# For format see editorconfig.org # Copyright 2022 Collabora Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT root = true [*] # In general all dbus code is in Unix text format, encoded as UTF-8 charset = utf-8 end_of_line = lf insert_final_newline = true # Hard tabs (if used, but please don't) are worth 8 spaces, even if we # are indenting by 2 or 4 spaces per indent level tab_width = 8 [{*.py,*.sh,meson.build,CMakeLists.txt,*.cmake}] # Most scripts are 4-space indented indent_size = 4 indent_style = space [{*.c,*.cpp,*.h,*.h.in,Version.in,*.h.cmake}] # C/C++ code is GNU-style, see CONTRIBUTING.md # Note that order is important: *.h.cmake appears after *.cmake so that # the more specific rule takes precedence indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [{*.xml,*.xml.in}] # As a special case, XML is 2-space indented indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [configure.ac] # Inconsistently 2, 4 or arbitrary, so choose the lowest common denominator indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [Makefile.am] # Hard tabs are syntactically significant in Make indent_size = 8 indent_style = tab [*.md] indent_size = 4 indent_style = space # The Markdown spec assumes tabs are only worth 4 spaces, so if hard tabs # exist, treat them as a 4-space indent tab_width = 4 [test/name-test/*.sh] # As a special case, these older scripts are 2-space indented indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [*.reg.in] # As a special case, this has Windows line-endings end_of_line = crlf