/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* dbus-sysdeps.c Wrappers around system/libc features (internal to D-BUS implementation) * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2003 CodeFactory AB * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2006 Peter Kümmel * Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Ehrlicher * Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Ralf Habacker * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AFL-2.1 OR GPL-2.0-or-later * * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #define STRSAFE_NO_DEPRECATE #include "dbus-internals.h" #include "dbus-sha.h" #include "dbus-sysdeps.h" #include "dbus-threads.h" #include "dbus-protocol.h" #include "dbus-string.h" #include "dbus-sysdeps.h" #include "dbus-sysdeps-win.h" #include "dbus-protocol.h" #include "dbus-hash.h" #include "dbus-sockets-win.h" #include "dbus-list.h" #include "dbus-nonce.h" #include "dbus-credentials.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H #include #endif /* Declarations missing in mingw's and windows sdk 7.0 headers */ extern BOOL WINAPI ConvertStringSidToSidA (LPCSTR StringSid, PSID *Sid); extern BOOL WINAPI ConvertSidToStringSidA (PSID Sid, LPSTR *StringSid); #include #include #include #if HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifndef DBUS_WINCE #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_WS2TCPIP_H /* getaddrinfo for Windows CE (and Windows). */ #include #endif #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifndef PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION /* MinGW32 < 4 does not define this value in its headers */ #define PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION (0x1000) #endif typedef int socklen_t; /* uncomment to enable windows event based poll implementation */ //#define USE_CHRIS_IMPL void _dbus_win_set_errno (int err) { #ifdef DBUS_WINCE SetLastError (err); #else errno = err; #endif } static BOOL is_winxp_sp3_or_lower (void); /* * _MIB_TCPROW_EX and friends are not available in system headers * and are mapped to attribute identical ...OWNER_PID typedefs. */ typedef MIB_TCPROW_OWNER_PID _MIB_TCPROW_EX; typedef MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID MIB_TCPTABLE_EX; typedef PMIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID PMIB_TCPTABLE_EX; typedef DWORD (WINAPI *ProcAllocateAndGetTcpExtTableFromStack)(PMIB_TCPTABLE_EX*,BOOL,HANDLE,DWORD,DWORD); /* Not protected by a lock, but if we miss a write, all that * happens is that the lazy initialization will happen in two threads * concurrently - it results in the same value either way so that's OK */ static ProcAllocateAndGetTcpExtTableFromStack lpfnAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack = NULL; /** * AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack() is undocumented and not exported, * but is the only way to do this in older XP versions. * @return true if the procedures could be loaded */ static BOOL load_ex_ip_helper_procedures(void) { HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary ("iphlpapi.dll"); if (hModule == NULL) { _dbus_verbose ("could not load iphlpapi.dll\n"); return FALSE; } lpfnAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack = (ProcAllocateAndGetTcpExtTableFromStack) (void (*)(void))GetProcAddress (hModule, "AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack"); if (lpfnAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack == NULL) { _dbus_verbose ("could not find function AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack in iphlpapi.dll\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * get pid from localhost tcp connection using peer_port * This function is available on WinXP >= SP3 * @param peer_port peers tcp port * @return process id or 0 if connection has not been found */ static dbus_pid_t get_pid_from_extended_tcp_table(int peer_port) { dbus_pid_t result; DWORD errorCode, size = 0, i; MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID *tcp_table; if ((errorCode = GetExtendedTcpTable (NULL, &size, TRUE, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0)) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { tcp_table = (MIB_TCPTABLE_OWNER_PID *) dbus_malloc (size); if (tcp_table == NULL) { _dbus_verbose ("Error allocating memory\n"); return 0; } } else { _dbus_win_warn_win_error ("unexpected error returned from GetExtendedTcpTable", errorCode); return 0; } if ((errorCode = GetExtendedTcpTable (tcp_table, &size, TRUE, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL, 0)) != NO_ERROR) { _dbus_verbose ("Error fetching tcp table %d\n", (int)errorCode); dbus_free (tcp_table); return 0; } result = 0; for (i = 0; i < tcp_table->dwNumEntries; i++) { MIB_TCPROW_OWNER_PID *p = &tcp_table->table[i]; int local_address = ntohl (p->dwLocalAddr); int local_port = ntohs (p->dwLocalPort); if (p->dwState == MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB && local_address == INADDR_LOOPBACK && local_port == peer_port) result = p->dwOwningPid; } dbus_free (tcp_table); _dbus_verbose ("got pid %lu\n", result); return result; } /** * get pid from localhost tcp connection using peer_port * This function is available on all WinXP versions, but * not in wine (at least version <= 1.6.0) * @param peer_port peers tcp port * @return process id or 0 if connection has not been found */ static dbus_pid_t get_pid_from_tcp_ex_table(int peer_port) { dbus_pid_t result; DWORD errorCode, i; PMIB_TCPTABLE_EX tcp_table = NULL; if (!load_ex_ip_helper_procedures ()) { _dbus_verbose ("Error not been able to load iphelper procedures\n"); return 0; } errorCode = lpfnAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack (&tcp_table, TRUE, GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2); if (errorCode != NO_ERROR) { _dbus_verbose ("Error not been able to call AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack()\n"); return 0; } result = 0; for (i = 0; i < tcp_table->dwNumEntries; i++) { _MIB_TCPROW_EX *p = &tcp_table->table[i]; int local_port = ntohs (p->dwLocalPort); int local_address = ntohl (p->dwLocalAddr); if (local_address == INADDR_LOOPBACK && local_port == peer_port) { result = p->dwOwningPid; break; } } HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, tcp_table); _dbus_verbose ("got pid %lu\n", result); return result; } /** * @brief return peer process id from tcp handle for localhost connections * @param handle tcp socket descriptor * @return process id or 0 in case the process id could not be fetched */ static dbus_pid_t _dbus_get_peer_pid_from_tcp_handle (int handle) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t len = sizeof (addr); int peer_port; dbus_pid_t result; dbus_bool_t is_localhost = FALSE; getpeername (handle, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &len); if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *s = (struct sockaddr_in *) &addr; peer_port = ntohs (s->sin_port); is_localhost = (ntohl (s->sin_addr.s_addr) == INADDR_LOOPBACK); } else if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) { _dbus_verbose ("FIXME [61922]: IPV6 support not working on windows\n"); return 0; /* struct sockaddr_in6 *s = (struct sockaddr_in6 * )&addr; peer_port = ntohs (s->sin6_port); is_localhost = (memcmp(s->sin6_addr.s6_addr, in6addr_loopback.s6_addr, 16) == 0); _dbus_verbose ("IPV6 %08x %08x\n", s->sin6_addr.s6_addr, in6addr_loopback.s6_addr); */ } else { _dbus_verbose ("no idea what address family %d is\n", addr.ss_family); return 0; } if (!is_localhost) { _dbus_verbose ("could not fetch process id from remote process\n"); return 0; } if (peer_port == 0) { _dbus_verbose ("Error not been able to fetch tcp peer port from connection\n"); return 0; } _dbus_verbose ("trying to get peer's pid\n"); result = get_pid_from_extended_tcp_table (peer_port); if (result > 0) return result; result = get_pid_from_tcp_ex_table (peer_port); return result; } /* Convert GetLastError() to a dbus error. */ const char* _dbus_win_error_from_last_error (void) { switch (GetLastError()) { case 0: return DBUS_ERROR_FAILED; case ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: case ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: return DBUS_ERROR_LIMITS_EXCEEDED; /* kernel out of memory */ case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE: return DBUS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: return DBUS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return DBUS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; default: return DBUS_ERROR_FAILED; } } char* _dbus_win_error_string (int error_number) { char *msg; FormatMessageA (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error_number, 0, (LPSTR) &msg, 0, NULL); if (msg[strlen (msg) - 1] == '\n') msg[strlen (msg) - 1] = '\0'; if (msg[strlen (msg) - 1] == '\r') msg[strlen (msg) - 1] = '\0'; return msg; } void _dbus_win_free_error_string (char *string) { LocalFree (string); } /** * Socket interface * */ /** * Thin wrapper around the read() system call that appends * the data it reads to the DBusString buffer. It appends * up to the given count, and returns the same value * and same errno as read(). The only exception is that * _dbus_read_socket() handles EINTR for you. * _dbus_read_socket() can return ENOMEM, even though * regular UNIX read doesn't. * * @param fd the file descriptor to read from * @param buffer the buffer to append data to * @param count the amount of data to read * @returns the number of bytes read or -1 */ int _dbus_read_socket (DBusSocket fd, DBusString *buffer, int count) { int bytes_read; int start; char *data; _dbus_assert (count >= 0); start = _dbus_string_get_length (buffer); if (!