/* * "$Id$" * * IPP backend for CUPS. * * Copyright 2007-2015 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * "LICENSE" which should have been included with this file. If this * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. */ /* * Include necessary headers. */ #include "backend-private.h" #include #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_GSSAPI) && defined(HAVE_XPC) # include # define kPMPrintUIToolAgent "com.apple.printuitool.agent" # define kPMStartJob 100 # define kPMWaitForJob 101 # ifdef HAVE_XPC_PRIVATE_H # include # else extern void xpc_connection_set_target_uid(xpc_connection_t connection, uid_t uid); # endif /* HAVE_XPC_PRIVATE_H */ #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_XPC */ /* * Bits for job-state-reasons we care about... */ #define _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED 0x01 #define _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_CLOSED 0x02 #define _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED 0x04 #define _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED 0x08 #define _CUPS_JSR_JOB_PASSWORD_WAIT 0x10 #define _CUPS_JSR_JOB_RELEASE_WAIT 0x20 /* * Types... */ typedef struct _cups_monitor_s /**** Monitoring data ****/ { const char *uri, /* Printer URI */ *hostname, /* Hostname */ *user, /* Username */ *resource; /* Resource path */ int port, /* Port number */ version, /* IPP version */ job_id, /* Job ID for submitted job */ job_reasons, /* Job state reasons bits */ create_job, /* Support Create-Job? */ get_job_attrs; /* Support Get-Job-Attributes? */ const char *job_name; /* Job name for submitted job */ http_encryption_t encryption; /* Use encryption? */ ipp_jstate_t job_state; /* Current job state */ ipp_pstate_t printer_state; /* Current printer state */ } _cups_monitor_t; /* * Globals... */ static const char *auth_info_required; /* New auth-info-required value */ #if defined(HAVE_GSSAPI) && defined(HAVE_XPC) static pid_t child_pid = 0; /* Child process ID */ #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_XPC */ static const char * const jattrs[] = /* Job attributes we want */ { "job-id", "job-impressions-completed", "job-media-sheets-completed", "job-name", "job-originating-user-name", "job-state", "job-state-reasons" }; static int job_canceled = 0, /* Job cancelled? */ uri_credentials = 0; /* Credentials supplied in URI? */ static char username[256] = "", /* Username for device URI */ *password = NULL; /* Password for device URI */ static const char * const pattrs[] = /* Printer attributes we want */ { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ "compression-supported", #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ "copies-supported", "cups-version", "document-format-supported", "job-password-encryption-supported", "marker-colors", "marker-high-levels", "marker-levels", "marker-low-levels", "marker-message", "marker-names", "marker-types", "media-col-supported", "multiple-document-handling-supported", "operations-supported", "print-color-mode-supported", "printer-alert", "printer-alert-description", "printer-is-accepting-jobs", "printer-mandatory-job-attributes", "printer-state", "printer-state-message", "printer-state-reasons" }; static const char * const remote_job_states[] = { /* Remote job state keywords */ "+cups-remote-pending", "+cups-remote-pending-held", "+cups-remote-processing", "+cups-remote-stopped", "+cups-remote-canceled", "+cups-remote-aborted", "+cups-remote-completed" }; static _cups_mutex_t report_mutex = _CUPS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* Mutex to control access */ static int num_attr_cache = 0; /* Number of cached attributes */ static cups_option_t *attr_cache = NULL; /* Cached attributes */ static cups_array_t *state_reasons; /* Array of printe-state-reasons keywords */ static char tmpfilename[1024] = ""; /* Temporary spool file name */ static char mandatory_attrs[1024] = ""; /* cupsMandatory value */ /* * Local functions... */ static void cancel_job(http_t *http, const char *uri, int id, const char *resource, const char *user, int version); static ipp_pstate_t check_printer_state(http_t *http, const char *uri, const char *resource, const char *user, int version); static void *monitor_printer(_cups_monitor_t *monitor); static ipp_t *new_request(ipp_op_t op, int version, const char *uri, const char *user, const char *title, int num_options, cups_option_t *options, const char *compression, int copies, const char *format, _ppd_cache_t *pc, ppd_file_t *ppd, ipp_attribute_t *media_col_sup, ipp_attribute_t *doc_handling_sup, ipp_attribute_t *print_color_mode_sup); static const char *password_cb(const char *prompt, http_t *http, const char *method, const char *resource, int *user_data); static const char *quote_string(const char *s, char *q, size_t qsize); static void report_attr(ipp_attribute_t *attr); static void report_printer_state(ipp_t *ipp); #if defined(HAVE_GSSAPI) && defined(HAVE_XPC) static int run_as_user(char *argv[], uid_t uid, const char *device_uri, int fd); #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_XPC */ static void sigterm_handler(int sig); static int timeout_cb(http_t *http, void *user_data); static void update_reasons(ipp_attribute_t *attr, const char *s); /* * 'main()' - Send a file to the printer or server. * * Usage: * * printer-uri job-id user title copies options [file] */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int i; /* Looping var */ int send_options; /* Send job options? */ int num_options; /* Number of printer options */ cups_option_t *options; /* Printer options */ const char *device_uri; /* Device URI */ char scheme[255], /* Scheme in URI */ hostname[1024], /* Hostname */ resource[1024], /* Resource info (printer name) */ addrname[256], /* Address name */ *optptr, /* Pointer to URI options */ *name, /* Name of option */ *value, /* Value of option */ sep; /* Separator character */ int password_tries = 0; /* Password tries */ http_addrlist_t *addrlist; /* Address of printer */ int snmp_enabled = 1; /* Is SNMP enabled? */ int snmp_fd, /* SNMP socket */ start_count, /* Page count via SNMP at start */ page_count, /* Page count via SNMP */ have_supplies; /* Printer supports supply levels? */ int num_files; /* Number of files to print */ char **files, /* Files to print */ *compatfile = NULL; /* Compatibility filename */ off_t compatsize = 0; /* Size of compatibility file */ int port; /* Port number (not used) */ char portname[255]; /* Port name */ char uri[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Updated URI without user/pass */ char print_job_name[1024]; /* Update job-name for Print-Job */ http_status_t http_status; /* Status of HTTP request */ ipp_status_t ipp_status; /* Status of IPP request */ http_t *http; /* HTTP connection */ ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response, /* IPP response */ *supported; /* get-printer-attributes response */ time_t start_time; /* Time of first connect */ int contimeout; /* Connection timeout */ int delay, /* Delay for retries */ prev_delay; /* Previous delay */ const char *compression; /* Compression mode */ int waitjob, /* Wait for job complete? */ waitjob_tries = 0, /* Number of times we've waited */ waitprinter; /* Wait for printer ready? */ _cups_monitor_t monitor; /* Monitoring data */ ipp_attribute_t *job_id_attr; /* job-id attribute */ int job_id; /* job-id value */ ipp_attribute_t *job_sheets; /* job-media-sheets-completed */ ipp_attribute_t *job_state; /* job-state */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ ipp_attribute_t *compression_sup; /* compression-supported */ #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ ipp_attribute_t *copies_sup; /* copies-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *cups_version; /* cups-version */ ipp_attribute_t *encryption_sup; /* job-password-encryption-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *format_sup; /* document-format-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *job_auth; /* job-authorization-uri */ ipp_attribute_t *media_col_sup; /* media-col-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *operations_sup; /* operations-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *doc_handling_sup; /* multiple-document-handling-supported */ ipp_attribute_t *printer_state; /* printer-state attribute */ ipp_attribute_t *printer_accepting; /* printer-is-accepting-jobs */ ipp_attribute_t *print_color_mode_sup;/* Does printer support print-color-mode? */ int create_job = 0, /* Does printer support Create-Job? */ get_job_attrs = 0, /* Does printer support Get-Job-Attributes? */ send_document = 0, /* Does printer support Send-Document? */ validate_job = 0, /* Does printer support Validate-Job? */ copies, /* Number of copies for job */ copies_remaining; /* Number of copies remaining */ const char *content_type, /* CONTENT_TYPE environment variable */ *final_content_type, /* FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE environment var */ *document_format; /* document-format value */ int fd; /* File descriptor */ off_t bytes = 0; /* Bytes copied */ char buffer[16384]; /* Copy buffer */ #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET) struct sigaction action; /* Actions for POSIX signals */ #endif /* HAVE_SIGACTION && !HAVE_SIGSET */ int version; /* IPP version */ ppd_file_t *ppd = NULL; /* PPD file */ _ppd_cache_t *pc = NULL; /* PPD cache and mapping data */ fd_set input; /* Input set for select() */ /* * Make sure status messages are not buffered... */ setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* * Ignore SIGPIPE and catch SIGTERM signals... */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGSET sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); sigset(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler); #elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); action.sa_handler = sigterm_handler; sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL); #else signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler); #endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */ /* * Check command-line... */ if (argc == 1) { char *s; if ((s = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL) s ++; else s = argv[0]; printf("network %s \"Unknown\" \"%s (%s)\"\n", s, _cupsLangString(cupsLangDefault(), _("Internet Printing Protocol")), s); return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); } else if (argc < 6) { _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"), argv[0]); return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP); } /* * Get the device URI... */ while ((device_uri = cupsBackendDeviceURI(argv)) == NULL) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to locate printer.")); sleep(10); if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL) return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } if ((auth_info_required = getenv("AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED")) == NULL) auth_info_required = "none"; state_reasons = _cupsArrayNewStrings(getenv("PRINTER_STATE_REASONS"), ','); #ifdef HAVE_GSSAPI /* * For Kerberos, become the printing user (if we can) to get