package CPAN::Checksums; use strict; use vars qw( $CAUTION $DIRNAME $IGNORE_MATCH $MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS $SIGNING_KEY $SIGNING_PROGRAM $TRY_SHORTNAME $VERSION @EXPORT_OK @ISA ); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(updatedir); $VERSION = "2.10"; $VERSION =~ s/_//; $CAUTION ||= 0; $TRY_SHORTNAME ||= 0; $SIGNING_PROGRAM ||= 'gpg --clearsign --default-key '; $SIGNING_KEY ||= ''; $MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS ||= 0; $IGNORE_MATCH = qr{(?i-xsm:readme$)}; use DirHandle (); use IO::File (); use Digest::MD5 (); use Compress::Bzip2(); use Compress::Zlib (); use File::Spec (); use File::Temp; use Data::Dumper (); use Data::Compare (); use Digest::SHA (); sub _dir_to_dref { my($dirname,$old_dref) = @_; my($dref) = {}; my($dh)= DirHandle->new; my($fh) = new IO::File; $dh->open($dirname) or die "Couldn't opendir $dirname\: $!"; my(%shortnameseen); DIRENT: for my $de ($dh->read) { next if $de =~ /^\./; next if substr($de,0,9) eq "CHECKSUMS"; next if $IGNORE_MATCH && $de =~ $IGNORE_MATCH; my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dirname,$de); # # SHORTNAME offers an 8.3 name, probably not needed but it was # always there,,, # if ($TRY_SHORTNAME) { my $shortname = lc $de; $shortname =~ s/\.tar[._-]gz$/\.tgz/; my $suffix; ($suffix = $shortname) =~ s/.*\.//; substr($suffix,3) = "" if length($suffix) > 3; my @p; if ($shortname =~ /\-/) { @p = $shortname =~ /(.{1,16})-.*?([\d\.]{2,8})/; } else { @p = $shortname =~ /(.{1,8}).*?([\d\.]{2,8})/; } $p[0] ||= lc $de; $p[0] =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//g; $p[1] ||= 0; $p[1] =~ s/\D//g; my $counter = 7; while (length($p[0]) + length($p[1]) > 8) { substr($p[0], $counter) = "" if length($p[0]) > $counter; substr($p[1], $counter) = "" if length($p[1]) > $counter--; } my $dot = $suffix ? "." : ""; $shortname = "$p[0]$p[1]$dot$suffix"; while (exists $shortnameseen{$shortname}) { my($modi) = $shortname =~ /([a-z\d]+)/; $modi++; $shortname = "$modi$dot$suffix"; if (++$counter > 1000){ # avoid endless loops and accept the buggy choice warn "Warning: long loop on shortname[$shortname]de[$de]"; last; } } $dref->{$de}->{shortname} = $shortname; $shortnameseen{$shortname} = undef; # for exists check good enough } # # STAT facts # if (-l File::Spec->catdir($dirname,$de)){ # Symlinks are a mess on a replicated, database driven system, # but as they are not forbidden, we cannot ignore them. We do # have a directory with nothing but a symlink in it. When we # ignored the symlink, we did not write a CHECKSUMS file and # issued lots of warnings:-( $dref->{$de}{issymlink} = 1; } if (-d File::Spec->catdir($dirname,$de)){ $dref->{$de}{isdir} = 1; } else { my @stat = stat $abs or next DIRENT; $dref->{$de}{size} = $stat[7]; my(@gmtime) = gmtime $stat[9]; $gmtime[4]++; $gmtime[5]+=1900; $dref->{$de}{mtime} = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", @gmtime[5,4,3]; _add_digests($de,$dref,"Digest::SHA",[256],"sha256",$abs,$old_dref); my $can_reuse_old_md5 = 1; COMPARE: for my $param (qw(size mtime sha256)) { if (!exists $old_dref->{$de}{$param} || $dref->{$de}{$param} ne $old_dref->{$de}{$param}) { $can_reuse_old_md5 = 0; last COMPARE; } } if ( $can_reuse_old_md5 ) { for my $param (qw(md5 md5-ungz md5-unbz2)) { next unless exists $old_dref->{$de}{$param}; $dref->{$de}{$param} = $old_dref->{$de}{$param}; } } else { _add_digests($de,$dref,"Digest::MD5",[],"md5",$abs,$old_dref); } } # ! -d } $dh->close; $dref; } sub _read_old_ddump { my($ckfn) = @_; my $is_signed = 0; my($fh) = new IO::File; my $old_ddump = ""; if ($fh->open($ckfn)) { local $/ = "\n"; while (<$fh>) { next if /^\#/; $is_signed = 1 if /SIGNED MESSAGE/; $old_ddump .