diff options
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/tests/run/numpy_test.pyx b/tests/run/numpy_test.pyx
index 67db2b638..11b72054b 100644
--- a/tests/run/numpy_test.pyx
+++ b/tests/run/numpy_test.pyx
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+# mode: run
# tag: numpy
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
+import numpy as np
import re
@@ -16,6 +19,7 @@ def testcase(f):
# but is a useful indicator of what functions are designed as tests
return f
if little_endian():
my_endian = '<'
other_endian = '>'
@@ -23,17 +27,55 @@ else:
my_endian = '>'
other_endian = '<'
- import numpy as np
- __doc__ = u"""
+def assert_dtype_sizes():
+ """
>>> assert_dtype_sizes()
+ """
+ assert sizeof(np.int8_t) == 1
+ assert sizeof(np.int16_t) == 2
+ assert sizeof(np.int32_t) == 4
+ assert sizeof(np.int64_t) == 8
+ assert sizeof(np.uint8_t) == 1
+ assert sizeof(np.uint16_t) == 2
+ assert sizeof(np.uint32_t) == 4
+ assert sizeof(np.uint64_t) == 8
+ assert sizeof(np.float32_t) == 4
+ assert sizeof(np.float64_t) == 8
+ assert sizeof(np.complex64_t) == 8
+ assert sizeof(np.complex128_t) == 16
+def test_enums():
+ """
+ >>> test_enums()
+ """
+ cdef np.NPY_CASTING nc = np.NPY_NO_CASTING
+ assert nc != np.NPY_SAFE_CASTING
+def ndarray_str(arr):
+ u"""
+ Work around display differences in NumPy 1.14.
+ """
+ return re.sub(ur'\[ +', '[', unicode(arr))
+def basic():
+ """
>>> basic()
[[0 1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8 9]]
2 0 9 5
+ """
+ cdef object[int, ndim=2] buf = np.arange(10, dtype='i').reshape((2, 5))
+ print buf
+ print buf[0, 2], buf[0, 0], buf[1, 4], buf[1, 0]
+def three_dim():
+ """
>>> three_dim() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[[[0. 1. 2. 3.]
[4. 5. 6. 7.]]
@@ -44,11 +86,25 @@ try:
[[16. 17. 18. 19.]
[20. 21. 22. 23.]]]
6.0 0.0 13.0 8.0
+ """
+ cdef object[double, ndim=3] buf = np.arange(24, dtype='d').reshape((3,2,4))
+ print ndarray_str(buf)
+ print buf[0, 1, 2], buf[0, 0, 0], buf[1, 1, 1], buf[1, 0, 0]
+def obj_array():
+ """
>>> obj_array()
[a 1 {}]
a 1 {}
+ """
+ cdef object[object, ndim=1] buf = np.array(["a", 1, {}])
+ print str(buf).replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
+ print buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]
+def print_long_2d(np.ndarray[long, ndim=2] arr):
+ """
Test various forms of slicing, picking etc.
>>> a = np.arange(10, dtype='l').reshape(2, 5)
>>> print_long_2d(a)
@@ -78,9 +134,16 @@ try:
2 7
3 8
4 9
+ """
+ cdef int i, j
+ for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
+ print u" ".join([unicode(arr[i, j]) for j in range(arr.shape[1])])
+def put_range_long_1d(np.ndarray[long] arr):
+ """
Write to slices
- >>> b = a.copy()
+ >>> b = np.arange(10, dtype='l').reshape(2, 5)
>>> put_range_long_1d(b[:, 3])
>>> print (b)
[[0 1 2 0 4]
@@ -101,7 +164,16 @@ try:
>>> print (a)
[[0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0]]
+ """
+ # Writes 0,1,2,... to array and returns array
+ cdef int value = 0, i
+ for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
+ arr[i] = value
+ value += 1
+def test_c_contig(np.ndarray[int, ndim=2, mode='c'] arr):
+ """
Test contiguous access modes:
>>> c_arr = np.array(np.arange(12, dtype='i').reshape(3,4), order='C')
>>> f_arr = np.array(np.arange(12, dtype='i').reshape(3,4), order='F')
@@ -109,200 +181,39 @@ try:
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
- >>> test_f_contig(f_arr)
- 0 1 2 3
- 4 5 6 7
- 8 9 10 11
>>> test_c_contig(f_arr) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ndarray is not C...contiguous
- >>> test_f_contig(c_arr) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ndarray is not Fortran contiguous
>>> test_c_contig(c_arr[::2,::2]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ndarray is not C...contiguous
- >>> test_dtype('?', inc1_bool)
