import datetime import warnings import weakref import unittest from itertools import product class Test_Assertions(unittest.TestCase): def test_AlmostEqual(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(1.00000001, 1.0) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(1.0000001, 1.0) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertAlmostEqual, 1.0000001, 1.0) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, 1.00000001, 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.1, 1.0, places=0) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, places=1) self.assertAlmostEqual(0, .1+.1j, places=0) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(0, .1+.1j, places=1) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertAlmostEqual, 0, .1+.1j, places=1) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, 0, .1+.1j, places=0) self.assertAlmostEqual(float('inf'), float('inf')) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, float('inf'), float('inf')) def test_AmostEqualWithDelta(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(1.1, 1.0, delta=0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, 1.1, delta=0.5) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(1.1, 1.0, delta=0.05) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(1.0, 1.1, delta=0.05) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0, 1.0, delta=0.5) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, 1.0, 1.0, delta=0.5) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, delta=0.05) self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, delta=0.5) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.assertAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, places=2, delta=2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.assertNotAlmostEqual, 1.1, 1.0, places=2, delta=2) first = second = first + datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=20)) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(first, second, delta=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)) def test_assertRaises(self): def _raise(e): raise e self.assertRaises(KeyError, _raise, KeyError) self.assertRaises(KeyError, _raise, KeyError("key")) try: self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: None) except self.failureException as e: self.assertIn("KeyError not raised", str(e)) else:"assertRaises() didn't fail") try: self.assertRaises(KeyError, _raise, ValueError) except ValueError: pass else:"assertRaises() didn't let exception pass through") with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as cm: try: raise KeyError except Exception as e: exc = e raise self.assertIs(cm.exception, exc) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): raise KeyError("key") try: with self.assertRaises(KeyError): pass except self.failureException as e: self.assertIn("KeyError not raised", str(e)) else:"assertRaises() didn't fail") try: with self.assertRaises(KeyError): raise ValueError except ValueError: pass else:"assertRaises() didn't let exception pass through") def test_assertRaises_frames_survival(self): # Issue #9815: assertRaises should avoid keeping local variables # in a traceback alive. class A: pass wr = None class Foo(unittest.TestCase): def foo(self): nonlocal wr a = A() wr = weakref.ref(a) try: raise IOError except IOError: raise ValueError def test_functional(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, def test_with(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Foo("test_functional").run() self.assertIsNone(wr()) Foo("test_with").run() self.assertIsNone(wr()) def testAssertNotRegex(self): self.assertNotRegex('Ala ma kota', r'r+') try: self.assertNotRegex('Ala ma kota', r'k.t', 'Message') except self.failureException as e: self.assertIn("'kot'", e.args[0]) self.assertIn('Message', e.args[0]) else:'assertNotRegex should have failed.') class TestLongMessage(unittest.TestCase): """Test that the individual asserts honour longMessage. This actually tests all the message behaviour for asserts that use longMessage.""" def setUp(self): class TestableTestFalse(unittest.TestCase): longMessage = False failureException = self.failureException def testTest(self): pass class TestableTestTrue(unittest.TestCase): longMessage = True failureException = self.failureException def testTest(self): pass self.testableTrue = TestableTestTrue('testTest') self.testableFalse = TestableTestFalse('testTest') def testDefault(self): self.assertTrue(unittest.TestCase.longMessage) def test_formatMsg(self): self.assertEqual(self.testableFalse._formatMessage(None, "foo"), "foo") self.assertEqual(self.testableFalse._formatMessage("foo", "bar"), "foo") self.assertEqual(self.testableTrue._formatMessage(None, "foo"), "foo") self.assertEqual(self.testableTrue._formatMessage("foo", "bar"), "bar : foo") # This blows up if _formatMessage uses string concatenation self.testableTrue._formatMessage(object(), 'foo') def test_formatMessage_unicode_error(self): one = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(255)) # this used to cause a UnicodeDecodeError constructing msg self.testableTrue._formatMessage(one, '\uFFFD') def assertMessages(self, methodName, args, errors): """ Check that methodName(*args) raises the correct error messages. errors should be a list of 4 regex that match the error when: 1) longMessage = False and no msg passed; 2) longMessage = False and msg passed; 3) longMessage = True and no msg passed; 4) longMessage = True and msg passed; """ def getMethod(i): useTestableFalse = i < 2 if useTestableFalse: test = self.testableFalse else: test = self.testableTrue return getattr(test, methodName) for i, expected_regex in enumerate(errors): testMethod = getMethod(i) kwargs = {} withMsg = i % 2 if withMsg: kwargs = {"msg": "oops"} with self.assertRaisesRegex(self.failureException, expected_regex=expected_regex): testMethod(*args, **kwargs) def testAssertTrue(self): self.assertMessages('assertTrue', (False,), ["^False is not true$", "^oops$", "^False