= $_; } close $fh; } return($old_ddump,$is_signed); } sub updatedir ($) { my($dirname) = @_; my $ckfn = File::Spec->catfile($dirname, "CHECKSUMS"); # checksum-file-name my($old_ddump,$is_signed) = _read_old_ddump($ckfn); my($old_dref) = makehashref($old_ddump); my $dref = _dir_to_dref($dirname,$old_dref); local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; my $ddump = Data::Dumper->new([$dref],["cksum"])->Dump; my @ckfnstat = stat $ckfn; if ($old_ddump) { local $DIRNAME = $dirname; if ( !!$SIGNING_KEY == !!$is_signed ) { # either both or neither if (!$MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS || $ckfnstat[9] > $MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS ) { # recent enough return 1 if $old_ddump eq $ddump; return 1 if ckcmp($old_dref,$dref); } } if ($CAUTION) { my $report = investigate($old_dref,$dref); warn $report if $report; } } my $ft = File::Temp->new( DIR => $dirname, TEMPLATE => "CHECKSUMS.XXXX", CLEANUP => 0, ) or die; my $tckfn = $ft->filename; close $ft; my($fh) = new IO::File; open $fh, ">$tckfn\0" or die "Couldn't open >$tckfn\: $!"; local $\; if ($SIGNING_KEY) { print $fh "0&&<<''; # this PGP-signed message is also valid perl\n"; close $fh; open $fh, "| $SIGNING_PROGRAM $SIGNING_KEY >> $tckfn" or die "Could not call gpg: $!"; $ddump .= "__END__\n"; } my $message = sprintf "# CHECKSUMS file written on %s GMT by CPAN::Checksums (v%s)\n%s", scalar gmtime, $VERSION, $ddump; print $fh $message; my $success = close $fh; if ($SIGNING_KEY && !$success) { warn "Couldn't run '$SIGNING_PROGRAM $SIGNING_KEY'! Writing to $tckfn directly"; open $fh, ">$tckfn\0" or die "Couldn't open >$tckfn\: $!"; print $fh $message; close $fh or warn "Couldn't close $tckfn: $!"; } chmod 0644, $ckfn or die "Couldn't chmod to 0644 for $ckfn\: $!" if -f $ckfn; rename $tckfn, $ckfn or die "Could not rename: $!"; chmod 0444, $ckfn or die "Couldn't chmod to 0444 for $ckfn\: $!"; return 2; } sub _add_digests ($$$$$$$) { my($de,$dref,$module,$constructor_args,$keyname,$abs,$old_dref) = @_; my($fh) = new IO::File; my $dig = $module->new(@$constructor_args); $fh->open("$abs\0") or die "Couldn't open $abs: $!"; binmode($fh); # make sure it's called as a function, solaris with # perl 5.8.4 complained about missing method in # IO::File $dig->addfile($fh); $fh->close; my $digest = $dig->hexdigest; $dref->{$de}{$keyname} = $digest; $dig = $module->new(@$constructor_args); if ($de =~ /\.gz$/) { my($buffer, $zip); if (exists $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} && $dref->{$de}{$keyname} eq $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} && exists $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-ungz"} ) { $dref->{$de}{"$keyname-ungz"} = $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-ungz"}; return; } if ($zip = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($abs, "rb")) { $dig->add($buffer) while $zip->gzread($buffer) > 0; $dref->{$de}{"$keyname-ungz"} = $dig->hexdigest; $zip->gzclose; } } elsif ($de =~ /\.bz2$/) { my($buffer, $zip); if (exists $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} && $dref->{$de}{$keyname} eq $old_dref->{$de}{$keyname} && exists $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-unbz2"} ) { $dref->{$de}{"$keyname-unbz2"} = $old_dref->{$de}{"$keyname-unbz2"}; return; } if ($zip = Compress::Bzip2::bzopen($abs, "rb")) { $dig->add($buffer) while $zip->bzread($buffer) > 0; $dref->{$de}{"$keyname-unbz2"} = $dig->hexdigest; $zip->bzclose; } } } sub ckcmp ($$) { my($old,$new) = @_; for ($old,$new) { $_ = makehashref($_); } Data::Compare::Compare($old,$new); } # see if a file changed but the name not sub investigate ($$) { my($old,$new) = @_; for ($old,$new) { $_ = makehashref($_); } my $complain = ""; for my $dist (sort keys %$new) { if (exists $old->{$dist}) { my $headersaid; for my $diff (qw/md5 sha256 size md5-ungz sha256-ungz mtime/) { next unless exists $old->{$dist}{$diff} && exists $new->{$dist}{$diff}; next if $old->{$dist}{$diff} eq $new->{$dist}{$diff}; $complain .