Host, DbName, File) -> HttpHost = "http://" ++ Host, AttUrl = Fun(HttpHost, DbName), {ok, Data} = file:read_file(File), DocUrl = string:join([HttpHost, DbName, "doc"], "/"), Helpers = {DbName, DocUrl, AttUrl}, {Data, Helpers}. teardown(_, {_, {DbName, _, _}}) -> teardown(DbName). teardown({_, DbName}) -> teardown(DbName); teardown(DbName) -> ok = couch_server:delete(?l2b(DbName), []), ok. attachments_test_() -> { "Attachments tests", { setup, fun start/0, fun test_util:stop_couch/1, [ attachments_md5_tests(), attachments_compression_tests() ] } }. attachments_md5_tests() -> { "Attachments MD5 tests", { foreach, fun setup/0, fun teardown/1, [ fun should_upload_attachment_without_md5/1, fun should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_without_md5/1, fun should_upload_attachment_with_valid_md5_header/1, fun should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_with_valid_md5_header/1, fun should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_with_valid_md5_trailer/1, fun should_reject_attachment_with_invalid_md5/1, fun should_reject_chunked_attachment_with_invalid_md5/1, fun should_reject_chunked_attachment_with_invalid_md5_trailer/1 ] } }. attachments_compression_tests() -> Funs = [ fun should_get_att_without_accept_gzip_encoding/2, fun should_get_att_with_accept_gzip_encoding/2, fun should_get_att_with_accept_deflate_encoding/2, fun should_return_406_response_on_unsupported_encoding/2, fun should_get_doc_with_att_data/2, fun should_get_doc_with_att_data_stub/2 ], { "Attachments compression tests", [ { "Created via Attachments API", created_attachments_compression_tests(standalone, Funs) }, { "Created inline via Document API", created_attachments_compression_tests(inline, Funs) }, { "Created already been compressed via Attachments API", { foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{compressed, Fun} || Fun <- Funs] } }, { foreach, fun setup/0, fun teardown/1, [ fun should_not_create_compressed_att_with_deflate_encoding/1, fun should_not_create_compressed_att_with_compress_encoding/1, fun should_create_compressible_att_with_ctype_params/1 ] } ] }. created_attachments_compression_tests(Mod, Funs) -> [ { "Compressiable attachments", { foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{{text, Mod}, Fun} || Fun <- Funs] } }, { "Uncompressiable attachments", { foreachx, fun setup/1, fun teardown/2, [{{binary, Mod}, Fun} || Fun <- Funs] } } ]. should_upload_attachment_without_md5({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), Body = "We all live in a yellow submarine!", Headers = [ {"Content-Length", "34"}, {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Host", Host} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(201, Code), ?assertEqual(true, get_json(Json, [<<"ok">>])) end). should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_without_md5({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), AttData = <<"We all live in a yellow submarine!">>, <> = AttData, Body = [chunked_body([Part1, Part2]), "\r\n"], Headers = [ {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}, {"Host", Host} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(201, Code), ?assertEqual(true, get_json(Json, [<<"ok">>])) end). should_upload_attachment_with_valid_md5_header({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), Body = "We all live in a yellow submarine!", Headers = [ {"Content-Length", "34"}, {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Content-MD5", ?b2l(base64:encode(couch_hash:md5_hash(Body)))}, {"Host", Host} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(201, Code), ?assertEqual(true, get_json(Json, [<<"ok">>])) end). should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_with_valid_md5_header({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), AttData = <<"We all live in a yellow submarine!">>, <> = AttData, Body = [chunked_body([Part1, Part2]), "\r\n"], Headers = [ {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Content-MD5", ?b2l(base64:encode(couch_hash:md5_hash(AttData)))}, {"Host", Host}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(201, Code), ?assertEqual(true, get_json(Json, [<<"ok">>])) end). should_upload_attachment_by_chunks_with_valid_md5_trailer({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), AttData = <<"We all live in a yellow submarine!">>, <> = AttData, Body = [ chunked_body([Part1, Part2]), "Content-MD5: ", base64:encode(couch_hash:md5_hash(AttData)), "\r\n\r\n" ], Headers = [ {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Host", Host}, {"Trailer", "Content-MD5"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(201, Code), ?assertEqual(true, get_json(Json, [<<"ok">>])) end). should_reject_attachment_with_invalid_md5({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), Body = "We all live in a yellow submarine!", Headers = [ {"Content-Length", "34"}, {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Content-MD5", ?b2l(base64:encode(<<"foobar!">>))}, {"Host", Host} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(400, Code), ?assertEqual( <<"content_md5_mismatch">>, get_json(Json, [<<"error">>]) ) end). should_reject_chunked_attachment_with_invalid_md5({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), AttData = <<"We all live in a yellow submarine!">>, <> = AttData, Body = [chunked_body([Part1, Part2]), "\r\n"], Headers = [ {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Content-MD5", ?b2l(base64:encode(<<"foobar!">>))}, {"Host", Host}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(400, Code), ?assertEqual( <<"content_md5_mismatch">>, get_json(Json, [<<"error">>]) ) end). should_reject_chunked_attachment_with_invalid_md5_trailer({Host, DbName}) -> ?_test(begin AttUrl = string:join(["", DbName, ?docid(), "readme.txt"], "/"), AttData = <<"We all live in a yellow submarine!">>, <> = AttData, Body = [ chunked_body([Part1, Part2]), "Content-MD5: ", base64:encode(<<"foobar!">>), "\r\n\r\n" ], Headers = [ {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Host", Host}, {"Trailer", "Content-MD5"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"} ], {ok, Code, Json} = request("PUT", AttUrl, Headers, Body), ?assertEqual(400, Code), ?assertEqual(<<"content_md5_mismatch">>, get_json(Json, [<<"error">>])) end). should_get_att_without_accept_gzip_encoding(_, {Data, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_test(begin {ok, Code, Headers, Body} = test_request:get(AttUrl), ?assertEqual(200, Code), ?assertNot(lists:member({"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}, Headers)), ?assertEqual(Data, iolist_to_binary(Body)) end). should_get_att_with_accept_gzip_encoding(compressed, {Data, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_test(begin {ok, Code, Headers, Body} = test_request:get( AttUrl, [{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), ?assert(lists:member({"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}, Headers)), ?assertEqual(Data, zlib:gunzip(iolist_to_binary(Body))) end); should_get_att_with_accept_gzip_encoding({text, _}, {Data, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_test(begin {ok, Code, Headers, Body} = test_request:get( AttUrl, [{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), ?assert(lists:member({"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}, Headers)), ?assertEqual(Data, zlib:gunzip(iolist_to_binary(Body))) end); should_get_att_with_accept_gzip_encoding({binary, _}, {Data, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_test(begin {ok, Code, Headers, Body} = test_request:get( AttUrl, [{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), ?assertEqual( undefined, couch_util:get_value("Content-Encoding", Headers) ), ?assertEqual(Data, iolist_to_binary(Body)) end). should_get_att_with_accept_deflate_encoding(_, {Data, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_test(begin {ok, Code, Headers, Body} = test_request:get( AttUrl, [{"Accept-Encoding", "deflate"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), ?assertEqual( undefined, couch_util:get_value("Content-Encoding", Headers) ), ?assertEqual(Data, iolist_to_binary(Body)) end). should_return_406_response_on_unsupported_encoding(_, {_, {_, _, AttUrl}}) -> ?