is not true$", "^False is not true : oops$"]) def testAssertFalse(self): self.assertMessages('assertFalse', (True,), ["^True is not false$", "^oops$", "^True is not false$", "^True is not false : oops$"]) def testNotEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertNotEqual', (1, 1), ["^1 == 1$", "^oops$", "^1 == 1$", "^1 == 1 : oops$"]) def testAlmostEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertAlmostEqual', (1, 2), ["^1 != 2 within 7 places$", "^oops$", "^1 != 2 within 7 places$", "^1 != 2 within 7 places : oops$"]) def testNotAlmostEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertNotAlmostEqual', (1, 1), ["^1 == 1 within 7 places$", "^oops$", "^1 == 1 within 7 places$", "^1 == 1 within 7 places : oops$"]) def test_baseAssertEqual(self): self.assertMessages('_baseAssertEqual', (1, 2), ["^1 != 2$", "^oops$", "^1 != 2$", "^1 != 2 : oops$"]) def testAssertSequenceEqual(self): # Error messages are multiline so not testing on full message # assertTupleEqual and assertListEqual delegate to this method self.assertMessages('assertSequenceEqual', ([], [None]), ["\+ \[None\]$", "^oops$", r"\+ \[None\]$", r"\+ \[None\] : oops$"]) def testAssertSetEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertSetEqual', (set(), set([None])), ["None$", "^oops$", "None$", "None : oops$"]) def testAssertIn(self): self.assertMessages('assertIn', (None, []), ['^None not found in \[\]$', "^oops$", '^None not found in \[\]$', '^None not found in \[\] : oops$']) def testAssertNotIn(self): self.assertMessages('assertNotIn', (None, [None]), ['^None unexpectedly found in \[None\]$', "^oops$", '^None unexpectedly found in \[None\]$', '^None unexpectedly found in \[None\] : oops$']) def testAssertDictEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertDictEqual', ({}, {'key': 'value'}), [r"\+ \{'key': 'value'\}$", "^oops$", "\+ \{'key': 'value'\}$", "\+ \{'key': 'value'\} : oops$"]) def testAssertDictContainsSubset(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) self.assertMessages('assertDictContainsSubset', ({'key': 'value'}, {}), ["^Missing: 'key'$", "^oops$", "^Missing: 'key'$", "^Missing: 'key' : oops$"]) def testAssertMultiLineEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertMultiLineEqual', ("", "foo"), [r"\+ foo$", "^oops$", r"\+ foo$", r"\+ foo : oops$"]) def testAssertLess(self): self.assertMessages('assertLess', (2, 1), ["^2 not less than 1$", "^oops$", "^2 not less than 1$", "^2 not less than 1 : oops$"]) def testAssertLessEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertLessEqual', (2, 1), ["^2 not less than or equal to 1$", "^oops$", "^2 not less than or equal to 1$", "^2 not less than or equal to 1 : oops$"]) def testAssertGreater(self): self.assertMessages('assertGreater', (1, 2), ["^1 not greater than 2$", "^oops$", "^1 not greater than 2$", "^1 not greater than 2 : oops$"]) def testAssertGreaterEqual(self): self.assertMessages('assertGreaterEqual', (1, 2), ["^1 not greater than or equal to 2$", "^oops$", "^1 not greater than or equal to 2$", "^1 not greater than or equal to 2 : oops$"]) def testAssertIsNone(self): self.assertMessages('assertIsNone', ('not None',), ["^'not None' is not None$", "^oops$", "^'not None' is not None$", "^'not None' is not None : oops$"]) def testAssertIsNotNone(self): self.assertMessages('assertIsNotNone', (None,), ["^unexpectedly None$", "^oops$", "^unexpectedly None$", "^unexpectedly None : oops$"]) def testAssertIs(self): self.assertMessages('assertIs', (None, 'foo'), ["^None is not 'foo'$", "^oops$", "^None is not 'foo'$", "^None is not 'foo' : oops$"]) def testAssertIsNot(self): self.assertMessages('assertIsNot', (None, None), ["^unexpectedly identical: None$", "^oops$", "^unexpectedly identical: None$", "^unexpectedly identical: None : oops$"]) def assertMessagesCM(self, methodName, args, func, errors): """ Check that the correct error messages are raised while executing: with method(*args): func() *errors* should be a list of 4 regex that match the error when: 1) longMessage = False and no msg passed; 2) longMessage = False and msg passed; 3) longMessage = True and no msg passed; 4) longMessage = True and msg passed; """ p = product((self.testableFalse, self.testableTrue), ({}, {"msg": "oops"})) for (cls, kwargs), err in zip(p, errors): method = getattr(cls, methodName) with self.assertRaisesRegex(cls.failureException, err): with method(*args, **kwargs) as cm: func() def testAssertRaises(self): self.assertMessagesCM('assertRaises', (TypeError,), lambda: None, ['^TypeError not raised$', '^oops$', '^TypeError not raised$', '^TypeError not raised : oops$']) def testAssertRaisesRegex(self): # test error not raised self.assertMessagesCM('assertRaisesRegex', (TypeError, 'unused regex'), lambda: None, ['^TypeError not raised$', '^oops$', '^TypeError not raised$', '^TypeError not raised : oops$']) # test error raised but with wrong message def raise_wrong_message(): raise TypeError('foo') self.assertMessagesCM('assertRaisesRegex', (TypeError, 'regex'), raise_wrong_message, ['^"regex" does not match "foo"$', '^oops$', '^"regex" does not match "foo"$', '^"regex" does not match "foo" : oops$']) def testAssertWarns(self): self.assertMessagesCM('assertWarns', (UserWarning,), lambda: None, ['^UserWarning not triggered$', '^oops$', '^UserWarning not triggered$', '^UserWarning not triggered : oops$']) def testAssertWarnsRegex(self): # test error not raised self.assertMessagesCM('assertWarnsRegex', (UserWarning, 'unused regex'), lambda: None, ['^UserWarning not triggered$', '^oops$', '^UserWarning not triggered$', '^UserWarning not triggered : oops$']) # test warning raised but with wrong message def raise_wrong_message(): warnings.warn('foo') self.assertMessagesCM('assertWarnsRegex', (UserWarning, 'regex'), raise_wrong_message, ['^"regex" does not match "foo"$', '^oops$', '^"regex" does not match "foo"$', '^"regex" does not match "foo" : oops$']) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()