#ifndef CRYPTOPP_POLYNOMI_H #define CRYPTOPP_POLYNOMI_H /*! \file */ #include "cryptlib.h" #include "misc.h" #include "algebra.h" #include #include NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) //! represents single-variable polynomials over arbitrary rings /*! \nosubgrouping */ template class PolynomialOver { public: //! \name ENUMS, EXCEPTIONS, and TYPEDEFS //@{ //! division by zero exception class DivideByZero : public Exception { public: DivideByZero() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "PolynomialOver: division by zero") {} }; //! specify the distribution for randomization functions class RandomizationParameter { public: RandomizationParameter(unsigned int coefficientCount, const typename T::RandomizationParameter &coefficientParameter ) : m_coefficientCount(coefficientCount), m_coefficientParameter(coefficientParameter) {} private: unsigned int m_coefficientCount; typename T::RandomizationParameter m_coefficientParameter; friend class PolynomialOver; }; typedef T Ring; typedef typename T::Element CoefficientType; //@} //! \name CREATORS //@{ //! creates the zero polynomial PolynomialOver() {} //! PolynomialOver(const Ring &ring, unsigned int count) : m_coefficients((size_t)count, ring.Identity()) {} //! copy constructor PolynomialOver(const PolynomialOver &t) : m_coefficients(t.m_coefficients.size()) {*this = t;} //! construct constant polynomial PolynomialOver(const CoefficientType &element) : m_coefficients(1, element) {} //! construct polynomial with specified coefficients, starting from coefficient of x^0 template PolynomialOver(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : m_coefficients(begin, end) {} //! convert from string PolynomialOver(const char *str, const Ring &ring) {FromStr(str, ring);} //! convert from big-endian byte array PolynomialOver(const byte *encodedPolynomialOver, unsigned int byteCount); //! convert from Basic Encoding Rules encoded byte array explicit PolynomialOver(const byte *BEREncodedPolynomialOver); //! convert from BER encoded byte array stored in a BufferedTransformation object explicit PolynomialOver(BufferedTransformation &bt); //! create a random PolynomialOver PolynomialOver(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const RandomizationParameter ¶meter, const Ring &ring) {Randomize(rng, parameter, ring);} //@} //! \name ACCESSORS //@{ //! the zero polynomial will return a degree of -1 int Degree(const Ring &ring) const {return int(CoefficientCount(ring))-1;} //! unsigned int CoefficientCount(const Ring &ring) const; //! return coefficient for x^i CoefficientType GetCoefficient(unsigned int i, const Ring &ring) const; //@} //! \name MANIPULATORS //@{ //! PolynomialOver& operator=(const PolynomialOver& t); //! void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const RandomizationParameter ¶meter, const Ring &ring); //! set the coefficient for x^i to value void SetCoefficient(unsigned int i, const CoefficientType &value, const Ring &ring); //! void Negate(const Ring &ring); //! void swap(PolynomialOver &t); //@} //! \name BASIC ARITHMETIC ON POLYNOMIALS //@{ bool Equals(const PolynomialOver &t, const Ring &ring) const; bool IsZero(const Ring &ring) const {return CoefficientCount(ring)==0;} PolynomialOver Plus(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver Minus(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver Inverse(const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver Times(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver DividedBy(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver Modulo(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver MultiplicativeInverse(const Ring &ring) const; bool IsUnit(const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver& Accumulate(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring); PolynomialOver& Reduce(const PolynomialOver& t, const Ring &ring); //! PolynomialOver Doubled(const Ring &ring) const {return Plus(*this, ring);} //! PolynomialOver Squared(const Ring &ring) const {return Times(*this, ring);} CoefficientType EvaluateAt(const CoefficientType &x, const Ring &ring) const; PolynomialOver& ShiftLeft(unsigned int n, const Ring &ring); PolynomialOver& ShiftRight(unsigned int n, const Ring &ring); //! calculate r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= degree of r < degree of d) static void Divide(PolynomialOver &r, PolynomialOver &q, const PolynomialOver &a, const PolynomialOver &d, const Ring &ring); //@} //! \name INPUT/OUTPUT //@{ std::istream& Input(std::istream &in, const Ring &ring); std::ostream& Output(std::ostream &out, const Ring &ring) const; //@} private: void FromStr(const char *str, const Ring &ring); std::vector m_coefficients; }; //! Polynomials over a fixed ring /*! Having a fixed ring allows overloaded operators */ template class PolynomialOverFixedRing : private PolynomialOver { typedef PolynomialOver B; typedef PolynomialOverFixedRing