the credentials * that way. */ if (!getuid() && (value = getenv("AUTH_UID")) != NULL && !getenv("AUTH_PASSWORD")) { uid_t uid = (uid_t)atoi(value); /* User ID */ # ifdef HAVE_XPC if (uid > 0) { if (argc == 6) return (run_as_user(argv, uid, device_uri, 0)); else { int status = 0; /* Exit status */ for (i = 6; i < argc && !status && !job_canceled; i ++) { if ((fd = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { status = run_as_user(argv, uid, device_uri, fd); close(fd); } else { _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file")); status = CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED; } } return (status); } } # else /* No XPC, just try to run as the user ID */ if (uid > 0) seteuid(uid); # endif /* HAVE_XPC */ } #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */ /* * Get the (final) content type... */ if ((content_type = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE")) == NULL) content_type = "application/octet-stream"; if ((final_content_type = getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE")) == NULL) { final_content_type = content_type; if (!strncmp(final_content_type, "printer/", 8)) final_content_type = "application/vnd.cups-raw"; } /* * Extract the hostname and printer name from the URI... */ httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, device_uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme), username, sizeof(username), hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port, resource, sizeof(resource)); if (!port) port = IPP_PORT; /* Default to port 631 */ if (!strcmp(scheme, "https") || !strcmp(scheme, "ipps")) cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS); else cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_IF_REQUESTED); /* * See if there are any options... */ compression = NULL; version = 20; waitjob = 1; waitprinter = 1; contimeout = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; if ((optptr = strchr(resource, '?')) != NULL) { /* * Yup, terminate the device name string and move to the first * character of the optptr... */ *optptr++ = '\0'; /* * Then parse the optptr... */ while (*optptr) { /* * Get the name... */ name = optptr; while (*optptr && *optptr != '=' && *optptr != '+' && *optptr != '&') optptr ++; if ((sep = *optptr) != '\0') *optptr++ = '\0'; if (sep == '=') { /* * Get the value... */ value = optptr; while (*optptr && *optptr != '+' && *optptr != '&') optptr ++; if (*optptr) *optptr++ = '\0'; } else value = (char *)""; /* * Process the option... */ if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "waitjob")) { /* * Wait for job completion? */ waitjob = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true"); } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "waitprinter")) { /* * Wait for printer idle? */ waitprinter = !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true"); } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "encryption")) { /* * Enable/disable encryption? */ if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "always")) cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "required")) cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_REQUIRED); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "never")) cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_NEVER); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "ifrequested")) cupsSetEncryption(HTTP_ENCRYPT_IF_REQUESTED); else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unknown encryption option value: \"%s\"."), value); } } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "snmp")) { /* * Enable/disable SNMP stuff... */ snmp_enabled = !value[0] || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true"); } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "version")) { if (!strcmp(value, "1.0")) version = 10; else if (!strcmp(value, "1.1")) version = 11; else if (!strcmp(value, "2.0")) version = 20; else if (!strcmp(value, "2.1")) version = 21; else if (!strcmp(value, "2.2")) version = 22; else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unknown version option value: \"%s\"."), value); } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "compression")) { if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "true") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "on") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "gzip")) compression = "gzip"; else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "deflate")) compression = "deflate"; else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "false") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "no") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "off") || !_cups_strcasecmp(value, "none")) compression = "none"; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "contimeout")) { /* * Set the connection timeout... */ if (atoi(value) > 0) contimeout = atoi(value); } else { /* * Unknown option... */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unknown option \"%s\" with value \"%s\"."), name, value); } } } /* * If we have 7 arguments, print the file named on the command-line. * Otherwise, copy stdin to a temporary file and print the temporary * file. */ if (argc == 6) { num_files = 0; files = NULL; send_options = !_cups_strcasecmp(final_content_type, "application/pdf") || !_cups_strcasecmp(final_content_type, "application/vnd.cups-pdf") || !_cups_strncasecmp(final_content_type, "image/", 6); fputs("DEBUG: Sending stdin for job...\n", stderr); } else { /* * Point to the files on the command-line... */ num_files = argc - 6; files = argv + 6; send_options = 1; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %d files to send in job...\n", num_files); } /* * Set the authentication info, if any... */ cupsSetPasswordCB2((cups_password_cb2_t)password_cb, &password_tries); if (username[0]) { /* * Use authentication information in the device URI... */ if ((password = strchr(username, ':')) != NULL) *password++ = '\0'; cupsSetUser(username); uri_credentials = 1; } else { /* * Try loading authentication information from the environment. */ const char *ptr = getenv("AUTH_USERNAME"); if (ptr) { strlcpy(username, ptr, sizeof(username)); cupsSetUser(ptr); } password = getenv("AUTH_PASSWORD"); } /* * Try finding the remote server... */ start_time = time(NULL); sprintf(portname, "%d", port); update_reasons(NULL, "+connecting-to-device"); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Looking up \"%s\"...\n", hostname); while ((addrlist = httpAddrGetList(hostname, AF_UNSPEC, portname)) == NULL) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to locate printer \"%s\"."), hostname); sleep(10); if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL) { update_reasons(NULL, "-connecting-to-device"); return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP); } if (job_canceled) return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); } http = httpConnect2(hostname, port, addrlist, AF_UNSPEC, cupsEncryption(), 1, 0, NULL); httpSetTimeout(http, 30.0, timeout_cb, NULL); if (httpIsEncrypted(http)) { /* * Validate TLS credentials... */ cups_array_t *creds; /* TLS credentials */ cups_array_t *lcreds = NULL; /* Loaded credentials */ http_trust_t trust; /* Trust level */ static const char *trusts[] = { NULL, "+cups-pki-invalid", "+cups-pki-changed", "+cups-pki-expired", NULL, "+cups-pki-unknown" }; /* Trust keywords */ if (!httpCopyCredentials(http, &creds)) { trust = httpCredentialsGetTrust(creds, hostname); update_reasons(NULL, "-cups-pki-invalid,cups-pki-changed,cups-pki-expired,cups-pki-unknown"); if (trusts[trust]) { update_reasons(NULL, trusts[trust]); return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP); } if (httpLoadCredentials(NULL, &lcreds, hostname)) { /* * Could not load the credentials, let's save the ones we have so we * can detect changes... */ httpSaveCredentials(NULL, creds, hostname); } httpFreeCredentials(lcreds); httpFreeCredentials(creds); } } /* * See if the printer supports SNMP... */ if (snmp_enabled) snmp_fd = _cupsSNMPOpen(addrlist->addr.addr.sa_family); else snmp_fd = -1; if (snmp_fd >= 0) have_supplies = !backendSNMPSupplies(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), &start_count, NULL); else have_supplies = start_count = 0; /* * Wait for data from the filter... */ if (num_files == 0) { if (!backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 0, backendNetworkSideCB)) return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); else if ((bytes = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) <= 0) return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); } /* * Try connecting to the remote server... */ delay = _cupsNextDelay(0, &prev_delay); do { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connecting to %s:%d\n", hostname, port); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Connecting to printer.")); if (httpReconnect(http)) { int error = errno; /* Connection error */ if (http->status == HTTP_PKI_ERROR) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-certificate-error"); if (job_canceled) break; if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL) { /* * If the CLASS environment variable is set, the job was submitted * to a class and not to a specific queue. In this case, we want * to abort immediately so that the job can be requeued on the next * available printer in the class. */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to contact printer, queuing on next " "printer in class.")); /* * Sleep 5 seconds to keep the job from requeuing too rapidly... */ sleep(5); update_reasons(NULL, "-connecting-to-device"); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connection error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (errno == ECONNREFUSED || errno == EHOSTDOWN || errno == EHOSTUNREACH) { if (contimeout && (time(NULL) - start_time) > contimeout) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("The printer is not responding.")); update_reasons(NULL, "-connecting-to-device"); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } switch (error) { case EHOSTDOWN : _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING", _("The printer may not exist or " "is unavailable at this time.")); break; case EHOSTUNREACH : _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING", _("The printer is unreachable at this " "time.")); break; case ECONNREFUSED : default : _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING", _("The printer is in use.")); break; } sleep((unsigned)delay); delay = _cupsNextDelay(delay, &prev_delay); } else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("The printer is not responding.")); sleep(30); } if (job_canceled) break; } else update_reasons(NULL, "-cups-certificate-error"); } while (http->fd < 0); if (job_canceled) return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); else if (!http) return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); update_reasons(NULL, "-connecting-to-device"); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Connected to printer.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connected to %s:%d...