// asn.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS #include "asn.h" #include #include NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) USING_NAMESPACE(std) /// DER Length unsigned int DERLengthEncode(BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned int length) { unsigned int i=0; if (length <= 0x7f) { bt.Put(byte(length)); i++; } else { bt.Put(byte(BytePrecision(length) | 0x80)); i++; for (int j=BytePrecision(length); j; --j) { bt.Put(byte(length >> (j-1)*8)); i++; } } return i; } bool BERLengthDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned int &length, bool &definiteLength) { byte b; if (!bt.Get(b)) return false; if (!(b & 0x80)) { definiteLength = true; length = b; } else { unsigned int lengthBytes = b & 0x7f; if (lengthBytes == 0) { definiteLength = false; return true; } definiteLength = true; length = 0; while (lengthBytes--) { if (length >> (8*(sizeof(length)-1))) BERDecodeError(); // length about to overflow if (!bt.Get(b)) return false; length = (length << 8) | b; } } return true; } bool BERLengthDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned int &length) { bool definiteLength; if (!BERLengthDecode(bt, length, definiteLength)) BERDecodeError(); return definiteLength; } void DEREncodeNull(BufferedTransformation &out) { out.Put(TAG_NULL); out.Put(0); } void BERDecodeNull(BufferedTransformation &in) { byte b; if (!in.Get(b) || b != TAG_NULL) BERDecodeError(); unsigned int length; if (!BERLengthDecode(in, length) || length != 0) BERDecodeError(); } /// ASN Strings unsigned int DEREncodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const byte *str, unsigned int strLen) { bt.Put(OCTET_STRING); unsigned int lengthBytes = DERLengthEncode(bt, strLen); bt.Put(str, strLen); return 1+lengthBytes+strLen; } unsigned int DEREncodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const SecByteBlock &str) { return DEREncodeOctetString(bt, str.begin(), str.size()); } unsigned int BERDecodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, SecByteBlock &str) { byte b; if (!bt.Get(b) || b != OCTET_STRING) BERDecodeError(); unsigned int bc; if (!BERLengthDecode(bt, bc)) BERDecodeError(); str.resize(bc); if (bc != bt.Get(str, bc)) BERDecodeError(); return bc; } unsigned int BERDecodeOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, BufferedTransformation &str) { byte b; if (!bt.Get(b) || b != OCTET_STRING) BERDecodeError(); unsigned int bc; if (!BERLengthDecode(bt, bc)) BERDecodeError(); bt.TransferTo(str, bc); return bc; } unsigned int DEREncodeTextString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const std::string &str, byte asnTag) { bt.Put(asnTag); unsigned int lengthBytes = DERLengthEncode(bt, str.size()); bt.Put((const byte *)str.data(), str.size()); return 1+lengthBytes+str.size(); } unsigned int BERDecodeTextString(BufferedTransformation &bt, std::string &str, byte asnTag) { byte b; if (!bt.Get(b) || b != asnTag) BERDecodeError(); unsigned int bc; if (!BERLengthDecode(bt, bc)) BERDecodeError(); SecByteBlock temp(bc); if (bc != bt.Get(temp, bc)) BERDecodeError(); str.assign((char *)temp.begin(), bc); return bc; } /// ASN BitString unsigned int DEREncodeBitString(BufferedTransformation &bt, const byte *str, unsigned int strLen, unsigned int unusedBits) { bt.Put(BIT_STRING); unsigned int lengthBytes = DERLengthEncode(bt, strLen+1); bt.Put((byte)unusedBits); bt.Put(str, strLen); return 2+lengthBytes+strLen; } unsigned int BERDecodeBitString(BufferedTransformation &bt, SecByteBlock &str, unsigned int &unusedBits) { byte b; if (!bt.Get(b) || b != BIT_STRING) BERDecodeError(); unsigned int bc; if (!BERLengthDecode(bt, bc)) BERDecodeError(); byte unused; if (!bt.Get(unused)) BERDecodeError(); unusedBits = unused; str.resize(bc-1); if ((bc-1) != bt.Get(str, bc-1)) BERDecodeError(); return bc-1; } void OID::EncodeValue(BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned long v) { for (unsigned int i=RoundUpToMultipleOf(STDMAX(7U,BitPrecision(v)), 7U)-7; i != 0; i-=7) bt.Put((byte)(0x80 | ((v >> i) & 0x7f))); bt.Put((byte)(v & 0x7f)); } unsigned int OID::DecodeValue(BufferedTransformation &bt, unsigned long &v) { byte b; unsigned int i=0; v = 0; while (true) { if (!bt.Get(b)) BERDecodeError(); i++; v <<= 7; v += b & 0x7f; if (!