/* enumerate object */ #include "Python.h" typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD Py_ssize_t en_index; /* current index of enumeration */ PyObject* en_sit; /* secondary iterator of enumeration */ PyObject* en_result; /* result tuple */ PyObject* en_longindex; /* index for sequences >= PY_SSIZE_T_MAX */ } enumobject; static PyObject * enum_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { enumobject *en; PyObject *seq = NULL; PyObject *start = NULL; static char *kwlist[] = {"iterable", "start", 0}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|O:enumerate", kwlist, &seq, &start)) return NULL; en = (enumobject *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (en == NULL) return NULL; if (start != NULL) { start = PyNumber_Index(start); if (start == NULL) { Py_DECREF(en); return NULL; } assert(PyLong_Check(start)); en->en_index = PyLong_AsSsize_t(start); if (en->en_index == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Clear(); en->en_index = PY_SSIZE_T_MAX; en->en_longindex = start; } else { en->en_longindex = NULL; Py_DECREF(start); } } else { en->en_index = 0; en->en_longindex = NULL; } en->en_sit = PyObject_GetIter(seq); if (en->en_sit == NULL) { Py_DECREF(en); return NULL; } en->en_result = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_None, Py_None); if (en->en_result == NULL) { Py_DECREF(en); return NULL; } return (PyObject *)en; } static void enum_dealloc(enumobject *en) { PyObject_GC_UnTrack(en); Py_XDECREF(en->en_sit); Py_XDECREF(en->en_result); Py_XDECREF(en->en_longindex); Py_TYPE(en)->tp_free(en); } static int enum_traverse(enumobject *en, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(en->en_sit); Py_VISIT(en->en_result); Py_VISIT(en->en_longindex); return 0; } static PyObject * enum_next_long(enumobject *en, PyObject* next_item) { static PyObject *one = NULL; PyObject *result = en->en_result; PyObject *next_index; PyObject *stepped_up; if (en->en_longindex == NULL) { en->en_longindex = PyLong_FromSsize_t(PY_SSIZE_T_MAX); if (en->en_longindex == NULL) return NULL; } if (one == NULL) { one = PyLong_FromLong(1); if (one == NULL) return NULL; } next_index = en->en_longindex; assert(next_index != NULL); stepped_up = PyNumber_Add(next_index, one); if (stepped_up == NULL) return NULL; en->en_longindex = stepped_up; if (result->ob_refcnt == 1) { Py_INCREF(result); Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 0)); Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 1)); } else { result = PyTuple_New(2); if (result == NULL) { Py_DECREF(next_index); Py_DECREF(next_item); return NULL; } } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, next_index); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, next_item); return result; } static PyObject * enum_next(enumobject *en) { PyObject *next_index; PyObject *next_item; PyObject *result = en->en_result; PyObject *it = en->en_sit; next_item = (*Py_TYPE(it)->tp_iternext)(it); if (next_item == NULL) return NULL; if (en->en_index == PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) return enum_next_long(en, next_item); next_index = PyLong_FromSsize_t(en->en_index); if (next_index == NULL) { Py_DECREF(next_item); return NULL; } en->en_index++; if (result->ob_refcnt == 1) { Py_INCREF(result); Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 0)); Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 1)); } else { result = PyTuple_New(2); if (result == NULL) { Py_DECREF(next_index); Py_DECREF(next_item); return NULL; } } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, next_index); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, next_item); return result; } static PyObject * enum_reduce(enumobject *en) { if (en->en_longindex != NULL) return Py_BuildValue("O(OO)", Py_TYPE(en), en->en_sit, en->en_longindex); else return Py_BuildValue("O(On)", Py_TYPE(en), en->en_sit, en->en_index); } PyDoc_STRVAR(reduce_doc, "Return state information for pickling."); static PyMethodDef enum_methods[] = { {"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)enum_reduce, METH_NOARGS, reduce_doc}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; PyDoc_STRVAR(enum_doc, "enumerate(iterable[, start]) -> iterator for index, value of iterable\n" "\n" "Return an enumerate object. iterable must be another object that supports\n" "iteration. The enumerate object yields pairs containing a count (from\n" "start, which defaults to zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument.