"""Test relative imports (PEP 328).""" from .. import util import unittest import warnings class RelativeImports: """PEP 328 introduced relative imports. This allows for imports to occur from within a package without having to specify the actual package name. A simple example is to import another module within the same package [module from module]:: # From pkg.mod1 with pkg.mod2 being a module. from . import mod2 This also works for getting an attribute from a module that is specified in a relative fashion [attr from module]:: # From pkg.mod1. from .mod2 import attr But this is in no way restricted to working between modules; it works from [package to module],:: # From pkg, importing pkg.module which is a module. from . import module [module to package],:: # Pull attr from pkg, called from pkg.module which is a module. from . import attr and [package to package]:: # From pkg.subpkg1 (both pkg.subpkg[1,2] are packages). from .. import subpkg2 The number of dots used is in no way restricted [deep import]:: # Import pkg.attr from pkg.pkg1.pkg2.pkg3.pkg4.pkg5. from ...... import attr To prevent someone from accessing code that is outside of a package, one cannot reach the location containing the root package itself:: # From pkg.__init__ [too high from package] from .. import top_level # From pkg.module [too high from module] from .. import top_level Relative imports are the only type of import that allow for an empty module name for an import [empty name]. """ def relative_import_test(self, create, globals_, callback): """Abstract out boilerplace for setting up for an import test.""" uncache_names = [] for name in create: if not name.endswith('.__init__'): uncache_names.append(name) else: uncache_names.append(name[:-len('.__init__')]) with util.mock_spec(*create) as importer: with util.import_state(meta_path=[importer]): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for global_ in globals_: with util.uncache(*uncache_names): callback(global_) def test_module_from_module(self): # [module from module] create = 'pkg.__init__', 'pkg.mod2' globals_ = {'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.mod1'} def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') # For __import__(). module = self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['mod2'], level=1) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg') self.assertTrue(hasattr(module, 'mod2')) self.assertEqual(module.mod2.attr, 'pkg.mod2') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_attr_from_module(self): # [attr from module] create = 'pkg.__init__', 'pkg.mod2' globals_ = {'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.mod1'} def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') # For __import__(). module = self.__import__('mod2', global_, fromlist=['attr'], level=1) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg.mod2') self.assertEqual(module.attr, 'pkg.mod2') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_package_to_module(self): # [package to module] create = 'pkg.__init__', 'pkg.module' globals_ = ({'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg', '__path__': ['blah']}) def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') # For __import__(). module = self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['module'], level=1) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg') self.assertTrue(hasattr(module, 'module')) self.assertEqual(module.module.attr, 'pkg.module') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_module_to_package(self): # [module to package] create = 'pkg.__init__', 'pkg.module' globals_ = {'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.module'} def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') # For __import__(). module = self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['attr'], level=1) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_package_to_package(self): # [package to package] create = ('pkg.__init__', 'pkg.subpkg1.__init__', 'pkg.subpkg2.__init__') globals_ = ({'__package__': 'pkg.subpkg1'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.subpkg1', '__path__': ['blah']}) def callback(global_): module = self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['subpkg2'], level=2) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg') self.assertTrue(hasattr(module, 'subpkg2')) self.assertEqual(module.subpkg2.attr, 'pkg.subpkg2.__init__') def test_deep_import(self): # [deep import] create = ['pkg.__init__'] for count in range(1,6): create.append('{0}.pkg{1}.__init__'.format( create[-1][:-len('.__init__')], count)) globals_ = ({'__package__': 'pkg.pkg1.pkg2.pkg3.pkg4.pkg5'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.pkg1.pkg2.pkg3.pkg4.pkg5', '__path__': ['blah']}) def callback(global_): self.__import__(globals_[0]['__package__']) module = self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['attr'], level=6) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, 'pkg') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_too_high_from_package(self): # [too high from package] create = ['top_level', 'pkg.__init__'] globals_ = ({'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg', '__path__': ['blah']}) def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['top_level'], level=2) self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_too_high_from_module(self): # [too high from module] create = ['top_level', 'pkg.__init__', 'pkg.module'] globals_ = {'__package__': 'pkg'}, {'__name__': 'pkg.module'} def callback(global_): self.__import__('pkg') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.__import__('', global_, fromlist=['top_level'], level=2) self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_empty_name_w_level_0(self): # [empty name] with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.__import__('') def test_import_from_different_package(self): # Test importing from a different package than the caller. # in pkg.subpkg1.mod # from ..subpkg2 import mod create = ['__runpy_pkg__.__init__', '__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__.__init__', '__runpy_pkg__.uncle.__init__', '__runpy_pkg__.uncle.cousin.__init__', '__runpy_pkg__.uncle.cousin.nephew'] globals_ = {'__package__': '__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__'} def callback(global_): self.__import__('__runpy_pkg__.__runpy_pkg__') module = self.__import__('uncle.cousin', globals_, {}, fromlist=['nephew'], level=2) self.assertEqual(module.__name__, '__runpy_pkg__.uncle.cousin') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_import_relative_import_no_fromlist(self): # Import a relative module w/ no fromlist. create = ['crash.__init__', 'crash.mod'] globals_ = [{'__package__': 'crash', '__name__': 'crash'}] def callback(global_): self.__import__('crash') mod = self.__import__('mod', global_, {}, [], 1) self.assertEqual(mod.__name__, 'crash.mod') self.relative_import_test(create, globals_, callback) def test_relative_import_no_globals(self): # No globals for a relative import is an error. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self.__import__('sys', level=1) def test_relative_import_no_package(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): self.__import__('a', {'__package__': '', '__spec__': None}, level=1) def test_relative_import_no_package_exists_absolute(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): self.__import__('sys', {'__package__': '', '__spec__': None}, level=1) (Frozen_RelativeImports, Source_RelativeImports ) = util.test_both(RelativeImports, __import__=util.__import__) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()