// ida.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #include "ida.h" #include "algebra.h" #include "gf2_32.h" #include "polynomi.h" #include "polynomi.cpp" ANONYMOUS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static const CryptoPP::GF2_32 field; NAMESPACE_END using namespace std; NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) void RawIDA::ChannelInitialize(const string &channel, const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { if (!channel.empty()) throw NotImplemented("RawIDA: can't reinitialize a channel"); if (!parameters.GetIntValue("RecoveryThreshold", m_threshold)) throw InvalidArgument("RawIDA: missing RecoveryThreshold argument"); if (m_threshold <= 0) throw InvalidArgument("RawIDA: RecoveryThreshold must be greater than 0"); m_lastMapPosition = m_inputChannelMap.end(); m_channelsReady = 0; m_channelsFinished = 0; m_w.New(m_threshold); m_y.New(m_threshold); m_inputQueues.reserve(m_threshold); m_outputChannelIds.clear(); m_outputChannelIdStrings.clear(); m_outputQueues.clear(); word32 outputChannelID; if (parameters.GetValue("OutputChannelID", outputChannelID)) AddOutputChannel(outputChannelID); else { int nShares = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault("NumberOfShares", m_threshold); for (unsigned int i=0; iChannelInitialize(m_outputChannelIdStrings[i], parameters, propagation-1); } unsigned int RawIDA::InsertInputChannel(word32 channelId) { if (m_lastMapPosition != m_inputChannelMap.end()) { if (m_lastMapPosition->first == channelId) goto skipFind; ++m_lastMapPosition; if (m_lastMapPosition != m_inputChannelMap.end() && m_lastMapPosition->first == channelId) goto skipFind; } m_lastMapPosition = m_inputChannelMap.find(channelId); skipFind: if (m_lastMapPosition == m_inputChannelMap.end()) { if (m_inputChannelIds.size() == m_threshold) return m_threshold; m_lastMapPosition = m_inputChannelMap.insert(pair(channelId, m_inputChannelIds.size())).first; m_inputQueues.push_back(MessageQueue()); m_inputChannelIds.push_back(channelId); if (m_inputChannelIds.size() == m_threshold) PrepareInterpolation(); } return m_lastMapPosition->second; } unsigned int RawIDA::LookupInputChannel(word32 channelId) const { map::const_iterator it = m_inputChannelMap.find(channelId); if (it == m_inputChannelMap.end()) return m_threshold; else return it->second; } void RawIDA::ChannelData(word32 channelId, const byte *inString, unsigned int length, bool messageEnd) { unsigned int i = InsertInputChannel(channelId); if (i < m_threshold) { unsigned long size = m_inputQueues[i].MaxRetrievable(); m_inputQueues[i].Put(inString, length); if (size < 4 && size + length >= 4) { m_channelsReady++; if (m_channelsReady == m_threshold) ProcessInputQueues(); } if (messageEnd) { m_inputQueues[i].MessageEnd(); if (m_inputQueues[i].NumberOfMessages() == 1) { m_channelsFinished++; if (m_channelsFinished == m_threshold) { m_channelsReady = 0; for (i=0; i= m_v.size()) { m_v.resize(i+1); m_outputToInput.resize(i+1); } m_outputToInput[i] = LookupInputChannel(m_outputChannelIds[i]); if (m_outputToInput[i] == m_threshold && i * m_threshold <= 1000*1000) { m_v[i].resize(m_threshold); PrepareBulkPolynomialInterpolationAt(field, m_v[i].begin(), m_outputChannelIds[i], &(m_inputChannelIds[0]), m_w.begin(), m_threshold); } } void RawIDA::AddOutputChannel(word32 channelId) { m_outputChannelIds.push_back(channelId); m_outputChannelIdStrings.push_back(WordToString(channelId)); m_outputQueues.push_back(ByteQueue()); if (m_inputChannelIds.size() == m_threshold) ComputeV(m_outputChannelIds.size() - 1); } void RawIDA::PrepareInterpolation() { assert(m_inputChannelIds.size() == m_threshold); PrepareBulkPolynomialInterpolation(field, m_w.begin(), &(m_inputChannelIds[0]), m_threshold); for (unsigned int i=0; i 0 : m_channelsReady == m_threshold) { m_channelsReady = 0; for (i=0; i 0 || queue.MaxRetrievable() >= 4; } for (i=0; i 0 && m_outputQueues[0].AnyRetrievable()) FlushOutputQueues(); if (finished) { OutputMessageEnds(); m_channelsReady = 0; m_channelsFinished = 0; m_v.clear(); vector inputQueues; vector inputChannelIds; inputQueues.swap(m_inputQueues); inputChannelIds.swap(m_inputChannelIds); m_inputChannelMap.clear(); m_lastMapPosition = m_inputChannelMap.end(); for (i=0; iChannelMessageEnd(m_outputChannelIdStrings[i], GetAutoSignalPropagation()-1); } } // **************************************************************** void SecretSharing::Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { m_pad = parameters.GetValueWithDefault("AddPadding", true); m_ida.Initialize(parameters, propagation); } unsigned int SecretSharing::Put2(const byte *begin, unsigned int length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw BlockingInputOnly("SecretSharing"); SecByteBlock buf(STDMIN(length, 256U)); unsigned int threshold = m_ida.GetThreshold(); while (length > 0) { unsigned int len = STDMIN(length, (unsigned int)buf.size()); m_ida.ChannelData(0xffffffff, begin, len, false); for (unsigned int i=0; i 0) SecretSharing::Put(0); } m_ida.ChannelData(0xffffffff, NULL, 0, true); for (unsigned int i=0; iMessageEnd(GetAutoSignalPropagation()-1); } // **************************************************************** void InformationDispersal::Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { m_nextChannel = 0; m_pad = parameters.GetValueWithDefault("AddPadding", true); m_ida.Initialize(parameters, propagation); } unsigned int InformationDispersal::Put2(const byte *begin, unsigned int length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw BlockingInputOnly("InformationDispersal"); while (length--) { m_ida.ChannelData(m_nextChannel, begin, 1, false); begin++; m_nextChannel++; if (m_nextChannel == m_ida.GetThreshold()) m_nextChannel = 0; } if (messageEnd) { m_ida.SetAutoSignalPropagation(messageEnd-1); if (m_pad) InformationDispersal::Put(1); for (word32 i=0; iMessageEnd(GetAutoSignalPropagation()-1); } unsigned int PaddingRemover::Put2(const byte *begin, unsigned int length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw BlockingInputOnly("PaddingRemover"); const byte *const end = begin + length; if (m_possiblePadding) { unsigned int len = find_if(begin, end, bind2nd(not_equal_to(), 0)) - begin; m_zeroCount += len; begin += len; if (begin == end) return 0; AttachedTransformation()->Put(1); while (m_zeroCount--) AttachedTransformation()->Put(0); AttachedTransformation()->Put(*begin++); m_possiblePadding = false; } #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__) // VC60 workaround: built-in reverse_iterator has two template parameters, Dinkumware only has one typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator rit; #else typedef reverse_iterator rit; #endif const byte *x = find_if(rit(end), rit(begin), bind2nd(not_equal_to(), 0)).base(); if (x != begin && *(x-1) == 1) { AttachedTransformation()->Put(begin, x-begin-1); m_possiblePadding = true; m_zeroCount = end - x; } else AttachedTransformation()->Put(begin, end-begin); if (messageEnd) { m_possiblePadding = false; Output(0, begin, length, messageEnd, blocking); } return 0; } NAMESPACE_END