_dbus_string_lengthen (buffer, count)) { _dbus_win_set_errno (ENOMEM); return -1; } data = _dbus_string_get_data_len (buffer, start, count); again: _dbus_verbose ("recv: count=%d fd=%Iu\n", count, fd.sock); bytes_read = recv (fd.sock, data, count, 0); if (bytes_read == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO(); _dbus_verbose ("recv: failed: %s (%d)\n", _dbus_strerror (errno), errno); bytes_read = -1; } else _dbus_verbose ("recv: = %d\n", bytes_read); if (bytes_read < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto again; else { /* put length back (note that this doesn't actually realloc anything) */ _dbus_string_set_length (buffer, start); return -1; } } else { /* put length back (doesn't actually realloc) */ _dbus_string_set_length (buffer, start + bytes_read); #if 0 if (bytes_read > 0) _dbus_verbose_bytes_of_string (buffer, start, bytes_read); #endif return bytes_read; } } /** * Thin wrapper around the write() system call that writes a part of a * DBusString and handles EINTR for you. * * @param fd the file descriptor to write * @param buffer the buffer to write data from * @param start the first byte in the buffer to write * @param len the number of bytes to try to write * @returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error */ int _dbus_write_socket (DBusSocket fd, const DBusString *buffer, int start, int len) { const char *data; int bytes_written; data = _dbus_string_get_const_data_len (buffer, start, len); again: _dbus_verbose ("send: len=%d fd=%Iu\n", len, fd.sock); bytes_written = send (fd.sock, data, len, 0); if (bytes_written == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO(); _dbus_verbose ("send: failed: %s\n", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); bytes_written = -1; } else _dbus_verbose ("send: = %d\n", bytes_written); if (bytes_written < 0 && errno == EINTR) goto again; #if 0 if (bytes_written > 0) _dbus_verbose_bytes_of_string (buffer, start, bytes_written); #endif return bytes_written; } /** * Closes a socket and invalidates it. * * @param fd the file descriptor * @param error error object * @returns #FALSE if error set */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_close_socket (DBusSocket *fd, DBusError *error) { _dbus_assert (fd != NULL); _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); again: if (closesocket (fd->sock) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); if (errno == EINTR) goto again; dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Could not close socket: socket=%Iu, , %s", fd->sock, _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); _dbus_socket_invalidate (fd); return FALSE; } _dbus_verbose ("socket=%Iu, \n", fd->sock); _dbus_socket_invalidate (fd); return TRUE; } /** * Sets the file descriptor to be close * on exec. Should be called for all file * descriptors in D-Bus code. * * @param handle the Windows HANDLE (a SOCKET is also OK) */ static void _dbus_win_handle_set_close_on_exec (HANDLE handle) { if ( !SetHandleInformation( (HANDLE) handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT | HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE, 0 /*disable both flags*/ ) ) { _dbus_win_warn_win_error ("Disabling socket handle inheritance failed:", GetLastError()); } } /** * Sets a file descriptor to be nonblocking. * * @param handle the file descriptor. * @param error address of error location. * @returns #TRUE on success. */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_set_socket_nonblocking (DBusSocket handle, DBusError *error) { u_long one = 1; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); if (ioctlsocket (handle.sock, FIONBIO, &one) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to set socket %Iu to nonblocking: %s", handle.sock, _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Like _dbus_write() but will use writev() if possible * to write both buffers in sequence. The return value * is the number of bytes written in the first buffer, * plus the number written in the second. If the first * buffer is written successfully and an error occurs * writing the second, the number of bytes in the first * is returned (i.e. the error is ignored), on systems that * don't have writev. Handles EINTR for you. * The second buffer may be #NULL. * * @param fd the file descriptor * @param buffer1 first buffer * @param start1 first byte to write in first buffer * @param len1 number of bytes to write from first buffer * @param buffer2 second buffer, or #NULL * @param start2 first byte to write in second buffer * @param len2 number of bytes to write in second buffer * @returns total bytes written from both buffers, or -1 on error */ int _dbus_write_socket_two (DBusSocket fd, const DBusString *buffer1, int start1, int len1, const DBusString *buffer2, int start2, int len2) { WSABUF vectors[2]; const char *data1; const char *data2; int rc; DWORD bytes_written; _dbus_assert (buffer1 != NULL); _dbus_assert (start1 >= 0); _dbus_assert (start2 >= 0); _dbus_assert (len1 >= 0); _dbus_assert (len2 >= 0); data1 = _dbus_string_get_const_data_len (buffer1, start1, len1); if (buffer2 != NULL) data2 = _dbus_string_get_const_data_len (buffer2, start2, len2); else { data2 = NULL; start2 = 0; len2 = 0; } vectors[0].buf = (char*) data1; vectors[0].len = len1; vectors[1].buf = (char*) data2; vectors[1].len = len2; again: _dbus_verbose ("WSASend: len1+2=%d+%d fd=%Iu\n", len1, len2, fd.sock); rc = WSASend (fd.sock, vectors, data2 ? 2 : 1, &bytes_written, 0, NULL, NULL); if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); _dbus_verbose ("WSASend: failed: %s\n", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); bytes_written = (DWORD) -1; } else _dbus_verbose ("WSASend: = %ld\n", bytes_written); if (bytes_written == (DWORD) -1 && errno == EINTR) goto again; return bytes_written; } #if 0 /** * Opens the client side of a Windows named pipe. The connection D-BUS * file descriptor index is returned. It is set up as nonblocking. * * @param path the path to named pipe socket * @param error return location for error code * @returns connection D-BUS file descriptor or -1 on error */ int _dbus_connect_named_pipe (const char *path, DBusError *error) { _dbus_assert_not_reached ("not implemented"); } #endif /** * @returns #FALSE if no memory */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_win_startup_winsock (void) { /* Straight from MSDN, deuglified */ /* Protected by _DBUS_LOCK_sysdeps */ static dbus_bool_t beenhere = FALSE; WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; if (!_DBUS_LOCK (sysdeps)) return FALSE; if (beenhere) goto out; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD (2, 0); err = WSAStartup (wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (err != 0) { _dbus_assert_not_reached ("Could not initialize WinSock"); _dbus_abort (); } /* Confirm that the WinSock DLL supports 2.0. Note that if the DLL * supports versions greater than 2.0 in addition to 2.0, it will * still return 2.0 in wVersion since that is the version we * requested. */ if (LOBYTE (wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE (wsaData.wVersion) != 0) { _dbus_assert_not_reached ("No usable WinSock found"); _dbus_abort (); } beenhere = TRUE; out: _DBUS_UNLOCK (sysdeps); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************ UTF / string code ************************************************************************/ /** * Measure the message length without terminating nul */ int _dbus_printf_string_upper_bound (const char *format, va_list args) { /* MSVCRT's vsnprintf semantics are a bit different */ char buf[1024]; int bufsize; int len; va_list args_copy; bufsize = sizeof (buf); va_copy (args_copy, args); len = _vsnprintf (buf, bufsize - 1, format, args_copy); va_end (args_copy); while (len == -1) /* try again */ { char *p; bufsize *= 2; p = malloc (bufsize); if (p == NULL) return -1; va_copy (args_copy, args); len = _vsnprintf (p, bufsize - 1, format, args_copy); va_end (args_copy); free (p); } return len; } /** * Returns the UTF-16 form of a UTF-8 string. The result should be * freed with dbus_free() when no longer needed. * * @param str the UTF-8 string * @param error return location for error code */ wchar_t * _dbus_win_utf8_to_utf16 (const char *str, DBusError *error) { DBusString s; int n; wchar_t *retval; _dbus_string_init_const (&s, str); if (!_dbus_string_validate_utf8 (&s, 0, _dbus_string_get_length (&s))) { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Invalid UTF-8"); return NULL; } n = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0); if (n == 0) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (error, GetLastError ()); return NULL; } retval = dbus_new (wchar_t, n); if (!retval) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return NULL; } if (MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, retval, n) != n) { dbus_free (retval); dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "MultiByteToWideChar inconsistency"); return NULL; } return retval; } /** * Returns the UTF-8 form of a UTF-16 string. The result should be * freed with dbus_free() when no longer needed. * * @param str the UTF-16 string * @param error return location for error code */ char * _dbus_win_utf16_to_utf8 (const wchar_t *str, DBusError *error) { int n; char *retval; n = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (n == 0) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (error, GetLastError ()); return NULL; } retval = dbus_malloc (n); if (!retval) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return NULL; } if (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, retval, n, NULL, NULL) != n) { dbus_free (retval); dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "WideCharToMultiByte inconsistency"); return NULL; } return retval; } /************************************************************************ ************************************************************************/ dbus_bool_t _dbus_win_account_to_sid (const wchar_t *waccount, void **ppsid, DBusError *error) { dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; DWORD sid_length, wdomain_length; SID_NAME_USE use; wchar_t *wdomain; *ppsid = NULL; sid_length = 0; wdomain_length = 0; if (!LookupAccountNameW (NULL, waccount, NULL, &sid_length, NULL, &wdomain_length, &use) && GetLastError () != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (error, GetLastError ()); return FALSE; } *ppsid = dbus_malloc (sid_length); if (!*ppsid) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } wdomain = dbus_new (wchar_t, wdomain_length); if (!wdomain) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto out1; } if (!LookupAccountNameW (NULL, waccount, (PSID) *ppsid, &sid_length, wdomain, &wdomain_length, &use)) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (error, GetLastError ()); goto out2; } if (!IsValidSid ((PSID) *ppsid)) { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Invalid SID"); goto out2; } retval = TRUE; out2: dbus_free (wdomain); out1: if (!retval) { dbus_free (*ppsid); *ppsid = NULL; } return retval; } /** @} end of sysdeps-win */ /** * The only reason this is separate from _dbus_getpid() is to allow it * on Windows for logging but not for other purposes. * * @returns process ID to put in log messages */ unsigned long _dbus_pid_for_log (void) { return _dbus_getpid (); } #ifndef DBUS_WINCE static BOOL is_winxp_sp3_or_lower (void) { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; int op=VER_LESS_EQUAL; // Initialize the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure. ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5; osvi.dwMinorVersion = 1; osvi.wServicePackMajor = 3; osvi.wServicePackMinor = 0; // Initialize the condition mask. VER_SET_CONDITION (dwlConditionMask, VER_MAJORVERSION, op); VER_SET_CONDITION (dwlConditionMask, VER_MINORVERSION, op); VER_SET_CONDITION (dwlConditionMask, VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR, op); VER_SET_CONDITION (dwlConditionMask, VER_SERVICEPACKMINOR, op); // Perform the test. return VerifyVersionInfo( &osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION | VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR | VER_SERVICEPACKMINOR, dwlConditionMask); } /** Gets our SID * @param sid points to sid buffer, need to be freed with LocalFree() * @param process_id the process id for which the sid should be returned (use 0 for current process) * @returns process sid */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_getsid(char **sid, dbus_pid_t process_id) { HANDLE process_token = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TOKEN_USER *token_user = NULL; DWORD n; PSID psid; int retval = FALSE; HANDLE process_handle; if (process_id == 0) process_handle = GetCurrentProcess(); else if (is_winxp_sp3_or_lower()) process_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, process_id); else process_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, process_id); if (!OpenProcessToken (process_handle, TOKEN_QUERY, &process_token)) { _dbus_win_warn_win_error ("OpenProcessToken failed", GetLastError ()); goto failed; } if ((!GetTokenInformation (process_token, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &n) && GetLastError () != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) || (token_user = alloca (n)) == NULL || !GetTokenInformation (process_token, TokenUser, token_user, n, &n)) { _dbus_win_warn_win_error ("GetTokenInformation failed", GetLastError ()); goto failed; } psid = token_user->User.Sid; if (!IsValidSid (psid)) { _dbus_verbose("invalid sid\n"); goto failed; } if (!ConvertSidToStringSidA (psid, sid)) { _dbus_verbose("invalid sid\n"); goto failed; } //okay: retval = TRUE; failed: CloseHandle (process_handle); if (process_token != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (process_token); _dbus_verbose("_dbus_getsid() got '%s' and returns %d\n", *sid, retval); return retval; } #endif /************************************************************************ pipes ************************************************************************/ /** * Creates pair of connect sockets (as in socketpair()). * Sets both ends of the pair nonblocking. * * Marks both file descriptors as close-on-exec * * @param fd1 return location for one end * @param fd2 return location for the other end * @param blocking #TRUE if pair should be blocking * @param error error return * @returns #FALSE on failure (if error is set) */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_socketpair (DBusSocket *fd1, DBusSocket *fd2, dbus_bool_t blocking, DBusError *error) { SOCKET temp, socket1 = -1, socket2 = -1; struct sockaddr_in saddr; int len; u_long arg; if (!_dbus_win_startup_winsock ()) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } temp = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (temp == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out0; } _DBUS_ZERO (saddr); saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = 0; saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK); if (bind (temp, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof (saddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out0; } if (listen (temp, 1) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out0; } len = sizeof (saddr); if (getsockname (temp, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out0; } socket1 = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket1 == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out0; } if (connect (socket1, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out1; } socket2 = accept (temp, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &len); if (socket2 == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out1; } if (!blocking) { arg = 1; if (ioctlsocket (socket1, FIONBIO, &arg) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out2; } arg = 1; if (ioctlsocket (socket2, FIONBIO, &arg) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); goto out2; } } fd1->sock = socket1; fd2->sock = socket2; _dbus_verbose ("full-duplex pipe %Iu:%Iu <-> %Iu:%Iu\n", fd1->sock, socket1, fd2->sock, socket2); closesocket (temp); return TRUE; out2: closesocket (socket2); out1: closesocket (socket1); out0: closesocket (temp); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Could not setup socket pair: %s", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE static dbus_bool_t _dbus_dump_fd_events (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds) { DBusString msg = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; dbus_bool_t result = FALSE; int i; if (!_dbus_string_init (&msg)) goto oom; for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; if (!_dbus_string_append (&msg, i > 0 ? "\n\t" : "\t")) goto oom; if ((fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLIN) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "R:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if ((fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLOUT) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "W:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if (!_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "E:%Iu", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; } _dbus_verbose ("%s\n", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&msg)); result = TRUE; oom: _dbus_string_free (&msg); return result; } #ifdef USE_CHRIS_IMPL static dbus_bool_t _dbus_dump_fd_revents (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds) { DBusString msg = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; dbus_bool_t result = FALSE; int i; if (!_dbus_string_init (&msg)) goto oom; for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; if (!_dbus_string_append (&msg, i > 0 ? "\n\t" : "\t")) goto oom; if ((fdp->revents & _DBUS_POLLIN) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "R:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if ((fdp->revents & _DBUS_POLLOUT) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "W:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if ((fdp->revents & _DBUS_POLLERR) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "E:%Iu", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; } _dbus_verbose ("%s\n", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&msg)); result = TRUE; oom: _dbus_string_free (&msg); return result; } #else static dbus_bool_t _dbus_dump_fdset (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds, fd_set *read_set, fd_set *write_set, fd_set *err_set) { DBusString msg = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; dbus_bool_t result = FALSE; int i; if (!_dbus_string_init (&msg)) goto oom; for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; if (!_dbus_string_append (&msg, i > 0 ? "\n\t" : "\t")) goto oom; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, read_set) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "R:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, write_set) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "W:%Iu ", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, err_set) && !_dbus_string_append_printf (&msg, "E:%Iu", fdp->fd.sock)) goto oom; } _dbus_verbose ("%s\n", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&msg)); result = TRUE; oom: _dbus_string_free (&msg); return result; } #endif #endif #ifdef USE_CHRIS_IMPL /** * Windows event based implementation for _dbus_poll(). * * @param fds the file descriptors to poll * @param n_fds number of descriptors in the array * @param timeout_milliseconds timeout or -1 for infinite * @returns numbers of fds with revents, or <0 on error */ static int _dbus_poll_events (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds, int timeout_milliseconds) { int ret = 0; int i; DWORD ready; #define DBUS_STACK_WSAEVENTS 256 WSAEVENT eventsOnStack[DBUS_STACK_WSAEVENTS]; WSAEVENT *pEvents = NULL; if (n_fds > DBUS_STACK_WSAEVENTS) pEvents = calloc(sizeof(WSAEVENT), n_fds); else pEvents = eventsOnStack; if (pEvents == NULL) { _dbus_win_set_errno (ENOMEM); ret = -1; goto oom; } #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE _dbus_verbose ("_dbus_poll: to=%d", timeout_milliseconds); if (!_dbus_dump_fd_events (fds, n_fds)) { _dbus_win_set_errno (ENOMEM); ret = -1; goto oom; } #endif for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) pEvents[i] = WSA_INVALID_EVENT; for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; WSAEVENT ev; long lNetworkEvents = FD_OOB; ev = WSACreateEvent(); if (fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLIN) lNetworkEvents |= FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE; if (fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLOUT) lNetworkEvents |= FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT; WSAEventSelect (fdp->fd.sock, ev, lNetworkEvents); pEvents[i] = ev; } ready = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents (n_fds, pEvents, FALSE, timeout_milliseconds, FALSE); if (ready == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); if (errno != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) _dbus_verbose ("WSAWaitForMultipleEvents: failed: %s\n", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); ret = -1; } else if (ready == WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT) { _dbus_verbose ("WSAWaitForMultipleEvents: WSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT\n"); ret = 0; } else if (ready < (WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0 + n_fds)) { for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; WSANETWORKEVENTS ne; fdp->revents = 0; WSAEnumNetworkEvents (fdp->fd.sock, pEvents[i], &ne); if (ne.lNetworkEvents & (FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLIN; if (ne.lNetworkEvents & (FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLOUT; if (ne.lNetworkEvents & (FD_OOB)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLERR; if(ne.lNetworkEvents) ret++; WSAEventSelect (fdp->fd.sock, pEvents[i], 0); } #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE _dbus_verbose ("_dbus_poll: to=%d", timeout_milliseconds); if (!