#!/usr/bin/perl -w -*- mode: cperl -*- use strict; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(:DEFAULT); my $version_diff = 0; # we'll have to die if this becomes true { my $version_from = q(lib/CPAN/Checksums.pm); { local $^W; $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; warn "Your MakeMaker is a bit dated[$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION].\nYou should get a new one\n" if $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION < 6.0; } if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "--setversion") { die "Your perl is a bit dated[$]].\nDo not make a release with it\n" if $] < 5.016; die "Your MakeMaker is a bit dated[$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION].\nDo not make a release with it\n" if $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION < 7; die "Your MakeMaker doesn't do the sign woodoo" unless MM->can("signature_target"); shift @ARGV; local $ENV{LANG} = "C"; my $dirty = `git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no`; die "Not everything checked in?" if $dirty; my $version_set_manually = 1; if ($version_set_manually) { # we must control that the VERSION in this .pm is the same as in the Makefile unshift @INC, "lib"; require $version_from; open my $fh, "make the-release-name|" or die; my $have_version; while (<$fh>) { next unless /^version\s+([\d\._]+)/; $have_version = eval $1; } die "could not determine current version from Makefile" unless $have_version; eval q{ no warnings "numeric"; if ($CPAN::Checksums::VERSION != $have_version) { warn "Not equal: CPAN::Checksums::VERSION[$CPAN::Checksums::VERSION] Makefile version[$have_version]"; $version_diff = 1; } }; die $@ if $@; } else { die; } exit unless $version_diff; } } my $prereq_pm = { 'Compress::Bzip2' => 0, 'Compress::Zlib' => 0, 'Data::Compare' => 0, 'Data::Dumper' => 0, 'Digest::MD5' => "2.36", 'Digest::SHA' => 0, 'DirHandle' => 0, 'File::Spec' => 0, 'File::Temp' => 0, 'IO::File' => "1.14", }; for my $interesting_module (qw( Module::Signature )) { eval "require $interesting_module"; if (!$@) { $prereq_pm->{$interesting_module} ||= 0; } } WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'CPAN::Checksums', 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/CPAN/Checksums.pm', (MM->can("signature_target") ? (SIGN => 1) : ()), 'PREREQ_PM' => $prereq_pm, ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.3002 ? (LICENSE => "perl") : (), ), 'dist' => { DIST_DEFAULT => join(" ", "verify-changes-date", "verify-changes-version", 'Makefile', "META.yml", "setversion", "README", "all", 'tardist', ), COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f' }, # I took it from RT-CPAN ticket 30098: ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.4502 ? (META_ADD => { resources => { repository => "git://github.com/andk/cpan-checksums.git", }, keywords => ['CPAN infrastructure','per-directory indexing and signing'], }) : ()), ); if ($version_diff){ die " ==> I had to update some \$VERSIONs <== ==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <== ==> Please rerun the make command. <== "; } package MY; sub postamble { q{ setversion: $(PERL) Makefile.PL --setversion Makefile : lib/CPAN/Checksums.pm README: Makefile $(PERL) -MPod::Text -e 'Pod::Text->new->parse_from_file(\*ARGV)' lib/CPAN/Checksums.pm > $@ the-release-name : $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'version ' $(VERSION) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'release-name ' $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) release :: disttest echo Once we are on git: git tag -m 'This is $(VERSION)' "$(VERSION)" ls -l $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) rm -rf $(DISTVNAME) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' lftp pause.perl.org' $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' cd incoming' $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' put $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)' $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' quit' $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' Once we are on git: git push --tags' sign: `dirname $(PERL)`/cpansign -s META.yml: metafile $(CP) $(DISTVNAME)/META.yml ./META.yml verify-changes-date: @$(PERL) -ne 'BEGIN{my@t=(localtime)[5,4,3];$$t[0]+=1900;$$t[1]++;$$t=sprintf"%04d-%02d-%02d",@t}' \ -e '$$ok++,exit if /^$$t\s/; END{die "Alert: did not find <$$t> in Changes file" unless $$ok}' Changes verify-changes-version: @$(PERL) -ne '$$ok++,exit if /\b$(VERSION)\b/; END{die "Alert: did not find <$(VERSION)> in Changes file" unless $$ok}' Changes } } sub dist_test { return q{ # if we depend on $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX), then the rest of the # Makefile breaks our intent to NOT remake dist disttest : rm -rf $(DISTVNAME) tar xvzf $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(ABSPERLRUN) Makefile.PL cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) $(PASTHRU) cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) test $(PASTHRU) } } sub distsignature { my($self) = shift; my $ret = $self->SUPER::distsignature_target(@_); $ret =~ s|cpansign|\`dirname \$(PERL)\`/cpansign|g; return $ret; }