#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import atexit import base64 import os import sys import re import gc import heapq import locale import shutil import time import unittest import doctest import operator import subprocess import tempfile import traceback import warnings import zlib import glob from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import defaultdict try: import platform IS_PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' IS_CPYTHON = platform.python_implementation() == 'CPython' IS_GRAAL = platform.python_implementation() == 'GraalVM' except (ImportError, AttributeError): IS_CPYTHON = True IS_PYPY = False IS_GRAAL = False IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3 CAN_SYMLINK = sys.platform != 'win32' and hasattr(os, 'symlink') from io import open as io_open try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO # doesn't accept 'str' in Py2 try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import threading except ImportError: # No threads, no problems threading = None try: from unittest import SkipTest except ImportError: class SkipTest(Exception): # don't raise, only provided to allow except-ing it! pass def skip_test(reason): sys.stderr.write("Skipping test: %s\n" % reason) else: def skip_test(reason): raise SkipTest(reason) try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str WITH_CYTHON = True from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext from distutils import sysconfig _to_clean = [] @atexit.register def _cleanup_files(): """ This is only used on Cygwin to clean up shared libraries that are unsafe to delete while the test suite is running. """ for filename in _to_clean: if os.path.isdir(filename): shutil.rmtree(filename, ignore_errors=True) else: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass def get_distutils_distro(_cache=[]): if _cache: return _cache[0] # late import to accommodate for setuptools override from distutils.dist import Distribution distutils_distro = Distribution() if sys.platform == 'win32': # TODO: Figure out why this hackery (see https://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.cython.devel/8280/). config_files = distutils_distro.find_config_files() try: config_files.remove('setup.cfg') except ValueError: pass distutils_distro.parse_config_files(config_files) cfgfiles = distutils_distro.find_config_files() try: cfgfiles.remove('setup.cfg') except ValueError: pass distutils_distro.parse_config_files(cfgfiles) _cache.append(distutils_distro) return distutils_distro EXT_DEP_MODULES = { 'tag:numpy': 'numpy', 'tag:pythran': 'pythran', 'tag:setuptools': 'setuptools.sandbox', 'tag:asyncio': 'asyncio', 'tag:pstats': 'pstats', 'tag:posix': 'posix', 'tag:array': 'array', 'tag:coverage': 'Cython.Coverage', 'Coverage': 'Cython.Coverage', 'tag:ipython': 'IPython.testing.globalipapp', 'tag:jedi': 'jedi_BROKEN_AND_DISABLED', 'tag:test.support': 'test.support', # support module for CPython unit tests } def patch_inspect_isfunction(): import inspect orig_isfunction = inspect.isfunction def isfunction(obj): return orig_isfunction(obj) or type(obj).__name__ == 'cython_function_or_method' isfunction._orig_isfunction = orig_isfunction inspect.isfunction = isfunction def unpatch_inspect_isfunction(): import inspect try: orig_isfunction = inspect.isfunction._orig_isfunction except AttributeError: pass else: inspect.isfunction = orig_isfunction def def_to_cdef(source): ''' Converts the module-level def methods into cdef methods, i.e. @decorator def foo([args]): """ [tests] """ [body] becomes def foo([args]): """ [tests] """ return foo_c([args]) cdef foo_c([args]): [body] ''' output = [] skip = False def_node = re.compile(r'def (\w+)\(([^()*]*)\):').match lines = iter(source.split('\n')) for line in lines: if not line.strip(): output.append(line) continue if skip: if line[0] != ' ': skip = False else: continue if line[0] == '@': skip = True continue m = def_node(line) if m: name = m.group(1) args = m.group(2) if args: args_no_types = ", ".join(arg.split()[-1] for arg in args.split(',')) else: args_no_types = "" output.append("def %s(%s):" % (name, args_no_types)) line = next(lines) if '"""' in line: has_docstring = True output.append(line) for line in lines: output.append(line) if '"""' in line: break else: has_docstring = False output.append(" return %s_c(%s)" % (name, args_no_types)) output.append('') output.append("cdef %s_c(%s):" % (name, args)) if not has_docstring: output.append(line) else: output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output) def exclude_extension_in_pyver(*versions): def check(ext): return EXCLUDE_EXT if sys.version_info[:2] in versions else ext return check def exclude_extension_on_platform(*platforms): def check(ext): return EXCLUDE_EXT if sys.platform in platforms else ext return check def update_linetrace_extension(ext): ext.define_macros.append(('CYTHON_TRACE', 1)) return ext def update_numpy_extension(ext, set_api17_macro=True): import numpy from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_info ext.include_dirs.append(numpy.get_include()) if set_api17_macro and getattr(numpy, '__version__', '') not in ('1.19.0', '1.19.1'): ext.define_macros.append(('NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API', 'NPY_1_7_API_VERSION')) # We need the npymath library for numpy.math. # This is typically a static-only library. for attr, value in get_info('npymath').items(): getattr(ext, attr).extend(value) def update_gdb_extension(ext, _has_gdb=[None]): # We should probably also check for Python support. if not include_debugger: _has_gdb[0] = False if _has_gdb[0] is None: try: subprocess.check_call(["gdb", "--version"]) except (IOError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): _has_gdb[0] = False else: _has_gdb[0] = True if not _has_gdb[0]: return EXCLUDE_EXT return ext def update_openmp_extension(ext): ext.openmp = True language = ext.language if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[:2] == (3,4): # OpenMP tests fail in appveyor in Py3.4 -> just ignore them, EoL of Py3.4 is early 2019... return EXCLUDE_EXT if language == 'cpp': flags = OPENMP_CPP_COMPILER_FLAGS else: flags = OPENMP_C_COMPILER_FLAGS if flags: compile_flags, link_flags = flags ext.extra_compile_args.extend(compile_flags.split()) ext.extra_link_args.extend(link_flags.split()) return ext elif sys.platform == 'win32': return ext return EXCLUDE_EXT def update_cpp11_extension(ext): """ update cpp11 extensions that will run on versions of gcc >4.8 """ gcc_version = get_gcc_version(ext.language) already_has_std = any(ca for ca in ext.extra_compile_args if "-std" in ca) if gcc_version: compiler_version = gcc_version.group(1) if float(compiler_version) > 4.8 and not already_has_std: ext.extra_compile_args.append("-std=c++11") return ext clang_version = get_clang_version(ext.language) if clang_version: if not already_has_std: ext.extra_compile_args.append("-std=c++11") if sys.platform == "darwin": ext.extra_compile_args.append("-stdlib=libc++") ext.extra_compile_args.append("-mmacosx-version-min=10.7") return ext return EXCLUDE_EXT def update_cpp17_extension(ext): """ update cpp17 extensions that will run on versions of gcc >=5.0 """ gcc_version = get_gcc_version(ext.language) if gcc_version: compiler_version = gcc_version.group(1) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # The Python 2.7 headers contain the 'register' modifier # which gcc warns about in C++17 mode. ext.extra_compile_args.append('-Wno-register') if float(compiler_version) >= 5.0: ext.extra_compile_args.append("-std=c++17") return ext clang_version = get_clang_version(ext.language) if clang_version: ext.extra_compile_args.append("-std=c++17") if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # The Python 2.7 headers contain the 'register' modifier # which clang warns about in C++17 mode. ext.extra_compile_args.append('-Wno-register') if sys.platform == "darwin": ext.extra_compile_args.append("-stdlib=libc++") ext.extra_compile_args.append("-mmacosx-version-min=10.13") return ext return EXCLUDE_EXT def require_gcc(version): def check(ext): gcc_version = get_gcc_version(ext.language) if gcc_version: if float(gcc_version.group(1)) >= float(version): return ext return EXCLUDE_EXT return check def get_cc_version(language): """ finds gcc version using Popen """ if language == 'cpp': cc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CXX') else: cc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CC') if not cc: from distutils import ccompiler cc = ccompiler.get_default_compiler() if not cc: return '' # For some reason, cc can be e.g. 'gcc -pthread' cc = cc.split()[0] # Force english output env = os.environ.copy() env['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'C' try: p = subprocess.Popen([cc, "-v"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) except EnvironmentError as exc: warnings.warn("Unable to find the %s compiler: %s: %s" % (language, os.strerror(exc.errno), cc)) return '' _, output = p.communicate() return output.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'ASCII', 'replace') def get_gcc_version(language): matcher = re.compile(r"gcc version (\d+\.\d+)").search return matcher(get_cc_version(language)) def get_clang_version(language): matcher = re.compile(r"clang(?:-|\s+version\s+)(\d+\.\d+)").search return matcher(get_cc_version(language)) def get_openmp_compiler_flags(language): """ As of gcc 4.2, it supports OpenMP 2.5. Gcc 4.4 implements 3.0. We don't (currently) check for other compilers. returns a two-tuple of (CFLAGS, LDFLAGS) to build the OpenMP extension """ gcc_version = get_gcc_version(language) if not gcc_version: if sys.platform == 'win32': return '/openmp', '' else: return None # not gcc - FIXME: do something about other compilers # gcc defines "__int128_t", assume that at least all 64 bit architectures have it global COMPILER_HAS_INT128 COMPILER_HAS_INT128 = getattr(sys, 'maxsize', getattr(sys, 'maxint', 0)) > 2**60 compiler_version = gcc_version.group(1) if compiler_version: compiler_version = [int(num) for num in compiler_version.split('.')] if compiler_version >= [4, 2]: return '-fopenmp', '-fopenmp' try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except locale.Error: pass COMPILER = None COMPILER_HAS_INT128 = False OPENMP_C_COMPILER_FLAGS = get_openmp_compiler_flags('c') OPENMP_CPP_COMPILER_FLAGS = get_openmp_compiler_flags('cpp') # Return this from the EXT_EXTRAS matcher callback to exclude the extension EXCLUDE_EXT = object() EXT_EXTRAS = { 'tag:numpy' : update_numpy_extension, 'tag:openmp': update_openmp_extension, 'tag:gdb': update_gdb_extension, 'tag:cpp11': update_cpp11_extension, 'tag:cpp17': update_cpp17_extension, 'tag:trace' : update_linetrace_extension, 'tag:bytesformat': exclude_extension_in_pyver((3, 3), (3, 4)), # no %-bytes formatting 'tag:no-macos': exclude_extension_on_platform('darwin'), 'tag:py3only': exclude_extension_in_pyver((2, 7)), 'tag:cppexecpolicies': require_gcc("9.1") } # TODO: use tags VER_DEP_MODULES = { # tests are excluded if 'CurrentPythonVersion OP VersionTuple', i.e. # (2,4) : (operator.lt, ...) excludes ... when PyVer < 2.4.x # The next line should start (3,); but this is a dictionary, so # we can only have one (3,) key. Since 2.7 is supposed to