_dbus_dump_fd_revents (fds, n_fds)) { _dbus_win_set_errno (ENOMEM); ret = -1; goto oom; } #endif } else { _dbus_verbose ("WSAWaitForMultipleEvents: failed for unknown reason!"); ret = -1; } oom: if (pEvents != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { if (pEvents[i] != WSA_INVALID_EVENT) WSACloseEvent (pEvents[i]); } if (n_fds > DBUS_STACK_WSAEVENTS) free (pEvents); } return ret; } #else /** * Select based implementation for _dbus_poll(). * * @param fds the file descriptors to poll * @param n_fds number of descriptors in the array * @param timeout_milliseconds timeout or -1 for infinite * @returns numbers of fds with revents, or <0 on error */ static int _dbus_poll_select (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds, int timeout_milliseconds) { fd_set read_set, write_set, err_set; SOCKET max_fd = 0; int i; struct timeval tv; int ready; FD_ZERO (&read_set); FD_ZERO (&write_set); FD_ZERO (&err_set); #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE _dbus_verbose("_dbus_poll: to=%d\n", timeout_milliseconds); if (!_dbus_dump_fd_events (fds, n_fds)) return -1; #endif for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; if (fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLIN) FD_SET (fdp->fd.sock, &read_set); if (fdp->events & _DBUS_POLLOUT) FD_SET (fdp->fd.sock, &write_set); FD_SET (fdp->fd.sock, &err_set); max_fd = MAX (max_fd, fdp->fd.sock); } // Avoid random lockups with send(), for lack of a better solution so far tv.tv_sec = timeout_milliseconds < 0 ? 1 : timeout_milliseconds / 1000; tv.tv_usec = timeout_milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : (timeout_milliseconds % 1000) * 1000; ready = select (max_fd + 1, &read_set, &write_set, &err_set, &tv); if (DBUS_SOCKET_API_RETURNS_ERROR (ready)) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); if (errno != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) _dbus_verbose ("select: failed: %s\n", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); } else if (ready == 0) _dbus_verbose ("select: = 0\n"); else if (ready > 0) { #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE _dbus_verbose ("select: to=%d\n", ready); if (!_dbus_dump_fdset (fds, n_fds, &read_set, &write_set, &err_set)) { _dbus_win_set_errno (ENOMEM); return -1; } #endif for (i = 0; i < n_fds; i++) { DBusPollFD *fdp = &fds[i]; fdp->revents = 0; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, &read_set)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLIN; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, &write_set)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLOUT; if (FD_ISSET (fdp->fd.sock, &err_set)) fdp->revents |= _DBUS_POLLERR; } } return ready; } #endif /** * Wrapper for poll(). * * @param fds the file descriptors to poll * @param n_fds number of descriptors in the array * @param timeout_milliseconds timeout or -1 for infinite * @returns numbers of fds with revents, or <0 on error */ int _dbus_poll (DBusPollFD *fds, int n_fds, int timeout_milliseconds) { #ifdef USE_CHRIS_IMPL return _dbus_poll_events (fds, n_fds, timeout_milliseconds); #else return _dbus_poll_select (fds, n_fds, timeout_milliseconds); #endif } /****************************************************************************** Original CVS version of dbus-sysdeps.c ******************************************************************************/ /* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* dbus-sysdeps.c Wrappers around system/libc features (internal to D-Bus implementation) * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2003 CodeFactory AB * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. * * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ /** * Exit the process, returning the given value. * * @param code the exit code */ void _dbus_exit (int code) { _exit (code); } /** * Creates a socket and connects to a socket at the given host * and port. The connection fd is returned, and is set up as * nonblocking. * * @param host the host name to connect to * @param port the port to connect to * @param family the address family to listen on, NULL for all * @param error return location for error code * @returns connection file descriptor or -1 on error */ DBusSocket _dbus_connect_tcp_socket (const char *host, const char *port, const char *family, DBusError *error) { return _dbus_connect_tcp_socket_with_nonce (host, port, family, (const char*)NULL, error); } DBusSocket _dbus_connect_tcp_socket_with_nonce (const char *host, const char *port, const char *family, const char *noncefile, DBusError *error) { int saved_errno = 0; DBusList *connect_errors = NULL; DBusSocket fd = DBUS_SOCKET_INIT; int res; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *ai = NULL; const struct addrinfo *tmp; DBusError *connect_error; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); if (!_dbus_win_startup_winsock ()) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return _dbus_socket_get_invalid (); } _DBUS_ZERO (hints); if (!family) hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; else if (!strcmp(family, "ipv4")) hints.ai_family = AF_INET; else if (!strcmp(family, "ipv6")) hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; else { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS, "Unknown address family %s", family); return _dbus_socket_get_invalid (); } hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; #ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; #else hints.ai_flags = 0; #endif if ((res = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &ai)) != 0 || !ai) { dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (res), "Failed to lookup host/port: \"%s:%s\": %s (%d)", host, port, _dbus_strerror (res), res); goto out; } tmp = ai; while (tmp) { if ((fd.sock = socket (tmp->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (saved_errno), "Failed to open socket: %s", _dbus_strerror (saved_errno)); _dbus_assert (!_dbus_socket_is_valid (fd)); goto out; } _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR(error); if (connect (fd.sock, (struct sockaddr*) tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); _dbus_close_socket (&fd, NULL); connect_error = dbus_new0 (DBusError, 1); if (connect_error == NULL) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto out; } dbus_error_init (connect_error); _dbus_set_error_with_inet_sockaddr (connect_error, tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen, "Failed to connect to socket", saved_errno); if (!_dbus_list_append (&connect_errors, connect_error)) { dbus_error_free (connect_error); dbus_free (connect_error); _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto out; } tmp = tmp->ai_next; continue; } break; } if (!_dbus_socket_is_valid (fd)) { _dbus_combine_tcp_errors (&connect_errors, "Failed to connect", host, port, error); goto out; } if (noncefile != NULL) { DBusString noncefileStr; dbus_bool_t ret; _dbus_string_init_const (&noncefileStr, noncefile); ret = _dbus_send_nonce (fd, &noncefileStr, error); if (!ret) { _dbus_close_socket (&fd, NULL); goto out; } } /* Every SOCKET is also a HANDLE. */ _dbus_win_handle_set_close_on_exec ((HANDLE) fd.sock); if (!_dbus_set_socket_nonblocking (fd, error)) { _dbus_close_socket (&fd, NULL); goto out; } out: if (ai != NULL) freeaddrinfo (ai); while ((connect_error = _dbus_list_pop_first (&connect_errors))) { dbus_error_free (connect_error); dbus_free (connect_error); } return fd; } /** * Creates a socket and binds it to the given path, then listens on * the socket. The socket is set to be nonblocking. In case of port=0 * a random free port is used and returned in the port parameter. * If inaddr_any is specified, the hostname is ignored. * * @param host the host name to listen on * @param port the port to listen on, if zero a free port will be used * @param family the address family to listen on, NULL for all * @param retport string to return the actual port listened on * @param retfamily string to return the actual family listened on * @param fds_p location to store returned file descriptors * @param error return location for errors * @returns the number of listening file descriptors or -1 on error */ int _dbus_listen_tcp_socket (const char *host, const char *port, const char *family, DBusString *retport, const char **retfamily, DBusSocket **fds_p, DBusError *error) { int saved_errno; int nlisten_fd = 0, res, i, port_num = -1; DBusList *bind_errors = NULL; DBusError *bind_error = NULL; DBusSocket *listen_fd = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *ai, *tmp; dbus_bool_t have_ipv4 = FALSE; dbus_bool_t have_ipv6 = FALSE; // On Vista, sockaddr_gen must be a sockaddr_in6, and not a sockaddr_in6_old //That's required for family == IPv6(which is the default on Vista if family is not given) //So we use our own union instead of sockaddr_gen: typedef union { struct sockaddr Address; struct sockaddr_in AddressIn; struct sockaddr_in6 AddressIn6; } mysockaddr_gen; *fds_p = NULL; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); if (!_dbus_win_startup_winsock ()) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return -1; } _DBUS_ZERO (hints); if (!family) hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; else if (!strcmp(family, "ipv4")) hints.ai_family = AF_INET; else if (!strcmp(family, "ipv6")) hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; else { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Unknown address family %s", family); return -1; } hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; #ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_PASSIVE; #else hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; #endif redo_lookup_with_port: ai = NULL; if ((res = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &ai)) != 0 || !ai) { dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (res), "Failed to lookup host/port: \"%s:%s\": %s (%d)", host ? host : "*", port, _dbus_strerror(res), res); return -1; } tmp = ai; while (tmp) { const int reuseaddr = 1, tcp_nodelay_on = 1; DBusSocket fd = DBUS_SOCKET_INIT, *newlisten_fd; if ((fd.sock = socket (tmp->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (saved_errno), "Failed to open socket: %s", _dbus_strerror (saved_errno)); _dbus_assert (!