ThisType; public: typedef T Ring; typedef typename T::Element CoefficientType; typedef typename B::DivideByZero DivideByZero; typedef typename B::RandomizationParameter RandomizationParameter; //! \name CREATORS //@{ //! creates the zero polynomial PolynomialOverFixedRing(unsigned int count = 0) : B(fixedRing, count) {} //! copy constructor PolynomialOverFixedRing(const ThisType &t) : B(t) {} explicit PolynomialOverFixedRing(const B &t) : B(t) {} //! construct constant polynomial PolynomialOverFixedRing(const CoefficientType &element) : B(element) {} //! construct polynomial with specified coefficients, starting from coefficient of x^0 template PolynomialOverFixedRing(Iterator first, Iterator last) : B(first, last) {} //! convert from string explicit PolynomialOverFixedRing(const char *str) : B(str, fixedRing) {} //! convert from big-endian byte array PolynomialOverFixedRing(const byte *encodedPoly, unsigned int byteCount) : B(encodedPoly, byteCount) {} //! convert from Basic Encoding Rules encoded byte array explicit PolynomialOverFixedRing(const byte *BEREncodedPoly) : B(BEREncodedPoly) {} //! convert from BER encoded byte array stored in a BufferedTransformation object explicit PolynomialOverFixedRing(BufferedTransformation &bt) : B(bt) {} //! create a random PolynomialOverFixedRing PolynomialOverFixedRing(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const RandomizationParameter ¶meter) : B(rng, parameter, fixedRing) {} static const ThisType &Zero(); static const ThisType &One(); //@} //! \name ACCESSORS //@{ //! the zero polynomial will return a degree of -1 int Degree() const {return B::Degree(fixedRing);} //! degree + 1 unsigned int CoefficientCount() const {return B::CoefficientCount(fixedRing);} //! return coefficient for x^i CoefficientType GetCoefficient(unsigned int i) const {return B::GetCoefficient(i, fixedRing);} //! return coefficient for x^i CoefficientType operator[](unsigned int i) const {return B::GetCoefficient(i, fixedRing);} //@} //! \name MANIPULATORS //@{ //! ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& t) {B::operator=(t); return *this;} //! ThisType& operator+=(const ThisType& t) {Accumulate(t, fixedRing); return *this;} //! ThisType& operator-=(const ThisType& t) {Reduce(t, fixedRing); return *this;} //! ThisType& operator*=(const ThisType& t) {return *this = *this*t;} //! ThisType& operator/=(const ThisType& t) {return *this = *this/t;} //! ThisType& operator%=(const ThisType& t) {return *this = *this%t;} //! ThisType& operator<<=(unsigned int n) {ShiftLeft(n, fixedRing); return *this;} //! ThisType& operator>>=(unsigned int n) {ShiftRight(n, fixedRing); return *this;} //! set the coefficient for x^i to value void SetCoefficient(unsigned int i, const CoefficientType &value) {B::SetCoefficient(i, value, fixedRing);} //! void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const RandomizationParameter ¶meter) {B::Randomize(rng, parameter, fixedRing);} //! void Negate() {B::Negate(fixedRing);} void swap(ThisType &t) {B::swap(t);} //@} //! \name UNARY OPERATORS //@{ //! bool operator!() const {return CoefficientCount()==0;} //! ThisType operator+() const {return *this;} //! ThisType operator-() const {return ThisType(Inverse(fixedRing));} //@} //! \name BINARY OPERATORS //@{ //! friend ThisType operator>>(ThisType a, unsigned int n) {return ThisType(a>>=n);} //! friend ThisType operator<<(ThisType a, unsigned int n) {return ThisType(a<<=n);} //@} //! \name OTHER ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS //@{ //! ThisType MultiplicativeInverse() const {return ThisType(B::MultiplicativeInverse(fixedRing));} //! bool IsUnit() const {return B::IsUnit(fixedRing);} //! ThisType Doubled() const {return ThisType(B::Doubled(fixedRing));} //! ThisType Squared() const {return ThisType(B::Squared(fixedRing));} CoefficientType EvaluateAt(const CoefficientType &x) const {return B::EvaluateAt(x, fixedRing);} //! calculate r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= r < abs(d)) static void Divide(ThisType &r, ThisType &q, const ThisType &a, const ThisType &d) {B::Divide(r, q, a, d, fixedRing);} //@} //! \name INPUT/OUTPUT //@{ //! friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, ThisType &a) {return a.Input(in, fixedRing);} //! friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ThisType &a) {return a.Output(out, fixedRing);} //@} private: static const Ring fixedRing; }; //! Ring of polynomials over another ring template class RingOfPolynomialsOver : public AbstractEuclideanDomain > { public: typedef T CoefficientRing; typedef PolynomialOver Element; typedef typename Element::CoefficientType CoefficientType; typedef typename Element::RandomizationParameter RandomizationParameter; RingOfPolynomialsOver(const CoefficientRing &ring) : m_ring(ring) {} Element RandomElement(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const RandomizationParameter ¶meter) {return Element(rng, parameter, m_ring);} bool