// keccak.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai //! \file keccak.h //! \brief Classes for Keccak message digests //! \details The Crypto++ Keccak implementation uses F1600 with XOF d=0x01. //! FIPS 202 conformance (XOF d=0x06) is available in SHA3 classes. //! \details Keccak will likely change in the future to accomodate extensibility of the //! round function and the XOF functions. //! \sa Keccak //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 #ifndef CRYPTOPP_KECCAK_H #define CRYPTOPP_KECCAK_H #include "cryptlib.h" #include "secblock.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) //! \class Keccak //! \brief Keccak message digest base class //! \details The Crypto++ Keccak implementation uses F1600 with XOF d=0x01. //! FIPS 202 conformance (XOF d=0x06) is available in SHA3 classes. //! \details Keccak is the base class for Keccak_224, Keccak_256, Keccak_384 and Keccak_512. //! Library users should instantiate a derived class, and only use Keccak //! as a base class reference or pointer. //! \details Keccak will likely change in the future to accomodate extensibility of the //! round function and the XOF functions. //! \details Perform the following to specify a different digest size. The class will use F1600, //! XOF d=0x01, and a new vaue for r() (which will be 200-2*24 = 152). //!
  Keccack_192 : public Keccack
//!   {
//!     public:
//!       Keccack_192() : Keccack(DIGESTSIZE) {}
//!   };
//! //! \sa SHA3, Keccak_224, Keccak_256, Keccak_384 and Keccak_512. //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 class Keccak : public HashTransformation { public: //! \brief Construct a Keccak //! \param digestSize the digest size, in bytes //! \details Keccak is the base class for Keccak_224, Keccak_256, Keccak_384 and Keccak_512. //! Library users should instantiate a derived class, and only use Keccak //! as a base class reference or pointer. //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 Keccak(unsigned int digestSize) : m_digestSize(digestSize) {Restart();} unsigned int DigestSize() const {return m_digestSize;} std::string AlgorithmName() const {return "Keccak-" + IntToString(m_digestSize*8);} unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return GetAlignmentOf();} void Update(const byte *input, size_t length); void Restart(); void TruncatedFinal(byte *hash, size_t size); protected: inline unsigned int r() const {return 200 - 2 * m_digestSize;} FixedSizeSecBlock m_state; unsigned int m_digestSize, m_counter; }; //! \class Keccak_224 //! \brief Keccak-224 message digest //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 class Keccak_224 : public Keccak { public: CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = 28) //! \brief Construct a Keccak-224 message digest Keccak_224() : Keccak(DIGESTSIZE) {} CRYPTOPP_CONSTEXPR static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return "Keccak-224";} }; //! \class Keccak_256 //! \brief Keccak-256 message digest //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 class Keccak_256 : public Keccak { public: CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = 32) //! \brief Construct a Keccak-256 message digest Keccak_256() : Keccak(DIGESTSIZE) {} CRYPTOPP_CONSTEXPR static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return "Keccak-256";} }; //! \class Keccak_384 //! \brief Keccak-384 message digest //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 class Keccak_384 : public Keccak { public: CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = 48) //! \brief Construct a Keccak-384 message digest Keccak_384() : Keccak(DIGESTSIZE) {} CRYPTOPP_CONSTEXPR static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return "Keccak-384";} }; //! \class Keccak_512 //! \brief Keccak-512 message digest //! \since Crypto++ 5.6.4 class Keccak_512 : public Keccak { public: CRYPTOPP_CONSTANT(DIGESTSIZE = 64) //! \brief Construct a Keccak-512 message digest Keccak_512() : Keccak(DIGESTSIZE) {} CRYPTOPP_CONSTEXPR static const char *StaticAlgorithmName() {return "Keccak-512";} }; NAMESPACE_END #endif