diff options
authorSheldon Sandbekkhaug <>2013-06-21 16:09:06 -0500
committerSheldon Sandbekkhaug <>2013-06-21 16:22:16 -0500
commit5b3e94d50784235616ca2383592bea71d50a6239 (patch)
parent1df4df675dbf81358880f529a49db01d40c0a248 (diff)
(CXMAN-194) Create a command to get all data Added cxmanage command to get a lot of data and store it in a .tar cxmanage Added the coredump command
2 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cxmanage/commands/ b/cxmanage/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b18b9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cxmanage/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 Calxeda, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+import os
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import call
+from cxmanage import get_tftp, get_nodes, run_command
+def coredump_command(args):
+ """Get information pertaining to each node. This includes:
+ IP addresses (ECME and server)
+ Version info (like cxmanage info)
+ MAC addresses
+ Sensor readings
+ Sensor data records
+ Firmware info
+ Boot order
+ SELs (System Event Logs),
+ Depth charts
+ Routing Tables
+ All nodes in the fabric should be powered on before running this command.
+ This data will be written to a set of files. Each node will get its own
+ file. All of these files will be archived and saved to the user's current
+ directory.
+ Internally, this command is called from:
+ ~/virtual_testenv/workspace/cx_manage_util/scripts/cxmanage
+ """
+ tftp = get_tftp(args)
+ nodes = get_nodes(args, tftp)
+ temp_dir = "coredump"
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(temp_dir)
+ except:
+ """ Create a new directory with a unique name. The number
+ associated with the directory (e.g. the "5" in "coredump5/")
+ should match the number of the tar file (e.g. "coredump5.tar").
+ """
+ temp_dir, _ = get_unused_directory_and_file_names(".", "coredump.tar")
+ os.mkdir(temp_dir)
+ os.chdir(temp_dir)
+ quiet = args.quiet
+ write_ip_addresses(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting boot order...")
+ write_boot_order(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting version information...")
+ write_version_info(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting MAC addresses...")
+ write_mac_addrs(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting sensor information...")
+ write_sensor_info(args, nodes)
+ print("Done!")
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting sensor data records...")
+ write_sdr(args, nodes)
+ print("Done!")
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting firmware information...")
+ write_fwinfo(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting system event logs...")
+ write_sel(args, nodes)
+ print("Done!")
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting depth charts...")
+ write_depth_chart(args, nodes)
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Getting routing tables...")
+ write_routing_table(args, nodes)
+ # Archive the files
+ os.chdir("..")
+ archive(temp_dir)
+ # The original files are already archived.
+ delete_files(temp_dir)
+ return 0
+def write_ip_addresses(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the ECME and server IP addresses for each node
+ to their respective files.
+ """
+ ip_discover_results, ip_discover_errors = run_command(
+ args,
+ nodes,
+ 'get_server_ip')
+ if (len(ip_discover_errors) > 0 and (not args.quiet)):
+ print("WARNING: Error discovering server IP addresses on "
+ "the following nodes:")
+ for error in ip_discover_errors:
+ print(node_ip(error))
+ for node in nodes:
+ write_to_file(
+ node,
+ ["Node " + str(node.node_id)],
+ False
+ )
+ if node in ip_discover_results:
+ write_to_file(
+ node,
+ ["[ ECME : Server ]",
+ node_ip(node) + " : " + ip_discover_results[node]]
+ )
+ else:
+ write_to_file(
+ node,
+ ["[ ECME : Server ]",
+ node_ip(node) + " : (Unknown)"]
+ )
+def write_version_info(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the version info (like cxmanage info) for each node
+ to their respective files.
