@echo off setlocal rem Simple script to fetch source for external tools where /Q svn if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH to get external tools. echo.Try TortoiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/^) and be sure to check the echo.command line tools option. popd exit /b 1 ) if not exist "%~dp0..\..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\..\externals" pushd "%~dp0..\..\externals" if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=http://svn.python.org/projects/external/ if not exist "windows-installer\.svn" ( echo.Checking out installer dependencies to %CD%\windows-installer svn co %SVNROOT%windows-installer ) else ( echo.Updating installer dependencies in %CD%\windows-installer svn up windows-installer ) popd