"""Test cases for traceback module""" import unittest from test.test_support import run_unittest, is_jython import traceback class TracebackCases(unittest.TestCase): # For now, a very minimal set of tests. I want to be sure that # formatting of SyntaxErrors works based on changes for 2.1. def get_exception_format(self, func, exc): try: func() except exc, value: return traceback.format_exception_only(exc, value) else: raise ValueError, "call did not raise exception" def syntax_error_with_caret(self): compile("def fact(x):\n\treturn x!\n", "?", "exec") def syntax_error_without_caret(self): # XXX why doesn't compile raise the same traceback? import test.badsyntax_nocaret def test_caret(self): err = self.get_exception_format(self.syntax_error_with_caret, SyntaxError) self.assert_(len(err) == 4) self.assert_("^" in err[2]) # third line has caret self.assert_(err[1].strip() == "return x!") def test_nocaret(self): if is_jython: # jython adds a caret in this case (why shouldn't it?) return err = self.get_exception_format(self.syntax_error_without_caret, SyntaxError) self.assert_(len(err) == 3) self.assert_(err[1].strip() == "[x for x in x] = x") def test_bug737473(self): import sys, os, tempfile, time savedpath = sys.path[:] testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: sys.path.insert(0, testdir) testfile = os.path.join(testdir, 'test_bug737473.py') print >> open(testfile, 'w'), """ def test(): raise ValueError""" if 'test_bug737473' in sys.modules: del sys.modules['test_bug737473'] import test_bug737473 try: test_bug737473.test() except ValueError: # this loads source code to linecache traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_traceback) # If this test runs too quickly, test_bug737473.py's mtime # attribute will remain unchanged even if the file is rewritten. # Consequently, the file would not reload. So, added a sleep() # delay to assure that a new, distinct timestamp is written. # Since WinME with FAT32 has multisecond resolution, more than # three seconds are needed for this test to pass reliably :-( time.sleep(4) print >> open(testfile, 'w'), """ def test(): raise NotImplementedError""" reload(test_bug737473) try: test_bug737473.test() except NotImplementedError: src = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_traceback)[-1][-1] self.failUnlessEqual(src, 'raise NotImplementedError') finally: sys.path[:] = savedpath for f in os.listdir(testdir): os.unlink(os.path.join(testdir, f)) os.rmdir(testdir) def test_members(self): # Covers Python/structmember.c::listmembers() try: 1/0 except: import sys sys.exc_traceback.__members__ def test_main(): run_unittest(TracebackCases) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()