_dbus_socket_is_valid (fd)); goto failed; } _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR(error); if (setsockopt (fd.sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&reuseaddr, sizeof(reuseaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); _dbus_warn ("Failed to set socket option \"%s:%s\": %s", host ? host : "*", port, _dbus_strerror (saved_errno)); } /* Nagle's algorithm imposes a huge delay on the initial messages going over TCP. */ if (setsockopt (fd.sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&tcp_nodelay_on, sizeof (tcp_nodelay_on)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); _dbus_warn ("Failed to set TCP_NODELAY socket option \"%s:%s\": %s", host ? host : "*", port, _dbus_strerror (saved_errno)); } if (bind (fd.sock, (struct sockaddr *) tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); closesocket (fd.sock); /* * We don't treat this as a fatal error, because there might be * other addresses that we can listen on. In particular: * * - If saved_errno is WSAEADDRINUSE after we * "goto redo_lookup_with_port" after binding a port on one of the * possible addresses, we will try to bind that same port on * every address, including the same address again for a second * time, which will fail with WSAEADDRINUSE . * * - If saved_errno is WSAEADDRINUSE, it might be because binding to * an IPv6 address implicitly binds to a corresponding IPv4 * address or vice versa. * * - If saved_errno is WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL when we asked for family * AF_UNSPEC, it might be because IPv6 is disabled for this * particular interface. */ bind_error = dbus_new0 (DBusError, 1); if (bind_error == NULL) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto failed; } dbus_error_init (bind_error); _dbus_set_error_with_inet_sockaddr (bind_error, tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen, "Failed to bind socket", saved_errno); if (!_dbus_list_append (&bind_errors, bind_error)) { dbus_error_free (bind_error); dbus_free (bind_error); _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto failed; } /* Try the next address, maybe it will work better */ tmp = tmp->ai_next; continue; } if (listen (fd.sock, 30 /* backlog */) == SOCKET_ERROR) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); closesocket (fd.sock); _dbus_set_error_with_inet_sockaddr (error, tmp->ai_addr, tmp->ai_addrlen, "Failed to listen on socket", saved_errno); goto failed; } newlisten_fd = dbus_realloc(listen_fd, sizeof(DBusSocket)*(nlisten_fd+1)); if (!newlisten_fd) { closesocket (fd.sock); dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate file handle array"); goto failed; } listen_fd = newlisten_fd; listen_fd[nlisten_fd] = fd; nlisten_fd++; if (tmp->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) have_ipv4 = TRUE; else if (tmp->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) have_ipv6 = TRUE; if (!_dbus_string_get_length(retport)) { /* If the user didn't specify a port, or used 0, then the kernel chooses a port. After the first address is bound to, we need to force all remaining addresses to use the same port */ if (!port || !strcmp(port, "0")) { mysockaddr_gen addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(addr); char portbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; if (getsockname (fd.sock, &addr.Address, &addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR || (res = getnameinfo (&addr.Address, addrlen, NULL, 0, portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), NI_NUMERICSERV)) != 0) { saved_errno = _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (saved_errno), "Failed to resolve port \"%s:%s\": %s", host ? host : "*", port, _dbus_strerror (saved_errno)); goto failed; } if (!_dbus_string_append(retport, portbuf)) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); goto failed; } /* Release current address list & redo lookup */ port = _dbus_string_get_const_data(retport); freeaddrinfo(ai); goto redo_lookup_with_port; } else { if (!_dbus_string_append(retport, port)) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); goto failed; } } } tmp = tmp->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(ai); ai = NULL; if (!nlisten_fd) { _dbus_combine_tcp_errors (&bind_errors, "Failed to bind", host, port, error); goto failed; } if (have_ipv4 && !have_ipv6) *retfamily = "ipv4"; else if (!have_ipv4 && have_ipv6) *retfamily = "ipv6"; sscanf(_dbus_string_get_const_data(retport), "%d", &port_num); for (i = 0 ; i < nlisten_fd ; i++) { _dbus_win_handle_set_close_on_exec ((HANDLE) listen_fd[i].sock); if (!_dbus_set_socket_nonblocking (listen_fd[i], error)) { goto failed; } } *fds_p = listen_fd; /* This list might be non-empty even on success, because we might be * ignoring WSAEADDRINUSE or WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL */ while ((bind_error = _dbus_list_pop_first (&bind_errors))) { dbus_error_free (bind_error); dbus_free (bind_error); } return nlisten_fd; failed: if (ai) freeaddrinfo(ai); for (i = 0 ; i < nlisten_fd ; i++) closesocket (listen_fd[i].sock); while ((bind_error = _dbus_list_pop_first (&bind_errors))) { dbus_error_free (bind_error); dbus_free (bind_error); } dbus_free(listen_fd); return -1; } /** * Accepts a connection on a listening socket. * Handles EINTR for you. * * @param listen_fd the listen file descriptor * @returns the connection fd of the client, or -1 on error */ DBusSocket _dbus_accept (DBusSocket listen_fd) { DBusSocket client_fd; retry: client_fd.sock = accept (listen_fd.sock, NULL, NULL); if (!_dbus_socket_is_valid (client_fd)) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); if (errno == EINTR) goto retry; } _dbus_verbose ("client fd %Iu accepted\n", client_fd.sock); return client_fd; } dbus_bool_t _dbus_send_credentials_socket (DBusSocket handle, DBusError *error) { /* FIXME: for the session bus credentials shouldn't matter (?), but * for the system bus they are presumably essential. A rough outline * of a way to implement the credential transfer would be this: * * client waits to *read* a byte. * * server creates a named pipe with a random name, sends a byte * contining its length, and its name. * * client reads the name, connects to it (using Win32 API). * * server waits for connection to the named pipe, then calls * ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(), notes its now-current credentials, * calls RevertToSelf(), closes its handles to the named pipe, and * is done. (Maybe there is some other way to get the SID of a named * pipe client without having to use impersonation?) * * client closes its handles and is done. * * Ralf: Why not sending credentials over the given this connection ? * Using named pipes makes it impossible to be connected from a unix client. * */ int bytes_written; DBusString buf; _dbus_string_init_const_len (&buf, "\0", 1); again: bytes_written = _dbus_write_socket (handle, &buf, 0, 1 ); if (bytes_written < 0 && errno == EINTR) goto again; if (bytes_written < 0) { dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to write credentials byte: %s", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } else if (bytes_written == 0) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_IO_ERROR, "wrote zero bytes writing credentials byte"); return FALSE; } else { _dbus_assert (bytes_written == 1); _dbus_verbose ("wrote 1 zero byte, credential sending isn't implemented yet\n"); return TRUE; } return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H /* * Returns false with no error set if the socket is non-AF_UNIX * (contrary to our usual convention). * * Returns false with an error set on failure to identify it. */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_socket_is_af_unix (DBusSocket s, DBusError *error) { struct sockaddr_un saddr; int len; len = sizeof (saddr); if (getsockname (s.sock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to getsockname: %s", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } return saddr.sun_family == AF_UNIX; } /** * @brief return peer process id from Unix domain socket handle * @param handle AF_UNIX socket descriptor * @return process id or 0 in case the process id could not be fetched */ static dbus_pid_t _dbus_get_peer_pid_from_uds_handle (int handle) { DWORD pid, drc; if (WSAIoctl (handle, SIO_AF_UNIX_GETPEERPID, NULL, 0U, &pid, sizeof (pid), &drc, NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { _dbus_verbose ("failed to get peer's pid\n"); return 0; } return pid; } #endif /** * Reads a single byte which must be nul (an error occurs otherwise), * and reads unix credentials if available. Fills in pid/uid/gid with * -1 if no credentials are available. Return value indicates whether * a byte was read, not whether we got valid credentials. On some * systems, such as Linux, reading/writing the byte isn't actually * required, but we do it anyway just to avoid multiple codepaths. * * Fails if no byte is available, so you must select() first. * * The point of the byte is that on some systems we have to * use sendmsg()/recvmsg() to transmit credentials. * * @param handle the client file descriptor * @param credentials struct to fill with credentials of client * @param error location to store error code * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_read_credentials_socket (DBusSocket handle, DBusCredentials *credentials, DBusError *error) { int bytes_read = 0; DBusString buf; #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H dbus_bool_t uds = FALSE; #endif char *sid = NULL; dbus_pid_t pid; int retval = FALSE; // could fail due too OOM if (_dbus_string_init (&buf)) { bytes_read = _dbus_read_socket (handle, &buf, 1 ); if (bytes_read > 0) _dbus_verbose ("got one zero byte from server\n"); _dbus_string_free (&buf); } #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H uds = _dbus_socket_is_af_unix (handle, error); if (dbus_error_is_set (error)) return FALSE; if (uds) pid = _dbus_get_peer_pid_from_uds_handle (handle.sock); else #endif pid = _dbus_get_peer_pid_from_tcp_handle (handle.sock); if (pid == 0) return TRUE; _dbus_credentials_add_pid (credentials, pid); if (_dbus_getsid (&sid, pid)) { if (!