= scalar gmtime(). " GMT:\ndiffering old/new version of same file $dist:\n" unless $headersaid++; $complain .= qq{\t$diff "$old->{$dist}{$diff}" -> "$new->{$dist}{$diff}"\n}; #}; } } } $complain; } sub makehashref ($) { local($_) = shift; unless (ref $_ eq "HASH") { require Safe; my($comp) = Safe->new("CPAN::Checksums::reval"); my $cksum; # used by Data::Dumper $_ = $comp->reval($_) || {}; die "CPAN::Checksums: Caught error[$@] while checking $DIRNAME" if $@; } $_; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CPAN::Checksums - Write a C file for a directory as on CPAN =head1 SYNOPSIS use CPAN::Checksums qw(updatedir); my $success = updatedir($directory); =head1 INCOMPATIBILITY ALERT Since version 1.0 the generation of the attribute C is turned off by default. It was too slow and was not used as far as I know, and above all, it could fail on large directories. The shortname feature can still be turned on by setting the global variable $TRY_SHORTNAME to a true value. =head1 DESCRIPTION =over 2 =item $success = updatedir($dir) C takes a directory name as argument and writes a typical C file in that directory as used on CPAN unless a previously written C file is there that is still valid. Returns 2 if a new C file has been written, 1 if a valid C file is already there, otherwise dies. Note: since version 2.0 updatedir on empty directories behaves just the same. In older versions it silently did nothing. =back =head2 Global Variables in package CPAN::Checksums =over =item $IGNORE_MATCH If the global variable $IGNORE_MATCH is set, then all files matching this expression will be completely ignored and will not be included in the CPAN C files. Per default this variable is set to qr{(?i-xsm:readme$)} =item $CAUTION Setting the global variable $CAUTION causes updatedir() to report changes of files in the attributes C, C, C, or C to STDERR. =item $TRY_SHORTNAME By setting the global variable $TRY_SHORTNAME to a true value, you can tell updatedir() to include an attribute C in the resulting hash that is 8.3-compatible. Please note, that updatedir() in this case may be slow and may even fail on large directories, because it will always only try 1000 iterations to find a name that is not yet taken and then give up. =item $SIGNING_KEY Setting the global variable $SIGNING_KEY makes the generated C file to be clear-signed by the command specified in $SIGNING_PROGRAM (defaults to C), passing the signing key as an extra argument. The resulting C file should look like: 0&&<<''; # this PGP-signed message is also valid perl -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 # CHECKSUMS file written on ... by CPAN::Checksums (v...) $cksum = { ... }; __END__ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ... -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- note that the actual data remains intact, but two extra lines are added to make it legal for both OpenPGP and perl syntax. =item $MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS If the global variable $MIN_MTIME_CHECKSUMS is set, then updatedir will renew signatures on checksum files that have an older mtime than the given value. =back =head1 PREREQUISITES DirHandle, IO::File, Digest::MD5, Digest::SHA, Compress::Bzip2, Compress::Zlib, File::Spec, Data::Dumper, Data::Compare, File::Temp =head1 BUGS If updatedir is interrupted, it may leave a temporary file lying around. These files have the File::Temp template C and should be harvested by a cronjob. =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Koenig,; GnuPG support by Autrijus Tang =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Andreas Koenig, Audrey Tang, Steve Peters. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut