// modes.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS #include "modes.h" #ifndef NDEBUG #include "des.h" #endif NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) #ifndef NDEBUG void Modes_TestInstantiations() { CFB_Mode::Encryption m0; CFB_Mode::Decryption m1; OFB_Mode::Encryption m2; CTR_Mode::Encryption m3; ECB_Mode::Encryption m4; CBC_Mode::Encryption m5; } #endif void CipherModeBase::SetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs ¶ms) { UncheckedSetKey(params, key, length, GetIVAndThrowIfInvalid(params)); // the underlying cipher will check the key length } void CipherModeBase::GetNextIV(byte *IV) { if (!IsForwardTransformation()) throw NotImplemented("CipherModeBase: GetNextIV() must be called on an encryption object"); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_register); memcpy(IV, m_register, BlockSize()); } void CTR_ModePolicy::SeekToIteration(lword iterationCount) { int carry=0; for (int i=BlockSize()-1; i>=0; i--) { unsigned int sum = m_register[i] + byte(iterationCount) + carry; m_counterArray[i] = (byte) sum; carry = sum >> 8; iterationCount >>= 8; } } static inline void IncrementCounterByOne(byte *inout, unsigned int s) { for (int i=s-1, carry=1; i>=0 && carry; i--) carry = !++inout[i]; } static inline void IncrementCounterByOne(byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int s) { int i, carry; for (i=s-1, carry=1; i>=0 && carry; i--) carry = !(output[i] = input[i]+1); memcpy(output, input, i+1); } void CTR_ModePolicy::GetNextIV(byte *IV) { IncrementCounterByOne(IV, m_counterArray, BlockSize()); } inline void CTR_ModePolicy::ProcessMultipleBlocks(byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int n) { unsigned int s = BlockSize(), j = 0; for (unsigned int i=1; iProcessAndXorMultipleBlocks(m_counterArray, input, output, n); IncrementCounterByOne(m_counterArray, m_counterArray + s*(n-1), s); } void CTR_ModePolicy::OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, unsigned int iterationCount) { unsigned int maxBlocks = m_cipher->OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks(); if (maxBlocks == 1) { unsigned int sizeIncrement = BlockSize(); while (iterationCount) { m_cipher->ProcessAndXorBlock(m_counterArray, input, output); IncrementCounterByOne(m_counterArray, sizeIncrement); output += sizeIncrement; input += sizeIncrement; iterationCount -= 1; } } else { unsigned int sizeIncrement = maxBlocks * BlockSize(); while (iterationCount >= maxBlocks) { ProcessMultipleBlocks(output, input, maxBlocks); output += sizeIncrement; input += sizeIncrement; iterationCount -= maxBlocks; } if (iterationCount > 0) ProcessMultipleBlocks(output, input, iterationCount); } } void CTR_ModePolicy::CipherResynchronize(byte *keystreamBuffer, const byte *iv) { unsigned int s = BlockSize(); CopyOrZero(m_register, iv, s); m_counterArray.New(s * m_cipher->OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks()); CopyOrZero(m_counterArray, iv, s); } void BlockOrientedCipherModeBase::UncheckedSetKey(const NameValuePairs ¶ms, const byte *key, unsigned int length, const byte *iv) { m_cipher->SetKey(key, length, params); ResizeBuffers(); if (IsResynchronizable()) Resynchronize(iv); } void BlockOrientedCipherModeBase::ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { unsigned int s = BlockSize(); assert(length % s == 0); unsigned int alignment = m_cipher->BlockAlignment(); bool inputAlignmentOk = !RequireAlignedInput() || IsAlignedOn(inString, alignment); if (IsAlignedOn(outString, alignment)) { if (inputAlignmentOk) ProcessBlocks(outString, inString, length / s); else { memcpy(outString, inString, length); ProcessBlocks(outString, outString, length / s); } } else { while (length) { if (inputAlignmentOk) ProcessBlocks(m_buffer, inString, 1); else { memcpy(m_buffer, inString, s); ProcessBlocks(m_buffer, m_buffer, 1); } memcpy(outString, m_buffer, s); inString += s; outString += s; length -= s; } } } void CBC_Encryption::ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int numberOfBlocks) { unsigned int blockSize = BlockSize(); while (numberOfBlocks--) { xorbuf(m_register, inString, blockSize); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_register); memcpy(outString, m_register, blockSize); inString += blockSize; outString += blockSize; } } void CBC_CTS_Encryption::ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { if (length <= BlockSize()) { if (!m_stolenIV) throw InvalidArgument("CBC_Encryption: message is too short for ciphertext stealing"); // steal from IV memcpy(outString, m_register, length); outString = m_stolenIV; } else { // steal from next to last block xorbuf(m_register, inString, BlockSize()); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_register); inString += BlockSize(); length -= BlockSize(); memcpy(outString+BlockSize(), m_register, length); } // output last full ciphertext block xorbuf(m_register, inString, length); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_register); memcpy(outString, m_register, BlockSize()); } void CBC_Decryption::ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int numberOfBlocks) { unsigned int blockSize = BlockSize(); while (numberOfBlocks--) { memcpy(m_temp, inString, blockSize); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_temp, outString); xorbuf(outString, m_register, blockSize); m_register.swap(m_temp); inString += blockSize; outString += blockSize; } } void CBC_CTS_Decryption::ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { const byte *pn, *pn1; bool stealIV = length <= BlockSize(); if (stealIV) { pn = inString; pn1 = m_register; } else { pn = inString + BlockSize(); pn1 = inString; length -= BlockSize(); } // decrypt last partial plaintext block memcpy(m_temp, pn1, BlockSize()); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_temp); xorbuf(m_temp, pn, length); if (stealIV) memcpy(outString, m_temp, length); else { memcpy(outString+BlockSize(), m_temp, length); // decrypt next to last plaintext block memcpy(m_temp, pn, length); m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_temp); xorbuf(outString, m_temp, m_register, BlockSize()); } } NAMESPACE_END #endif