// queue.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #include "queue.h" #include "filters.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) // this class for use by ByteQueue only class ByteQueueNode { public: ByteQueueNode(unsigned int maxSize) : buf(maxSize) { m_head = m_tail = 0; next = 0; } inline unsigned int MaxSize() const {return buf.size();} inline unsigned int CurrentSize() const { return m_tail-m_head; } inline bool UsedUp() const { return (m_head==MaxSize()); } inline void Clear() { m_head = m_tail = 0; } /* inline unsigned int Put(byte inByte) { if (MaxSize()==m_tail) return 0; buf[m_tail++]=inByte; return 1; } */ inline unsigned int Put(const byte *begin, unsigned int length) { unsigned int l = STDMIN(length, MaxSize()-m_tail); memcpy(buf+m_tail, begin, l); m_tail += l; return l; } inline unsigned int Peek(byte &outByte) const { if (m_tail==m_head) return 0; outByte=buf[m_head]; return 1; } inline unsigned int Peek(byte *target, unsigned int copyMax) const { unsigned int len = STDMIN(copyMax, m_tail-m_head); memcpy(target, buf+m_head, len); return len; } inline unsigned int CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=BufferedTransformation::NULL_CHANNEL) const { unsigned int len = m_tail-m_head; target.ChannelPut(channel, buf+m_head, len); return len; } inline unsigned int CopyTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int copyMax, const std::string &channel=BufferedTransformation::NULL_CHANNEL) const { unsigned int len = STDMIN(copyMax, m_tail-m_head); target.ChannelPut(channel, buf+m_head, len); return len; } inline unsigned int Get(byte &outByte) { unsigned int len = Peek(outByte); m_head += len; return len; } inline unsigned int Get(byte *outString, unsigned int getMax) { unsigned int len = Peek(outString, getMax); m_head += len; return len; } inline unsigned int TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel=BufferedTransformation::NULL_CHANNEL) { unsigned int len = m_tail-m_head; target.ChannelPutModifiable(channel, buf+m_head, len); m_head = m_tail; return len; } inline unsigned int TransferTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int transferMax, const std::string &channel=BufferedTransformation::NULL_CHANNEL) { unsigned int len = STDMIN(transferMax, m_tail-m_head); target.ChannelPutModifiable(channel, buf+m_head, len); m_head += len; return len; } inline unsigned int Skip(unsigned int skipMax) { unsigned int len = STDMIN(skipMax, m_tail-m_head); m_head += len; return len; } inline byte operator[](unsigned int i) const { return buf[m_head+i]; } ByteQueueNode *next; SecByteBlock buf; unsigned int m_head, m_tail; }; // ******************************************************** ByteQueue::ByteQueue(unsigned int m_nodeSize) : m_nodeSize(m_nodeSize), m_lazyLength(0) { m_head = m_tail = new ByteQueueNode(m_nodeSize); } ByteQueue::ByteQueue(const ByteQueue ©) { CopyFrom(copy); } void ByteQueue::CopyFrom(const ByteQueue ©) { m_lazyLength = 0; m_nodeSize = copy.m_nodeSize; m_head = m_tail = new ByteQueueNode(*copy.m_head); for (ByteQueueNode *current=copy.m_head->next; current; current=current->next) { m_tail->next = new ByteQueueNode(*current); m_tail = m_tail->next; } m_tail->next = NULL; Put(copy.m_lazyString, copy.m_lazyLength); } ByteQueue::~ByteQueue() { Destroy(); } void ByteQueue::Destroy() { ByteQueueNode *next; for (ByteQueueNode *current=m_head; current; current=next) { next=current->next; delete current; } } void ByteQueue::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { m_nodeSize = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault("NodeSize", 256); Clear(); } unsigned long ByteQueue::CurrentSize() const { unsigned long size=0; for (ByteQueueNode *current=m_head; current; current=current->next) size += current->CurrentSize(); return size + m_lazyLength; } bool ByteQueue::IsEmpty() const { return m_head==m_tail && m_head->CurrentSize()==0 && m_lazyLength==0; } void ByteQueue::Clear() { Destroy(); m_head = m_tail = new ByteQueueNode(m_nodeSize); m_lazyLength = 0; } unsigned int ByteQueue::Put2(const byte *inString, unsigned int length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (m_lazyLength > 0) FinalizeLazyPut(); unsigned int len; while ((len=m_tail->Put(inString, length)) < length) { m_tail->next = new ByteQueueNode(m_nodeSize); m_tail = m_tail->next; inString += len; length -= len; } return 0; } void ByteQueue::CleanupUsedNodes() { while (m_head != m_tail && m_head->UsedUp()) { ByteQueueNode *temp=m_head; m_head=m_head->next; delete temp; } if (m_head->CurrentSize() == 0) m_head->Clear(); } void ByteQueue::LazyPut(const byte *inString, unsigned int size) { if (m_lazyLength > 0) FinalizeLazyPut(); m_lazyString = inString; m_lazyLength = size; } void ByteQueue::UndoLazyPut(unsigned int size) { if (m_lazyLength < size) throw InvalidArgument("ByteQueue: size specified for UndoLazyPut is too large"); m_lazyLength -= size; } void ByteQueue::FinalizeLazyPut() { unsigned int len = m_lazyLength; m_lazyLength = 0; if (len) Put(m_lazyString, len); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Get(byte &outByte) { if (m_head->Get(outByte)) { if (m_head->UsedUp()) CleanupUsedNodes(); return 1; } else if (m_lazyLength > 0) { outByte = *m_lazyString++; m_lazyLength--; return 1; } else return 0; } unsigned int ByteQueue::Get(byte *outString, unsigned int getMax) { ArraySink