\n" "enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list:\n" " (0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), ..."); PyTypeObject PyEnum_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "enumerate", /* tp_name */ sizeof(enumobject), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ /* methods */ (destructor)enum_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_reserved */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ enum_doc, /* tp_doc */ (traverseproc)enum_traverse, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */ (iternextfunc)enum_next, /* tp_iternext */ enum_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ 0, /* tp_init */ PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */ enum_new, /* tp_new */ PyObject_GC_Del, /* tp_free */ }; /* Reversed Object ***************************************************************/ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD Py_ssize_t index; PyObject* seq; } reversedobject; static PyObject * reversed_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { Py_ssize_t n; PyObject *seq, *reversed_meth; reversedobject *ro; _Py_IDENTIFIER(__reversed__); if (type == &PyReversed_Type && !_PyArg_NoKeywords("reversed()", kwds)) return NULL; if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "reversed", 1, 1, &seq) ) return NULL; reversed_meth = _PyObject_LookupSpecial(seq, &PyId___reversed__); if (reversed_meth == Py_None) { Py_DECREF(reversed_meth); PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'%.200s' object is not reversible", Py_TYPE(seq)->tp_name); return NULL; } if (reversed_meth != NULL) { PyObject *res = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(reversed_meth, NULL); Py_DECREF(reversed_meth); return res; } else if (PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; if (!PySequence_Check(seq)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "'%.200s' object is not reversible", Py_TYPE(seq)->tp_name); return NULL; } n = PySequence_Size(seq); if (n == -1) return NULL; ro = (reversedobject *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (ro == NULL) return NULL; ro->index = n-1; Py_INCREF(seq); ro->seq = seq; return (PyObject *)ro; } static void reversed_dealloc(reversedobject *ro) { PyObject_GC_UnTrack(ro); Py_XDECREF(ro->seq); Py_TYPE(ro)->tp_free(ro); } static int reversed_traverse(reversedobject *ro, visitproc visit, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(ro->seq); return 0; } static PyObject * reversed_next(reversedobject *ro) { PyObject *item; Py_ssize_t index = ro->index; if (index >= 0) { item = PySequence_GetItem(ro->seq, index); if (item != NULL) { ro->index--; return item; } if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_IndexError) || PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_StopIteration)) PyErr_Clear(); } ro->index = -1; Py_CLEAR(ro->seq); return NULL; } PyDoc_STRVAR(reversed_doc, "reversed(sequence) -> reverse iterator over values of the sequence\n" "\n" "Return a reverse iterator"); static PyObject * reversed_len(reversedobject *ro) { Py_ssize_t position, seqsize; if (ro->seq == NULL) return PyLong_FromLong(0); seqsize = PySequence_Size(ro->seq); if (seqsize == -1) return NULL; position = ro->index + 1; return PyLong_FromSsize_t((seqsize < position) ? 0 : position); } PyDoc_STRVAR(length_hint_doc, "Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it))."); static PyObject * reversed_reduce(reversedobject *ro) { if (ro->seq) return Py_BuildValue("O(O)n", Py_TYPE(ro), ro->seq, ro->index); else return Py_BuildValue("O(())", Py_TYPE(ro)); } static PyObject * reversed_setstate(reversedobject *ro, PyObject *state) { Py_ssize_t index = PyLong_AsSsize_t(state); if (index == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; if (ro->seq != 0) { Py_ssize_t n = PySequence_Size(ro->seq); if (n < 0) return NULL; if (index < -1) index = -1; else if (index > n-1) index = n-1; ro->index = index; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(setstate_doc, "Set state information for unpickling."); static PyMethodDef reversediter_methods[] = { {"__length_hint__", (PyCFunction)reversed_len, METH_NOARGS, length_hint_doc}, {"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)reversed_reduce, METH_NOARGS, reduce_doc}, {"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)reversed_setstate, METH_O, setstate_doc}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; PyTypeObject PyReversed_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "reversed", /* tp_name */ sizeof(reversedobject), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ /* methods */ (destructor)reversed_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_print */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_reserved */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ reversed_doc, /* tp_doc */ (traverseproc)reversed_traverse,/* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */ (iternextfunc)reversed_next, /* tp_iternext */ reversediter_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ 0, /* tp_init */ PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */ reversed_new, /* tp_new */ PyObject_GC_Del, /* tp_free */ };