+ """
+ info_results, info_errors = run_command(args, nodes, "get_versions")
+ # This will be used when writing version info to file
+ components = [
+ ("ecme_version", "ECME version"),
+ ("cdb_version", "CDB version"),
+ ("stage2_version", "Stage2boot version"),
+ ("bootlog_version", "Bootlog version"),
+ ("a9boot_version", "A9boot version"),
+ ("uboot_version", "Uboot version"),
+ ("ubootenv_version", "Ubootenv version"),
+ ("dtb_version", "DTB version")
+ ]
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # The lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append(
+ "\n[ Version Info for Node " +
+ str(node.node_id) + " ]"
+ )
+ if node in info_results:
+ info_result = info_results[node]
+ lines.append(
+ "Hardware version : %s" %
+ info_result.hardware_version
+ )
+ lines.append(
+ "Firmware version : %s" %
+ info_result.firmware_version
+ )
+ for var, description in components:
+ if hasattr(info_result, var):
+ version = getattr(info_result, var)
+ lines.append("%s: %s" % (description.ljust(19), version))
+ else:
+ lines.append("No version information could be found.")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_mac_addrs(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the MAC addresses for each node to their respective files. """
+ mac_addr_results, mac_addr_errors = run_command(
+ args,
+ nodes,
+ "get_fabric_macaddrs"
+ )
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ MAC Addresses for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ if node in mac_addr_results:
+ for port in mac_addr_results[node][node.node_id]:
+ for mac_address in mac_addr_results[node][node.node_id][port]:
+ lines.append("Node %i, Port %i: %s" %
+ (node.node_id, port, mac_address)
+ )
+ else:
+ lines.append("\nWARNING: No MAC addresses found!")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_sensor_info(args, nodes):
+ """ Write sensor information for each node to their respective files. """
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ Sensors for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ try:
+ sensor_command = "ipmitool sensor -I lanplus -H " + \
+ node_ip(node) + " -U admin -P admin list -v"
+ sensor_call = subprocess.Popen(
+ sensor_command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ sensor_info = sensor_call.communicate()[0]
+ lines.append(sensor_info)
+ except Exception as e:
+ lines.append("Could not get sensor info! " + str(e))
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print("Failed to get sensor information for " + node_ip(node))
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_sdr(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the sensor data record for each node to their
+ respective files.
+ """
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append(
+ "\n[ Sensor Data Record for Node " + str(
+ node.node_id) + " ]")
+ try:
+ sdr_command = "ipmitool sdr -I lanplus -H " + \
+ node_ip(node) + " -U admin -P admin info"
+ sdr_call = subprocess.Popen(
+ sdr_command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ sdr = sdr_call.communicate()[0]
+ lines.append(sdr)
+ except Exception as e:
+ lines.append("Could not get SDR! " + str(e))
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print("Failed to get sensor data record for " + node_ip(node))
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_fwinfo(args, nodes):
+ """ Write information about each node's firware partitions
+ to its respective file.
+ """
+ results, errors = run_command(args, nodes, "get_firmware_info")
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ Firmware Info for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ if node in results:
+ for partition in results[node]:
+ lines.append("\nPartition : %s" % partition.partition)
+ lines.append("Type : %s" % partition.type)
+ lines.append("Offset : %s" % partition.offset)
+ lines.append("Size : %s" % partition.size)
+ lines.append("Priority : %s" % partition.priority)
+ lines.append("Daddr : %s" % partition.daddr)
+ lines.append("Flags : %s" % partition.flags)
+ lines.append("Version : %s" % partition.version)
+ lines.append("In Use : %s" % partition.in_use)
+ else:
+ lines.append("Could not get firmware info!")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_boot_order(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the boot order of each node to their respective files. """
+ results, boot_order_errors = run_command(args, nodes, "get_boot_order")
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ Boot Order for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ if node in results:
+ lines.append(", ".join(results[node]))
+ else:
+ lines.append("Could not get boot order!")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_sel(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the SEL for each node to their respective files. """
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append(
+ "\n[ System Event Log for Node " + str(
+ node.node_id) + " ]")
+ try:
+ sel_command = "ipmitool sel -I lanplus -H " + node_ip(node) + \
+ " -U admin -P admin list"
+ sel_call = subprocess.Popen(
+ sel_command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ sel = sel_call.communicate()[0]
+ lines.append(sel)
+ except Exception as e:
+ lines.append("Could not get SEL! " + str(e))
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print("Failed to get system event log for " + node_ip(node))
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_depth_chart(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the depth chart for each node to their respective files. """
+ depth_results, depth_errors = run_command(args, nodes, "get_depth_chart")
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ Depth Chart for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ if node in depth_results:
+ depth_chart = depth_results[node]
+ for key in depth_chart:
+ subchart = depth_chart[key]
+ lines.append("To node " + str(key))
+ for subkey in subchart:
+ lines.append(" " + str(subkey) +
+ " : " + str(subchart[subkey])
+ )
+ else:
+ lines.append("Could not get depth chart!")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_routing_table(args, nodes):
+ """ Write the routing table for each node to their respective files. """
+ routing_results, routing_errors = run_command(
+ args, nodes, "get_routing_table")
+ for node in nodes:
+ lines = [] # Lines of text to write to file
+ # \n is used here to give a blank line before this section
+ lines.append("\n[ Routing Table for Node " + str(node.node_id) + " ]")
+ if node in routing_results:
+ table = routing_results[node]
+ for node_to in table:
+ lines.append(str(node_to) + " : " + str(table[node_to]))
+ else:
+ lines.append("Could not get routing table!")
+ write_to_file(node, lines)
+def write_to_file(node, toWrite, add_newlines=True):
+ """ Append toWrite to an info file for every node in nodes.
