use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my $mm = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( INSTALLDIRS => ( $] >= 5.012 ? 'site' : 'perl' ), ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/CGI.pod', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', NAME => 'CGI', DISTNAME => 'CGI', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.8.1', PREREQ_PM => { 'Carp' => 0, # Carp was first released with perl 5 'Exporter' => 0, # Exporter was first released with perl 5 'base' => 0, # base was first released with perl 5.00405 'overload' => 0, # overload was first released with perl 5.002 'strict' => 0, # strict was first released with perl 5 'utf8' => 0, # utf8 was first released with perl v5.6.0 'warnings' => 0, # warnings was first released with perl v5.6.0 'File::Spec' => 0.82, 'if' => 0, # core in 5.6.2 and later, for 'parent' => 0.225, # parent was first released with perl v5.10.1 'File::Temp' => 0, # was first released with perl v5.6.1' 'HTML::Entities' => 3.69, 'Encode' => 0, # Encode was first released with perl v5.7.3 'Config' => 0, # Config was first released with perl 5.00307 }, TEST_REQUIRES => { 'Cwd' => 0, # Cwd was first released with perl 5 'POSIX' => 0, # POSIX was first released with perl 5 'IO::File' => 0, # IO::File was first released with perl 5.00307 'IO::Handle' => 0, # IO::Handle was first released with perl 5.00307 'File::Find' => 0, # File::Find was first released with perl 5 'Test::Deep' => 0.11, 'Test::More' => 0.98, 'Test::Warn' => 0.30, 'Test::NoWarnings' => 1.04, }, test => { TESTS => 't/*.t t/headers/*.t' }, linkext => { LINKTYPE => '' }, # no link needed dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', ZIP => '/usr/bin/zip', ZIPFLAGS => '-rl' }, ( $mm < 6.46 ? () : ( META_MERGE => { requires => { perl => '5.008001' }, resources => { license => '', homepage => '', repository => '', bugtracker => '', }, no_index => { directory => [qw/t/] }, }, META_ADD => { build_requires => {}, configure_requires => {} }, ) ), );