_assertEqual( 406, begin {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:get( AttUrl, [{"Accept-Encoding", "deflate, *;q=0"}] ), Code end ). should_get_doc_with_att_data(compressed, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?attachments=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), AttJson = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_TXT_NAME] ), AttData = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( AttJson, [<<"data">>] ), ?assertEqual( <<"text/plain">>, couch_util:get_nested_json_value(AttJson, [<<"content_type">>]) ), ?assertEqual(Data, base64:decode(AttData)) end); should_get_doc_with_att_data({text, _}, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?attachments=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), AttJson = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_TXT_NAME] ), AttData = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( AttJson, [<<"data">>] ), ?assertEqual( <<"text/plain">>, couch_util:get_nested_json_value(AttJson, [<<"content_type">>]) ), ?assertEqual(Data, base64:decode(AttData)) end); should_get_doc_with_att_data({binary, _}, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?attachments=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), AttJson = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_BIN_NAME] ), AttData = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( AttJson, [<<"data">>] ), ?assertEqual( <<"image/png">>, couch_util:get_nested_json_value(AttJson, [<<"content_type">>]) ), ?assertEqual(Data, base64:decode(AttData)) end). should_get_doc_with_att_data_stub(compressed, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?att_encoding_info=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), {AttJson} = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_TXT_NAME] ), ?assertEqual( <<"gzip">>, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, AttJson) ), AttLength = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, AttJson), EncLength = couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, AttJson), ?assertEqual(AttLength, EncLength), ?assertEqual(iolist_size(zlib:gzip(Data)), AttLength) end); should_get_doc_with_att_data_stub({text, _}, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?att_encoding_info=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), {AttJson} = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_TXT_NAME] ), ?assertEqual( <<"gzip">>, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, AttJson) ), AttEncLength = iolist_size(gzip(Data)), ?assertEqual( AttEncLength, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, AttJson) ), ?assertEqual( byte_size(Data), couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, AttJson) ) end); should_get_doc_with_att_data_stub({binary, _}, {Data, {_, DocUrl, _}}) -> ?_test(begin Url = DocUrl ++ "?att_encoding_info=true", {ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get( Url, [{"Accept", "application/json"}] ), ?assertEqual(200, Code), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), {AttJson} = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_BIN_NAME] ), ?assertEqual( undefined, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, AttJson) ), ?assertEqual( undefined, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, AttJson) ), ?assertEqual( byte_size(Data), couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, AttJson) ) end). should_not_create_compressed_att_with_deflate_encoding({Host, DbName}) -> ?_assertEqual( 415, begin HttpHost = "http://" ++ Host, AttUrl = string:join([HttpHost, DbName, ?docid(), "file.txt"], "/"), {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Body = zlib:compress(Data), Headers = [ {"Content-Encoding", "deflate"}, {"Content-Type", "text/plain"} ], {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:put(AttUrl, Headers, Body), Code end ). should_not_create_compressed_att_with_compress_encoding({Host, DbName}) -> % Note: As of OTP R13B04, it seems there's no LZW compression % (i.e. UNIX compress utility implementation) lib in OTP. % However there's a simple working Erlang implementation at: % http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2008/01/simple_lempelziv_compression_i.php ?