be the # last 2.x release, things would have to change drastically for this # to be unsafe... (2,999): (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.special_methods_T561_py3', 'run.test_raisefrom', 'run.different_package_names', 'run.unicode_imports', # encoding problems on appveyor in Py2 'run.reimport_failure', # reimports don't do anything in Py2 ]), (3,): (operator.ge, lambda x: x in ['run.non_future_division', 'compile.extsetslice', 'compile.extdelslice', 'run.special_methods_T561_py2', 'run.builtin_type_inheritance_T608_py2only', ]), (3,3) : (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['build.package_compilation', 'build.cythonize_pep420_namespace', 'run.yield_from_py33', 'pyximport.pyximport_namespace', 'run.qualname', ]), (3,4): (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.py34_signature', 'run.test_unicode', # taken from Py3.7, difficult to backport 'run.pep442_tp_finalize', ]), (3,4,999): (operator.gt, lambda x: x in ['run.initial_file_path', ]), (3,5): (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.py35_pep492_interop', 'run.py35_asyncio_async_def', 'run.mod__spec__', 'run.pep526_variable_annotations', # typing module 'run.test_exceptions', # copied from Py3.7+ 'run.time_pxd', # _PyTime_GetSystemClock doesn't exist in 3.4 'run.cpython_capi_py35', 'embedding.embedded', # From the docs, needs Py_DecodeLocale ]), (3,7): (operator.lt, lambda x: x in ['run.pycontextvar', 'run.pep557_dataclasses', # dataclasses module ]), } INCLUDE_DIRS = [ d for d in os.getenv('INCLUDE', '').split(os.pathsep) if d ] CFLAGS = os.getenv('CFLAGS', '').split() CCACHE = os.getenv('CYTHON_RUNTESTS_CCACHE', '').split() CDEFS = [] TEST_SUPPORT_DIR = 'testsupport' BACKENDS = ['c', 'cpp'] UTF8_BOM_BYTES = r'\xef\xbb\xbf'.encode('ISO-8859-1').decode('unicode_escape') def memoize(f): uncomputed = object() f._cache = {} def func(*args): res = f._cache.get(args, uncomputed) if res is uncomputed: res = f._cache[args] = f(*args) return res return func @memoize def parse_tags(filepath): tags = defaultdict(list) parse_tag = re.compile(r'#\s*(\w+)\s*:(.*)$').match with io_open(filepath, encoding='ISO-8859-1', errors='ignore') as f: for line in f: # ignore BOM-like bytes and whitespace line = line.lstrip(UTF8_BOM_BYTES).strip() if not line: if tags: break # assume all tags are in one block else: continue if line[0] != '#': break parsed = parse_tag(line) if parsed: tag, values = parsed.groups() if tag in ('coding', 'encoding'): continue if tag == 'tags': raise RuntimeError("test tags use the 'tag' directive, not 'tags' (%s)" % filepath) if tag not in ('mode', 'tag', 'ticket', 'cython', 'distutils', 'preparse'): print("WARNING: unknown test directive '%s' found (%s)" % (tag, filepath)) values = values.split(',') tags[tag].extend(filter(None, [value.strip() for value in values])) elif tags: break # assume all tags are in one block return tags list_unchanging_dir = memoize(lambda x: os.listdir(x)) # needs lambda to set function attribute @memoize def _list_pyregr_data_files(test_directory): is_data_file = re.compile('(?:[.](txt|pem|db|html)|^bad.*[.]py)$').search return ['__init__.py'] + [ filename for filename in list_unchanging_dir(test_directory) if is_data_file(filename)] def import_module_from_file(module_name, file_path, execute=True): import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path) m = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) if execute: sys.modules[module_name] = m spec.loader.exec_module(m) return m def import_ext(module_name, file_path=None): if file_path: if sys.version_info >= (3, 5): return import_module_from_file(module_name, file_path) else: import imp return imp.load_dynamic(module_name, file_path) else: try: from importlib import invalidate_caches except ImportError: pass else: invalidate_caches() return __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), ['*']) class build_ext(_build_ext): def build_extension(self, ext): try: try: # Py2.7+ & Py3.2+ compiler_obj = self.compiler_obj except AttributeError: compiler_obj = self.compiler if ext.language == 'c++': compiler_obj.compiler_so.remove('-Wstrict-prototypes') if CCACHE: compiler_obj.compiler_so = CCACHE + compiler_obj.compiler_so if getattr(ext, 'openmp', None) and compiler_obj.compiler_type == 'msvc': ext.extra_compile_args.append('/openmp') except Exception: pass _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext) class ErrorWriter(object): match_error = re.compile(r'(warning:)?(?:.*:)?\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*([-0-9]+)\s*:\s*(.*)').match def __init__(self, encoding=None): self.output = [] self.encoding = encoding def write(self, value): if self.encoding: value = value.encode('ISO-8859-1').decode(self.encoding) self.output.append(value) def _collect(self): s = ''.join(self.output) results = {'errors': [], 'warnings': []} for line in s.splitlines(): match = self.match_error(line) if match: is_warning, line, column, message = match.groups() results['warnings' if is_warning else 'errors'].append((int(line), int(column), message.strip())) return [["%d:%d: %s" % values for values in sorted(results[key])] for key in ('errors', 'warnings')] def geterrors(self): return self._collect()[0] def getwarnings(self): return self._collect()[1] def getall(self): return self._collect() def close(self): pass # ignore, only to match file-like interface class Stats(object): def __init__(self, top_n=8): self.top_n = top_n self.test_counts = defaultdict(int) self.test_times = defaultdict(float) self.top_tests = defaultdict(list) def add_time(self, name, language, metric, t, count=1): self.test_counts[metric] += count self.test_times[metric] += t top = self.top_tests[metric] push = heapq.heappushpop if len(top) >= self.top_n else heapq.heappush # min-heap => pop smallest/shortest until longest times remain push(top, (t, name, language)) @contextmanager def time(self, name, language, metric): t = time.time() yield t = time.time() - t self.add_time(name, language, metric, t) def update(self, stats): # type: (Stats) -> None for metric, t in stats.test_times.items(): self.test_times[metric] += t self.test_counts[metric] += stats.test_counts[metric] top = self.top_tests[metric] for entry in stats.top_tests[metric]: push = heapq.heappushpop if len(top) >= self.top_n else heapq.heappush push(top, entry) def print_stats(self, out=sys.stderr): if not self.test_times: return lines = ['Times:\n'] for metric, t in sorted(self.test_times.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True): count = self.test_counts[metric] top = self.top_tests[metric] lines.append("%-12s: %8.2f sec (%4d, %6.3f / run) - slowest: %s\n" % ( metric, t, count, t / count, ', '.join("'{2}:{1}' ({0:.2f}s)".format(*item) for item in heapq.nlargest(self.top_n, top)))) out.write(''.join(lines)) class TestBuilder(object): def __init__(self, rootdir, workdir, selectors, exclude_selectors, options, with_pyregr, languages, test_bugs, language_level, common_utility_dir, pythran_dir=None, default_mode='run', stats=None, add_embedded_test=False, add_cython_import=False, add_cpp_locals_extra_tests=False): self.rootdir = rootdir self.workdir = workdir self.selectors = selectors self.exclude_selectors = exclude_selectors self.shard_num = options.shard_num self.annotate = options.annotate_source self.cleanup_workdir = options.cleanup_workdir self.cleanup_sharedlibs = options.cleanup_sharedlibs self.cleanup_failures = options.cleanup_failures self.with_pyregr = with_pyregr self.cython_only = options.cython_only self.test_selector = re.compile(options.only_pattern).search if options.only_pattern else None self.languages = languages self.test_bugs = test_bugs self.fork = options.fork self.language_level = language_level self.test_determinism = options.test_determinism self.common_utility_dir = common_utility_dir self.pythran_dir = pythran_dir self.default_mode = default_mode self.stats = stats self.add_embedded_test = add_embedded_test self.add_cython_import = add_cython_import self.capture = options.capture self.add_cpp_locals_extra_tests = add_cpp_locals_extra_tests def build_suite(self): suite = unittest.TestSuite() filenames = os.listdir(self.rootdir) filenames.sort() # TODO: parallelise I/O with a thread pool for the different directories once we drop Py2 support for filename in filenames: path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, filename) if os.path.isdir(path) and filename != TEST_SUPPORT_DIR: if filename == 'pyregr' and not self.with_pyregr: continue if filename == 'broken' and not self.test_bugs: continue suite.addTest( self.handle_directory(path, filename)) if (sys.platform not in ['win32'] and self.add_embedded_test # the embedding test is currently broken in Py3.8+, except on Linux. and (sys.version_info < (3, 8) or sys.platform != 'darwin')): # Non-Windows makefile. if [1 for selector in self.selectors if selector("embedded")] \ and not [1 for selector in self.exclude_selectors if selector("embedded")]: suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(EmbedTest)) return suite def handle_directory(self, path, context): workdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, context) if not os.path.exists(workdir): os.makedirs(workdir) suite = unittest.TestSuite() filenames = list_unchanging_dir(path) filenames.sort() for filename in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) module, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext not in ('.py', '.pyx', '.srctree'): continue if filename.startswith('.'): continue # certain emacs backup files if context == 'pyregr': tags = defaultdict(list) else: tags = parse_tags(filepath) fqmodule = "%s.