\n", httpAddrString(http->hostaddr, addrname, sizeof(addrname)), httpAddrPort(http->hostaddr)); /* * Build a URI for the printer and fill the standard IPP attributes for * an IPP_PRINT_FILE request. We can't use the URI in argv[0] because it * might contain username:password information... */ httpAssembleURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), scheme, NULL, hostname, port, resource); /* * First validate the destination and see if the device supports multiple * copies... */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ compression_sup = NULL; #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ copies_sup = NULL; cups_version = NULL; encryption_sup = NULL; format_sup = NULL; media_col_sup = NULL; supported = NULL; operations_sup = NULL; doc_handling_sup = NULL; print_color_mode_sup = NULL; do { /* * Check for side-channel requests... */ backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); /* * Build the IPP request... */ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", sizeof(pattrs) / sizeof(pattrs[0]), NULL, pattrs); /* * Do the request... */ fputs("DEBUG: Getting supported attributes...\n", stderr); if (http->version < HTTP_1_1) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Printer responded with HTTP version %d.%d.\n", http->version / 100, http->version % 100); update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-wrong-http-version"); } supported = cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource); ipp_status = cupsLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Get-Printer-Attributes: %s (%s)\n", ippErrorString(ipp_status), cupsLastErrorString()); if (ipp_status <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Get-Printer-Attributes returned %s.\n", ippErrorString(ipp_status)); if (ipp_status == IPP_PRINTER_BUSY || ipp_status == IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { if (contimeout && (time(NULL) - start_time) > contimeout) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("The printer is not responding.")); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("The printer is in use.")); report_printer_state(supported); sleep((unsigned)delay); delay = _cupsNextDelay(delay, &prev_delay); } else if ((ipp_status == IPP_BAD_REQUEST || ipp_status == IPP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) && version > 10) { /* * Switch to IPP/1.1 or IPP/1.0... */ if (version >= 20) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Preparing to print.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: The printer does not support IPP/%d.%d, trying " "IPP/1.1.\n", version / 10, version % 10); version = 11; } else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Preparing to print.")); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: The printer does not support IPP/%d.%d, trying " "IPP/1.0.\n", version / 10, version % 10); version = 10; } httpReconnect(http); } else if (ipp_status == IPP_NOT_FOUND) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("The printer configuration is incorrect or the " "printer no longer exists.")); ippDelete(supported); return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP); } else if (ipp_status == IPP_FORBIDDEN || ipp_status == IPP_AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED) { const char *www_auth = httpGetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE); /* WWW-Authenticate field value */ if (!strncmp(www_auth, "Negotiate", 9)) auth_info_required = "negotiate"; else if (www_auth[0]) auth_info_required = "username,password"; fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: auth-info-required=%s\n", auth_info_required); return (CUPS_BACKEND_AUTH_REQUIRED); } else if (ipp_status != IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to get printer status.")); sleep(10); httpReconnect(http); } ippDelete(supported); supported = NULL; continue; } if (!getenv("CLASS")) { /* * Check printer-is-accepting-jobs = false and printer-state-reasons for the * "spool-area-full" keyword... */ int busy = 0; if ((printer_accepting = ippFindAttribute(supported, "printer-is-accepting-jobs", IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN)) != NULL && !printer_accepting->values[0].boolean) busy = 1; else if (!printer_accepting) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-printer-is-accepting-jobs"); if ((printer_state = ippFindAttribute(supported, "printer-state-reasons", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) == NULL) { update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-printer-state-reasons"); } else if (!busy) { for (i = 0; i < printer_state->num_values; i ++) { if (!strcmp(printer_state->values[0].string.text, "spool-area-full") || !strncmp(printer_state->values[0].string.text, "spool-area-full-", 16)) { busy = 1; break; } } } if (busy) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("The printer is in use.")); report_printer_state(supported); sleep((unsigned)delay); delay = _cupsNextDelay(delay, &prev_delay); ippDelete(supported); supported = NULL; ipp_status = IPP_STATUS_ERROR_BUSY; continue; } } /* * Check for supported attributes... */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ if ((compression_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "compression-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { /* * Check whether the requested compression is supported and/or default to * compression if supported... */ if (compression && !ippContainsString(compression_sup, compression)) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Printer does not support the requested " "compression value \"%s\".\n", compression); compression = NULL; } else if (!compression) { if (ippContainsString(compression_sup, "gzip")) compression = "gzip"; else if (ippContainsString(compression_sup, "deflate")) compression = "deflate"; if (compression) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Automatically using \"%s\" compression.\n", compression); } } #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ if ((copies_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "copies-supported", IPP_TAG_RANGE)) != NULL) { /* * Has the "copies-supported" attribute - does it have an upper * bound > 1? */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: copies-supported=%d-%d\n", copies_sup->values[0].range.lower, copies_sup->values[0].range.upper); if (copies_sup->values[0].range.upper <= 1) copies_sup = NULL; /* No */ } cups_version = ippFindAttribute(supported, "cups-version", IPP_TAG_TEXT); encryption_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "job-password-encryption-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD); if ((format_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "document-format-supported", IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: document-format-supported (%d values)\n", format_sup->num_values); for (i = 0; i < format_sup->num_values; i ++) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: [%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, format_sup->values[i].string.text); } if ((media_col_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "media-col-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: media-col-supported (%d values)\n", media_col_sup->num_values); for (i = 0; i < media_col_sup->num_values; i ++) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: [%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, media_col_sup->values[i].string.text); } print_color_mode_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "print-color-mode-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD); if ((operations_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "operations-supported", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: operations-supported (%d values)\n", operations_sup->num_values); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: [%d] = %s\n", i, ippOpString(operations_sup->values[i].integer)); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_PRINT_JOB) break; if (i >= operations_sup->num_values) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-print-job"); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_CANCEL_JOB) break; if (i >= operations_sup->num_values) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-cancel-job"); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES) break; if (i >= operations_sup->num_values) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-get-job-attributes"); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES) break; if (i >= operations_sup->num_values) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-get-printer-attributes"); for (i = 0; i < operations_sup->num_values; i ++) { if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_VALIDATE_JOB) validate_job = 1; else if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_CREATE_JOB) create_job = 1; else if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_SEND_DOCUMENT) send_document = 1; else if (operations_sup->values[i].integer == IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES) get_job_attrs = 1; } if (create_job && !send_document) { fputs("DEBUG: Printer supports Create-Job but not Send-Document.\n", stderr); create_job = 0; update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-send-document"); } if (!validate_job) update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"); } else update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-operations-supported"); doc_handling_sup = ippFindAttribute(supported, "multiple-document-handling-supported", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD); report_printer_state(supported); } while (!job_canceled && ipp_status > IPP_OK_CONFLICT); if (job_canceled) return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); /* * See if the printer is accepting jobs and is not stopped; if either * condition is true and we are printing to a class, requeue the job... */ if (getenv("CLASS") != NULL) { printer_state = ippFindAttribute(supported, "printer-state", IPP_TAG_ENUM); printer_accepting = ippFindAttribute(supported, "printer-is-accepting-jobs", IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN); if (printer_state == NULL || (printer_state->values[0].integer > IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING && waitprinter) || printer_accepting == NULL || !printer_accepting->values[0].boolean) { /* * If the CLASS environment variable is set, the job was submitted * to a class and not to a specific queue. In this case, we want * to abort immediately so that the job can be requeued on the next * available printer in the class. */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Unable to contact printer, queuing on next " "printer in class.")); ippDelete(supported); httpClose(http); /* * Sleep 5 seconds to keep the job from requeuing too rapidly... */ sleep(5); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } } /* * See if the printer supports multiple copies... */ copies = atoi(argv[4]); if (copies_sup || argc < 7) copies_remaining = 1; else copies_remaining = copies; /* * Prepare remaining printing options... */ options = NULL; if (send_options) { num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options); if (!cups_version && media_col_sup) { /* * Load the PPD file and generate PWG attribute mapping information... */ ppd_attr_t *mandatory; /* cupsMandatory value */ ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD")); pc = _ppdCacheCreateWithPPD(ppd); ppdMarkDefaults(ppd); cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options); if ((mandatory = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsMandatory", NULL)) != NULL) strlcpy(mandatory_attrs, mandatory->value, sizeof(mandatory_attrs)); } /* * Validate job-password/-encryption... */ if (cupsGetOption("job-password", num_options, options)) { const char *keyword; /* job-password-encryption value */ static const char * const hashes[] = { /* List of supported hash algorithms, in order of preference */ "sha-512", "sha-384", "sha-512_256", "sha-512-224", "sha-256", "sha-224", "sha", "none" }; if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("job-password-encryption", num_options, options)) == NULL || !ippContainsString(encryption_sup, keyword)) { /* * Either no job-password-encryption or the value isn't supported by * the printer... */ for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(hashes) / sizeof(hashes[0])); i ++) if (ippContainsString(encryption_sup, hashes[i])) break; if (i < (int)(sizeof(hashes) / sizeof(hashes[0]))) num_options = cupsAddOption("job-password-encryption", hashes[i], num_options, &options); } } } else num_options = 0; document_format = NULL; if (format_sup != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < format_sup->num_values; i ++) if (!_cups_strcasecmp(final_content_type, format_sup->values[i].string.text)) { document_format = final_content_type; break; } if (!document_format) { for (i = 0; i < format_sup->num_values; i ++) if (!_cups_strcasecmp("application/octet-stream", format_sup->values[i].string.text)) { document_format = "application/octet-stream"; break; } } } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: final_content_type=\"%s\", document_format=\"%s\"\n", final_content_type, document_format ? document_format : "(null)"); /* * If the printer does not support HTTP/1.1 (which IPP requires), copy stdin * to a temporary file so that we can do a HTTP/1.0 submission... * * (I hate compatibility hacks!) */ if (http->version < HTTP_1_1 && num_files == 0) { if ((fd = cupsTempFd(tmpfilename, sizeof(tmpfilename))) < 0) { perror("DEBUG: Unable to create temporary file"); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Copying print data.")); if ((compatsize = write(fd, buffer, (size_t)bytes)) < 0) { perror("DEBUG: Unable to write temporary file"); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } if ((bytes = backendRunLoop(-1, fd, snmp_fd, &(addrlist->addr), 0, 0, backendNetworkSideCB)) < 0) return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); compatsize += bytes; close(fd); compatfile = tmpfilename; files = &compatfile; num_files = 1; } else if (http->version < HTTP_1_1 && num_files == 1) { struct stat fileinfo; /* File information */ if (!stat(files[0], &fileinfo)) compatsize = fileinfo.st_size; } /* * If the printer only claims to support IPP/1.0, or if the user specifically * included version=1.0 in the URI, then do not try to use Create-Job or * Send-Document. This is another dreaded compatibility hack, but * unfortunately there are enough broken printers out there that we need * this for now... */ if (version == 10) create_job = send_document = 0; /* * Start monitoring the printer in the background... */ monitor.uri = uri; monitor.hostname = hostname; monitor.user = argv[2]; monitor.resource = resource; monitor.port = port; monitor.version = version; monitor.job_id = 0; monitor.create_job = create_job; monitor.get_job_attrs = get_job_attrs; monitor.encryption = cupsEncryption(); monitor.job_state = IPP_JOB_PENDING; monitor.printer_state = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE; if (create_job) { monitor.job_name = argv[3]; } else { snprintf(print_job_name, sizeof(print_job_name), "%s - %s", argv[1], argv[3]); monitor.job_name = print_job_name; } _cupsThreadCreate((_cups_thread_func_t)monitor_printer, &monitor); /* * Validate access to the printer... */ while (!job_canceled && validate_job) { request = new_request(IPP_VALIDATE_JOB, version, uri, argv[2], monitor.job_name, num_options, options, compression, copies_sup ? copies : 1, document_format, pc, ppd, media_col_sup, doc_handling_sup, print_color_mode_sup); response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource); ipp_status = cupsLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Validate-Job: %s (%s)\n", ippErrorString(ipp_status), cupsLastErrorString()); if ((job_auth = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-authorization-uri", IPP_TAG_URI)) != NULL) num_options = cupsAddOption("job-authorization-uri", ippGetString(job_auth, 0, NULL), num_options, &options); ippDelete(response); if (job_canceled) break; if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_BUSY) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("The printer is in use.")); sleep(10); } else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES_OR_VALUES || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_CLOSED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) goto cleanup; else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_FORBIDDEN || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED) { const char *www_auth = httpGetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE); /* WWW-Authenticate field value */ if (!strncmp(www_auth, "Negotiate", 9)) auth_info_required = "negotiate"; else if (www_auth[0]) auth_info_required = "username,password"; goto cleanup; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED) { /* * This is all too common... */ update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"); break; } else if (ipp_status < IPP_REDIRECTION_OTHER_SITE || ipp_status == IPP_BAD_REQUEST) break; } /* * Then issue the print-job request... */ job_id = 0; while (!job_canceled && copies_remaining > 0) { /* * Check for side-channel requests... */ backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); /* * Build the IPP job creation request... */ if (job_canceled) break; request = new_request((num_files > 1 || create_job) ? IPP_CREATE_JOB : IPP_PRINT_JOB, version, uri, argv[2], monitor.job_name, num_options, options, compression, copies_sup ? copies : 1, document_format, pc, ppd, media_col_sup, doc_handling_sup, print_color_mode_sup); /* * Do the request... */ if (num_files > 1 || create_job) response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource); else { size_t length = 0; /* Length of request */ if (compatsize > 0) { fputs("DEBUG: Sending file using HTTP/1.0 Content-Length...\n", stderr); length = ippLength(request) + (size_t)compatsize; } else fputs("DEBUG: Sending file using HTTP/1.1 chunking...\n", stderr); http_status = cupsSendRequest(http, request, resource, length); if (http_status == HTTP_CONTINUE && request->state == IPP_DATA) { if (compression && strcmp(compression, "none")) httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODING, compression); if (num_files == 1) { if ((fd = open(files[0], O_RDONLY)) < 0) { _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file")); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } } else { fd = 0; http_status = cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, (size_t)bytes); } while (http_status == HTTP_CONTINUE && (!job_canceled || compatsize > 0)) { /* * Check for side-channel requests and more print data... */ FD_ZERO(&input); FD_SET(fd, &input); FD_SET(snmp_fd, &input); FD_SET(CUPS_SC_FD, &input); while (select(fd > snmp_fd ? fd + 1 : snmp_fd + 1, &input, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0 && !job_canceled); if (FD_ISSET(snmp_fd, &input)) backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); if (FD_ISSET(fd, &input)) { if ((bytes = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Read %d bytes...\n", (int)bytes); if ((http_status = cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, (size_t)bytes)) != HTTP_CONTINUE) break; } else if (bytes == 0 || (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN)) break; } } if (http_status == HTTP_ERROR) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Error writing document data for " "Print-Job: %s\n", strerror(httpError(http))); if (num_files == 1) close(fd); } response = cupsGetResponse(http, resource); ippDelete(request); } ipp_status = cupsLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s: %s (%s)\n", (num_files > 1 || create_job) ? "Create-Job" : "Print-Job", ippErrorString(ipp_status), cupsLastErrorString()); if (ipp_status > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) { job_id = 0; if (job_canceled) break; if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_POSSIBLE || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_BUSY) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("The printer is in use.")); sleep(10); if (num_files == 0) { /* * We can't re-submit when we have no files to print, so exit * immediately with the right status code... */ goto cleanup; } } else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_JOB_CANCELED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES_OR_VALUES || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_CLOSED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) goto cleanup; else { /* * Update auth-info-required as needed... */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Print job was not accepted.")); if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_FORBIDDEN || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED) { const char *www_auth = httpGetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE); /* WWW-Authenticate field value */ if (!strncmp(www_auth, "Negotiate", 9)) auth_info_required = "negotiate"; else if (www_auth[0]) auth_info_required = "username,password"; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_REQUEST_VALUE) { /* * Print file is too large, abort this job... */ goto cleanup; } else sleep(10); if (num_files == 0) { /* * We can't re-submit when we have no files to print, so exit * immediately with the right status code... */ goto cleanup; } } } else if ((job_id_attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-id", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) == NULL) { fputs("DEBUG: Print job accepted - job ID unknown.\n", stderr); update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-job-id"); job_id = 0; } else { password_tries = 0; monitor.job_id = job_id = job_id_attr->values[0].integer; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Print job accepted - job ID %d.