# This file contains tests corresponding to unresolved bugs # either in PyPy, PyPy's cpyext, or Cython under PyPy, # which will be skipped in the normal testing run. broken_exception bufaccess memoryview memslice sequential_parallel yield_from_pep380 memoryview_inplace_division run.reimport_failure # gc issue? memoryview_in_subclasses external_ref_reassignment run.exttype_dealloc # bugs in cpyext run.special_methods_T561 run.special_methods_T561_py2 # tests for things that don't exist in cpyext compile.pylong run.datetime_pxd run.datetime_cimport run.datetime_members run.extern_builtins_T258 run.line_trace run.line_profile_test run.pstats_profile_test run.longintrepr # refcounting-specific tests double_dealloc_T796 run.exceptionrefcount run.capiimpl run.refcount_in_meth