Equal(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return a.Equals(b, m_ring);} const Element& Identity() const {return result = m_ring.Identity();} const Element& Add(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return result = a.Plus(b, m_ring);} Element& Accumulate(Element &a, const Element &b) const {a.Accumulate(b, m_ring); return a;} const Element& Inverse(const Element &a) const {return result = a.Inverse(m_ring);} const Element& Subtract(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return result = a.Minus(b, m_ring);} Element& Reduce(Element &a, const Element &b) const {return a.Reduce(b, m_ring);} const Element& Double(const Element &a) const {return result = a.Doubled(m_ring);} const Element& MultiplicativeIdentity() const {return result = m_ring.MultiplicativeIdentity();} const Element& Multiply(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return result = a.Times(b, m_ring);} const Element& Square(const Element &a) const {return result = a.Squared(m_ring);} bool IsUnit(const Element &a) const {return a.IsUnit(m_ring);} const Element& MultiplicativeInverse(const Element &a) const {return result = a.MultiplicativeInverse(m_ring);} const Element& Divide(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return result = a.DividedBy(b, m_ring);} const Element& Mod(const Element &a, const Element &b) const {return result = a.Modulo(b, m_ring);} void DivisionAlgorithm(Element &r, Element &q, const Element &a, const Element &d) const {Element::Divide(r, q, a, d, m_ring);} class InterpolationFailed : public Exception { public: InterpolationFailed() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "RingOfPolynomialsOver: interpolation failed") {} }; Element Interpolate(const CoefficientType x[], const CoefficientType y[], unsigned int n) const; // a faster version of Interpolate(x, y, n).EvaluateAt(position) CoefficientType InterpolateAt(const CoefficientType &position, const CoefficientType x[], const CoefficientType y[], unsigned int n) const; /* void PrepareBulkInterpolation(CoefficientType *w, const CoefficientType x[], unsigned int n) const; void PrepareBulkInterpolationAt(CoefficientType *v, const CoefficientType &position, const CoefficientType x[], const CoefficientType w[], unsigned int n) const; CoefficientType BulkInterpolateAt(const CoefficientType y[], const CoefficientType v[], unsigned int n) const; */ protected: void CalculateAlpha(std::vector &alpha, const CoefficientType x[], const CoefficientType y[], unsigned int n) const; CoefficientRing m_ring; }; template void PrepareBulkPolynomialInterpolation(const Ring &ring, Element *w, const Element x[], unsigned int n); template void PrepareBulkPolynomialInterpolationAt(const Ring &ring, Element *v, const Element &position, const Element x[], const Element w[], unsigned int n); template Element BulkPolynomialInterpolateAt(const Ring &ring, const Element y[], const Element v[], unsigned int n); //! template inline bool operator==(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return a.Equals(b, fixedRing);} //! template inline bool operator!=(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return !(a==b);} //! template inline bool operator> (const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return a.Degree() > b.Degree();} //! template inline bool operator>=(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return a.Degree() >= b.Degree();} //! template inline bool operator< (const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return a.Degree() < b.Degree();} //! template inline bool operator<=(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return a.Degree() <= b.Degree();} //! template inline CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing operator+(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing(a.Plus(b, fixedRing));} //! template inline CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing operator-(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing(a.Minus(b, fixedRing));} //! template inline CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing operator*(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing(a.Times(b, fixedRing));} //! template inline CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing operator/(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing(a.DividedBy(b, fixedRing));} //! template inline CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing operator%(const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, const CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) {return CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing(a.Modulo(b, fixedRing));} NAMESPACE_END NAMESPACE_BEGIN(std) template inline void swap(CryptoPP::PolynomialOver &a, CryptoPP::PolynomialOver &b) { a.swap(b); } template inline void swap(CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &a, CryptoPP::PolynomialOverFixedRing &b) { a.swap(b); } NAMESPACE_END #endif