path: root/Lib/test/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Lib/test/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index cc312b1d3e..129b4abf33 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ class BaseBytesTest:
self.assertNotIn(200, b)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: 300 in b)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: -1 in b)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: sys.maxsize+1 in b)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: None in b)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: float(ord('a')) in b)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: "a" in b)
@@ -300,6 +301,20 @@ class BaseBytesTest:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.type2test.fromhex, '\x00')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.type2test.fromhex, '12 \x00 34')
+ for data, pos in (
+ # invalid first hexadecimal character
+ ('12 x4 56', 3),
+ # invalid second hexadecimal character
+ ('12 3x 56', 4),
+ # two invalid hexadecimal characters
+ ('12 xy 56', 3),
+ # test non-ASCII string
+ ('12 3\xff 56', 4),
+ ):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+ self.type2test.fromhex(data)
+ self.assertIn('at position %s' % pos, str(cm.exception))
def test_hex(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test.hex)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.type2test.hex, 1)
@@ -722,26 +737,107 @@ class BytesTest(BaseBytesTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Test PyBytes_FromFormat()
def test_from_format(self):
- from ctypes import pythonapi, py_object, c_int, c_char_p
+ ctypes ='ctypes')
+ _testcapi ='_testcapi')
+ from ctypes import pythonapi, py_object
+ from ctypes import (
+ c_int, c_uint,
+ c_long, c_ulong,
+ c_size_t, c_ssize_t,
+ c_char_p)
PyBytes_FromFormat = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromFormat
PyBytes_FromFormat.restype = py_object
+ # basic tests
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'Hello %s !', b'world'),
+ b'Hello world !')
+ # test formatters
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'c=%c', c_int(0)),
+ b'c=\0')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'c=%c', c_int(ord('@'))),
+ b'c=@')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'c=%c', c_int(255)),
+ b'c=\xff')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'd=%d ld=%ld zd=%zd',
+ c_int(1), c_long(2),
+ c_size_t(3)),
+ b'd=1 ld=2 zd=3')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'd=%d ld=%ld zd=%zd',
+ c_int(-1), c_long(-2),
+ c_size_t(-3)),
+ b'd=-1 ld=-2 zd=-3')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'u=%u lu=%lu zu=%zu',
+ c_uint(123), c_ulong(456),
+ c_size_t(789)),
+ b'u=123 lu=456 zu=789')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'i=%i', c_int(123)),
+ b'i=123')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'i=%i', c_int(-123)),
+ b'i=-123')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'x=%x', c_int(0xabc)),
+ b'x=abc')
+ sizeof_ptr = ctypes.sizeof(c_char_p)
+ if == 'nt':
+ # Windows (MSCRT)
+ ptr_format = '0x%0{}X'.format(2 * sizeof_ptr)
+ def ptr_formatter(ptr):
+ return (ptr_format % ptr)
+ else:
+ # UNIX (glibc)
+ def ptr_formatter(ptr):
+ return '%#x' % ptr
+ ptr = 0xabcdef
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'ptr=%p', c_char_p(ptr)),
+ ('ptr=' + ptr_formatter(ptr)).encode('ascii'))
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b's=%s', c_char_p(b'cstr')),
+ b's=cstr')
+ # test minimum and maximum integer values
+ size_max = c_size_t(-1).value
+ for formatstr, ctypes_type, value, py_formatter in (
+ (b'%d', c_int, _testcapi.INT_MIN, str),
+ (b'%d', c_int, _testcapi.INT_MAX, str),
+ (b'%ld', c_long, _testcapi.LONG_MIN, str),
+ (b'%ld', c_long, _testcapi.LONG_MAX, str),
+ (b'%lu', c_ulong, _testcapi.ULONG_MAX, str),
+ (b'%zd', c_ssize_t, _testcapi.PY_SSIZE_T_MIN, str),
+ (b'%zd', c_ssize_t, _testcapi.PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, str),
+ (b'%zu', c_size_t, size_max, str),
+ (b'%p', c_char_p, size_max, ptr_formatter),
+ ):
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(formatstr, ctypes_type(value)),
+ py_formatter(value).encode('ascii')),
+ # width and precision (width is currently ignored)
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%5s', b'a'),
+ b'a')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%.3s', b'abcdef'),
+ b'abc')
+ # '%%' formatter
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%'),
+ b'%')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'[%%]'),
+ b'[%]')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%%c', c_int(ord('_'))),
+ b'%_')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%s'),
+ b'%s')
+ # Invalid formats and partial formatting
self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%'), b'%')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%'), b'%')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%s'), b'%s')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'[%%]'), b'[%]')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'%%%c', c_int(ord('_'))), b'%_')
+ self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'x=%i y=%', c_int(2), c_int(3)),
+ b'x=2 y=%')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b'c:%c', c_int(255)),
- b'c:\xff')
- self.assertEqual(PyBytes_FromFormat(b's:%s', c_char_p(b'cstr')),
- b's:cstr')
- # Issue #19969
+ # Issue #19969: %c must raise OverflowError for values
+ # not in the range [0; 255]
PyBytes_FromFormat, b'%c', c_int(-1))
@@ -1504,7 +1600,32 @@ class SubclassTest:
self.assertEqual(type(a), type(b))
self.assertEqual(type(a.y), type(b.y))
- test_fromhex = BaseBytesTest.test_fromhex
+ def test_fromhex(self):
+ b = self.type2test.fromhex('1a2B30')
+ self.assertEqual(b, b'\x1a\x2b\x30')
+ self.assertIs(type(b), self.type2test)
+ class B1(self.basetype):
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ me = self.basetype.__new__(cls, value)
+ = 'bar'
+ return me
+ b = B1.fromhex('1a2B30')
+ self.assertEqual(b, b'\x1a\x2b\x30')
+ self.assertIs(type(b), B1)
+ self.assertEqual(, 'bar')
+ class B2(self.basetype):
+ def __init__(me, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.basetype is not bytes:
+ self.basetype.__init__(me, *args, **kwargs)
+ = 'bar'
+ b = B2.fromhex('1a2B30')
+ self.assertEqual(b, b'\x1a\x2b\x30')
+ self.assertIs(type(b), B2)
+ self.assertEqual(, 'bar')
class ByteArraySubclass(bytearray):