#ifndef CRYPTOPP_DSA_H #define CRYPTOPP_DSA_H /** \file */ #include "gfpcrypt.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) /*! The DSA signature format used by Crypto++ is as defined by IEEE P1363. Java uses the DER format, and OpenPGP uses the OpenPGP format. */ enum DSASignatureFormat {DSA_P1363, DSA_DER, DSA_OPENPGP}; /** This function converts between these formats, and returns length of signature in the target format. If toFormat == DSA_P1363, bufferSize must equal publicKey.SignatureLength() */ unsigned int DSAConvertSignatureFormat(byte *buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, DSASignatureFormat toFormat, const byte *signature, unsigned int signatureLen, DSASignatureFormat fromFormat); #ifdef CRYPTOPP_MAINTAIN_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY typedef DSA::Signer DSAPrivateKey; typedef DSA::Verifier DSAPublicKey; const int MIN_DSA_PRIME_LENGTH = DSA::MIN_PRIME_LENGTH; const int MAX_DSA_PRIME_LENGTH = DSA::MAX_PRIME_LENGTH; const int DSA_PRIME_LENGTH_MULTIPLE = DSA::PRIME_LENGTH_MULTIPLE; bool GenerateDSAPrimes(const byte *seed, unsigned int seedLength, int &counter, Integer &p, unsigned int primeLength, Integer &q) {return DSA::GeneratePrimes(seed, seedLength, counter, p, primeLength, q);} #endif NAMESPACE_END #endif