_dbus_credentials_add_windows_sid (credentials, sid)) goto out; } retval = TRUE; out: if (sid) LocalFree (sid); return retval; } /** * Checks to make sure the given directory is * private to the user * * @param dir the name of the directory * @param error error return * @returns #FALSE on failure **/ dbus_bool_t _dbus_check_dir_is_private_to_user (DBusString *dir, DBusError *error) { /* TODO */ _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); return TRUE; } /** * Appends the given filename to the given directory. * * @todo it might be cute to collapse multiple '/' such as "foo//" * concat "//bar" * * @param dir the directory name * @param next_component the filename * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_concat_dir_and_file (DBusString *dir, const DBusString *next_component) { dbus_bool_t dir_ends_in_slash; dbus_bool_t file_starts_with_slash; if (_dbus_string_get_length (dir) == 0 || _dbus_string_get_length (next_component) == 0) return TRUE; dir_ends_in_slash = ('/' == _dbus_string_get_byte (dir, _dbus_string_get_length (dir) - 1) || '\\' == _dbus_string_get_byte (dir, _dbus_string_get_length (dir) - 1)); file_starts_with_slash = ('/' == _dbus_string_get_byte (next_component, 0) || '\\' == _dbus_string_get_byte (next_component, 0)); if (dir_ends_in_slash && file_starts_with_slash) { _dbus_string_shorten (dir, 1); } else if (!(dir_ends_in_slash || file_starts_with_slash)) { if (!_dbus_string_append_byte (dir, '\\')) return FALSE; } return _dbus_string_copy (next_component, 0, dir, _dbus_string_get_length (dir)); } /*---------------- DBusCredentials ----------------------------------*/ /** * Adds the credentials corresponding to the given username. * * @param credentials credentials to fill in * @param username the username * @returns #TRUE if the username existed and we got some credentials */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_credentials_add_from_user (DBusCredentials *credentials, const DBusString *username, DBusCredentialsAddFlags flags, DBusError *error) { if (!_dbus_credentials_add_windows_sid (credentials, _dbus_string_get_const_data (username))) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Adds the credentials of the current process to the * passed-in credentials object. * * @param credentials credentials to add to * @returns #FALSE if no memory; does not properly roll back on failure, so only some credentials may have been added */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_credentials_add_from_current_process (DBusCredentials *credentials) { dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; char *sid = NULL; if (!_dbus_getsid(&sid, _dbus_getpid())) goto failed; if (!_dbus_credentials_add_pid (credentials, _dbus_getpid())) goto failed; if (!_dbus_credentials_add_windows_sid (credentials,sid)) goto failed; retval = TRUE; goto end; failed: retval = FALSE; end: if (sid) LocalFree(sid); return retval; } /** * Append to the string the identity we would like to have when we * authenticate, on UNIX this is the current process UID and on * Windows something else, probably a Windows SID string. No escaping * is required, that is done in dbus-auth.c. The username here * need not be anything human-readable, it can be the machine-readable * form i.e. a user id. * * @param str the string to append to * @returns #FALSE on no memory * @todo to which class belongs this */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_append_user_from_current_process (DBusString *str) { dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; char *sid = NULL; if (!_dbus_getsid(&sid, _dbus_getpid())) return FALSE; retval = _dbus_string_append (str,sid); LocalFree(sid); return retval; } /** * Gets our process ID * @returns process ID */ dbus_pid_t _dbus_getpid (void) { return GetCurrentProcessId (); } /** Gets our Unix UID * @returns on Windows, just DBUS_UID_UNSET */ dbus_uid_t _dbus_getuid (void) { return DBUS_UID_UNSET; } /** nanoseconds in a second */ #define NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND 1000000000 /** microseconds in a second */ #define MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND 1000000 /** milliseconds in a second */ #define MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND 1000 /** nanoseconds in a millisecond */ #define NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND 1000000 /** microseconds in a millisecond */ #define MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND 1000 /** * Sleeps the given number of milliseconds. * @param milliseconds number of milliseconds */ void _dbus_sleep_milliseconds (int milliseconds) { Sleep (milliseconds); } /** * Get current time, as in gettimeofday(). Never uses the monotonic * clock. * * @param tv_sec return location for number of seconds * @param tv_usec return location for number of microseconds */ void _dbus_get_real_time (long *tv_sec, long *tv_usec) { FILETIME ft; dbus_uint64_t time64; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&ft); memcpy (&time64, &ft, sizeof (time64)); /* Convert from 100s of nanoseconds since 1601-01-01 * to Unix epoch. Yes, this is Y2038 unsafe. */ time64 -= DBUS_INT64_CONSTANT (116444736000000000); time64 /= 10; if (tv_sec) *tv_sec = time64 / 1000000; if (tv_usec) *tv_usec = time64 % 1000000; } /** * Get current time, as in gettimeofday(). Use the monotonic clock if * available, to avoid problems when the system time changes. * * @param tv_sec return location for number of seconds * @param tv_usec return location for number of microseconds */ void _dbus_get_monotonic_time (long *tv_sec, long *tv_usec) { /* no implementation yet, fall back to wall-clock time */ _dbus_get_real_time (tv_sec, tv_usec); } /** * signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); */ void _dbus_disable_sigpipe (void) { } /** * Creates a directory. Unlike _dbus_ensure_directory(), this only succeeds * if the directory is genuinely newly-created. * * @param filename directory filename * @param error initialized error object * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_create_directory (const DBusString *filename, DBusError *error) { const char *filename_c; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); filename_c = _dbus_string_get_const_data (filename); if (!CreateDirectoryA (filename_c, NULL)) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to create directory %s: %s\n", filename_c, _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } /** * Creates a directory; succeeds if the directory * is created or already existed. * * @param filename directory filename * @param error initialized error object * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_ensure_directory (const DBusString *filename, DBusError *error) { const char *filename_c; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); filename_c = _dbus_string_get_const_data (filename); if (!CreateDirectoryA (filename_c, NULL)) { if (GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) return TRUE; dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to create directory %s: %s\n", filename_c, _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } /** * Generates the given number of random bytes, * using the best mechanism we can come up with. * * @param str the string * @param n_bytes the number of random bytes to append to string * @param error location to store reason for failure * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_generate_random_bytes (DBusString *str, int n_bytes, DBusError *error) { int old_len; unsigned char *p; HCRYPTPROV hprov; old_len = _dbus_string_get_length (str); if (!_dbus_string_lengthen (str, n_bytes)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } p = _dbus_string_get_udata_len (str, old_len, n_bytes); if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hprov, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } if (!CryptGenRandom (hprov, n_bytes, p)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); CryptReleaseContext (hprov, 0); return FALSE; } CryptReleaseContext (hprov, 0); return TRUE; } /** * Gets the temporary files directory, using GetTempPath() * * @returns location of temp directory, or #NULL if no memory for locking */ const char* _dbus_get_tmpdir(void) { /* Protected by _DBUS_LOCK_sysdeps */ static const char* tmpdir = NULL; static char buf[1000]; if (!_DBUS_LOCK (sysdeps)) return NULL; if (tmpdir == NULL) { unsigned char *last_slash; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buf; if (!GetTempPathA (sizeof (buf), buf)) { _dbus_warn ("GetTempPath failed"); _dbus_abort (); } /* Drop terminating backslash or slash */ last_slash = _mbsrchr (p, '\\'); if (last_slash > p && last_slash[1] == '\0') last_slash[0] = '\0'; last_slash = _mbsrchr (p, '/'); if (last_slash > p && last_slash[1] == '\0') last_slash[0] = '\0'; tmpdir = buf; } _DBUS_UNLOCK (sysdeps); _dbus_assert(tmpdir != NULL); return tmpdir; } /** * Deletes the given file. * * @param filename the filename * @param error error location * * @returns #TRUE if unlink() succeeded */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_delete_file (const DBusString *filename, DBusError *error) { const char *filename_c; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); filename_c = _dbus_string_get_const_data (filename); if (DeleteFileA (filename_c) == 0) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to delete file %s: %s\n", filename_c, _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } static dbus_uint32_t fromAscii(char ascii) { if(ascii >= '0' && ascii <= '9') return ascii - '0'; if(ascii >= 'A' && ascii <= 'F') return ascii - 'A' + 10; if(ascii >= 'a' && ascii <= 'f') return ascii - 'a' + 10; return 0; } dbus_bool_t _dbus_read_local_machine_uuid (DBusGUID *machine_id, dbus_bool_t create_if_not_found, DBusError *error) { #ifdef DBUS_WINCE return TRUE; // TODO #else HW_PROFILE_INFOA info; char *lpc = &info.szHwProfileGuid[0]; dbus_uint32_t u; // the hw-profile guid lives long enough if(!GetCurrentHwProfileA(&info)) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); // FIXME return FALSE; } // Form: {12340001-4980-1920-6788-123456789012} lpc++; // 12340001 u = ((fromAscii(lpc[0]) << 0) | (fromAscii(lpc[1]) << 4) | (fromAscii(lpc[2]) << 8) | (fromAscii(lpc[3]) << 12) | (fromAscii(lpc[4]) << 16) | (fromAscii(lpc[5]) << 