_assertEqual( 415, begin HttpHost = "http://" ++ Host, AttUrl = string:join([HttpHost, DbName, ?docid(), "file.txt"], "/"), {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Headers = [ {"Content-Encoding", "compress"}, {"Content-Type", "text/plain"} ], {ok, Code, _, _} = test_request:put(AttUrl, Headers, Data), Code end ). should_create_compressible_att_with_ctype_params({Host, DbName}) -> {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(begin HttpHost = "http://" ++ Host, DocUrl = string:join([HttpHost, DbName, ?docid()], "/"), AttUrl = string:join([DocUrl, ?b2l(?ATT_TXT_NAME)], "/"), {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Headers = [{"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"}], {ok, Code0, _, _} = test_request:put(AttUrl, Headers, Data), ?assertEqual(201, Code0), {ok, Code1, _, Body} = test_request:get( DocUrl ++ "?att_encoding_info=true" ), ?assertEqual(200, Code1), Json = jiffy:decode(Body), {AttJson} = couch_util:get_nested_json_value( Json, [<<"_attachments">>, ?ATT_TXT_NAME] ), ?assertEqual( <<"gzip">>, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, AttJson) ), AttEncLength = iolist_size(gzip(Data)), ?assertEqual( AttEncLength, couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, AttJson) ), ?assertEqual( byte_size(Data), couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, AttJson) ) end)}. compact_after_lowering_attachment_size_limit_test_() -> { "Compact after lowering attachment size limit", { foreach, fun() -> Ctx = test_util:start_couch(), DbName = ?tempdb(), {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), ok = couch_db:close(Db), {Ctx, DbName} end, fun({Ctx, DbName}) -> config:delete("couchdb", "max_attachment_size"), ok = couch_server:delete(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), test_util:stop_couch(Ctx) end, [ fun should_compact_after_lowering_attachment_size_limit/1 ] } }. should_compact_after_lowering_attachment_size_limit({_Ctx, DbName}) -> {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(begin {ok, Db1} = couch_db:open(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), Doc1 = #doc{id = <<"doc1">>, atts = att(1000)}, {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(Db1, Doc1, []), couch_db:close(Db1), config:set("couchdb", "max_attachment_size", "1", _Persist = false), compact_db(DbName), {ok, Db2} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []), {ok, Doc2} = couch_db:open_doc(Db2, <<"doc1">>), couch_db:close(Db2), [Att] = Doc2#doc.atts, ?assertEqual(1000, couch_att:fetch(att_len, Att)) end)}. att(Size) when is_integer(Size), Size >= 1 -> [ couch_att:new([ {name, <<"att">>}, {type, <<"app/binary">>}, {att_len, Size}, {data, fun(_Bytes) -> <<<<"x">> || _ <- lists:seq(1, Size)>> end} ]) ]. compact_db(DbName) -> {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []), {ok, _CompactPid} = couch_db:start_compact(Db), wait_compaction(DbName, "database", ?LINE), ok = couch_db:close(Db). wait_compaction(DbName, Kind, Line) -> WaitFun = fun() -> case is_compaction_running(DbName) of true -> wait; false -> ok end end, case test_util:wait(WaitFun, ?TIMEOUT) of timeout -> erlang:error( {assertion_failed, [ {module, ?MODULE}, {line, Line}, {reason, "Timeout waiting for " ++ Kind ++ " database compaction"} ]} ); _ -> ok end. is_compaction_running(DbName) -> {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []), {ok, DbInfo} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db), couch_db:close(Db), couch_util:get_value(compact_running, DbInfo) =:= true. internal_replication_after_lowering_attachment_size_limit_test_() -> { "Internal replication after lowering max attachment size", { foreach, fun() -> Ctx = test_util:start_couch([mem3]), SrcName = ?tempdb(), {ok, SrcDb} = couch_db:create(SrcName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), ok = couch_db:close(SrcDb), TgtName = ?tempdb(), {ok, TgtDb} = couch_db:create(TgtName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), ok = couch_db:close(TgtDb), {Ctx, SrcName, TgtName} end, fun({Ctx, SrcName, TgtName}) -> config:delete("couchdb", "max_attachment_size"), ok = couch_server:delete(SrcName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), ok = couch_server:delete(TgtName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), test_util:stop_couch(Ctx) end, [ fun should_replicate_after_lowering_attachment_size/1 ] } }. should_replicate_after_lowering_attachment_size({_Ctx, SrcName, TgtName}) -> {timeout, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT, ?