Debug Win32 Debug x64 PGInstrument Win32 PGInstrument x64 PGUpdate Win32 PGUpdate x64 Release Win32 Release x64 {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0} ssl MakeFileProj Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet Makefile NotSet <_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1 cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" copy /Y crypto\buildinf_x86.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_x86.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g ms\\uptable.asm || echo nasm failed! && exit copy /Y crypto\buildinf_amd64.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_amd64.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt64.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" copy /Y crypto\buildinf_x86.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_x86.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g ms\\uptable.asm || echo nasm failed! && exit copy /Y crypto\buildinf_amd64.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_amd64.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt64.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" copy /Y crypto\buildinf_x86.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_x86.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g ms\\uptable.asm || echo nasm failed! && exit copy /Y crypto\buildinf_amd64.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_amd64.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt64.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" copy /Y crypto\buildinf_x86.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_x86.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies) cd "$(SolutionDir)$(opensslDir)" nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g ms\\uptable.asm || echo nasm failed! && exit copy /Y crypto\buildinf_amd64.h crypto\buildinf.h copy /Y crypto\opensslconf_amd64.h crypto\opensslconf.h nmake /nologo -f "ms\nt64.mak" echo OpenSSL must be cleaned manually if you want to rebuild it. $(NMakePreprocessorDefinitions) $(NMakeIncludeSearchPath) $(NMakeForcedIncludes) $(NMakeAssemblySearchPath) $(NMakeForcedUsingAssemblies)