%s" % (context, module) if not [ 1 for match in self.selectors if match(fqmodule, tags) ]: continue if self.exclude_selectors: if [1 for match in self.exclude_selectors if match(fqmodule, tags)]: continue mode = self.default_mode if tags['mode']: mode = tags['mode'][0] elif context == 'pyregr': mode = 'pyregr' if ext == '.srctree': if self.cython_only: # EndToEnd tests always execute arbitrary build and test code continue if 'cpp' not in tags['tag'] or 'cpp' in self.languages: suite.addTest(EndToEndTest(filepath, workdir, self.cleanup_workdir, stats=self.stats, capture=self.capture, shard_num=self.shard_num)) continue # Choose the test suite. if mode == 'pyregr': if not filename.startswith('test_'): continue test_class = CythonPyregrTestCase elif mode == 'run': if module.startswith("test_"): test_class = CythonUnitTestCase else: test_class = CythonRunTestCase elif mode in ['compile', 'error']: test_class = CythonCompileTestCase else: raise KeyError('Invalid test mode: ' + mode) for test in self.build_tests(test_class, path, workdir, module, filepath, mode == 'error', tags): suite.addTest(test) if mode == 'run' and ext == '.py' and not self.cython_only and not filename.startswith('test_'): # additionally test file in real Python min_py_ver = [ (int(pyver.group(1)), int(pyver.group(2))) for pyver in map(re.compile(r'pure([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)').match, tags['tag']) if pyver ] if not min_py_ver or any(sys.version_info >= min_ver for min_ver in min_py_ver): suite.addTest(PureDoctestTestCase( module, filepath, tags, stats=self.stats, shard_num=self.shard_num)) return suite def build_tests(self, test_class, path, workdir, module, module_path, expect_errors, tags): warning_errors = 'werror' in tags['tag'] expect_warnings = 'warnings' in tags['tag'] extra_directives_list = [{}] if expect_errors: if skip_c(tags) and 'cpp' in self.languages: languages = ['cpp'] else: languages = self.languages[:1] else: languages = self.languages if 'c' in languages and skip_c(tags): languages = list(languages) languages.remove('c') if 'cpp' in languages and 'no-cpp' in tags['tag']: languages = list(languages) languages.remove('cpp') if (self.add_cpp_locals_extra_tests and 'cpp' in languages and 'cpp' in tags['tag'] and not 'no-cpp-locals' in tags['tag']): extra_directives_list.append({'cpp_locals': True}) if not languages: return [] language_levels = [2, 3] if 'all_language_levels' in tags['tag'] else [None] pythran_dir = self.pythran_dir if 'pythran' in tags['tag'] and not pythran_dir and 'cpp' in languages: import pythran.config try: pythran_ext = pythran.config.make_extension(python=True) except TypeError: # old pythran version syntax pythran_ext = pythran.config.make_extension() pythran_dir = pythran_ext['include_dirs'][0] add_cython_import = self.add_cython_import and module_path.endswith('.py') preparse_list = tags.get('preparse', ['id']) tests = [ self.build_test(test_class, path, workdir, module, module_path, tags, language, language_level, expect_errors, expect_warnings, warning_errors, preparse, pythran_dir if language == "cpp" else None, add_cython_import=add_cython_import, extra_directives=extra_directives) for language in languages for preparse in preparse_list for language_level in language_levels for extra_directives in extra_directives_list ] return tests def build_test(self, test_class, path, workdir, module, module_path, tags, language, language_level, expect_errors, expect_warnings, warning_errors, preparse, pythran_dir, add_cython_import, extra_directives): language_workdir = os.path.join(workdir, language) if not os.path.exists(language_workdir): os.makedirs(language_workdir) workdir = os.path.join(language_workdir, module) if preparse != 'id': workdir += '_%s' % (preparse,) if language_level: workdir += '_cy%d' % (language_level,) if extra_directives: workdir += ('_directives_'+ '_'.join('%s_%s' % (k, v) for k,v in extra_directives.items())) return test_class(path, workdir, module, module_path, tags, language=language, preparse=preparse, expect_errors=expect_errors, expect_warnings=expect_warnings, annotate=self.annotate, cleanup_workdir=self.cleanup_workdir, cleanup_sharedlibs=self.cleanup_sharedlibs, cleanup_failures=self.cleanup_failures, cython_only=self.cython_only, test_selector=self.test_selector, shard_num=self.shard_num, fork=self.fork, language_level=language_level or self.language_level, warning_errors=warning_errors, test_determinism=self.test_determinism, common_utility_dir=self.common_utility_dir, pythran_dir=pythran_dir, stats=self.stats, add_cython_import=add_cython_import, ) def skip_c(tags): if 'cpp' in tags['tag']: return True # We don't want to create a distutils key in the # dictionary so we check before looping. if 'distutils' in tags: for option in tags['distutils']: splitted = option.split('=') if len(splitted) == 2: argument, value = splitted if argument.strip() == 'language' and value.strip() == 'c++': return True return False def filter_stderr(stderr_bytes): """ Filter annoying warnings from output. """ if b"Command line warning D9025" in stderr_bytes: # MSCV: cl : Command line warning D9025 : overriding '/Ox' with '/Od' stderr_bytes = b'\n'.join( line for line in stderr_bytes.splitlines() if b"Command line warning D9025" not in line) return stderr_bytes def filter_test_suite(test_suite, selector): filtered_tests = [] for test in test_suite._tests: if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite): filter_test_suite(test, selector) elif not selector(test.id()): continue filtered_tests.append(test) test_suite._tests[:] = filtered_tests class CythonCompileTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, test_directory, workdir, module, module_path, tags, language='c', preparse='id', expect_errors=False, expect_warnings=False, annotate=False, cleanup_workdir=True, cleanup_sharedlibs=True, cleanup_failures=True, cython_only=False, test_selector=None, fork=True, language_level=2, warning_errors=False, test_determinism=False, shard_num=0, common_utility_dir=None, pythran_dir=None, stats=None, add_cython_import=False, extra_directives=None): if extra_directives is None: extra_directives = {} self.test_directory = test_directory self.tags = tags self.workdir = workdir self.module = module self.module_path = module_path self.language = language self.preparse = preparse self.name = module if self.preparse == "id" else "%s_%s" % (module, preparse) self.expect_errors = expect_errors self.expect_warnings = expect_warnings self.annotate = annotate self.cleanup_workdir = cleanup_workdir self.cleanup_sharedlibs = cleanup_sharedlibs self.cleanup_failures = cleanup_failures self.cython_only = cython_only self.test_selector = test_selector self.shard_num = shard_num self.fork = fork self.language_level = language_level self.warning_errors = warning_errors self.test_determinism = test_determinism self.common_utility_dir = common_utility_dir self.pythran_dir = pythran_dir self.stats = stats self.add_cython_import = add_cython_import self.extra_directives = extra_directives unittest.TestCase.__init__(self) def shortDescription(self): return "[%d] compiling (%s%s%s) %s" % ( self.shard_num, self.language, "/cy2" if self.language_level == 2 else "/cy3" if self.language_level == 3 else "", "/pythran" if self.pythran_dir is not None else "", self.description_name() ) def description_name(self): return self.name def setUp(self): from Cython.Compiler import Options self._saved_options = [ (name, getattr(Options, name)) for name in ( 'warning_errors', 'clear_to_none', 'error_on_unknown_names', 'error_on_uninitialized', # 'cache_builtins', # not currently supported due to incorrect global caching ) ] self._saved_default_directives = list(Options.get_directive_defaults().items()) Options.warning_errors = self.warning_errors if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): Options._directive_defaults['autotestdict'] = False Options._directive_defaults.update(self.extra_directives) if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) if self.workdir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, self.workdir) if self.add_cython_import: with open(self.module_path, 'rb') as f: source = f.read() if b'cython.cimports.' in source: from Cython.Shadow import CythonCImports for name in set(re.findall(br"(cython\.cimports(?:\.\w+)+)", source)): name = name.decode() sys.modules[name] = CythonCImports(name) def tearDown(self): from Cython.Compiler import Options for name, value in self._saved_options: setattr(Options, name, value) Options._directive_defaults = dict(self._saved_default_directives) unpatch_inspect_isfunction() try: sys.path.remove(self.workdir) except ValueError: pass try: del sys.modules[self.module] except KeyError: pass # remove any stubs of cimported modules in pure Python mode if self.add_cython_import: for name in list(sys.modules): if name.startswith('cython.cimports.'): del sys.modules[name] cleanup = self.cleanup_failures or self.success cleanup_c_files = WITH_CYTHON and self.cleanup_workdir and cleanup cleanup_lib_files = self.cleanup_sharedlibs and cleanup is_cygwin = sys.platform == 'cygwin' if os.path.exists(self.workdir): if cleanup_c_files and cleanup_lib_files and not is_cygwin: shutil.rmtree(self.workdir, ignore_errors=True) else: for rmfile in os.listdir(self.workdir): ext = os.path.splitext(rmfile)[1] if not cleanup_c_files: # Keep C, C++ files, header files, preprocessed sources # and assembly sources (typically the .i and .s files # are intentionally generated when -save-temps is given) if ext in (".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".i", ".ii", ".s"): continue if ext == ".html" and rmfile.startswith(self.module): continue is_shared_obj = ext in (".so", ".dll") if not cleanup_lib_files and is_shared_obj: continue try: rmfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, rmfile) if os.path.isdir(rmfile): shutil.rmtree(rmfile, ignore_errors=True) elif is_cygwin and is_shared_obj: # Delete later _to_clean.append(rmfile) else: os.remove(rmfile) except IOError: pass if cleanup_c_files and cleanup_lib_files and is_cygwin: # Finally, remove the work dir itself _to_clean.append(self.workdir) if cleanup_c_files and os.path.exists(self.workdir + '-again'): shutil.rmtree(self.workdir + '-again', ignore_errors=True) def runTest(self): self.success = False self.runCompileTest() self.success = True def runCompileTest(self): return self.compile( self.test_directory, self.module, self.module_path, self.workdir, self.test_directory, self.expect_errors, self.expect_warnings, self.annotate, self.add_cython_import) def find_module_source_file(self, source_file): if not os.path.exists(source_file): source_file = source_file[:-1] return source_file def build_target_filename(self, module_name): target = '%s.%s' % (module_name, self.language) return target def related_files(self, test_directory, module_name): is_related = re.compile('%s_.*[.].*' % module_name).match return [filename for filename in list_unchanging_dir(test_directory) if is_related(filename)] def copy_files(self, test_directory, target_directory, file_list): if self.preparse and self.preparse != 'id': preparse_func = globals()[self.preparse] def copy(src, dest): with open(src) as fin: with open(dest, 'w') as fout: fout.write(preparse_func(fin.read())) else: # use symlink on Unix, copy on Windows copy = os.symlink if CAN_SYMLINK else shutil.copy join = os.path.join for filename in file_list: file_path = join(test_directory, filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): copy(file_path, join(target_directory, filename)) def source_files(self, workdir, module_name, file_list): return ([self.build_target_filename(module_name)] + [filename for filename in file_list if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(workdir, filename))]) def split_source_and_output(self, source_file, workdir, add_cython_import=False): from Cython.Utils import detect_opened_file_encoding with io_open(source_file, 'rb') as f: # encoding is passed to ErrorWriter but not used on the source # since it is sometimes deliberately wrong encoding = detect_opened_file_encoding(f, default=None) with io_open(source_file, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as source_and_output: error_writer = warnings_writer = None out = io_open(os.path.join(workdir, os.path.basename(source_file)), 'w', encoding='ISO-8859-1') try: for line in source_and_output: if line.startswith(u"_ERRORS"): out.close() out = error_writer = ErrorWriter(encoding=encoding) elif line.startswith(u"_WARNINGS"): out.close() out = warnings_writer = ErrorWriter(encoding=encoding) else: if add_cython_import and line.strip() and not ( line.startswith(u'#') or line.startswith(u"from __future__ import ")): # insert "import cython" statement after any directives or future imports if line != u"import cython\n": out.write(u"import cython\n") add_cython_import = False out.write(line) finally: out.close() return (error_writer.geterrors() if error_writer else [], warnings_writer.geterrors() if warnings_writer else []) def run_cython(self, test_directory, module, module_path, targetdir, incdir, annotate, extra_compile_options=None): include_dirs = INCLUDE_DIRS + [os.path.join(test_directory, '..', TEST_SUPPORT_DIR)] if incdir: include_dirs.append(incdir) if self.preparse != 'id' and test_directory != targetdir: file_name = os.path.basename(module_path) self.copy_files(test_directory, targetdir, [file_name]) module_path = os.path.join(targetdir, file_name) target = os.path.join(targetdir, self.build_target_filename(module)) if extra_compile_options is None: extra_compile_options = {} if 'allow_unknown_names' in self.tags['tag']: from Cython.Compiler import Options Options.error_on_unknown_names = False try: CompilationOptions except NameError: from Cython.Compiler.Options import CompilationOptions from Cython.Compiler.Main import compile as cython_compile from Cython.Compiler.Options import default_options common_utility_include_dir = self.common_utility_dir options = CompilationOptions( default_options, include_path = include_dirs, output_file = target, annotate = annotate, use_listing_file = False, cplus = self.language == 'cpp', np_pythran = self.pythran_dir is not None, language_level = self.language_level, generate_pxi = False, evaluate_tree_assertions = True, common_utility_include_dir = common_utility_include_dir, **extra_compile_options ) cython_compile(module_path, options=options, full_module_name=module) def run_distutils(self, test_directory, module, workdir, incdir, extra_extension_args=None): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workdir) try: build_extension = build_ext(get_distutils_distro()) build_extension.include_dirs = INCLUDE_DIRS[:] if incdir: build_extension.include_dirs.append(incdir) build_extension.finalize_options() if COMPILER: build_extension.compiler = COMPILER ext_compile_flags = CFLAGS[:] ext_compile_defines = CDEFS[:] if build_extension.compiler == 'mingw32': ext_compile_flags.append('-Wno-format') if extra_extension_args is None: extra_extension_args = {} related_files = self.related_files(test_directory, module) self.copy_files(test_directory, workdir, related_files) from distutils.core import Extension extension = Extension( module, sources=self.source_files(workdir, module, related_files), extra_compile_args=ext_compile_flags, define_macros=ext_compile_defines, **extra_extension_args ) if self.language == 'cpp': # Set the language now as the fixer might need it extension.language = 'c++' if self.extra_directives.get('cpp_locals'): extension = update_cpp17_extension(extension) if extension is EXCLUDE_EXT: return if 'distutils' in self.tags: from Cython.Build.Dependencies import DistutilsInfo from Cython.Utils import open_source_file pyx_path = os.path.join(self.test_directory, self.module + ".pyx") with open_source_file(pyx_path) as f: DistutilsInfo(f).apply(extension) if self.pythran_dir: from Cython.Build.Dependencies import update_pythran_extension update_pythran_extension(extension) # Compile with -DCYTHON_CLINE_IN_TRACEBACK=1 unless we have # the "traceback" tag if 'traceback' not in self.tags['tag']: extension.define_macros.append(("CYTHON_CLINE_IN_TRACEBACK", 1)) for matcher, fixer in list(EXT_EXTRAS.items()): if isinstance(matcher, str): # lazy init del EXT_EXTRAS[matcher] matcher = string_selector(matcher) EXT_EXTRAS[matcher] = fixer if matcher(module, self.tags): newext = fixer(extension) if newext is EXCLUDE_EXT: return skip_test("Test '%s' excluded due to tags '%s'" % ( self.name, ', '.join(self.tags.get('tag', '')))) extension = newext or extension if self.language == 'cpp': extension.language = 'c++' if IS_PY2: workdir = str(workdir) # work around type check in distutils that disallows unicode strings build_extension.extensions = [extension] build_extension.build_temp = workdir build_extension.build_lib = workdir from Cython.Utils import captured_fd, prepare_captured from distutils.errors import CompileError error = None with captured_fd(2) as get_stderr: try: build_extension.run() except CompileError as exc: error = str(exc) stderr = get_stderr() if stderr: # The test module name should always be ASCII, but let's not risk encoding failures. output = b"Compiler output for module " + module.encode('utf-8') + b":\n" + stderr + b"\n" out = sys.stdout if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else sys.stdout.buffer out.write(output) if error is not None: raise CompileError(u"%s\nCompiler output:\n%s" % (error, prepare_captured(stderr))) finally: os.chdir(cwd) try: get_ext_fullpath = build_extension.get_ext_fullpath except AttributeError: def get_ext_fullpath(ext_name, self=build_extension): # copied from distutils.command.build_ext (missing in Py2.[45]) fullname = self.get_ext_fullname(ext_name) modpath = fullname.split('.') filename = self.get_ext_filename(modpath[-1]) if not self.inplace: filename = os.path.join(*modpath[:-1]+[filename]) return os.path.join(self.build_lib, filename) package = '.'.join(modpath[0:-1]) build_py = self.get_finalized_command('build_py') package_dir = os.path.abspath(build_py.get_package_dir(package)) return os.path.join(package_dir, filename) return get_ext_fullpath(module) def compile(self, test_directory, module, module_path, workdir, incdir, expect_errors, expect_warnings, annotate, add_cython_import): expected_errors = expected_warnings = errors = warnings = () if expect_errors or expect_warnings or add_cython_import: expected_errors, expected_warnings = self.split_source_and_output( module_path, workdir, add_cython_import) test_directory = workdir module_path = os.path.join(workdir, os.path.basename(module_path)) if WITH_CYTHON: old_stderr = sys.stderr try: sys.stderr = ErrorWriter() with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'cython'): self.run_cython(test_directory, module, module_path, workdir, incdir, annotate) errors, warnings = sys.stderr.getall() finally: sys.stderr = old_stderr if self.test_determinism and not expect_errors: workdir2 = workdir + '-again' os.mkdir(workdir2) self.run_cython(test_directory, module, module_path, workdir2, incdir, annotate) diffs = [] for file in os.listdir(workdir2): with open(os.path.join(workdir, file)) as fid: txt1 = fid.read() with open(os.path.join(workdir2, file)) as fid: txt2 = fid.read() if txt1 != txt2: diffs.append(file) os.system('diff -u %s/%s %s/%s > %s/%s.diff' % ( workdir, file, workdir2, file, workdir2, file)) if diffs: self.fail('Nondeterministic file generation: %s' % ', '.join(diffs)) tostderr = sys.__stderr__.write if expected_warnings or (expect_warnings and warnings): self._match_output(expected_warnings, warnings, tostderr) if 'cerror' in self.tags['tag']: if errors: tostderr("\n=== Expected C compile error ===\n") tostderr("\n=== Got Cython errors: ===\n") tostderr('\n'.join(errors)) tostderr('\n\n') raise RuntimeError('should have generated extension code') elif errors or expected_errors: self._match_output(expected_errors, errors, tostderr) return None so_path = None if not self.cython_only: from Cython.Utils import captured_fd, print_bytes from distutils.errors import CompileError, LinkError show_output = True get_stderr = get_stdout = None try: with captured_fd(1) as get_stdout: with captured_fd(2) as get_stderr: with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'compile-%s' % self.language): so_path = self.run_distutils(test_directory, module, workdir, incdir) except Exception as exc: if ('cerror' in self.tags['tag'] and ((get_stderr and get_stderr()) or isinstance(exc, (CompileError, LinkError)))): show_output = False # expected C compiler failure else: raise else: if 'cerror' in self.tags['tag']: raise RuntimeError('should have failed C compile') finally: if show_output: stdout = get_stdout and get_stdout().strip() stderr = get_stderr and filter_stderr(get_stderr()).strip() if so_path and not stderr: # normal success case => ignore non-error compiler output stdout = None if stdout: print_bytes( stdout, header_text="\n=== C/C++ compiler output: =========\n", end=None, file=sys.__stderr__) if stderr: print_bytes( stderr, header_text="\n=== C/C++ compiler error output: ===\n", end=None, file=sys.__stderr__) if stdout or stderr: tostderr("\n====================================\n") return so_path def _match_output(self, expected_output, actual_output, write): try: for expected, actual in zip(expected_output, actual_output): self.assertEqual(expected, actual) if len(actual_output) < len(expected_output): expected = expected_output[len(actual_output)] self.assertEqual(expected, None) elif len(actual_output) > len(expected_output): unexpected = actual_output[len(expected_output)] self.assertEqual(None, unexpected) except AssertionError: write("\n=== Expected: ===\n") write('\n'.join(expected_output)) write("\n\n=== Got: ===\n") write('\n'.join(actual_output)) write('\n\n') raise class CythonRunTestCase(CythonCompileTestCase): def setUp(self): CythonCompileTestCase.setUp(self) from Cython.Compiler import Options Options.clear_to_none = False def description_name(self): return self.name if self.cython_only else "and running %s" % self.name def run(self, result=None): if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult() result.startTest(self) try: self.setUp() try: self.success = False ext_so_path = self.runCompileTest() failures, errors, skipped = len(result.failures), len(result.errors), len(result.skipped) if not self.cython_only and ext_so_path is not None: self.run_tests(result, ext_so_path) if failures == len(result.failures) and errors == len(result.errors): # No new errors... self.success = True finally: check_thread_termination() except SkipTest as exc: result.addSkip(self, str(exc)) result.stopTest(self) except Exception: result.addError(self, sys.exc_info()) result.stopTest(self) try: self.tearDown() except Exception: pass def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path): self.run_doctests(self.module, result, ext_so_path) def run_doctests(self, module_or_name, result, ext_so_path): def run_test(result): if isinstance(module_or_name, basestring): with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'import'): module = import_ext(module_or_name, ext_so_path) else: module = module_or_name tests = doctest.DocTestSuite(module) if self.test_selector: filter_test_suite(tests, self.test_selector) with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'run'): tests.run(result) run_forked_test(result, run_test, self.shortDescription(), self.fork) def run_forked_test(result, run_func, test_name, fork=True): if not fork or sys.version_info[0] >= 3 or not hasattr(os, 'fork'): run_func(result) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() gc.collect() return # fork to make sure we do not keep the tested module loaded result_handle, result_file = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(result_handle) child_id = os.fork() if not child_id: result_code = 0 try: try: tests = partial_result = None try: partial_result = PartialTestResult(result) run_func(partial_result) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() gc.collect() except Exception: result_code = 1 if partial_result is