- >>> test_dtype('b', inc1_byte)
- >>> test_dtype('B', inc1_ubyte)
- >>> test_dtype('h', inc1_short)
- >>> test_dtype('H', inc1_ushort)
- >>> test_dtype('i', inc1_int)
- >>> test_dtype('I', inc1_uint)
- >>> test_dtype('l', inc1_long)
- >>> test_dtype('L', inc1_ulong)
- >>> test_dtype('f', inc1_float)
- >>> test_dtype('d', inc1_double)
- >>> test_dtype('g', inc1_longdouble)
- >>> test_dtype('O', inc1_object)
- >>> test_dtype('F', inc1_cfloat) # numpy format codes differ from buffer ones here
- >>> test_dtype('D', inc1_cdouble)
- >>> test_dtype('G', inc1_clongdouble)
- >>> test_dtype('F', inc1_cfloat_struct)
- >>> test_dtype('D', inc1_cdouble_struct)
- >>> test_dtype('G', inc1_clongdouble_struct)
- >>> test_dtype(, inc1_int_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.longlong, inc1_longlong_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.float, inc1_float_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.double, inc1_double_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.intp, inc1_intp_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.uintp, inc1_uintp_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.longdouble, inc1_longdouble_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.int32, inc1_int32_t)
- >>> test_dtype(np.float64, inc1_float64_t)
- Endian tests:
- >>> test_dtype('%si' % my_endian, inc1_int)
- >>> test_dtype('%si' % other_endian, inc1_int) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ...
- >>> test_recordarray()
- >>> print(test_nested_dtypes(np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.dtype([\
- ('a', np.dtype('i,i')),\
- ('b', np.dtype('i,i'))\
- ])))) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 2), (1, 4)), ((1, 2), (1, 4))],
- dtype=[('a', [('f0', '!i4'), ('f1', '!i4')]), ('b', [('f0', '!i4'), ('f1', '!i4')])])
- >>> print(test_nested_dtypes(np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.dtype([\
- ('a', np.dtype('i,f')),\
- ('b', np.dtype('i,i'))\
- ]))))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'float' in 'DoubleInt.y'
- >>> print(test_packed_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=False))))
- [(22, 23)]
- The output changed in Python 3:
- >> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True))))
- array([(22, 23)],
- dtype=[('f0', '|i1'), ('', '|V3'), ('f1', '!i4')])
- ->
- array([(22, 23)],
- dtype={'names':['f0','f1'], 'formats':['i1','!i4'], 'offsets':[0,4], 'itemsize':8, 'aligned':True})
- >>> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True))))
- [(22, 23)]
- >>> print(test_packed_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True)))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ...
- >>> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=False)))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: ...
- >>> test_good_cast()
- True
- >>> test_bad_cast()
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: Item size of buffer (1 byte) does not match size of 'int' (4 bytes)
- >>> test_complextypes()
- 1,1
- 1,1
- 8,16
- >>> test_point_record() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- array([(0., 0.), (1., -1.), (2., -2.)],
- dtype=[('x', '!f8'), ('y', '!f8')])
- __doc__ = u""
-def assert_dtype_sizes():
- assert sizeof(np.int8_t) == 1
- assert sizeof(np.int16_t) == 2
- assert sizeof(np.int32_t) == 4
- assert sizeof(np.int64_t) == 8
- assert sizeof(np.uint8_t) == 1
- assert sizeof(np.uint16_t) == 2
- assert sizeof(np.uint32_t) == 4
- assert sizeof(np.uint64_t) == 8
- assert sizeof(np.float32_t) == 4
- assert sizeof(np.float64_t) == 8
- assert sizeof(np.complex64_t) == 8
- assert sizeof(np.complex128_t) == 16
-def test_enums():
- """
- >>> test_enums()
- cdef np.NPY_CASTING nc = np.NPY_NO_CASTING
- assert nc != np.NPY_SAFE_CASTING
-def ndarray_str(arr):
- u"""
- Work around display differences in NumPy 1.14.