20) | (fromAscii(lpc[6]) << 24) | (fromAscii(lpc[7]) << 28)); machine_id->as_uint32s[0] = u; lpc += 9; // 4980-1920 u = ((fromAscii(lpc[0]) << 0) | (fromAscii(lpc[1]) << 4) | (fromAscii(lpc[2]) << 8) | (fromAscii(lpc[3]) << 12) | (fromAscii(lpc[5]) << 16) | (fromAscii(lpc[6]) << 20) | (fromAscii(lpc[7]) << 24) | (fromAscii(lpc[8]) << 28)); machine_id->as_uint32s[1] = u; lpc += 10; // 6788-1234 u = ((fromAscii(lpc[0]) << 0) | (fromAscii(lpc[1]) << 4) | (fromAscii(lpc[2]) << 8) | (fromAscii(lpc[3]) << 12) | (fromAscii(lpc[5]) << 16) | (fromAscii(lpc[6]) << 20) | (fromAscii(lpc[7]) << 24) | (fromAscii(lpc[8]) << 28)); machine_id->as_uint32s[2] = u; lpc += 9; // 56789012 u = ((fromAscii(lpc[0]) << 0) | (fromAscii(lpc[1]) << 4) | (fromAscii(lpc[2]) << 8) | (fromAscii(lpc[3]) << 12) | (fromAscii(lpc[4]) << 16) | (fromAscii(lpc[5]) << 20) | (fromAscii(lpc[6]) << 24) | (fromAscii(lpc[7]) << 28)); machine_id->as_uint32s[3] = u; #endif return TRUE; } // for proper cleanup in dbus-daemon static HANDLE hDBusDaemonMutex = NULL; static HANDLE hDBusSharedMem = NULL; // sync _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address, _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address and _dbus_daemon_already_runs static const char *cUniqueDBusInitMutex = "UniqueDBusInitMutex"; // sync _dbus_get_autolaunch_address static const char *cDBusAutolaunchMutex = "DBusAutolaunchMutex"; // mutex to determine if dbus-daemon is already started (per user) static const char *cDBusDaemonMutex = "DBusDaemonMutex"; // named shm for dbus adress info (per user) static const char *cDBusDaemonAddressInfo = "DBusDaemonAddressInfo"; /* custom command line parameter for autolaunching daemon */ static const char *autolaunch_custom_command_line_parameter = ""; /** * Set command line parameters for the dbus daemon to start * for an autolaunch session. * * The specified instance must be valid until the dbus-daemon * is started. * * This function is not thread-safe, and can only be called from a * single-threaded unit test. * * @param path string to use as command line parameter */ void _dbus_test_win_autolaunch_set_command_line_parameter (const char *path) { autolaunch_custom_command_line_parameter = path; } static HANDLE *autolaunch_handle_location; /** * Set location where to store process handle of an autostarted server * * This function is not thread-safe, and can only be called from a * single-threaded unit test. * * After using the handle it must be closed with @ref CloseHandle(). * * @param location Pointer where to store the handle */ void _dbus_test_win_set_autolaunch_handle_location (HANDLE *location) { autolaunch_handle_location = location; } /** * Return the hash of the installation root directory, which can be * used to construct a per-installation-root scope for autolaunching * * If the installation root directory could not be * determined, the returned length is set to zero. * * @param out initialized DBusString instance to return hash string * @returns #FALSE on OOM, #TRUE if not OOM */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_install_root_as_hash (DBusString *out) { DBusString install_path; dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; _dbus_assert (out != NULL); if (!_dbus_string_init (&install_path)) return FALSE; if (!_dbus_get_install_root (&install_path)) goto out; /* the install path can't be determined */ if (_dbus_string_get_length (&install_path) == 0) { _dbus_string_set_length (out, 0); retval = TRUE; goto out; } _dbus_string_tolower_ascii (&install_path, 0, _dbus_string_get_length (&install_path)); if (!_dbus_sha_compute (&install_path, out)) goto out; retval = TRUE; out: _dbus_string_free (&install_path); return retval; } /** * Build a name from \p basestring and \p scope, and append it to \p out * * The name will be suitable for naming Windows objects such as mutexes * and shared memory segments that need to be unique for each distinct * \p scope, but shared between clients with the same \p scope. * * If \p scope has one of the special values recognised in autolaunch: * addresses on Windows, substitute a unique string based on the scope * (the username or the hash of the installation path) instead of the * literal scope itself. * * With the '*install-path' \p scope the returned length can be zero, * indicating that the name could not be determined. * * @param out initialized DBusString instance to return bus address * @returns #FALSE on OOM, #TRUE if not OOM */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_address_string (DBusString *out, const char *basestring, const char *scope) { _dbus_assert (out != NULL); if (!scope || strlen (scope) == 0) { return _dbus_string_append (out, basestring); } else if (strcmp (scope, "*install-path") == 0 // for 1.3 compatibility || strcmp (scope, "install-path") == 0) { DBusString temp; dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; if (!_dbus_string_init (&temp)) return FALSE; if (!_dbus_get_install_root_as_hash (&temp)) goto out; if (_dbus_string_get_length (&temp) == 0) { _dbus_string_set_length (out, 0); retval = TRUE; goto out; } if (!_dbus_string_append_printf (out, "%s-%s", basestring, _dbus_string_get_const_data (&temp))) goto out; retval = TRUE; out: _dbus_string_free (&temp); return retval; } else if (strcmp (scope, "*user") == 0) { char *sid = NULL; dbus_bool_t retval; if (!_dbus_getsid (&sid, _dbus_getpid())) return FALSE; retval = _dbus_string_append_printf (out, "%s-%s", basestring, sid); LocalFree(sid); return retval; } else /* strlen(scope) > 0 */ { return _dbus_string_append_printf (out, "%s-%s", basestring, scope); } } /** * Return name of shared memory segment constructed from the autolaunch scope \p scope * * See @ref _dbus_get_address_string for further usage information. * * @param out initialized DBusString instance to return shared memory segment name * @returns #FALSE on OOM, #TRUE if not OOM */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_shm_name (DBusString *out,const char *scope) { return _dbus_get_address_string (out, cDBusDaemonAddressInfo, scope); } /** * Return mutex name for scope \p scope in \p out * * See @ref _dbus_get_address_string for further usage information. * * @param out initialized DBusString instance to return mutex name * @param scope scope for the requested mutex name * @returns #FALSE on OOM, #TRUE if not OOM */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_mutex_name (DBusString *out, const char *scope) { return _dbus_get_address_string (out, cDBusDaemonMutex, scope); } dbus_bool_t _dbus_daemon_is_session_bus_address_published (const char *scope) { DBusRMutex *lock = NULL; DBusString mutex_name; if (!_dbus_string_init (&mutex_name)) return FALSE; _dbus_verbose ("scope:%s\n", scope); if (!_dbus_get_mutex_name (&mutex_name, scope) || /* not determinable */ _dbus_string_get_length (&mutex_name) == 0) { _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); return FALSE; } if (hDBusDaemonMutex) { _dbus_verbose ("(scope:%s) -> yes\n", scope); return TRUE; } lock = _dbus_win_rmutex_named_new (cUniqueDBusInitMutex); if (!lock) return FALSE; // sync _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address, _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address and _dbus_daemon_already_runs _dbus_platform_rmutex_lock (lock); // we use CreateMutex instead of OpenMutex because of possible race conditions, // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684315%28VS.85%29.aspx hDBusDaemonMutex = CreateMutexA (NULL, FALSE, _dbus_string_get_const_data(&mutex_name)); /* The client uses mutex ownership to detect a running server, so the server should do so too. Fortunally the client deletes the mutex in the lock protected area, so checking presence will work too. */ _dbus_platform_rmutex_unlock (lock); _dbus_platform_rmutex_free (lock); _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); if (hDBusDaemonMutex == NULL) { _dbus_verbose ("(scope:%s) -> no\n", scope); return FALSE; } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { CloseHandle(hDBusDaemonMutex); hDBusDaemonMutex = NULL; _dbus_verbose ("(scope:%s) -> yes\n", scope); return TRUE; } // mutex wasn't created before, so return false. // We leave the mutex name allocated for later reusage // in _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address. _dbus_verbose ("(scope:%s) -> no\n", scope); return FALSE; } dbus_bool_t _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address (const char* address, const char *scope) { DBusRMutex *lock = NULL; char *shared_addr = NULL; DBusString shm_name = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; DBusString mutex_name; dbus_uint64_t len; dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; _dbus_assert (address); if (!_dbus_string_init (&mutex_name)) return FALSE; _dbus_verbose ("address:%s scope:%s\n", address, scope); if (!_dbus_get_mutex_name (&mutex_name, scope) || /* not determinable */ _dbus_string_get_length (&mutex_name) == 0) { _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); return FALSE; } // sync _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address, _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address and _dbus_daemon_already_runs lock = _dbus_win_rmutex_named_new (cUniqueDBusInitMutex); if (lock == NULL) { _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); return FALSE; } _dbus_platform_rmutex_lock (lock); if (!hDBusDaemonMutex) { hDBusDaemonMutex = CreateMutexA (NULL, FALSE, _dbus_string_get_const_data(&mutex_name)); } _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); // acquire the mutex if (WaitForSingleObject (hDBusDaemonMutex, 10) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { CloseHandle (hDBusDaemonMutex); goto out; } if (!_dbus_string_init (&shm_name)) { goto out; } if (!