not None: if tests is None: # importing failed, try to fake a test class tests = _FakeClass( failureException=sys.exc_info()[1], _shortDescription=test_name, module_name=None) partial_result.addError(tests, sys.exc_info()) if partial_result is not None: with open(result_file, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(partial_result.data(), output) except: traceback.print_exc() finally: try: sys.stderr.flush() except: pass try: sys.stdout.flush() except: pass os._exit(result_code) try: cid, result_code = os.waitpid(child_id, 0) module_name = test_name.split()[-1] # os.waitpid returns the child's result code in the # upper byte of result_code, and the signal it was # killed by in the lower byte if result_code & 255: raise Exception( "Tests in module '%s' were unexpectedly killed by signal %d, see test output for details." % ( module_name, result_code & 255)) result_code >>= 8 if result_code in (0,1): try: with open(result_file, 'rb') as f: PartialTestResult.join_results(result, pickle.load(f)) except Exception: raise Exception( "Failed to load test result from test in module '%s' after exit status %d," " see test output for details." % (module_name, result_code)) if result_code: raise Exception( "Tests in module '%s' exited with status %d, see test output for details." % ( module_name, result_code)) finally: try: os.unlink(result_file) except: pass class PureDoctestTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, module_name, module_path, tags, stats=None, shard_num=0): self.tags = tags self.module_name = self.name = module_name self.module_path = module_path self.stats = stats self.shard_num = shard_num unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, 'run') def shortDescription(self): return "[%d] running pure doctests in %s" % ( self.shard_num, self.module_name) def run(self, result=None): if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult() loaded_module_name = 'pure_doctest__' + self.module_name result.startTest(self) try: self.setUp() with self.stats.time(self.name, 'py', 'pyimport'): if sys.version_info >= (3, 5): m = import_module_from_file(self.module_name, self.module_path) else: import imp m = imp.load_source(loaded_module_name, self.module_path) try: with self.stats.time(self.name, 'py', 'pyrun'): doctest.DocTestSuite(m).run(result) finally: del m if loaded_module_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[loaded_module_name] check_thread_termination() except Exception: result.addError(self, sys.exc_info()) result.stopTest(self) try: self.tearDown() except Exception: pass if 'mypy' in self.tags['tag']: try: from mypy import api as mypy_api except ImportError: pass else: with self.stats.time(self.name, 'py', 'mypy'): mypy_result = mypy_api.run([ self.module_path, '--ignore-missing-imports', '--follow-imports', 'skip', ]) if mypy_result[2]: self.fail(mypy_result[0]) is_private_field = re.compile('^_[^_]').match class _FakeClass(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._shortDescription = kwargs.get('module_name') self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def shortDescription(self): return self._shortDescription from unittest import TextTestResult class PartialTestResult(TextTestResult): def __init__(self, base_result): TextTestResult.__init__( self, self._StringIO(), True, base_result.dots + base_result.showAll*2) def strip_error_results(self, results): for test_case, error in results: for attr_name in filter(is_private_field, dir(test_case)): if attr_name == '_dt_test': test_case._dt_test = _FakeClass( name=test_case._dt_test.name) elif attr_name != '_shortDescription': setattr(test_case, attr_name, None) def data(self): self.strip_error_results(self.failures) self.strip_error_results(self.errors) return (self.failures, self.errors, self.skipped, self.testsRun, self.stream.getvalue()) def join_results(result, data): """Static method for merging the result back into the main result object. """ failures, errors, skipped, tests_run, output = data if output: result.stream.write(output) result.errors.extend(errors) result.skipped.extend(skipped) result.failures.extend(failures) result.testsRun += tests_run join_results = staticmethod(join_results) class _StringIO(StringIO): def writeln(self, line): self.write("%s\n" % line) class CythonUnitTestCase(CythonRunTestCase): def shortDescription(self): return "[%d] compiling (%s) tests in %s" % ( self.shard_num, self.language, self.description_name()) def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path): with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'import'): module = import_ext(self.module, ext_so_path) tests = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(module) if self.test_selector: filter_test_suite(tests, self.test_selector) with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'run'): tests.run(result) class CythonPyregrTestCase(CythonRunTestCase): def setUp(self): CythonRunTestCase.setUp(self) from Cython.Compiler import Options Options.error_on_unknown_names = False Options.error_on_uninitialized = False Options._directive_defaults.update(dict( binding=True, always_allow_keywords=True, set_initial_path="SOURCEFILE")) patch_inspect_isfunction() def related_files(self, test_directory, module_name): return _list_pyregr_data_files(test_directory) def _run_unittest(self, result, *classes): """Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes.""" valid_types = (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase) suite = unittest.TestSuite() for cls in classes: if isinstance(cls, str): if cls in sys.modules: suite.addTest(unittest.findTestCases(sys.modules[cls])) else: raise ValueError("str arguments must be keys in sys.modules") elif isinstance(cls, valid_types): suite.addTest(cls) else: suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(cls)) with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'run'): suite.run(result) def _run_doctest(self, result, module): self.run_doctests(module, result, None) def run_tests(self, result, ext_so_path): try: from test import support except ImportError: # Python2.x from test import test_support as support def run_test(result): def run_unittest(*classes): return self._run_unittest(result, *classes) def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None): return self._run_doctest(result, module) backup = (support.run_unittest, support.run_doctest) support.run_unittest = run_unittest support.run_doctest = run_doctest try: try: sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes with self.stats.time(self.name, self.language, 'import'): module = import_ext(self.module, ext_so_path) sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes if hasattr(module, 'test_main'): # help 'doctest.DocFileTest' find the module path through frame inspection fake_caller_module_globals = { 'module': module, '__name__': module.__name__, } call_tests = eval( 'lambda: module.test_main()', fake_caller_module_globals, fake_caller_module_globals) call_tests() sys.stdout.flush() # helps in case of crashes except (unittest.SkipTest, support.ResourceDenied): result.addSkip(self, 'ok') finally: support.run_unittest, support.run_doctest = backup run_forked_test(result, run_test, self.shortDescription(), self.fork) class TestCodeFormat(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, cython_dir): self.cython_dir = cython_dir unittest.TestCase.__init__(self) def runTest(self): import pycodestyle config_file = os.path.join(self.cython_dir, "setup.cfg") if not os.path.exists(config_file): config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "setup.cfg") paths = [] for codedir in ['Cython', 'Demos', 'docs', 'pyximport', 'tests']: paths += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.cython_dir, codedir + "/**/*.py"), recursive=True) style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide(config_file=config_file) print("") # Fix the first line of the report. result = style.check_files(paths) self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0, "Found code style errors.") include_debugger = IS_CPYTHON def collect_unittests(path, module_prefix, suite, selectors, exclude_selectors): def file_matches(filename): return filename.startswith("Test") and filename.endswith(".py") def package_matches(dirname): return dirname == "Tests" loader = unittest.TestLoader() if include_debugger: skipped_dirs = [] else: skipped_dirs = ['Cython' + os.path.sep + 'Debugger' + os.path.sep] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): if dirpath != path and "__init__.py" not in filenames: skipped_dirs.append(dirpath + os.path.sep) continue skip = False for dir in skipped_dirs: if dirpath.startswith(dir): skip = True if skip: continue parentname = os.path.split(dirpath)[-1] if package_matches(parentname): for f in filenames: if file_matches(f): filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)[:-len(".py")] modulename = module_prefix + filepath[len(path)+1:].replace(os.path.sep, '.') if not any(1 for match in selectors if match(modulename)): continue if any(1 for match in exclude_selectors if match(modulename)): continue module = __import__(modulename) for x in modulename.split('.')[1:]: module = getattr(module, x) suite.addTests([loader.loadTestsFromModule(module)]) def collect_doctests(path, module_prefix, suite, selectors, exclude_selectors): def package_matches(dirname): if dirname == 'Debugger' and not include_debugger: return False return dirname not in ("Mac", "Distutils", "Plex", "Tempita") def file_matches(filename): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) excludelist = ['libcython', 'libpython', 'test_libcython_in_gdb', 'TestLibCython'] return (ext == '.py' and not '~' in filename and not '#' in filename and not filename.startswith('.') and not filename in excludelist) import doctest for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for dir in list(dirnames): if not package_matches(dir): dirnames.remove(dir) for f in filenames: if file_matches(f): if not f.endswith('.py'): continue filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if os.path.getsize(filepath) == 0: continue filepath = filepath[:-len(".py")] modulename = module_prefix + filepath[len(path)+1:].replace(os.path.sep, '.') if not [ 1 for match in selectors if match(modulename) ]: continue if [ 1 for match in exclude_selectors if match(modulename) ]: continue if 'in_gdb' in modulename: # These should only be imported from gdb. continue module = __import__(modulename) for x in modulename.split('.')[1:]: module = getattr(module, x) if hasattr(module, "__doc__") or hasattr(module, "__test__"): try: suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(module)) except ValueError: # no tests pass class EndToEndTest(unittest.TestCase): """ This is a test of build/*.srctree files, where srctree defines a full directory structure and its header gives a list of commands to run. """ cython_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def __init__(self, treefile, workdir, cleanup_workdir=True, stats=None, capture=True, shard_num=0): self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(treefile))[0] self.treefile = treefile self.workdir = os.path.join(workdir, self.name) self.cleanup_workdir = cleanup_workdir self.stats = stats self.capture = capture self.shard_num = shard_num cython_syspath = [self.cython_root] for path in sys.path: if path.startswith(self.cython_root) and path not in cython_syspath: # Py3 installation and refnanny build prepend their # fixed paths to sys.path => prefer that over the # generic one (cython_root itself goes last) cython_syspath.append(path) self.cython_syspath = os.pathsep.join(cython_syspath[::-1]) unittest.TestCase.