\n", job_id); } ippDelete(response); if (job_canceled) break; if (job_id && (num_files > 1 || create_job)) { for (i = 0; num_files == 0 || i < num_files; i ++) { /* * Check for side-channel requests... */ backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); /* * Send the next file in the job... */ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_SEND_DOCUMENT); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-id", job_id); if (argv[2][0]) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, argv[2]); ippAddBoolean(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, "last-document", (i + 1) >= num_files); if (document_format) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, document_format); if (compression) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "compression", NULL, compression); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Sending file %d using chunking...\n", i + 1); http_status = cupsSendRequest(http, request, resource, 0); if (http_status == HTTP_CONTINUE && request->state == IPP_DATA) { if (compression && strcmp(compression, "none")) httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_ENCODING, compression); if (num_files == 0) { fd = 0; http_status = cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, (size_t)bytes); } else { if ((fd = open(files[i], O_RDONLY)) < 0) { _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file")); return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); } } } else fd = -1; if (fd >= 0) { while (!job_canceled && http_status == HTTP_CONTINUE && (bytes = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if ((http_status = cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, (size_t)bytes)) != HTTP_CONTINUE) break; else { /* * Check for side-channel requests... */ backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); } } if (fd > 0) close(fd); } if (http_status == HTTP_ERROR) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Error writing document data for " "Send-Document: %s\n", strerror(httpError(http))); ippDelete(cupsGetResponse(http, resource)); ippDelete(request); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Send-Document: %s (%s)\n", ippErrorString(cupsLastError()), cupsLastErrorString()); if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT && !job_canceled) { ipp_status = cupsLastError(); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to add document to print job.")); break; } else { password_tries = 0; if (num_files == 0 || fd < 0) break; } } } if (job_canceled) break; if (ipp_status <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT && argc > 6) { fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: 1 %d\n", copies_sup ? atoi(argv[4]) : 1); copies_remaining --; } else if ((ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_UNPRINTABLE) && argc == 6 && document_format && strcmp(document_format, "image/pwg-raster") && strcmp(document_format, "image/urf")) { /* * Need to reprocess the job as raster... */ fputs("JOBSTATE: cups-retry-as-raster\n", stderr); if (job_id > 0) cancel_job(http, uri, job_id, resource, argv[2], version); goto cleanup; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE || ipp_status == IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE || ipp_status == IPP_PRINTER_BUSY) { if (argc == 6) { /* * Need to reprocess the entire job; if we have a job ID, cancel the * job first... */ if (job_id > 0) cancel_job(http, uri, job_id, resource, argv[2], version); goto cleanup; } continue; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_REQUEST_VALUE || ipp_status == IPP_ERROR_JOB_CANCELED || ipp_status == IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_CLOSED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED || ipp_status == IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR) { /* * Print file is too large, job was canceled, we need new * authentication data, or we had some sort of error... */ goto cleanup; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED) { /* * Server is configured incorrectly; the policy for Create-Job and * Send-Document has to be the same (auth or no auth, encryption or * no encryption). Force the queue to stop since printing will never * work. */ fputs("DEBUG: The server or printer is configured incorrectly.\n", stderr); fputs("DEBUG: The policy for Create-Job and Send-Document must have the " "same authentication and encryption requirements.\n", stderr); ipp_status = IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL; if (job_id > 0) cancel_job(http, uri, job_id, resource, argv[2], version); goto cleanup; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_NOT_FOUND) { /* * Printer does not actually implement support for Create-Job/ * Send-Document, so log the conformance issue and stop the printer. */ fputs("DEBUG: This printer claims to support Create-Job and " "Send-Document, but those operations failed.\n", stderr); fputs("DEBUG: Add '?version=1.0' to the device URI to use legacy " "compatibility mode.\n", stderr); update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-send-document"); ipp_status = IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR; /* Force queue to stop */ goto cleanup; } else copies_remaining --; /* * Wait for the job to complete... */ if (!job_id || !waitjob || !get_job_attrs) continue; fputs("STATE: +cups-waiting-for-job-completed\n", stderr); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Waiting for job to complete.")); for (delay = _cupsNextDelay(0, &prev_delay); !job_canceled;) { /* * Check for side-channel requests... */ backendCheckSideChannel(snmp_fd, http->hostaddr); /* * Check printer state... */ check_printer_state(http, uri, resource, argv[2], version); if (cupsLastError() <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; /* * Build an IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES request... */ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-id", job_id); if (argv[2][0]) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, argv[2]); ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", sizeof(jattrs) / sizeof(jattrs[0]), NULL, jattrs); /* * Do the request... */ httpReconnect(http); response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource); ipp_status = cupsLastError(); if (ipp_status == IPP_NOT_FOUND || ipp_status == IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE) { /* * Job has gone away and/or the server has no job history... */ update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-job-history"); ippDelete(response); ipp_status = IPP_OK; break; } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Get-Job-Attributes: %s (%s)\n", ippErrorString(ipp_status), cupsLastErrorString()); if (ipp_status <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; else { if (ipp_status != IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE && ipp_status != IPP_PRINTER_BUSY) { ippDelete(response); ipp_status = IPP_OK; break; } else if (ipp_status == IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR) { waitjob_tries ++; if (waitjob_tries > 4) { ippDelete(response); ipp_status = IPP_OK; break; } } } if (response) { if ((job_state = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-state", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL) { /* * Reflect the remote job state in the local queue... */ if (cups_version && job_state->values[0].integer >= IPP_JOB_PENDING && job_state->values[0].integer <= IPP_JOB_COMPLETED) update_reasons(NULL, remote_job_states[job_state->values[0].integer - IPP_JOB_PENDING]); if ((job_sheets = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-impressions-completed", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) == NULL) job_sheets = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-media-sheets-completed", IPP_TAG_INTEGER); if (job_sheets) fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: total %d\n", job_sheets->values[0].integer); /* * Stop polling if the job is finished or pending-held... */ if (job_state->values[0].integer > IPP_JOB_STOPPED) { ippDelete(response); break; } } else if (ipp_status != IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE && ipp_status != IPP_NOT_POSSIBLE && ipp_status != IPP_PRINTER_BUSY) { /* * If the printer does not return a job-state attribute, it does not * conform to the IPP specification - break out immediately and fail * the job... */ update_reasons(NULL, "+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report," "cups-ipp-missing-job-state"); ipp_status = IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } } ippDelete(response); /* * Wait before polling again... */ sleep((unsigned)delay); delay = _cupsNextDelay(delay, &prev_delay); } } /* * Cancel the job as needed... */ if (job_canceled > 0 && job_id > 0) { cancel_job(http, uri, job_id, resource, argv[2], version); if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to cancel print job.")); } /* * Check the printer state and report it if necessary... */ check_printer_state(http, uri, resource, argv[2], version); if (cupsLastError() <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; /* * Collect the final page count as needed... */ if (have_supplies && !backendSNMPSupplies(snmp_fd, &(http->addrlist->addr), &page_count, NULL) && page_count > start_count) fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: total %d\n", page_count - start_count); #ifdef HAVE_GSSAPI /* * See if we used Kerberos at all... */ if (http->gssctx) auth_info_required = "negotiate"; #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */ /* * Free memory... */ cleanup: cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options); _ppdCacheDestroy(pc); ppdClose(ppd); httpClose(http); ippDelete(supported); /* * Remove the temporary file(s) if necessary... */ if (tmpfilename[0]) unlink(tmpfilename); /* * Return the queue status... */ if (ipp_status == IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED || ipp_status == IPP_FORBIDDEN || ipp_status == IPP_AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED || ipp_status <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: auth-info-required=%s\n", auth_info_required); if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-info-needed\n", stderr); else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_CLOSED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-closed\n", stderr); else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-limit-reached\n", stderr); else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-authorization-failed\n", stderr); if (ipp_status == IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED || ipp_status == IPP_FORBIDDEN || ipp_status == IPP_AUTHENTICATION_CANCELED) return (CUPS_BACKEND_AUTH_REQUIRED); else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_CLOSED || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) return (CUPS_BACKEND_HOLD); else if (ipp_status == IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR) return (CUPS_BACKEND_STOP); else if (ipp_status == IPP_CONFLICT) return (CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED); else if (ipp_status == IPP_REQUEST_VALUE || ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES_OR_VALUES || ipp_status == IPP_DOCUMENT_FORMAT || job_canceled < 0) { if (ipp_status == IPP_REQUEST_VALUE) _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Print job too large.")); else if (ipp_status == IPP_DOCUMENT_FORMAT) _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Printer cannot print supplied content.")); else if (ipp_status == IPP_STATUS_ERROR_ATTRIBUTES_OR_VALUES) _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Printer cannot print with supplied options.")); else _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Print job canceled at printer.")); return (CUPS_BACKEND_CANCEL); } else if (ipp_status > IPP_OK_CONFLICT && ipp_status != IPP_ERROR_JOB_CANCELED) return (CUPS_BACKEND_RETRY_CURRENT); else return (CUPS_BACKEND_OK); } /* * 'cancel_job()' - Cancel a print job. */ static void cancel_job(http_t *http, /* I - HTTP connection */ const char *uri, /* I - printer-uri */ int id, /* I - job-id */ const char *resource, /* I - Resource path */ const char *user, /* I - requesting-user-name */ int version) /* I - IPP version */ { ipp_t *request; /* Cancel-Job request */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Canceling print job.")); request = ippNewRequest(IPP_CANCEL_JOB); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-id", id); if (user && user[0]) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, user); /* * Do the request... */ ippDelete(cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource)); } /* * 'check_printer_state()' - Check the printer state. */ static ipp_pstate_t /* O - Current printer-state */ check_printer_state( http_t *http, /* I - HTTP connection */ const char *uri, /* I - Printer URI */ const char *resource, /* I - Resource path */ const char *user, /* I - Username, if any */ int version) /* I - IPP version */ { ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response; /* IPP response */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute in response */ ipp_pstate_t printer_state = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED; /* Current printer-state */ /* * Send a Get-Printer-Attributes request and log the results... */ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); if (user && user[0]) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, user); ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", (int)(sizeof(pattrs) / sizeof(pattrs[0])), NULL, pattrs); if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource)) != NULL) { report_printer_state(response); if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-state", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL) printer_state = (ipp_pstate_t)attr->values[0].integer; ippDelete(response); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Get-Printer-Attributes: %s (%s)\n", ippErrorString(cupsLastError()), cupsLastErrorString()); /* * Return the printer-state value... */ return (printer_state); } /* * 'monitor_printer()' - Monitor the printer state. */ static void * /* O - Thread exit code */ monitor_printer( _cups_monitor_t *monitor) /* I - Monitoring data */ { http_t *http; /* Connection to printer */ ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response; /* IPP response */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute in response */ int delay, /* Current delay */ prev_delay; /* Previous delay */ ipp_op_t job_op; /* Operation to use */ int job_id; /* Job ID */ const char *job_name; /* Job name */ ipp_jstate_t job_state; /* Job state */ const char *job_user; /* Job originating user name */ int password_tries = 0; /* Password tries */ /* * Make a copy of the printer connection... */ http = httpConnect2(monitor->hostname, monitor->port, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, monitor->encryption, 1, 0, NULL); httpSetTimeout(http, 30.0, timeout_cb, NULL); if (username[0]) cupsSetUser(username); cupsSetPasswordCB2((cups_password_cb2_t)password_cb, &password_tries); /* * Loop until the job is canceled, aborted, or completed. */ delay = _cupsNextDelay(0, &prev_delay); monitor->job_reasons = 0; while (monitor->job_state < IPP_JOB_CANCELED && !job_canceled) { /* * Reconnect to the printer... */ if (!httpReconnect(http)) { /* * Connected, so check on the printer state... */ monitor->printer_state = check_printer_state(http, monitor->uri, monitor->resource, monitor->user, monitor->version); if (cupsLastError() <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; if (monitor->job_id == 0 && monitor->create_job) { /* * No job-id yet, so continue... */ goto monitor_disconnect; } /* * Check the status of the job itself... */ job_op = (monitor->job_id > 0 && monitor->get_job_attrs) ? IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES : IPP_GET_JOBS; request = ippNewRequest(job_op); ippSetVersion(request, monitor->version / 10, monitor->version % 10); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, monitor->uri); if (job_op == IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES) ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-id", monitor->job_id); if (monitor->user && monitor->user[0]) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, monitor->user); ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", (int)(sizeof(jattrs) / sizeof(jattrs[0])), NULL, jattrs); /* * Do the request... */ response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, monitor->resource); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: (monitor) %s: %s (%s)\n", ippOpString(job_op), ippErrorString(cupsLastError()), cupsLastErrorString()); if (cupsLastError() <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT) password_tries = 0; if (job_op == IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES) { if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-state", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL) monitor->job_state = (ipp_jstate_t)attr->values[0].integer; else monitor->job_state = IPP_JOB_COMPLETED; } else if (response) { for (attr = response->attrs; attr; attr = attr->next) { job_id = 0; job_name = NULL; job_state = IPP_JOB_PENDING; job_user = NULL; while (attr && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_JOB) attr = attr->next; if (!attr) break; while (attr && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_JOB) { if (!strcmp(attr->name, "job-id") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_INTEGER) job_id = attr->values[0].integer; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "job-name") && (attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME || attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAMELANG)) job_name = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "job-state") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_ENUM) job_state = (ipp_jstate_t)attr->values[0].integer; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "job-originating-user-name") && (attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME || attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAMELANG)) job_user = attr->values[0].string.text; attr = attr->next; } if (job_id > 0 && job_name && !strcmp(job_name, monitor->job_name) && job_user && monitor->user && !strcmp(job_user, monitor->user)) { monitor->job_id = job_id; monitor->job_state = job_state; break; } if (!attr) break; } } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: (monitor) job-state = %s\n", ippEnumString("job-state", monitor->job_state)); if (!job_canceled && (monitor->job_state == IPP_JOB_CANCELED || monitor->job_state == IPP_JOB_ABORTED)) { job_canceled = -1; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: (monitor) job_canceled = -1\n"); } if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "job-state-reasons", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { int i, new_reasons = 0; /* Looping var, new reasons */ for (i = 0; i < attr->num_values; i ++) { if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "account-authorization-failed")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED; else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "account-closed")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_CLOSED; else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "account-info-needed")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED; else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "account-limit-reached")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED; else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "job-password-wait")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_JOB_PASSWORD_WAIT; else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "job-release-wait")) new_reasons |= _CUPS_JSR_JOB_RELEASE_WAIT; if (!job_canceled && (!strncmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "job-canceled-", 13) || !strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "aborted-by-system"))) job_canceled = 1; } if (new_reasons != monitor->job_reasons) { if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-authorization-failed\n", stderr); else if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_CLOSED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-closed\n", stderr); else if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_INFO_NEEDED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-info-needed\n", stderr); else if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED) fputs("JOBSTATE: account-limit-reached\n", stderr); else if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_JOB_PASSWORD_WAIT) fputs("JOBSTATE: job-password-wait\n", stderr); else if (new_reasons & _CUPS_JSR_JOB_RELEASE_WAIT) fputs("JOBSTATE: job-release-wait\n", stderr); else fputs("JOBSTATE: job-printing\n", stderr); monitor->job_reasons = new_reasons; } } ippDelete(response); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: (monitor) job-state = %s\n", ippEnumString("job-state", monitor->job_state)); if (!job_canceled && (monitor->job_state == IPP_JOB_CANCELED || monitor->job_state == IPP_JOB_ABORTED)) job_canceled = -1; /* * Disconnect from the printer - we'll reconnect on the next poll... */ monitor_disconnect: _httpDisconnect(http); } /* * Sleep for N seconds... */ sleep((unsigned)delay); delay = _cupsNextDelay(delay, &prev_delay); } /* * Cancel the job if necessary... */ if (job_canceled > 0 && monitor->job_id > 0) { if (!httpReconnect(http)) { cancel_job(http, monitor->uri, monitor->job_id, monitor->resource, monitor->user, monitor->version); if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: (monitor) cancel_job() = %s\n", cupsLastErrorString()); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to cancel print job.")); } } } /* * Cleanup and return... */ httpClose(http); return (NULL); } /* * 'new_request()' - Create a new print creation or validation request. */ static ipp_t * /* O - Request data */ new_request( ipp_op_t op, /* I - IPP operation code */ int version, /* I - IPP version number */ const char *uri, /* I - printer-uri value */ const char *user, /* I - requesting-user-name value */ const char *title, /* I - job-name value */ int num_options, /* I - Number of options to send */ cups_option_t *options, /* I - Options to send */ const char *compression, /* I - compression value or NULL */ int copies, /* I - copies value or 0 */ const char *format, /* I - document-format value or NULL */ _ppd_cache_t *pc, /* I - PPD cache and mapping data */ ppd_file_t *ppd, /* I - PPD file data */ ipp_attribute_t *media_col_sup, /* I - media-col-supported values */ ipp_attribute_t *doc_handling_sup, /* I - multiple-document-handling-supported values */ ipp_attribute_t *print_color_mode_sup) /* I - Printer supports print-color-mode */ { ipp_t *request; /* Request data */ const char *keyword; /* PWG keyword */ ipp_tag_t group; /* Current group */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Current attribute */ char buffer[1024]; /* Value buffer */ /* * Create the IPP request... */ request = ippNewRequest(op); ippSetVersion(request, version / 10, version % 10); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s IPP/%d.