from test import support import unittest crypt = support.import_module('crypt') class CryptTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_crypt(self): c = crypt.crypt('mypassword', 'ab') if support.verbose: print('Test encryption: ', c) def test_salt(self): self.assertEqual(len(crypt._saltchars), 64) for method in crypt.methods: salt = crypt.mksalt(method) self.assertEqual(len(salt), method.salt_chars + (3 if method.ident else 0)) def test_saltedcrypt(self): for method in crypt.methods: pw = crypt.crypt('assword', method) self.assertEqual(len(pw), method.total_size) pw = crypt.crypt('assword', crypt.mksalt(method)) self.assertEqual(len(pw), method.total_size) def test_methods(self): # Gurantee that METHOD_CRYPT is the last method in crypt.methods. self.assertTrue(len(crypt.methods) >= 1) self.assertEqual(crypt.METHOD_CRYPT, crypt.methods[-1]) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()