__init__(self) def shortDescription(self): return "[%d] End-to-end %s" % ( self.shard_num, self.name) def setUp(self): from Cython.TestUtils import unpack_source_tree _, self.commands = unpack_source_tree(self.treefile, self.workdir, self.cython_root) self.old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.workdir) def tearDown(self): if self.cleanup_workdir: for trial in range(5): try: shutil.rmtree(self.workdir) except OSError: time.sleep(0.1) else: break os.chdir(self.old_dir) def _try_decode(self, content): try: return content.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: return content.decode('iso-8859-1') def runTest(self): self.success = False old_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') env = dict(os.environ) new_path = self.cython_syspath if old_path: new_path = new_path + os.pathsep + self.workdir + os.pathsep + old_path env['PYTHONPATH'] = new_path if not env.get("PYTHONIOENCODING"): env["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = sys.stdout.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding() cmd = [] out = [] err = [] for command_no, command in enumerate(self.commands, 1): with self.stats.time('%s(%d)' % (self.name, command_no), 'c', 'etoe-build' if 'setup.py' in command else 'etoe-run'): if self.capture: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) _out, _err = p.communicate() res = p.returncode else: p = subprocess.call(command, env=env) _out, _err = b'', b'' res = p cmd.append(command) out.append(_out) err.append(_err) if res == 0 and b'REFNANNY: ' in _out: res = -1 if res != 0: for c, o, e in zip(cmd, out, err): sys.stderr.write("[%d] %s\n%s\n%s\n\n" % ( self.shard_num, c, self._try_decode(o), self._try_decode(e))) sys.stderr.write("Final directory layout of '%s':\n%s\n\n" % ( self.name, '\n'.join(os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(".") for filename in files), )) self.assertEqual(0, res, "non-zero exit status, last output was:\n%r\n-- stdout:%s\n-- stderr:%s\n" % ( ' '.join(command), self._try_decode(out[-1]), self._try_decode(err[-1]))) self.success = True # TODO: Support cython_freeze needed here as well. # TODO: Windows support. class EmbedTest(unittest.TestCase): working_dir = "Demos/embed" def setUp(self): self.old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.working_dir) os.system( "make PYTHON='%s' clean > /dev/null" % sys.executable) def tearDown(self): try: os.system( "make PYTHON='%s' clean > /dev/null" % sys.executable) except: pass os.chdir(self.old_dir) def test_embed(self): libname = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBRARY') libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir): libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), '..', 'lib') if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir): libdir = os.path.join(libdir, 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], 'config') if not os.path.isdir(libdir) or libname not in os.listdir(libdir): # report the error for the original directory libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') cython = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..', 'cython.py')) try: subprocess.check_output([ "make", "PYTHON='%s'" % sys.executable, "CYTHON='%s'" % cython, "LIBDIR1='%s'" % libdir, "paths", "test", ]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print(err.output.decode()) raise self.assertTrue(True) # :) def load_listfile(filename): # just re-use the FileListExclude implementation fle = FileListExcluder(filename) return list(fle.excludes) class MissingDependencyExcluder(object): def __init__(self, deps): # deps: { matcher func : module name } self.exclude_matchers = [] for matcher, module_name in deps.items(): try: module = __import__(module_name) except ImportError: self.exclude_matchers.append(string_selector(matcher)) print("Test dependency not found: '%s'" % module_name) else: version = self.find_dep_version(module_name, module) print("Test dependency found: '%s' version %s" % (module_name, version)) self.tests_missing_deps = [] def find_dep_version(self, name, module): try: version = module.__version__ except AttributeError: stdlib_dir = os.path.dirname(shutil.__file__) + os.sep module_path = getattr(module, '__file__', stdlib_dir) # no __file__? => builtin stdlib module # GraalPython seems to return None for some unknown reason if module_path and module_path.startswith(stdlib_dir): # stdlib module version = sys.version.partition(' ')[0] elif '.' in name: # incrementally look for a parent package with version name = name.rpartition('.')[0] return self.find_dep_version(name, __import__(name)) else: version = '?.?' return version def __call__(self, testname, tags=None): for matcher in self.exclude_matchers: if matcher(testname, tags): self.tests_missing_deps.append(testname) return True return False class VersionDependencyExcluder(object): def __init__(self, deps): # deps: { version : matcher func } from sys import version_info self.exclude_matchers = [] for ver, (compare, matcher) in deps.items(): if compare(version_info, ver): self.exclude_matchers.append(matcher) self.tests_missing_deps = [] def __call__(self, testname, tags=None): for matcher in self.exclude_matchers: if matcher(testname): self.tests_missing_deps.append(testname) return True return False class FileListExcluder(object): def __init__(self, list_file, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.excludes = {} self._list_file = os.path.relpath(list_file) with open(list_file) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line and line[0] != '#': self.excludes[line.split()[0]] = True def __call__(self, testname, tags=None): exclude = any(string_selector(ex)(testname) for ex in self.excludes) if exclude and self.verbose: print("Excluding %s because it's listed in %s" % (testname, self._list_file)) return exclude class TagsSelector(object): def __init__(self, tag, value): self.tag = tag self.value = value def __call__(self, testname, tags=None): if tags is None: return False else: return self.value in tags[self.tag] class RegExSelector(object): def __init__(self, pattern_string): try: self.regex_matches = re.compile(pattern_string, re.I|re.U).search except re.error: print('Invalid pattern: %r' % pattern_string) raise def __call__(self, testname, tags=None): return self.regex_matches(testname) def string_selector(s): if ':' in s: return TagsSelector(*s.split(':', 1)) else: return RegExSelector(s) class ShardExcludeSelector(object): # This is an exclude selector so it can override the (include) selectors. # It may not provide uniform distribution (in time or count), but is a # determanistic partition of the tests which is important. # Random seed to improve the hash distribution. _seed = base64.b64decode(b'2ged1EtsGz/GkisJr22UcLeP6n9XIaA5Vby2wM49Wvg=') def __init__(self, shard_num, shard_count): self.shard_num = shard_num self.shard_count = shard_count def __call__(self, testname, tags=None, _hash=zlib.crc32, _is_py2=IS_PY2): # Cannot use simple hash() here as shard processes might use different hash seeds. # CRC32 is fast and simple, but might return negative values in Py2. hashval = _hash(self._seed + testname) & 0x7fffffff if _is_py2 else _hash(self._seed + testname.encode()) return hashval % self.shard_count != self.shard_num class PendingThreadsError(RuntimeError): pass threads_seen = [] def check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=True): if threading is None: # no threading enabled in CPython return current = threading.current_thread() blocking_threads = [] for t in threading.enumerate(): if not t.is_alive() or t == current or t.name == 'time_stamper': continue t.join(timeout=2) if t.is_alive(): if not ignore_seen: blocking_threads.append(t) continue for seen in threads_seen: if t is seen: break else: threads_seen.append(t) blocking_threads.append(t) if not blocking_threads: return sys.stderr.write("warning: left-over threads found after running test:\n") for t in blocking_threads: sys.stderr.write('...%s\n' % repr(t)) raise PendingThreadsError("left-over threads found after running test") def subprocess_output(cmd): try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return p.communicate()[0].decode('UTF-8') except OSError: return '' def get_version(): from Cython.Compiler.Version import version as cython_version full_version = cython_version top = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(top, '.git')): old_dir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(top) head_commit = subprocess_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).strip() version_commit = subprocess_output(['git', 'rev-parse', cython_version]).strip() diff = subprocess_output(['git', 'diff', '--stat']).strip() if head_commit != version_commit: full_version += " " + head_commit if diff: full_version += ' + uncommitted changes' finally: os.chdir(old_dir) return full_version _orig_stdout, _orig_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr def flush_and_terminate(status): try: _orig_stdout.flush() _orig_stderr.flush() finally: os._exit(status) def main(): global DISTDIR, WITH_CYTHON # Set an environment variable to the top directory os.environ['CYTHON_PROJECT_DIR'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) DISTDIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) from Cython.Compiler import DebugFlags args = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.startswith('--debug') and arg[2:].replace('-', '_') in dir(DebugFlags): setattr(DebugFlags, arg[2:].replace('-', '_'), True) else: args.append(arg) from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [selector ...]") parser.add_option("--no-cleanup", dest="cleanup_workdir", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not delete the generated C files (allows passing --no-cython on next run)") parser.add_option("--no-cleanup-sharedlibs", dest="cleanup_sharedlibs", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not delete the generated shared library files (allows manual module experimentation)") parser.add_option("--no-cleanup-failures", dest="cleanup_failures", action="store_false", default=True, help="enable --no-cleanup and --no-cleanup-sharedlibs for failed tests only") parser.add_option("--no-cython", dest="with_cython", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not run the Cython compiler, only the C compiler") parser.add_option("--compiler", dest="compiler", default=None, help="C compiler type") backend_list = ','.join(BACKENDS) parser.add_option("--backends", dest="backends", default=backend_list, help="select backends to test (default: %s)" % backend_list) parser.add_option("--no-c", dest="use_c", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not test C compilation backend") parser.add_option("--no-cpp", dest="use_cpp", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not test C++ compilation