+ :param node: Node object to write about
+ :type node: Nobe object
+ :param toWrite: Text to write to the files
+ :type toWrite: List of strings
+ :
+param add_newlines: Whether to add newline characters before
+ every item in toWrite. True by default. True will add newline
+ characters.
+ :type add_newlines: bool
+ """
+ with open("node" + str(node.node_id) + ".txt", 'a') as file:
+ for line in toWrite:
+ if add_newlines:
+ file.write("\n" + line)
+ else:
+ file.write(line)
+def node_ip(node):
+ """ Return a string containing the given node's ECME IP address.
+ :returns: A string containing the node's ECME IP address.
+ :rtype: string
+ :param node: The node to get an IP address from.
+ :type node: Node object
+ """
+ return str(node)[6:]
+def delete_files(directory):
+ """ Remove all files inside directory, and directory itself. """
+ command = "rm -r " + directory
+ call(command.split())
+def archive(directory_to_archive):
+ """ Creates a .tar containing everything in the directory_to_archive.
+ The .tar is saved to the current directory under the same name as
+ the directory, but with .tar appended.
+ :param directory_to_archive: A path to the directory to be archived.
+ :type directory_to_archive: string
+ """
+ make_tar_command = "tar -cf " + directory_to_archive + ".tar " + \
+ directory_to_archive
+ call(make_tar_command.split())
+ print("Finished! One archive created:\n" + directory_to_archive + ".tar")
+def get_unused_directory_and_file_names(directory, name):
+ """ Given a directory and filename, determine an unused directory name
+ and an unused file name that share the same name before any extensions.
+ Returns: A list containing two strings: an unused directory name, and
+ an unused file name.
+ :param directory: A path to the directory to look in.
+ :type directory: string
+ :param name: The original name of a file, possibly including an extension
+ :type name: string
+ """
+ dir_name, _, _ = name.partition(".")
+ dir_number = 0
+ file_number = 0
+ while True:
+ # Try to get an unused dir starting from file_number
+ new_dir, dir_number = get_unused_name(directory, dir_name, file_number)
+ # Try to get an unused name starting from dir_number
+ new_file, file_number = get_unused_name(directory, name, dir_number)
+ # dir_number and file_number always indicate unused names
+ if dir_number == file_number:
+ return [new_dir, new_file]
+def get_unused_name(directory, name, number=0):
+ """ Get a new filename. This new filename cannot be the same as any
+ existing file in directory, and should be based off of name. name should
+ contain one or zero periods, and should not start with a period.
+ The return type is a list containing the new filename (string), and the
+ number attached to it (int).
+ :param directory: A path to directory
+ :type directory: string
+ :param name: The original name of a file, possibly with an extension
+ :type name: string
+ :param number: The number to start searching from
+ :type number: int
+ """
+ name, dot, extension = name.partition('.')
+ # Create a new string, similar to "name0.extension"
+ destination = name + str(number) + dot + extension
+ exit = False
+ # Increment the number in name#.ext until we find an unused filename
+ while exit == False:
+ command = 'ls'
+ a_call = subprocess.Popen(
+ command.split(),
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ call_result = a_call.communicate()[0]
+ if destination in call_result:
+ number = number + 1
+ destination = name + str(number) + dot + extension
+ else:
+ exit = True
+ return [destination, number]
diff --git a/scripts/cxmanage b/scripts/cxmanage
index 101b30b..5f38fec 100755
--- a/scripts/cxmanage
+++ b/scripts/cxmanage
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ from cxmanage.commands.config import config_reset_command, config_boot_command
from import info_command
from cxmanage.commands.ipmitool import ipmitool_command
from cxmanage.commands.ipdiscover import ipdiscover_command
+from cxmanage.commands.coredump import coredump_command
@@ -284,6 +285,23 @@ def build_parser():
help='nodes to operate on (see examples below)')
+ # Coredump command
+ coredump = subparsers.add_parser('coredump', help='Get all data from each node')
+ coredump.add_argument('sensor_name', help='Sensor name to read',
+ nargs='?', default='')
+ coredump.add_argument('-A', '--aggressive', action='store_true',
+ help='discover IPs aggressively')
+ coredump.add_argument('-U', '--server-user', type=str, default='user1',
+ metavar='USER', help='Server-side Linux username')
+ coredump.add_argument('-P', '--server-password', type=str,
+ default='1Password', metavar='PASSWORD',
+ help='Server-side Linux password')
+ coredump.add_argument('-6', '--ipv6', action='store_true',
+ help='Discover IPv6 addresses')
+ coredump.add_argument('-I', '--interface', type=str, default=None,
+ help='Network interface to check')
+ coredump.set_defaults(func=coredump_command)
return parser