use Test::More tests => 4; require HTML::LinkExtor; $HTML = < This is link and an Image. HTML # Try the callback interface $links = ""; $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new( sub { my($tag, %links) = @_; #diag "$tag @{[%links]}"; $links .= "$tag @{[%links]}\n"; }); $p->parse($HTML); $p->eof; ok($links =~ m|^base href http://www\.sn\.no/$|m); ok($links =~ m|^body background http://www\.sn\.no/sn\.gif$|m); ok($links =~ m|^a href link\.html$|m); # Used to be problems when using the links method on a document with # no links it it. This is a test to prove that it works. $p = new HTML::LinkExtor; $p->parse("this is a document with no links"); $p->eof; @a = $p->links; is(@a, 0);