backend") parser.add_option("--no-cpp-locals", dest="use_cpp_locals", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not rerun select C++ tests with cpp_locals directive") parser.add_option("--no-unit", dest="unittests", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not run the unit tests") parser.add_option("--no-doctest", dest="doctests", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not run the doctests") parser.add_option("--no-file", dest="filetests", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not run the file based tests") parser.add_option("--no-pyregr", dest="pyregr", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not run the regression tests of CPython in tests/pyregr/") parser.add_option("--no-examples", dest="examples", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not run the documentation tests in the examples directory.") parser.add_option("--no-code-style", dest="code_style", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not run the code style (PEP8) checks.") parser.add_option("--cython-only", dest="cython_only", action="store_true", default=False, help="only compile pyx to c, do not run C compiler or run the tests") parser.add_option("--no-refnanny", dest="with_refnanny", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not regression test reference counting") parser.add_option("--no-fork", dest="fork", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not fork to run tests") parser.add_option("--sys-pyregr", dest="system_pyregr", action="store_true", default=False, help="run the regression tests of the CPython installation") parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", action="append", metavar="PATTERN", help="exclude tests matching the PATTERN") parser.add_option("--listfile", dest="listfile", action="append", help="specify a file containing a list of tests to run") parser.add_option("-j", "--shard_count", dest="shard_count", metavar="N", type=int, default=1, help="shard this run into several parallel runs") parser.add_option("--shard_num", dest="shard_num", metavar="K", type=int, default=-1, help="test only this single shard") parser.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable profiling of the tests") parser.add_option("-C", "--coverage", dest="coverage", action="store_true", default=False, help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler") parser.add_option("--coverage-xml", dest="coverage_xml", action="store_true", default=False, help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler in XML format") parser.add_option("--coverage-html", dest="coverage_html", action="store_true", default=False, help="collect source coverage data for the Compiler in HTML format") parser.add_option("-A", "--annotate", dest="annotate_source", action="store_true", default=True, help="generate annotated HTML versions of the test source files") parser.add_option("--no-annotate", dest="annotate_source", action="store_false", help="do not generate annotated HTML versions of the test source files") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="display test progress, pass twice to print test names") parser.add_option("-T", "--ticket", dest="tickets", action="append", help="a bug ticket number to run the respective test in 'tests/*'") parser.add_option("-k", dest="only_pattern", help="a regex pattern for selecting doctests and test functions in the test modules") parser.add_option("-3", dest="language_level", action="store_const", const=3, default=2, help="set language level to Python 3 (useful for running the CPython regression tests)'") parser.add_option("--xml-output", dest="xml_output_dir", metavar="DIR", help="write test results in XML to directory DIR") parser.add_option("--exit-ok", dest="exit_ok", default=False, action="store_true", help="exit without error code even on test failures") parser.add_option("--failfast", dest="failfast", default=False, action="store_true", help="stop on first failure or error") parser.add_option("--root-dir", dest="root_dir", default=os.path.join(DISTDIR, 'tests'), help=("Directory to look for the file based " "tests (the ones which are deactivated with '--no-file'.")) parser.add_option("--examples-dir", dest="examples_dir", default=os.path.join(DISTDIR, 'docs', 'examples'), help="Directory to look for documentation example tests") parser.add_option("--work-dir", dest="work_dir", default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'TEST_TMP'), help="working directory") parser.add_option("--cython-dir", dest="cython_dir", default=os.getcwd(), help="Cython installation directory (default: use local source version)") parser.add_option("--debug", dest="for_debugging", default=False, action="store_true", help="configure for easier use with a debugger (e.g. gdb)") parser.add_option("--pyximport-py", dest="pyximport_py", default=False, action="store_true", help="use pyximport to automatically compile imported .pyx and .py files") parser.add_option("--watermark", dest="watermark", default=None, help="deterministic generated by string") parser.add_option("--use_common_utility_dir", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("--use_formal_grammar", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("--test_determinism", default=False, action="store_true", help="test whether Cython's output is deterministic") parser.add_option("--pythran-dir", dest="pythran_dir", default=None, help="specify Pythran include directory. This will run the C++ tests using Pythran backend for Numpy") parser.add_option("--no-capture", dest="capture", default=True, action="store_false", help="do not capture stdout, stderr in srctree tests. Makes pdb.set_trace interactive") parser.add_option("--limited-api", dest="limited_api", default=False, action="store_true", help="Compiles Cython using CPython's LIMITED_API") options, cmd_args = parser.parse_args(args) if options.with_cython and sys.version_info[0] >= 3: sys.path.insert(0, options.cython_dir) # requires glob with the wildcard. if sys.version_info < (3, 5) or cmd_args: options.code_style = False WITH_CYTHON = options.with_cython coverage = None if options.coverage or options.coverage_xml or options.coverage_html: if not WITH_CYTHON: options.coverage = options.coverage_xml = options.coverage_html = False elif options.shard_num == -1: print("Enabling coverage analysis") from coverage import coverage as _coverage coverage = _coverage(branch=True) coverage.erase() coverage.start() if options.xml_output_dir: shutil.rmtree(options.xml_output_dir, ignore_errors=True) if options.listfile: for listfile in options.listfile: cmd_args.extend(load_listfile(listfile)) if options.capture and not options.for_debugging: keep_alive_interval = 10 else: keep_alive_interval = None if options.shard_count > 1 and options.shard_num == -1: if "PYTHONIOENCODING" not in os.environ: # Make sure subprocesses can print() Unicode text. os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = sys.stdout.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding() import multiprocessing pool = multiprocessing.Pool(options.shard_count) tasks = [(options, cmd_args, shard_num) for shard_num in range(options.shard_count)] error_shards = [] failure_outputs = [] # NOTE: create process pool before time stamper thread to avoid forking issues. total_time = time.time() stats = Stats() merged_pipeline_stats = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0)) with time_stamper_thread(interval=keep_alive_interval): for shard_num, shard_stats, pipeline_stats, return_code, failure_output in pool.imap_unordered(runtests_callback, tasks): if return_code != 0: error_shards.append(shard_num) failure_outputs.append(failure_output) sys.stderr.write("FAILED (%s/%s)\n" % (shard_num, options.shard_count)) sys.stderr.write("ALL DONE (%s/%s)\n" % (shard_num, options.shard_count)) stats.update(shard_stats) for stage_name, (stage_time, stage_count) in pipeline_stats.items(): old_time, old_count = merged_pipeline_stats[stage_name] merged_pipeline_stats[stage_name] = (old_time + stage_time, old_count + stage_count) pool.close() pool.join() total_time = time.time() - total_time sys.stderr.write("Sharded tests run in %d seconds (%.1f minutes)\n" % (round(total_time), total_time / 60.)) if error_shards: sys.stderr.write("Errors found in shards %s\n" % ", ".join([str(e) for e in error_shards])) for failure_output in zip(error_shards, failure_outputs): sys.stderr.write("\nErrors from shard %s:\n%s" % failure_output) return_code = 1 else: return_code = 0 else: with time_stamper_thread(interval=keep_alive_interval): _, stats, merged_pipeline_stats, return_code, _ = runtests(options, cmd_args, coverage) if coverage: if options.shard_count > 1 and options.shard_num == -1: coverage.combine() coverage.stop() def as_msecs(t, unit=1000000): # pipeline times are in msecs return t // unit + float(t % unit) / unit pipeline_stats = [ (as_msecs(stage_time), as_msecs(stage_time) / stage_count, stage_count, stage_name) for stage_name, (stage_time, stage_count) in merged_pipeline_stats.items() ] pipeline_stats.sort(reverse=True) sys.stderr.write("Most expensive pipeline stages: %s\n" % ", ".join( "%r: %.2f / %d (%.3f / run)" % (stage_name, total_stage_time, stage_count, stage_time) for total_stage_time, stage_time, stage_count, stage_name in pipeline_stats[:10] )) stats.print_stats(sys.stderr) if coverage: save_coverage(coverage, options) sys.stderr.write("ALL DONE\n") sys.stderr.flush() try: check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=False) except PendingThreadsError: # normal program exit won't kill the threads, do it the hard way here flush_and_terminate(return_code) else: sys.exit(return_code) @contextmanager def time_stamper_thread(interval=10): """ Print regular time stamps into the build logs to find slow tests. @param interval: time interval in seconds """ if not interval or interval < 0: # Do nothing yield return try: _xrange = xrange except NameError: _xrange = range import threading import datetime from time import sleep interval = _xrange(interval * 4) now = datetime.datetime.now stop = False # We capture stderr in some places. # => make sure we write to the real (original) stderr of the test runner. stderr = os.dup(2) def write(s): os.write(stderr, s if type(s) is bytes else s.encode('ascii')) def time_stamper(): while True: for _ in interval: if stop: return sleep(1./4) write('\n#### %s\n' % now()) thread = threading.Thread(target=time_stamper, name='time_stamper') thread.setDaemon(True) # Py2 ... thread.start() try: yield finally: stop = True thread.join() os.close(stderr) def configure_cython(options): global CompilationOptions, pyrex_default_options, cython_compile from Cython.Compiler.Options import \ CompilationOptions, \ default_options as pyrex_default_options from Cython.Compiler.Options import _directive_defaults as directive_defaults from Cython.Compiler import Errors Errors.LEVEL = 0 # show all warnings from Cython.Compiler import Options Options.generate_cleanup_code = 3 # complete cleanup code from Cython.Compiler import DebugFlags DebugFlags.debug_temp_code_comments = 1 pyrex_default_options['formal_grammar'] = options.use_formal_grammar if options.profile: directive_defaults['profile'] = True if options.watermark: import Cython.Compiler.Version