sink(outString, getMax); return TransferTo(sink, getMax); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Peek(byte &outByte) const { if (m_head->Peek(outByte)) return 1; else if (m_lazyLength > 0) { outByte = *m_lazyString; return 1; } else return 0; } unsigned int ByteQueue::Peek(byte *outString, unsigned int peekMax) const { ArraySink sink(outString, peekMax); return CopyTo(sink, peekMax); } unsigned int ByteQueue::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { if (blocking) { unsigned long bytesLeft = transferBytes; for (ByteQueueNode *current=m_head; bytesLeft && current; current=current->next) bytesLeft -= current->TransferTo(target, bytesLeft, channel); CleanupUsedNodes(); unsigned int len = (unsigned int)STDMIN(bytesLeft, (unsigned long)m_lazyLength); if (len) { target.ChannelPut(channel, m_lazyString, len); m_lazyString += len; m_lazyLength -= len; bytesLeft -= len; } transferBytes -= bytesLeft; return 0; } else { Walker walker(*this); unsigned int blockedBytes = walker.TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); Skip(transferBytes); return blockedBytes; } } unsigned int ByteQueue::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &begin, unsigned long end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { Walker walker(*this); walker.Skip(begin); unsigned long transferBytes = end-begin; unsigned int blockedBytes = walker.TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); begin += transferBytes; return blockedBytes; } void ByteQueue::Unget(byte inByte) { Unget(&inByte, 1); } void ByteQueue::Unget(const byte *inString, unsigned int length) { // TODO: make this more efficient ByteQueueNode *newHead = new ByteQueueNode(length); newHead->next = m_head; m_head = newHead; m_head->Put(inString, length); } const byte * ByteQueue::Spy(unsigned int &contiguousSize) const { contiguousSize = m_head->m_tail - m_head->m_head; if (contiguousSize == 0 && m_lazyLength > 0) { contiguousSize = m_lazyLength; return m_lazyString; } else return m_head->buf + m_head->m_head; } byte * ByteQueue::CreatePutSpace(unsigned int &size) { if (m_lazyLength > 0) FinalizeLazyPut(); if (m_tail->m_tail == m_tail->MaxSize()) { m_tail->next = new ByteQueueNode(size < m_nodeSize ? m_nodeSize : STDMAX(m_nodeSize, 1024U)); m_tail = m_tail->next; } size = m_tail->MaxSize() - m_tail->m_tail; return m_tail->buf + m_tail->m_tail; } ByteQueue & ByteQueue::operator=(const ByteQueue &rhs) { Destroy(); CopyFrom(rhs); return *this; } bool ByteQueue::operator==(const ByteQueue &rhs) const { const unsigned long currentSize = CurrentSize(); if (currentSize != rhs.CurrentSize()) return false; Walker walker1(*this), walker2(rhs); byte b1, b2; while (walker1.Get(b1) && walker2.Get(b2)) if (b1 != b2) return false; return true; } byte ByteQueue::operator[](unsigned long i) const { for (ByteQueueNode *current=m_head; current; current=current->next) { if (i < current->CurrentSize()) return (*current)[i]; i -= current->CurrentSize(); } assert(i < m_lazyLength); return m_lazyString[i]; } void ByteQueue::swap(ByteQueue &rhs) { std::swap(m_nodeSize, rhs.m_nodeSize); std::swap(m_head, rhs.m_head); std::swap(m_tail, rhs.m_tail); std::swap(m_lazyString, rhs.m_lazyString); std::swap(m_lazyLength, rhs.m_lazyLength); } // ******************************************************** void ByteQueue::Walker::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { m_node = m_queue.m_head; m_position = 0; m_offset = 0; m_lazyString = m_queue.m_lazyString; m_lazyLength = m_queue.m_lazyLength; } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::Get(byte &outByte) { ArraySink sink(&outByte, 1); return TransferTo(sink, 1); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::Get(byte *outString, unsigned int getMax) { ArraySink sink(outString, getMax); return TransferTo(sink, getMax); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::Peek(byte &outByte) const { ArraySink sink(&outByte, 1); return CopyTo(sink, 1); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::Peek(byte *outString, unsigned int peekMax) const { ArraySink sink(outString, peekMax); return CopyTo(sink, peekMax); } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { unsigned long bytesLeft = transferBytes; unsigned int blockedBytes = 0; while (m_node) { unsigned int len = STDMIN(bytesLeft, (unsigned long)m_node->CurrentSize()-m_offset); blockedBytes = target.ChannelPut2(channel, m_node->buf+m_node->m_head+m_offset, len, 0, blocking); if (blockedBytes) goto done; m_position += len; bytesLeft -= len; if (!bytesLeft) { m_offset += len; goto done; } m_node = m_node->next; m_offset = 0; } if (bytesLeft && m_lazyLength) { unsigned int len = (unsigned int)STDMIN(bytesLeft, (unsigned long)m_lazyLength); unsigned int blockedBytes = target.ChannelPut2(channel, m_lazyString, len, 0, blocking); if (blockedBytes) goto done; m_lazyString += len; m_lazyLength -= len; bytesLeft -= len; } done: transferBytes -= bytesLeft; return blockedBytes; } unsigned int ByteQueue::Walker::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned long &begin, unsigned long end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { Walker walker(*this); walker.Skip(begin); unsigned long transferBytes = end-begin; unsigned int blockedBytes = walker.TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); begin += transferBytes; return blockedBytes; } NAMESPACE_END