- """
- return re.sub(ur'\[ +', '[', unicode(arr))
-def basic():
- cdef object[int, ndim=2] buf = np.arange(10, dtype='i').reshape((2, 5))
- print buf
- print buf[0, 2], buf[0, 0], buf[1, 4], buf[1, 0]
-def three_dim():
- cdef object[double, ndim=3] buf = np.arange(24, dtype='d').reshape((3,2,4))
- print ndarray_str(buf)
- print buf[0, 1, 2], buf[0, 0, 0], buf[1, 1, 1], buf[1, 0, 0]
-def obj_array():
- cdef object[object, ndim=1] buf = np.array(["a", 1, {}])
- print str(buf).replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
- print buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]
-def print_long_2d(np.ndarray[long, ndim=2] arr):
cdef int i, j
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
print u" ".join([unicode(arr[i, j]) for j in range(arr.shape[1])])
-def put_range_long_1d(np.ndarray[long] arr):
- u"""Writes 0,1,2,... to array and returns array"""
- cdef int value = 0, i
- for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
- arr[i] = value
- value += 1
-def test_c_contig(np.ndarray[int, ndim=2, mode='c'] arr):
- cdef int i, j
- for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
- print u" ".join([unicode(arr[i, j]) for j in range(arr.shape[1])])
def test_f_contig(np.ndarray[int, ndim=2, mode='fortran'] arr):
+ """
+ Test contiguous access modes:
+ >>> c_arr = np.array(np.arange(12, dtype='i').reshape(3,4), order='C')
+ >>> f_arr = np.array(np.arange(12, dtype='i').reshape(3,4), order='F')
+ >>> test_f_contig(f_arr)
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 4 5 6 7
+ 8 9 10 11
+ >>> test_f_contig(c_arr) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: ndarray is not Fortran contiguous
+ """
cdef int i, j
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
print u" ".join([unicode(arr[i, j]) for j in range(arr.shape[1])])
# Exhaustive dtype tests -- increments element [1] by 1 (or 1+1j) for all dtypes
def inc1_bool(np.ndarray[unsigned char] arr): arr[1] += 1
def inc1_byte(np.ndarray[char] arr): arr[1] += 1
@@ -343,7 +254,6 @@ def inc1_object(np.ndarray[object] arr):
o += 1
arr[1] = o # unfortunately, += segfaults for objects
def inc1_int_t(np.ndarray[np.int_t] arr): arr[1] += 1
def inc1_long_t(np.ndarray[np.long_t] arr): arr[1] += 1
def inc1_longlong_t(np.ndarray[np.longlong_t] arr): arr[1] += 1
@@ -359,6 +269,47 @@ def inc1_float64_t(np.ndarray[np.float64_t] arr): arr[1] += 1
def test_dtype(dtype, inc1):
+ """
+ >>> test_dtype('?', inc1_bool)
+ >>> test_dtype('b', inc1_byte)
+ >>> test_dtype('B', inc1_ubyte)
+ >>> test_dtype('h', inc1_short)
+ >>> test_dtype('H', inc1_ushort)
+ >>> test_dtype('i', inc1_int)
+ >>> test_dtype('I', inc1_uint)
+ >>> test_dtype('l', inc1_long)
+ >>> test_dtype('L', inc1_ulong)
+ >>> test_dtype('f', inc1_float)
+ >>> test_dtype('d', inc1_double)
+ >>> test_dtype('g', inc1_longdouble)
+ >>> test_dtype('O', inc1_object)
+ >>> test_dtype('F', inc1_cfloat) # numpy format codes differ from buffer ones here
+ >>> test_dtype('D', inc1_cdouble)
+ >>> test_dtype('G', inc1_clongdouble)
+ >>> test_dtype('F', inc1_cfloat_struct)
+ >>> test_dtype('D', inc1_cdouble_struct)
+ >>> test_dtype('G', inc1_clongdouble_struct)
+ >>> test_dtype(, inc1_int_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.longlong, inc1_longlong_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.float, inc1_float_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.double, inc1_double_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.intp, inc1_intp_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.uintp, inc1_uintp_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.longdouble, inc1_longdouble_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.int32, inc1_int32_t)
+ >>> test_dtype(np.float64, inc1_float64_t)
+ Endian tests:
+ >>> test_dtype('%si' % my_endian, inc1_int)
+ >>> test_dtype('%si' % other_endian, inc1_int) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: ...