%d\n", ippOpString(request->request.op.operation_id), request->request.op.version[0], request->request.op.version[1]); /* * Add standard attributes... */ ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: printer-uri=\"%s\"\n", uri); if (user && *user) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, user); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: requesting-user-name=\"%s\"\n", user); } if (title && *title) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-name", NULL, title); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: job-name=\"%s\"\n", title); } if (format && op != IPP_CREATE_JOB) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format", NULL, format); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: document-format=\"%s\"\n", format); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ if (compression && op != IPP_OP_CREATE_JOB && op != IPP_OP_VALIDATE_JOB) { ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "compression", NULL, compression); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: compression=\"%s\"\n", compression); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ /* * Handle options on the command-line... */ if (num_options > 0) { if (pc) { /* * Send standard IPP attributes... */ fputs("DEBUG: Adding standard IPP operation/job attributes.\n", stderr); copies = _cupsConvertOptions(request, ppd, pc, media_col_sup, doc_handling_sup, print_color_mode_sup, user, format, copies, num_options, options); /* * Map FaxOut options... */ if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("phone", num_options, options)) != NULL) { ipp_t *destination; /* destination collection */ char phone[1024], /* Phone number string */ *ptr, /* Pointer into string */ tel_uri[1024]; /* tel: URI */ static const char * const allowed = "0123456789#*-+.()"; /* Allowed characters */ destination = ippNew(); /* * Unescape and filter out spaces and other characters that are not * allowed in a tel: URI. */ _httpDecodeURI(phone, keyword, sizeof(phone)); for (ptr = phone; *ptr;) { if (!strchr(allowed, *ptr)) _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1); else ptr ++; } httpAssembleURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, tel_uri, sizeof(tel_uri), "tel", NULL, NULL, 0, phone); ippAddString(destination, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_URI, "destination-uri", NULL, tel_uri); if ((keyword = cupsGetOption("faxPrefix", num_options, options)) != NULL && *keyword) { char predial[1024]; /* Pre-dial string */ _httpDecodeURI(predial, keyword, sizeof(predial)); ippAddString(destination, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "pre-dial-string", NULL, predial); } ippAddCollection(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, "destination-uris", destination); ippDelete(destination); } } else { /* * When talking to another CUPS server, send all options... */ fputs("DEBUG: Adding all operation/job attributes.\n", stderr); cupsEncodeOptions2(request, num_options, options, IPP_TAG_OPERATION); cupsEncodeOptions2(request, num_options, options, IPP_TAG_JOB); } if (copies > 1 && (!pc || copies <= pc->max_copies)) ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_JOB, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "copies", copies); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: IPP/%d.%d %s #%d\n", version / 10, version % 10, ippOpString(ippGetOperation(request)), ippGetRequestId(request)); for (group = IPP_TAG_ZERO, attr = ippFirstAttribute(request); attr; attr = ippNextAttribute(request)) { const char *name = ippGetName(attr); if (!name) { group = IPP_TAG_ZERO; continue; } if (group != ippGetGroupTag(attr)) { group = ippGetGroupTag(attr); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ---- %s ----\n", ippTagString(group)); } ippAttributeString(attr, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s %s%s %s\n", name, ippGetCount(attr) > 1 ? "1setOf " : "", ippTagString(ippGetValueTag(attr)), buffer); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ---- %s ----\n", ippTagString(IPP_TAG_END)); return (request); } /* * 'password_cb()' - Disable the password prompt for cupsDoFileRequest(). */ static const char * /* O - Password */ password_cb(const char *prompt, /* I - Prompt (not used) */ http_t *http, /* I - Connection */ const char *method, /* I - Request method (not used) */ const char *resource, /* I - Resource path (not used) */ int *password_tries) /* I - Password tries */ { char def_username[HTTP_MAX_VALUE]; /* Default username */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: password_cb(prompt=\"%s\", http=%p, method=\"%s\", " "resource=\"%s\", password_tries=%p(%d)), password=%p\n", prompt, http, method, resource, password_tries, *password_tries, password); (void)prompt; (void)method; (void)resource; if (!uri_credentials) { /* * Remember that we need to authenticate... */ auth_info_required = "username,password"; if (httpGetSubField(http, HTTP_FIELD_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "username", def_username)) { char quoted[HTTP_MAX_VALUE * 2 + 4]; /* Quoted string */ fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: auth-info-default=%s,\n", quote_string(def_username, quoted, sizeof(quoted))); } } if (password && *password && *password_tries < 3) { (*password_tries) ++; cupsSetUser(username); return (password); } else { /* * Give up after 3 tries or if we don't have a password to begin with... */ return (NULL); } } /* * 'quote_string()' - Quote a string value. */ static const char * /* O - Quoted string */ quote_string(const char *s, /* I - String */ char *q, /* I - Quoted string buffer */ size_t qsize) /* I - Size of quoted string buffer */ { char *qptr, /* Pointer into string buffer */ *qend; /* End of string buffer */ qptr = q; qend = q + qsize - 5; if (qend < q) { *q = '\0'; return (q); } *qptr++ = '\''; *qptr++ = '\"'; while (*s && qptr < qend) { if (*s == '\\' || *s == '\"' || *s == '\'') { if (qptr < (qend - 4)) { *qptr++ = '\\'; *qptr++ = '\\'; *qptr++ = '\\'; } else break; } *qptr++ = *s++; } *qptr++ = '\"'; *qptr++ = '\''; *qptr = '\0'; return (q); } /* * 'report_attr()' - Report an IPP attribute value. */ static void report_attr(ipp_attribute_t *attr) /* I - Attribute */ { int i; /* Looping var */ char value[1024], /* Value string */ *valptr; /* Pointer into value string */ const char *cached; /* Cached attribute */ /* * Convert the attribute values into quoted strings... */ for (i = 0, valptr = value; i < attr->num_values && valptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 10); i ++) { if (i > 0) *valptr++ = ','; switch (attr->value_tag) { case IPP_TAG_INTEGER : case IPP_TAG_ENUM : snprintf(valptr, sizeof(value) - (size_t)(valptr - value), "%d", attr->values[i].integer); valptr += strlen(valptr); break; case IPP_TAG_TEXT : case IPP_TAG_NAME : case IPP_TAG_KEYWORD : quote_string(attr->values[i].string.text, valptr, (size_t)(value + sizeof(value) - valptr)); valptr += strlen(valptr); break; default : /* * Unsupported value type... */ return; } } *valptr = '\0'; _cupsMutexLock(&report_mutex); if ((cached = cupsGetOption(attr->name, num_attr_cache, attr_cache)) == NULL || strcmp(cached, value)) { /* * Tell the scheduler about the new values... */ num_attr_cache = cupsAddOption(attr->name, value, num_attr_cache, &attr_cache); fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: %s=%s\n", attr->name, value); } _cupsMutexUnlock(&report_mutex); } /* * 'report_printer_state()' - Report the printer state. */ static void report_printer_state(ipp_t *ipp) /* I - IPP response */ { ipp_attribute_t *pa, /* printer-alert */ *pam, /* printer-alert-message */ *pmja, /* printer-mandatory-job-attributes */ *psm, /* printer-state-message */ *reasons, /* printer-state-reasons */ *marker; /* marker-* attributes */ char value[1024], /* State/message string */ *valptr; /* Pointer into string */ static int ipp_supplies = -1; /* Report supply levels? */ /* * Report alerts and messages... */ if ((pa = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "printer-alert", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) report_attr(pa); if ((pam = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "printer-alert-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) report_attr(pam); if ((pmja = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "printer-mandatory-job-attributes", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { int i, /* Looping var */ count = ippGetCount(pmja); /* Number of values */ for (i = 0, valptr = value; i < count; i ++, valptr += strlen(valptr)) { if (i) snprintf(valptr, sizeof(value) - (size_t)(valptr - value), " %s", ippGetString(pmja, i, NULL)); else strlcpy(value, ippGetString(pmja, i, NULL), sizeof(value)); } if (strcmp(value, mandatory_attrs)) { strlcpy(mandatory_attrs, value, sizeof(mandatory_attrs)); fprintf(stderr, "PPD: cupsMandatory=\"%s\"\n", value); } } if ((psm = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "printer-state-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) { char *ptr; /* Pointer into message */ strlcpy(value, "INFO: ", sizeof(value)); for (ptr = psm->values[0].string.text, valptr = value + 6; *ptr && valptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 6); ptr ++) { if (*ptr < ' ' && *ptr > 0 && *ptr != '\t') { /* * Substitute "" for the control character; sprintf is safe because * we always leave 6 chars free at the end... */ sprintf(valptr, "<%02X>", *ptr); valptr += 4; } else *valptr++ = *ptr; } *valptr++ = '\n'; *valptr = '\0'; fputs(value, stderr); } /* * Now report printer-state-reasons, filtering out some of the reasons we never * want to set... */ if ((reasons = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "printer-state-reasons", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) == NULL) return; update_reasons(reasons, NULL); /* * Relay the current marker-* attribute values... */ if (ipp_supplies < 0) { ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file */ ppd_attr_t *ppdattr; /* Attribute in PPD file */ if ((ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"))) != NULL && (ppdattr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsIPPSupplies", NULL)) != NULL && ppdattr->value && _cups_strcasecmp(ppdattr->value, "true")) ipp_supplies = 0; else ipp_supplies = 1; ppdClose(ppd); } if (ipp_supplies > 0) { if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-colors", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-high-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-low-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-names", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(ipp, "marker-types", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) report_attr(marker); } } #if defined(HAVE_GSSAPI) && defined(HAVE_XPC) /* * 'run_as_user()' - Run the IPP backend as the printing user. * * This function uses an XPC-based user agent to run the backend as the printing * user. We need to do this in order to have access to the user's Kerberos * credentials. */ static int /* O - Exit status */ run_as_user(char *argv[], /* I - Command-line arguments */ uid_t uid, /* I - User ID */ const char *device_uri, /* I - Device URI */ int fd) /* I - File to print */ { const char *auth_negotiate;/* AUTH_NEGOTIATE env var */ xpc_connection_t conn; /* Connection to XPC service */ xpc_object_t request; /* Request message dictionary */ __block xpc_object_t response; /* Response message dictionary */ dispatch_semaphore_t sem; /* Semaphore for waiting for response */ int status = CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED; /* Status of request */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Running IPP backend as UID %d.