path: root/c5/strciphr.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'c5/strciphr.h')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/c5/strciphr.h b/c5/strciphr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fb95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c5/strciphr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/*! \file
+ This file contains helper classes for implementing stream ciphers.
+ All this infrastructure may look very complex compared to what's in Crypto++ 4.x,
+ but stream ciphers implementations now support a lot of new functionality,
+ including better performance (minimizing copying), resetting of keys and IVs, and methods to
+ query which features are supported by a cipher.
+ Here's an explanation of these classes. The word "policy" is used here to mean a class with a
+ set of methods that must be implemented by individual stream cipher implementations.
+ This is usually much simpler than the full stream cipher API, which is implemented by
+ either AdditiveCipherTemplate or CFB_CipherTemplate using the policy. So for example, an
+ implementation of SEAL only needs to implement the AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy interface
+ (since it's an additive cipher, i.e., it xors a keystream into the plaintext).
+ See this line in seal.h:
+ typedef SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate<ConcretePolicyHolder<SEAL_Policy<B>, AdditiveCipherTemplate<> > > Encryption;
+ AdditiveCipherTemplate and CFB_CipherTemplate are designed so that they don't need
+ to take a policy class as a template parameter (although this is allowed), so that
+ their code is not duplicated for each new cipher. Instead they each
+ get a reference to an abstract policy interface by calling AccessPolicy() on itself, so
+ AccessPolicy() must be overriden to return the actual policy reference. This is done
+ by the ConceretePolicyHolder class. Finally, SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate implements the constructors and
+ other functions that must be implemented by the most derived class.
+#include "seckey.h"
+#include "secblock.h"
+template <class POLICY_INTERFACE, class BASE = Empty>
+class AbstractPolicyHolder : public BASE
+ typedef POLICY_INTERFACE PolicyInterface;
+ virtual const POLICY_INTERFACE & GetPolicy() const =0;
+ virtual POLICY_INTERFACE & AccessPolicy() =0;
+template <class POLICY, class BASE, class POLICY_INTERFACE = CPP_TYPENAME BASE::PolicyInterface>
+class ConcretePolicyHolder : public BASE, protected POLICY
+ const POLICY_INTERFACE & GetPolicy() const {return *this;}
+ POLICY_INTERFACE & AccessPolicy() {return *this;}
+struct AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy
+ virtual unsigned int GetAlignment() const =0;
+ virtual unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const =0;
+ virtual unsigned int GetIterationsToBuffer() const =0;
+ virtual void WriteKeystream(byte *keystreamBuffer, unsigned int iterationCount) =0;
+ virtual bool CanOperateKeystream() const {return false;}
+ virtual void OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int iterationCount) {assert(false);}
+ virtual void CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length) =0;
+ virtual void CipherResynchronize(byte *keystreamBuffer, const byte *iv) {throw NotImplemented("StreamTransformation: this object doesn't support resynchronization");}
+ virtual bool IsRandomAccess() const =0;
+ virtual void SeekToIteration(dword iterationCount) {assert(!IsRandomAccess()); throw NotImplemented("StreamTransformation: this object doesn't support random access");}
+template <typename WT, unsigned int W, unsigned int X = 1, class BASE = AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy>
+struct AdditiveCipherConcretePolicy : public BASE
+ typedef WT WordType;
+ unsigned int GetAlignment() const {return sizeof(WordType);}
+ unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const {return sizeof(WordType) * W;}
+ unsigned int GetIterationsToBuffer() const {return X;}
+ void WriteKeystream(byte *buffer, unsigned int iterationCount)
+ {OperateKeystream(WRITE_KEYSTREAM, buffer, NULL, iterationCount);}
+ bool CanOperateKeystream() const {return true;}
+ virtual void OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int iterationCount) =0;
+ template <class B>
+ struct KeystreamOutput
+ {
+ KeystreamOutput(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input)
+ : m_operation(operation), m_output(output), m_input(input) {}
+ inline KeystreamOutput & operator()(WordType keystreamWord)
+ {
+ assert(IsAligned<WordType>(m_input));
+ assert(IsAligned<WordType>(m_output));
+ if (!NativeByteOrderIs(B::ToEnum()))
+ keystreamWord = ByteReverse(keystreamWord);
+ if (m_operation == WRITE_KEYSTREAM)
+ *(WordType*)m_output = keystreamWord;
+ else if (m_operation == XOR_KEYSTREAM)
+ {
+ *(WordType*)m_output = keystreamWord ^ *(WordType*)m_input;
+ m_input += sizeof(WordType);
+ }
+ else if (m_operation == XOR_KEYSTREAM_INPLACE)
+ *(WordType*)m_output ^= keystreamWord;
+ m_output += sizeof(WordType);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ KeystreamOperation m_operation;
+ byte *m_output;
+ const byte *m_input;
+ };
+template <class BASE = AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, TwoBases<SymmetricCipher, RandomNumberGenerator> > >
+class AdditiveCipherTemplate : public BASE
+ byte GenerateByte();
+ void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length);
+ void Resynchronize(const byte *iv);
+ unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return GetPolicy().GetBytesPerIteration();}
+ unsigned int GetOptimalNextBlockSize() const {return m_leftOver;}
+ unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return GetPolicy().GetAlignment();}
+ bool IsSelfInverting() const {return true;}
+ bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return true;}
+ bool IsRandomAccess() const {return GetPolicy().IsRandomAccess();}
+ void Seek(dword position);
+ typedef typename BASE::PolicyInterface PolicyInterface;
+ void UncheckedSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length);
+ unsigned int GetBufferByteSize(const PolicyInterface &policy) const {return policy.GetBytesPerIteration() * policy.GetIterationsToBuffer();}
+ inline byte * KeystreamBufferBegin() {return;}
+ inline byte * KeystreamBufferEnd() {return ( + m_buffer.size());}
+ SecByteBlock m_buffer;
+ unsigned int m_leftOver;
+struct CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy
+ virtual unsigned int GetAlignment() const =0;
+ virtual unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const =0;
+ virtual byte * GetRegisterBegin() =0;
+ virtual void TransformRegister() =0;
+ virtual bool CanIterate() const {return false;}
+ virtual void Iterate(byte *output, const byte *input, CipherDir dir, unsigned int iterationCount) {assert(false);}
+ virtual void CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length) =0;
+ virtual void CipherResynchronize(const byte *iv) {throw NotImplemented("StreamTransformation: this object doesn't support resynchronization");}
+template <typename WT, unsigned int W, class BASE = CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy>
+struct CFB_CipherConcretePolicy : public BASE
+ typedef WT WordType;
+ unsigned int GetAlignment() const {return sizeof(WordType);}
+ unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const {return sizeof(WordType) * W;}
+ bool CanIterate() const {return true;}
+ void TransformRegister() {Iterate(NULL, NULL, ENCRYPTION, 1);}
+ template <class B>
+ struct RegisterOutput
+ {
+ RegisterOutput(byte *output, const byte *input, CipherDir dir)
+ : m_output(output), m_input(input), m_dir(dir) {}
+ inline RegisterOutput& operator()(WordType &registerWord)
+ {
+ assert(IsAligned<WordType>(m_output));
+ assert(IsAligned<WordType>(m_input));
+ if (!NativeByteOrderIs(B::ToEnum()))
+ registerWord = ByteReverse(registerWord);
+ if (m_dir == ENCRYPTION)
+ {
+ WordType ct = *(const WordType *)m_input ^ registerWord;
+ registerWord = ct;
+ *(WordType*)m_output = ct;
+ m_input += sizeof(WordType);
+ m_output += sizeof(WordType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WordType ct = *(const WordType *)m_input;
+ *(WordType*)m_output = registerWord ^ ct;
+ registerWord = ct;
+ m_input += sizeof(WordType);
+ m_output += sizeof(WordType);
+ }
+ // registerWord is left unreversed so it can be xor-ed with further input
+ return *this;
+ }
+ byte *m_output;
+ const byte *m_input;
+ CipherDir m_dir;
+ };
+template <class BASE>
+class CFB_CipherTemplate : public BASE
+ void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length);
+ void Resynchronize(const byte *iv);
+ unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return GetPolicy().GetBytesPerIteration();}
+ unsigned int GetOptimalNextBlockSize() const {return m_leftOver;}
+ unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return GetPolicy().GetAlignment();}
+ bool IsRandomAccess() const {return false;}
+ bool IsSelfInverting() const {return false;}
+ typedef typename BASE::PolicyInterface PolicyInterface;
+ virtual void CombineMessageAndShiftRegister(byte *output, byte *reg, const byte *message, unsigned int length) =0;
+ void UncheckedSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length);
+ unsigned int m_leftOver;
+template <class BASE = AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, SymmetricCipher> >
+class CFB_EncryptionTemplate : public CFB_CipherTemplate<BASE>
+ bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return true;}
+ void CombineMessageAndShiftRegister(byte *output, byte *reg, const byte *message, unsigned int length);
+template <class BASE = AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, SymmetricCipher> >
+class CFB_DecryptionTemplate : public CFB_CipherTemplate<BASE>
+ bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return false;}
+ void CombineMessageAndShiftRegister(byte *output, byte *reg, const byte *message, unsigned int length);
+template <class BASE, class INFO = BASE>
+class SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate : public AlgorithmImpl<SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl<BASE, INFO>, INFO>
+ SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate() {}
+ SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate(const byte *key)
+ SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate(const byte *key, unsigned int length)
+ {SetKey(key, length);}
+ SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const byte *iv)
+ {SetKey(key, length); Resynchronize(iv);}
+ void SetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs)
+ {
+ ThrowIfInvalidKeyLength(length);
+ UncheckedSetKey(params, key, length);
+ }
+ Clonable * Clone() {return new SymmetricCipherFinalTemplate<BASE, INFO>(*this);}
+template <class S>
+void AdditiveCipherTemplate<S>::UncheckedSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length)
+ PolicyInterface &policy = AccessPolicy();
+ policy.CipherSetKey(params, key, length);
+ m_buffer.New(GetBufferByteSize(policy));
+ m_leftOver = 0;
+template <class BASE>
+void CFB_CipherTemplate<BASE>::UncheckedSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, unsigned int length)
+ PolicyInterface &policy = AccessPolicy();
+ policy.CipherSetKey(params, key, length);
+ m_leftOver = policy.GetBytesPerIteration();