+ """
if dtype in ("g", np.longdouble,
"G", np.clongdouble):
if sizeof(double) == sizeof(long double): # MSVC
@@ -379,10 +330,14 @@ def test_dtype(dtype, inc1):
if a[1] != 11: print u"failed!"
cdef struct DoubleInt:
int x, y
def test_recordarray():
+ """
+ >>> test_recordarray()
+ """
cdef object[DoubleInt] arr
arr = np.array([(5,5), (4, 6)], dtype=np.dtype('i,i'))
cdef DoubleInt rec
@@ -398,6 +353,7 @@ def test_recordarray():
if arr[1].x != 5: print u"failed"
if arr[1].y != 10: print u"failed"
cdef struct NestedStruct:
DoubleInt a
DoubleInt b
@@ -411,6 +367,22 @@ cdef struct BadNestedStruct:
BadDoubleInt b
def test_nested_dtypes(obj):
+ """
+ >>> print(test_nested_dtypes(np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.dtype([\
+ ('a', np.dtype('i,i')),\
+ ('b', np.dtype('i,i'))\
+ ])))) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ array([((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((1, 2), (1, 4)), ((1, 2), (1, 4))],
+ dtype=[('a', [('f0', '!i4'), ('f1', '!i4')]), ('b', [('f0', '!i4'), ('f1', '!i4')])])
+ >>> print(test_nested_dtypes(np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.dtype([\
+ ('a', np.dtype('i,f')),\
+ ('b', np.dtype('i,i'))\
+ ]))))
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'float' in 'DoubleInt.y'
+ """
cdef object[NestedStruct] arr = obj
arr[1].a.x = 1
arr[1].a.y = 2
@@ -419,19 +391,36 @@ def test_nested_dtypes(obj):
arr[2] = arr[1]
return repr(arr).replace('<', '!').replace('>', '!')
def test_bad_nested_dtypes():
+ """
+ >>> test_bad_nested_dtypes()
+ """
cdef object[BadNestedStruct] arr
def test_good_cast():
+ """
+ >>> test_good_cast()
+ True
+ """
# Check that a signed int can round-trip through casted unsigned int access
cdef np.ndarray[unsigned int, cast=True] arr = np.array([-100], dtype='i')
cdef unsigned int data = arr[0]
return -100 == <int>data
def test_bad_cast():
+ """
+ >>> test_bad_cast()
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: Item size of buffer (1 byte) does not match size of 'int' (4 bytes)
+ """
# This should raise an exception
cdef np.ndarray[int, cast=True] arr = np.array([1], dtype='b')
cdef packed struct PackedStruct:
char a
int b
@@ -453,16 +442,45 @@ cdef packed struct PartiallyPackedStruct2:
UnpackedStruct sub
def test_packed_align(np.ndarray[PackedStruct] arr):
+ """
+ >>> print(test_packed_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=False))))
+ [(22, 23)]
+ >>> print(test_packed_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True)))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: ...
+ """
arr[0].a = 22
arr[0].b = 23
return list(arr)
def test_unpacked_align(np.ndarray[UnpackedStruct] arr):
+ """
+ The output changed in Python 3:
+ >> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True))))
+ array([(22, 23)],
+ dtype=[('f0', '|i1'), ('', '|V3'), ('f1', '!i4')])
+ ->
+ array([(22, 23)],
+ dtype={'names':['f0','f1'], 'formats':['i1','!i4'], 'offsets':[0,4], 'itemsize':8, 'aligned':True})
+ >>> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=True))))
+ [(22, 23)]
+ >>> print(test_unpacked_align(np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.dtype('b,i', align=False)))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: ...