\n", (int)uid); /* * Connect to the user agent for the specified UID... */ conn = xpc_connection_create_mach_service(kPMPrintUIToolAgent, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), 0); if (!conn) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to start backend process.")); fputs("DEBUG: Unable to create connection to agent.\n", stderr); goto cleanup; } xpc_connection_set_event_handler(conn, ^(xpc_object_t event) { xpc_type_t messageType = xpc_get_type(event); if (messageType == XPC_TYPE_ERROR) { if (event == XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Interrupted connection to service %s.\n", xpc_connection_get_name(conn)); else if (event == XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Connection invalid for service %s.\n", xpc_connection_get_name(conn)); else fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Unxpected error for service %s: %s\n", xpc_connection_get_name(conn), xpc_dictionary_get_string(event, XPC_ERROR_KEY_DESCRIPTION)); } }); xpc_connection_set_target_uid(conn, uid); xpc_connection_resume(conn); /* * Try starting the backend... */ request = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_int64(request, "command", kPMStartJob); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "device-uri", device_uri); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "job-id", argv[1]); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "user", argv[2]); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "title", argv[3]); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "copies", argv[4]); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "options", argv[5]); xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "auth-info-required", getenv("AUTH_INFO_REQUIRED")); if ((auth_negotiate = getenv("AUTH_NEGOTIATE")) != NULL) xpc_dictionary_set_string(request, "auth-negotiate", auth_negotiate); xpc_dictionary_set_fd(request, "stdin", fd); xpc_dictionary_set_fd(request, "stderr", 2); xpc_dictionary_set_fd(request, "side-channel", CUPS_SC_FD); sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); response = NULL; xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(conn, request, dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^(xpc_object_t reply) { /* Save the response and wake up */ if (xpc_get_type(reply) == XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY) response = xpc_retain(reply); dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); }); dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); xpc_release(request); dispatch_release(sem); if (response) { child_pid = (pid_t)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(response, "child-pid"); xpc_release(response); if (child_pid) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Child PID=%d.\n", (int)child_pid); else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to start backend process.")); fputs("DEBUG: No child PID.\n", stderr); goto cleanup; } } else { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to start backend process.")); fputs("DEBUG: No reply from agent.\n", stderr); goto cleanup; } /* * Then wait for the backend to finish... */ request = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_int64(request, "command", kPMWaitForJob); xpc_dictionary_set_fd(request, "stderr", 2); sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); response = NULL; xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(conn, request, dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0), ^(xpc_object_t reply) { /* Save the response and wake up */ if (xpc_get_type(reply) == XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY) response = xpc_retain(reply); dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); }); dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); xpc_release(request); dispatch_release(sem); if (response) { status = (int)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(response, "status"); if (status == SIGTERM || status == SIGKILL || status == SIGPIPE) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Child terminated on signal %d.\n", status); status = CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Child crashed on signal %d.\n", status); status = CUPS_BACKEND_STOP; } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { status = WEXITSTATUS(status); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Child exited with status %d.\n", status); } xpc_release(response); } else _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to get backend exit status.")); cleanup: if (conn) { xpc_connection_cancel(conn); xpc_release(conn); } return (status); } #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_XPC */ /* * 'sigterm_handler()' - Handle 'terminate' signals that stop the backend. */ static void sigterm_handler(int sig) /* I - Signal */ { (void)sig; /* remove compiler warnings... */ write(2, "DEBUG: Got SIGTERM.\n", 20); #if defined(HAVE_GSSAPI) && defined(HAVE_XPC) if (child_pid) { kill(child_pid, sig); child_pid = 0; } #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI && HAVE_XPC */ if (!job_canceled) { /* * Flag that the job should be canceled... */ write(2, "DEBUG: sigterm_handler: job_canceled = 1.\n", 25); job_canceled = 1; return; } /* * The scheduler already tried to cancel us once, now just terminate * after removing our temp file! */ if (tmpfilename[0]) unlink(tmpfilename); exit(1); } /* * 'timeout_cb()' - Handle HTTP timeouts. */ static int /* O - 1 to continue, 0 to cancel */ timeout_cb(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server (unused) */ void *user_data) /* I - User data (unused) */ { (void)http; (void)user_data; return (!job_canceled); } /* * 'update_reasons()' - Update the printer-state-reasons values. */ static void update_reasons(ipp_attribute_t *attr, /* I - printer-state-reasons or NULL */ const char *s) /* I - STATE: string or NULL */ { char op; /* Add (+), remove (-), replace (\0) */ cups_array_t *new_reasons; /* New reasons array */ char *reason, /* Current reason */ add[2048], /* Reasons added string */ *addptr, /* Pointer into add string */ rem[2048], /* Reasons removed string */ *remptr; /* Pointer into remove string */ const char *addprefix, /* Current add string prefix */ *remprefix; /* Current remove string prefix */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: update_reasons(attr=%d(%s%s), s=\"%s\")\n", attr ? attr->num_values : 0, attr ? attr->values[0].string.text : "", attr && attr->num_values > 1 ? ",..." : "", s ? s : "(null)"); /* * Create an array of new reason keyword strings... */ if (attr) { int i; /* Looping var */ new_reasons = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL); op = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < attr->num_values; i ++) { reason = attr->values[i].string.text; if (strcmp(reason, "none") && strcmp(reason, "none-report") && strcmp(reason, "paused") && strncmp(reason, "spool-area-full", 15) && strcmp(reason, "com.apple.print.recoverable-warning") && strncmp(reason, "cups-", 5)) cupsArrayAdd(new_reasons, reason); } } else if (s) { if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') op = *s++; else op = '\0'; new_reasons = _cupsArrayNewStrings(s, ','); } else return; /* * Compute the changes... */ add[0] = '\0'; addprefix = "STATE: +"; addptr = add; rem[0] = '\0'; remprefix = "STATE: -"; remptr = rem; fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: op='%c', new_reasons=%d, state_reasons=%d\n", op ? op : ' ', cupsArrayCount(new_reasons), cupsArrayCount(state_reasons)); _cupsMutexLock(&report_mutex); if (op == '+') { /* * Add reasons... */ for (reason = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(new_reasons); reason; reason = (char *)cupsArrayNext(new_reasons)) { if (!cupsArrayFind(state_reasons, reason)) { if (!strncmp(reason, "cups-remote-", 12)) { /* * If we are setting cups-remote-xxx, remove all other cups-remote-xxx * keywords... */ char *temp; /* Current reason in state_reasons */ cupsArraySave(state_reasons); for (temp = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(state_reasons); temp; temp = (char *)cupsArrayNext(state_reasons)) if (!strncmp(temp, "cups-remote-", 12)) { snprintf(remptr, sizeof(rem) - (size_t)(remptr - rem), "%s%s", remprefix, temp); remptr += strlen(remptr); remprefix = ","; cupsArrayRemove(state_reasons, temp); break; } cupsArrayRestore(state_reasons); } cupsArrayAdd(state_reasons, reason); snprintf(addptr, sizeof(add) - (size_t)(addptr - add), "%s%s", addprefix, reason); addptr += strlen(addptr); addprefix = ","; } } } else if (op == '-') { /* * Remove reasons... */ for (reason = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(new_reasons); reason; reason = (char *)cupsArrayNext(new_reasons)) { if (cupsArrayFind(state_reasons, reason)) { snprintf(remptr, sizeof(rem) - (size_t)(remptr - rem), "%s%s", remprefix, reason); remptr += strlen(remptr); remprefix = ","; cupsArrayRemove(state_reasons, reason); } } } else { /* * Replace reasons... */ for (reason = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(state_reasons); reason; reason = (char *)cupsArrayNext(state_reasons)) { if (strncmp(reason, "cups-", 5) && !cupsArrayFind(new_reasons, reason)) { snprintf(remptr, sizeof(rem) - (size_t)(remptr - rem), "%s%s", remprefix, reason); remptr += strlen(remptr); remprefix = ","; cupsArrayRemove(state_reasons, reason); } } for (reason = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(new_reasons); reason; reason = (char *)cupsArrayNext(new_reasons)) { if (!cupsArrayFind(state_reasons, reason)) { cupsArrayAdd(state_reasons, reason); snprintf(addptr, sizeof(add) - (size_t)(addptr - add), "%s%s", addprefix, reason); addptr += strlen(addptr); addprefix = ","; } } } _cupsMutexUnlock(&report_mutex); /* * Report changes and return... */ if (add[0] && rem[0]) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n", add, rem); else if (add[0]) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", add); else if (rem[0]) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", rem); } /* * End of "$Id$". */