Cython.Compiler.Version.watermark = options.watermark def save_coverage(coverage, options): if options.coverage: coverage.report(show_missing=0) if options.coverage_xml: coverage.xml_report(outfile="coverage-report.xml") if options.coverage_html: coverage.html_report(directory="coverage-report-html") def runtests_callback(args): options, cmd_args, shard_num = args options.shard_num = shard_num return runtests(options, cmd_args) def runtests(options, cmd_args, coverage=None): # faulthandler should be able to provide a limited traceback # in the event of a segmentation fault. Only available on Python 3.3+ try: import faulthandler except ImportError: pass # OK - not essential else: faulthandler.enable() if sys.platform == "win32" and sys.version_info < (3, 6): # enable Unicode console output, if possible try: import win_unicode_console except ImportError: pass else: win_unicode_console.enable() WITH_CYTHON = options.with_cython ROOTDIR = os.path.abspath(options.root_dir) WORKDIR = os.path.abspath(options.work_dir) if WITH_CYTHON: configure_cython(options) xml_output_dir = options.xml_output_dir if options.shard_num > -1: WORKDIR = os.path.join(WORKDIR, str(options.shard_num)) if xml_output_dir: xml_output_dir = os.path.join(xml_output_dir, 'shard-%03d' % options.shard_num) # RUN ALL TESTS! UNITTEST_MODULE = "Cython" UNITTEST_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), UNITTEST_MODULE) if WITH_CYTHON: if os.path.exists(WORKDIR): for path in os.listdir(WORKDIR): if path in ("support", "Cy3"): continue shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(WORKDIR, path), ignore_errors=True) if not os.path.exists(WORKDIR): os.makedirs(WORKDIR) if options.shard_num <= 0: sys.stderr.write("Python %s\n" % sys.version) sys.stderr.write("\n") if WITH_CYTHON: sys.stderr.write("Running tests against Cython %s\n" % get_version()) else: sys.stderr.write("Running tests without Cython.\n") if options.for_debugging: options.cleanup_workdir = False options.cleanup_sharedlibs = False options.fork = False if WITH_CYTHON and include_debugger: from Cython.Compiler.Options import default_options as compiler_default_options compiler_default_options['gdb_debug'] = True compiler_default_options['output_dir'] = os.getcwd() if IS_PYPY: if options.with_refnanny: sys.stderr.write("Disabling refnanny in PyPy\n") options.with_refnanny = False if options.with_refnanny: from pyximport.pyxbuild import pyx_to_dll libpath = pyx_to_dll(os.path.join("Cython", "Runtime", "refnanny.pyx"), build_in_temp=True, pyxbuild_dir=os.path.join(WORKDIR, "support")) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.split(libpath)[0]) CDEFS.append(('CYTHON_REFNANNY', '1')) if options.limited_api: CFLAGS.append("-DCYTHON_LIMITED_API=1") CFLAGS.append('-Wno-unused-function') if xml_output_dir and options.fork: # doesn't currently work together sys.stderr.write("Disabling forked testing to support XML test output\n") options.fork = False if WITH_CYTHON: sys.stderr.write("Using Cython language level %d.\n" % options.language_level) test_bugs = False if options.tickets: for ticket_number in options.tickets: test_bugs = True cmd_args.append('ticket:%s' % ticket_number) if not test_bugs: for selector in cmd_args: if selector.startswith('bugs'): test_bugs = True selectors = [ string_selector(r) for r in cmd_args ] verbose_excludes = selectors or options.verbosity >= 2 if not selectors: selectors = [ lambda x, tags=None: True ] # Check which external modules are not present and exclude tests # which depends on them (by prefix) missing_dep_excluder = MissingDependencyExcluder(EXT_DEP_MODULES) version_dep_excluder = VersionDependencyExcluder(VER_DEP_MODULES) exclude_selectors = [missing_dep_excluder, version_dep_excluder] # want to print msg at exit try: import IPython.core.release if list(IPython.core.release._ver) < [1, 0, 0]: raise ImportError except (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError): exclude_selectors.append(RegExSelector('IPython')) try: raise ImportError("Jedi typer is currently broken, see GH#1845") import jedi if not ([0, 9] <= list(map(int, re.findall('[0-9]+', jedi.__version__ or '0')))): raise ImportError except (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError): exclude_selectors.append(RegExSelector('Jedi')) if options.exclude: exclude_selectors += [ string_selector(r) for r in options.exclude ] if not COMPILER_HAS_INT128 or not IS_CPYTHON: exclude_selectors += [RegExSelector('int128')] if options.shard_num > -1: exclude_selectors.append(ShardExcludeSelector(options.shard_num, options.shard_count)) if not test_bugs: bug_files = [ ('bugs.txt', True), ('pypy_bugs.txt', IS_PYPY), ('pypy2_bugs.txt', IS_PYPY and IS_PY2), ('pypy_crash_bugs.txt', IS_PYPY), ('pypy_implementation_detail_bugs.txt', IS_PYPY), ('graal_bugs.txt', IS_GRAAL), ('limited_api_bugs.txt', options.limited_api), ('windows_bugs.txt', sys.platform == 'win32'), ('cygwin_bugs.txt', sys.platform == 'cygwin'), ('windows_bugs_39.txt', sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 9)) ] exclude_selectors += [ FileListExcluder(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, bugs_file_name), verbose=verbose_excludes) for bugs_file_name, condition in bug_files if condition ] global COMPILER if options.compiler: COMPILER = options.compiler selected_backends = [ name.strip() for name in options.backends.split(',') if name.strip() ] backends = [] for backend in selected_backends: if backend == 'c' and not options.use_c: continue elif backend == 'cpp' and not options.use_cpp: continue elif backend not in BACKENDS: sys.stderr.write("Unknown backend requested: '%s' not one of [%s]\n" % ( backend, ','.join(BACKENDS))) sys.exit(1) backends.append(backend) if options.shard_num <= 0: sys.stderr.write("Backends: %s\n" % ','.join(backends)) languages = backends if 'CI' in os.environ and sys.platform == 'darwin' and 'cpp' in languages: bugs_file_name = 'macos_cpp_bugs.txt' exclude_selectors += [ FileListExcluder(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, bugs_file_name), verbose=verbose_excludes) ] if options.use_common_utility_dir: common_utility_dir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'utility_code') if not os.path.exists(common_utility_dir): os.makedirs(common_utility_dir) else: common_utility_dir = None sys.stderr.write("\n") test_suite = unittest.TestSuite() stats = Stats() if options.unittests: collect_unittests(UNITTEST_ROOT, UNITTEST_MODULE + ".", test_suite, selectors, exclude_selectors) if options.doctests: collect_doctests(UNITTEST_ROOT, UNITTEST_MODULE + ".", test_suite, selectors, exclude_selectors) if options.filetests and languages: filetests = TestBuilder(ROOTDIR, WORKDIR, selectors, exclude_selectors, options, options.pyregr, languages, test_bugs, options.language_level, common_utility_dir, options.pythran_dir, add_embedded_test=True, stats=stats, add_cpp_locals_extra_tests=options.use_cpp_locals) test_suite.addTest(filetests.build_suite()) if options.examples and languages: examples_workdir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'examples') for subdirectory in glob.glob(os.path.join(options.examples_dir, "*/")): filetests = TestBuilder(subdirectory, examples_workdir, selectors, exclude_selectors, options, options.pyregr, languages, test_bugs, options.language_level, common_utility_dir, options.pythran_dir, default_mode='compile', stats=stats, add_cython_import=True) test_suite.addTest(filetests.build_suite()) if options.system_pyregr and languages: sys_pyregr_dir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', 'python'+sys.version[:3], 'test') if not os.path.isdir(sys_pyregr_dir): sys_pyregr_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Lib', 'test') # source build if os.path.isdir(sys_pyregr_dir): filetests = TestBuilder(ROOTDIR, WORKDIR, selectors, exclude_selectors, options, True, languages, test_bugs, sys.version_info[0], common_utility_dir, stats=stats) sys.stderr.write("Including CPython regression tests in %s\n" % sys_pyregr_dir) test_suite.addTest(filetests.handle_directory(sys_pyregr_dir, 'pyregr')) if options.code_style and options.shard_num <= 0: try: import pycodestyle except ImportError: # Hack to make the exclusion visible. missing_dep_excluder.tests_missing_deps.append('TestCodeFormat') else: test_suite.addTest(TestCodeFormat(options.cython_dir)) if xml_output_dir: from Cython.Tests.xmlrunner import XMLTestRunner if not os.path.exists(xml_output_dir): try: os.makedirs(xml_output_dir) except OSError: pass # concurrency issue? test_runner = XMLTestRunner(output=xml_output_dir, verbose=options.verbosity > 0) if options.failfast: sys.stderr.write("--failfast not supported with XML runner\n") else: text_runner_options = {} if options.failfast: text_runner_options['failfast'] = True test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=options.verbosity, **text_runner_options) if options.pyximport_py: from pyximport import pyximport pyximport.install(pyimport=True, build_dir=os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_pyximport'), load_py_module_on_import_failure=True, inplace=True) try: gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) except AttributeError: pass # not available on PyPy enable_faulthandler = False try: import faulthandler except ImportError: pass else: enable_faulthandler = not faulthandler.is_enabled() if enable_faulthandler: faulthandler.enable() # Run the collected tests. try: if options.shard_num > -1: sys.stderr.write("Tests in shard %d/%d starting\n" % (options.shard_num, options.shard_count)) result = test_runner.run(test_suite) except Exception as exc: # Make sure we print exceptions also from shards. if options.shard_num > -1: sys.stderr.write("Tests in shard %d/%d crashed: %s\n" % (options.shard_num, options.shard_count, exc)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise finally: if enable_faulthandler: faulthandler.disable() if common_utility_dir and options.shard_num < 0 and options.cleanup_workdir: shutil.rmtree(common_utility_dir) from Cython.Compiler.Pipeline import get_timings pipeline_stats = get_timings() if missing_dep_excluder.tests_missing_deps: sys.stderr.write("Following tests excluded because of missing dependencies on your system:\n") for test in missing_dep_excluder.tests_missing_deps: sys.stderr.write(" %s\n" % test) if options.with_refnanny: import refnanny sys.stderr.write("\n".join([repr(x) for x in refnanny.reflog])) result_code = 0 if options.exit_ok else not result.wasSuccessful() if xml_output_dir: failure_output = "" else: failure_output = "".join(collect_failure_output(result)) return options.shard_num, stats, pipeline_stats, result_code, failure_output def collect_failure_output(result): """Extract test error/failure output from a TextTestResult.""" failure_output = [] for flavour, errors in (("ERROR", result.errors), ("FAIL", result.failures)): for test, err in errors: failure_output.append("%s\n%s: %s\n%s\n%s\n" % ( result.separator1, flavour, result.getDescription(test), result.separator2, err)) return failure_output if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: check_thread_termination(ignore_seen=False) except PendingThreadsError: # normal program exit won't kill the threads, do it the hard way here flush_and_terminate(1) sys.exit(1)