+ """
arr[0].a = 22
arr[0].b = 23
# return repr(arr).replace('<', '!').replace('>', '!')
return list(arr)
def test_partially_packed_align(np.ndarray[PartiallyPackedStruct] arr):
arr[0].a = 22
arr[0].b = 23
@@ -471,6 +489,7 @@ def test_partially_packed_align(np.ndarray[PartiallyPackedStruct] arr):
arr[0].c = 26
return repr(arr).replace('<', '!').replace('>', '!')
def test_partially_packed_align_2(np.ndarray[PartiallyPackedStruct2] arr):
arr[0].a = 22
arr[0].b = 23
@@ -479,7 +498,14 @@ def test_partially_packed_align_2(np.ndarray[PartiallyPackedStruct2] arr):
arr[0].sub.b = 28
return repr(arr).replace('<', '!').replace('>', '!')
def test_complextypes():
+ """
+ >>> test_complextypes()
+ 1,1
+ 1,1
+ 8,16
+ """
cdef np.complex64_t x64 = 1, y64 = 1j
cdef np.complex128_t x128 = 1, y128 = 1j
x64 = x64 + y64
@@ -493,6 +519,11 @@ cdef struct Point:
np.float64_t x, y
def test_point_record():
+ """
+ >>> test_point_record() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ array([(0., 0.), (1., -1.), (2., -2.)],
+ dtype=[('x', '!f8'), ('y', '!f8')])
+ """
cdef np.ndarray[Point] test
Point_dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.float64), ('y', np.float64)])
test = np.zeros(3, Point_dtype)
@@ -504,6 +535,7 @@ def test_point_record():
r'\.0+\b', '.', repr(test).replace('<', '!').replace('>', '!')
.replace('( ', '(').replace(', ', ', '))
# Test fused np.ndarray dtypes and runtime dispatch
def test_fused_ndarray_floating_dtype(np.ndarray[cython.floating, ndim=1] a):
@@ -536,6 +568,7 @@ cdef fused fused_external:
def test_fused_external(np.ndarray[fused_external, ndim=1] a):
@@ -554,6 +587,7 @@ def test_fused_external(np.ndarray[fused_external, ndim=1] a):
print a.dtype
cdef fused fused_buffers:
np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1]
@@ -565,6 +599,7 @@ def test_fused_buffers(fused_buffers arg):
['int64_t[::1]', 'ndarray[int32_t,ndim=1]']
cpdef _fused_cpdef_buffers(np.ndarray[fused_external] a):
print a.dtype
@@ -580,6 +615,7 @@ def test_fused_cpdef_buffers():
cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t] typed_array = int32_array
def test_fused_ndarray_integral_dtype(np.ndarray[cython.integral, ndim=1] a):
@@ -602,6 +638,7 @@ def test_fused_ndarray_integral_dtype(np.ndarray[cython.integral, ndim=1] a):
# select different integer types with equal sizeof()
print a[5], b[6]
cdef fused fused_dtype:
float complex
double complex
@@ -668,6 +705,7 @@ def test_fused_ndarray(fused_ndarray a):
print b[5]
cpdef test_fused_cpdef_ndarray(fused_ndarray a):
>>> import cython
@@ -692,6 +730,7 @@ cpdef test_fused_cpdef_ndarray(fused_ndarray a):
print b[5]
def test_fused_cpdef_ndarray_cdef_call():
>>> test_fused_cpdef_ndarray_cdef_call()
@@ -701,6 +740,7 @@ def test_fused_cpdef_ndarray_cdef_call():
cdef np.ndarray[Foo, ndim=1] foo_array = get_Foo_array()
cdef fused int_type:
@@ -729,6 +769,7 @@ def test_dispatch_non_clashing_declarations_repeating_types(np.ndarray[cython.fl
print a1[1], a2[2], a3[3], a4[4]
ctypedef np.int32_t typedeffed_type
cdef fused typedeffed_fused_type:
@@ -763,6 +804,7 @@ def test_dispatch_external_typedef(np.ndarray[confusing_fused_typedef] a):
print a[3]
# test fused memoryview slices
cdef fused memslice_fused_dtype:
@@ -793,6 +835,7 @@ def test_fused_memslice_other_dtypes(memslice_fused_dtype[:] a):
cdef memslice_fused_dtype[:] b = a
print cython.typeof(a), cython.typeof(b), a[5], b[6]
cdef fused memslice_fused:
@@ -822,6 +865,7 @@ def test_fused_memslice(memslice_fused a):
cdef memslice_fused b = a
print cython.typeof(a), cython.typeof(b), a[5], b[6]
def test_dispatch_memoryview_object():
@@ -833,6 +877,7 @@ def test_dispatch_memoryview_object():
cdef int[:] m3 = <object> m
cdef fused ndim_t:
double[:, :]