(b & 0x80)) return i; } } void OID::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const { assert(m_values.size() >= 2); ByteQueue temp; temp.Put(byte(m_values[0] * 40 + m_values[1])); for (unsigned int i=2; i 0) { unsigned long v; unsigned int valueLen = DecodeValue(bt, v); if (valueLen > length) BERDecodeError(); m_values.push_back(v); length -= valueLen; } } void OID::BERDecodeAndCheck(BufferedTransformation &bt) const { OID oid(bt); if (*this != oid) BERDecodeError(); } inline BufferedTransformation & EncodedObjectFilter::CurrentTarget() { if (m_flags & PUT_OBJECTS) return *AttachedTransformation(); else return TheBitBucket(); } void EncodedObjectFilter::Put(const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { if (m_nCurrentObject == m_nObjects) { AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, length); return; } LazyPutter lazyPutter(m_queue, inString, length); while (m_queue.AnyRetrievable()) { switch (m_state) { case IDENTIFIER: if (!m_queue.Get(m_id)) return; m_queue.TransferTo(CurrentTarget(), 1); m_state = LENGTH; // fall through case LENGTH: { byte b; if (m_level > 0 && m_id == 0 && m_queue.Peek(b) && b == 0) { m_queue.TransferTo(CurrentTarget(), 1); m_level--; m_state = IDENTIFIER; break; } ByteQueue::Walker walker(m_queue); bool definiteLength; if (!BERLengthDecode(walker, m_lengthRemaining, definiteLength)) return; m_queue.TransferTo(CurrentTarget(), walker.GetCurrentPosition()); if (!((m_id & CONSTRUCTED) || definiteLength)) BERDecodeError(); if (!definiteLength) { if (!(m_id & CONSTRUCTED)) BERDecodeError(); m_level++; m_state = IDENTIFIER; break; } m_state = BODY; // fall through } case BODY: m_lengthRemaining -= m_queue.TransferTo(CurrentTarget(), m_lengthRemaining); if (m_lengthRemaining == 0) m_state = IDENTIFIER; } if (m_state == IDENTIFIER && m_level == 0) { // just finished processing a level 0 object ++m_nCurrentObject; if (m_flags & PUT_MESSANGE_END_AFTER_EACH_OBJECT) AttachedTransformation()->MessageEnd(); if (m_nCurrentObject == m_nObjects) { if (m_flags & PUT_MESSANGE_END_AFTER_ALL_OBJECTS) AttachedTransformation()->MessageEnd(); if (m_flags & PUT_MESSANGE_SERIES_END_AFTER_ALL_OBJECTS) AttachedTransformation()->MessageSeriesEnd(); m_queue.TransferAllTo(*AttachedTransformation()); return; } } } } BERGeneralDecoder::BERGeneralDecoder(BufferedTransformation &inQueue, byte asnTag) : m_inQueue(inQueue), m_finished(false) { byte b; if (!m_inQueue.Get(b) || b != asnTag) BERDecodeError(); m_definiteLength = BERLengthDecode(m_inQueue, m_length); } BERGeneralDecoder::BERGeneralDecoder(BERGeneralDecoder &inQueue, byte asnTag) : m_inQueue(inQueue), m_finished(false) { byte b; if (!m_inQueue.Get(b) || b != asnTag) BERDecodeError(); m_definiteLength = BERLengthDecode(m_inQueue, m_length); if (!m_definiteLength && !(asnTag & CONSTRUCTED)) BERDecodeError(); // cannot be primitive have indefinite length } BERGeneralDecoder::~BERGeneralDecoder() { try // avoid throwing in constructor { if (!m_finished) MessageEnd(); } catch (...) { } } bool BERGeneralDecoder::EndReached() const { if (m_definiteLength) return m_length == 0; else { // check end-of-content octets word16 i; return (m_inQueue.PeekWord16(i)==2 && i==0); } } byte BERGeneralDecoder::PeekByte() const { byte b; if (!Peek(b)) BERDecodeError(); return b; } void BERGeneralDecoder::CheckByte(byte check) { byte b; if (!Get(b) || b != check) BERDecodeError(); } void BERGeneralDecoder::MessageEnd() { m_finished = true; if (m_definiteLength) { if (m_length != 0) BERDecodeError(); } else { // remove end-of-content octets word16 i; if (m_inQueue.GetWord16(i) != 2 || i != 0) BERDecodeError(); } } unsigned int BERGeneralDecoder::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { if (m_definiteLength && transferBytes > m_length) transferBytes = m_length; unsigned int blockedBytes = m_inQueue.TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); ReduceLength(transferBytes); return blockedBytes; } unsigned int BERGeneralDecoder::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &begin, unsigned long end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { if (m_definiteLength) end = STDMIN((unsigned long)m_length, end); return m_inQueue.CopyRangeTo2(target, begin, end, channel, blocking); } unsigned int BERGeneralDecoder::ReduceLength(unsigned int delta) { if (m_definiteLength) { if (m_length < delta) BERDecodeError(); m_length -= delta; } return delta; } DERGeneralEncoder::DERGeneralEncoder(BufferedTransformation &outQueue, byte asnTag) : m_outQueue(outQueue), m_finished(false), m_asnTag(asnTag) { } DERGeneralEncoder::DERGeneralEncoder(DERGeneralEncoder &outQueue, byte asnTag) : m_outQueue(outQueue), m_finished(false), m_asnTag(asnTag) { } DERGeneralEncoder::~DERGeneralEncoder() { try // avoid throwing in constructor { if (!m_finished) MessageEnd(); } catch (...) { } } void DERGeneralEncoder::MessageEnd() { m_finished = true; unsigned int length = (unsigned int)CurrentSize(); m_outQueue.Put(m_asnTag); DERLengthEncode(m_outQueue, length); TransferTo(m_outQueue); } // ************************************************************* void X509PublicKey::BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt) { BERSequenceDecoder subjectPublicKeyInfo(bt); BERSequenceDecoder algorithm(subjectPublicKeyInfo); GetAlgorithmID().BERDecodeAndCheck(algorithm); bool parametersPresent = algorithm.EndReached() ? false : BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters(algorithm); algorithm.MessageEnd(); BERGeneralDecoder subjectPublicKey(subjectPublicKeyInfo, BIT_STRING); subjectPublicKey.CheckByte(0); // unused bits BERDecodeKey2(subjectPublicKey, parametersPresent, subjectPublicKey.RemainingLength()); subjectPublicKey.MessageEnd(); subjectPublicKeyInfo.MessageEnd(); } void X509PublicKey::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const { DERSequenceEncoder subjectPublicKeyInfo(bt); DERSequenceEncoder algorithm(subjectPublicKeyInfo); GetAlgorithmID().DEREncode(algorithm); DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters(algorithm); algorithm.MessageEnd(); DERGeneralEncoder subjectPublicKey(subjectPublicKeyInfo, BIT_STRING); subjectPublicKey.Put(0); // unused bits DEREncodeKey(subjectPublicKey); subjectPublicKey.MessageEnd(); subjectPublicKeyInfo.MessageEnd(); } void PKCS8PrivateKey::BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt) { BERSequenceDecoder privateKeyInfo(bt); word32 version; BERDecodeUnsigned(privateKeyInfo, version, INTEGER, 0, 0); // check version BERSequenceDecoder algorithm(privateKeyInfo); GetAlgorithmID().BERDecodeAndCheck(algorithm); bool parametersPresent = BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters(algorithm); algorithm.MessageEnd(); BERGeneralDecoder octetString(privateKeyInfo, OCTET_STRING); BERDecodeKey2(octetString, parametersPresent, privateKeyInfo.RemainingLength()); octetString.MessageEnd(); BERDecodeOptionalAttributes(privateKeyInfo); privateKeyInfo.MessageEnd(); } void PKCS8PrivateKey::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const { DERSequenceEncoder privateKeyInfo(bt); DEREncodeUnsigned(privateKeyInfo, 0); // version DERSequenceEncoder algorithm(privateKeyInfo); GetAlgorithmID().DEREncode(algorithm); DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters(algorithm); algorithm.MessageEnd(); DERGeneralEncoder octetString(privateKeyInfo, OCTET_STRING); DEREncodeKey(octetString); octetString.MessageEnd(); DEREncodeOptionalAttributes(privateKeyInfo); privateKeyInfo.MessageEnd(); } NAMESPACE_END #endif