_test(begin {ok, SrcDb} = couch_db:open(SrcName, [?ADMIN_CTX]), SrcDoc = #doc{id = <<"doc">>, atts = att(1000)}, {ok, _} = couch_db:update_doc(SrcDb, SrcDoc, []), couch_db:close(SrcDb), config:set("couchdb", "max_attachment_size", "1", _Persist = false), % Create a pair of "fake" shards SrcShard = #shard{name = SrcName, node = node()}, TgtShard = #shard{name = TgtName, node = node()}, mem3_rep:go(SrcShard, TgtShard, []), {ok, TgtDb} = couch_db:open_int(TgtName, []), {ok, TgtDoc} = couch_db:open_doc(TgtDb, <<"doc">>), couch_db:close(TgtDb), [Att] = TgtDoc#doc.atts, ?assertEqual(1000, couch_att:fetch(att_len, Att)) end)}. get_json(Json, Path) -> couch_util:get_nested_json_value(Json, Path). to_hex(Val) -> to_hex(Val, []). to_hex(0, Acc) -> Acc; to_hex(Val, Acc) -> to_hex(Val div 16, [hex_char(Val rem 16) | Acc]). hex_char(V) when V < 10 -> $0 + V; hex_char(V) -> $A + V - 10. chunked_body(Chunks) -> chunked_body(Chunks, []). chunked_body([], Acc) -> iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc, "0\r\n")); chunked_body([Chunk | Rest], Acc) -> Size = to_hex(size(Chunk)), chunked_body(Rest, ["\r\n", Chunk, "\r\n", Size | Acc]). get_socket() -> Options = [binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}], Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port), {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect(bind_address(), Port, Options), Sock. bind_address() -> case config:get("httpd", "bind_address") of undefined -> any; Address -> Address end. request(Method, Url, Headers, Body) -> RequestHead = [Method, " ", Url, " HTTP/1.1"], RequestHeaders = [ [string:join([Key, Value], ": "), "\r\n"] || {Key, Value} <- Headers ], Request = [RequestHead, "\r\n", RequestHeaders, "\r\n", Body], Sock = get_socket(), gen_tcp:send(Sock, list_to_binary(lists:flatten(Request))), % must wait to receive complete response timer:sleep(?TIMEWAIT), {ok, R} = gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0), gen_tcp:close(Sock), [Header, Body1] = re:split(R, "\r\n\r\n", [{return, binary}]), {ok, {http_response, _, Code, _}, _} = erlang:decode_packet(http, Header, []), Json = jiffy:decode(Body1), {ok, Code, Json}. create_standalone_text_att(Host, DbName) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Url = string:join([Host, DbName, "doc", ?b2l(?ATT_TXT_NAME)], "/"), {ok, Code, _Headers, _Body} = test_request:put( Url, [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}], Data ), ?assertEqual(201, Code), Url. create_standalone_png_att(Host, DbName) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_PNG), Url = string:join([Host, DbName, "doc", ?b2l(?ATT_BIN_NAME)], "/"), {ok, Code, _Headers, _Body} = test_request:put( Url, [{"Content-Type", "image/png"}], Data ), ?assertEqual(201, Code), Url. create_inline_text_att(Host, DbName) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Url = string:join([Host, DbName, "doc"], "/"), Doc = {[ {<<"_attachments">>, {[ {?ATT_TXT_NAME, {[ {<<"content_type">>, <<"text/plain">>}, {<<"data">>, base64:encode(Data)} ]}} ]}} ]}, {ok, Code, _Headers, _Body} = test_request:put( Url, [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}], jiffy:encode(Doc) ), ?assertEqual(201, Code), string:join([Url, ?b2l(?ATT_TXT_NAME)], "/"). create_inline_png_att(Host, DbName) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_PNG), Url = string:join([Host, DbName, "doc"], "/"), Doc = {[ {<<"_attachments">>, {[ {?ATT_BIN_NAME, {[ {<<"content_type">>, <<"image/png">>}, {<<"data">>, base64:encode(Data)} ]}} ]}} ]}, {ok, Code, _Headers, _Body} = test_request:put( Url, [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}], jiffy:encode(Doc) ), ?assertEqual(201, Code), string:join([Url, ?b2l(?ATT_BIN_NAME)], "/"). create_already_compressed_att(Host, DbName) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(?FIXTURE_TXT), Url = string:join([Host, DbName, "doc", ?b2l(?ATT_TXT_NAME)], "/"), {ok, Code, _Headers, _Body} = test_request:put( Url, [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}, {"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}], zlib:gzip(Data) ), ?assertEqual(201, Code), Url. gzip(Data) -> Z = zlib:open(), ok = zlib:deflateInit(Z, ?COMPRESSION_LEVEL, deflated, 16 + 15, 8, default), Chunk = zlib:deflate(Z, Data), Last = zlib:deflate(Z, [], finish), ok = zlib:deflateEnd(Z), ok = zlib:close(Z), [Chunk, Last].