_dbus_get_shm_name (&shm_name, scope) || /* not determinable */ _dbus_string_get_length (&shm_name) == 0) { goto out; } // create shm len = strlen (address) + 1; hDBusSharedMem = CreateFileMappingA ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, len >> 32, len & 0xffffffffu, _dbus_string_get_const_data (&shm_name) ); _dbus_assert (hDBusSharedMem); shared_addr = MapViewOfFile (hDBusSharedMem, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); _dbus_assert (shared_addr); strcpy(shared_addr, address); // cleanup UnmapViewOfFile (shared_addr); _dbus_verbose ("published session bus address at %s\n",_dbus_string_get_const_data (&shm_name)); retval = TRUE; out: _dbus_platform_rmutex_unlock (lock); _dbus_platform_rmutex_free (lock); _dbus_string_free (&shm_name); return retval; } /** * Clear the platform-specific centralized location where the session * bus address is published. * * This must only be called if \ref DBusServer.published_address is #TRUE, * which is be the case if and only if platform-specific code has published * the address centrally. * * On Windows, this is implemented by closing a global shared memory segment. * * On Unix, the session bus address is not published in a centralized * location by libdbus, so this function does nothing. The closest * equivalent on Unix is that the session bus address is published by the * dbus-launch tool, and unpublished automatically when the dbus-launch * tool exits. * @return NULL in case of error */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address (void) { DBusRMutex *lock = NULL; _dbus_verbose ("\n"); // sync _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address, _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address and _dbus_daemon_already_runs lock = _dbus_win_rmutex_named_new (cUniqueDBusInitMutex); if (lock == NULL) return FALSE; _dbus_platform_rmutex_lock (lock); CloseHandle (hDBusSharedMem); hDBusSharedMem = NULL; ReleaseMutex (hDBusDaemonMutex); CloseHandle (hDBusDaemonMutex); hDBusDaemonMutex = NULL; _dbus_platform_rmutex_unlock (lock); _dbus_platform_rmutex_free (lock); return TRUE; } /** * Get server bus address from shared memory segment provided by running dbus-daemon * * @param address initialized DBusString instance to store the retrieved address * @param shm_name the name of the shared memory segment * @param wait if TRUE wait maximum 2 seconds for the presence of the shared memory segment * @return #TRUE the bus address was fetched from the shared memory segment * @return #FALSE error during execution */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_autolaunch_shm (DBusString *address, DBusString *shm_name, dbus_bool_t wait) { HANDLE sharedMem = NULL; char *shared_addr; int i; int max = 20; /* max 2 seconds */ dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; if (!wait) max = 1; // read shm for (i = 0; i < max; ++i) { // we know that dbus-daemon is available, so we wait until shm is available sharedMem = OpenFileMappingA (FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, _dbus_string_get_const_data (shm_name)); if (sharedMem == 0) Sleep (100); if (sharedMem != 0) break; } if (sharedMem == 0) return FALSE; shared_addr = MapViewOfFile (sharedMem, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!shared_addr) goto out; retval = _dbus_string_append (address, shared_addr); UnmapViewOfFile (shared_addr); out: CloseHandle (sharedMem); return retval; } static dbus_bool_t _dbus_daemon_already_runs (DBusString *address, DBusString *shm_name, const char *scope) { DBusRMutex *lock = NULL; HANDLE daemon; DBusString mutex_name; dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; if (!_dbus_string_init (&mutex_name)) return FALSE; if (!_dbus_get_mutex_name (&mutex_name, scope) || /* not determinable */ _dbus_string_get_length (&mutex_name) == 0) { _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); return FALSE; } // sync _dbus_daemon_publish_session_bus_address, _dbus_daemon_unpublish_session_bus_address and _dbus_daemon_already_runs lock = _dbus_win_rmutex_named_new (cUniqueDBusInitMutex); if (lock == NULL) return FALSE; _dbus_platform_rmutex_lock (lock); // do checks daemon = CreateMutexA (NULL, FALSE, _dbus_string_get_const_data (&mutex_name)); if (WaitForSingleObject (daemon, 10) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { ReleaseMutex (daemon); CloseHandle (daemon); goto out; } // read shm, wait max 2 seconds retval = _dbus_get_autolaunch_shm (address, shm_name, TRUE); // cleanup CloseHandle (daemon); out: _dbus_platform_rmutex_unlock (lock); _dbus_platform_rmutex_free (lock); _dbus_string_free (&mutex_name); return retval; } dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_autolaunch_address (const char *scope, DBusString *address, DBusError *error) { DBusRMutex *lock = NULL; STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE; LPSTR lpFile; char dbus_exe_path[MAX_PATH]; DBusString dbus_args = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; const char *daemon_name = DBUS_DAEMON_NAME ".exe"; DBusString shm_name; HANDLE ready_event_handle = NULL; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); if (!_dbus_string_init (&shm_name)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } if (!_dbus_get_shm_name (&shm_name, scope) || /* not determinable */ _dbus_string_get_length (&shm_name) == 0) { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "could not determine shm name"); goto out; } lock = _dbus_win_rmutex_named_new (cDBusAutolaunchMutex); if (lock == NULL) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Could not lock '%s'", cDBusAutolaunchMutex); _dbus_string_free (&shm_name); return FALSE; } _dbus_platform_rmutex_lock (lock); if (_dbus_daemon_already_runs (address, &shm_name, scope)) { _dbus_verbose ("found running dbus daemon for scope '%s' at %s\n", scope ? scope : "", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&shm_name)); retval = TRUE; goto out; } if (!SearchPathA (NULL, daemon_name, NULL, sizeof (dbus_exe_path), dbus_exe_path, &lpFile)) { // Look in directory containing dbus shared library HMODULE hmod; char dbus_module_path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD rc; _dbus_verbose ("did not found dbus daemon executable on default search path, " "trying path where dbus shared library is located"); hmod = _dbus_win_get_dll_hmodule (); rc = GetModuleFileNameA (hmod, dbus_module_path, sizeof (dbus_module_path)); if (rc <= 0) { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "could not retrieve dbus shared library file name"); retval = FALSE; goto out; } else { char *ext_idx = strrchr (dbus_module_path, '\\'); if (ext_idx) *ext_idx = '\0'; if (!SearchPathA (dbus_module_path, daemon_name, NULL, sizeof (dbus_exe_path), dbus_exe_path, &lpFile)) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Could not find dbus-daemon executable. " "Please add the path to %s to your PATH " "environment variable or start the daemon manually", daemon_name); retval = FALSE; goto out; } _dbus_verbose ("found dbus daemon executable at %s", dbus_module_path); } } // Create process ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si)); si.cb = sizeof (si); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi)); if (!_dbus_string_init (&dbus_args)) { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, "Failed to initialize argument buffer"); retval = FALSE; goto out; } if (!_dbus_string_append_printf (&dbus_args, "\"%s\" %s", dbus_exe_path, autolaunch_custom_command_line_parameter ? autolaunch_custom_command_line_parameter : "--session")) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); retval = FALSE; goto out; } ready_event_handle = _dbus_win_event_create_inheritable (error); if (ready_event_handle == NULL) goto out; _dbus_verbose ("Creating connection readiness event: handle=%p\n", ready_event_handle); if (!_dbus_string_append_printf (&dbus_args, " \"--ready-event-handle=%p\"", ready_event_handle)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto out; } _dbus_verbose ("Starting dbus daemon with args: '%s'\n", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&dbus_args)); if (CreateProcessA (dbus_exe_path, _dbus_string_get_data (&dbus_args), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { DWORD status; HANDLE events[2]; CloseHandle (pi.hThread); _dbus_verbose ("Wait until dbus-daemon is ready for connections (event handle %p)\n", ready_event_handle); events[0] = ready_event_handle; events[1] = pi.hProcess; status = WaitForMultipleObjects (2, events, FALSE, 30000); switch (status) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: /* ready event signalled, everything is okay */ retval = TRUE; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: /* dbus-daemon process has exited */ dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_SPAWN_CHILD_EXITED, "dbus-daemon exited before signalling ready"); goto out; case WAIT_FAILED: _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Unable to wait for server readiness (handle %p)", ready_event_handle); goto out; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: /* GetLastError() is not set */ dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT, "Timed out waiting for server readiness or exit (handle %p)", ready_event_handle); goto out; default: /* GetLastError() is probably not set? */ dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Unknown result '%lu' while waiting for server readiness (handle %p)", status, ready_event_handle); goto out; } _dbus_verbose ("Got signal that dbus-daemon with process id '%ld' is ready for connections\n", GetProcessId (pi.hProcess)); if (autolaunch_handle_location != NULL) { *autolaunch_handle_location = pi.hProcess; _dbus_verbose ("Returning process handle of started server (handle=%p)\n", pi.hProcess); } else { CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); } /* do not wait for the appearance of shm, we can assume that it is present */ retval = _dbus_get_autolaunch_shm (address, &shm_name, FALSE); if (retval == FALSE) dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to get autolaunch address from launched dbus-daemon"); } else { dbus_set_error_const (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to launch dbus-daemon"); retval = FALSE; } out: _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_XOR_BOOL (error, retval); _dbus_platform_rmutex_unlock (lock); _dbus_platform_rmutex_free (lock); _dbus_string_free (&shm_name); _dbus_string_free (&dbus_args); if (ready_event_handle) _dbus_win_event_free (ready_event_handle, NULL); _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_XOR_BOOL (error, retval); return retval; } /** Makes the file readable by every user in the system. * * @param filename the filename * @param error error location * @returns #TRUE if the file's permissions could be changed. */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_make_file_world_readable(const DBusString *filename, DBusError *error) { // TODO return TRUE; } /** * Atomically increments an integer * * @param atomic pointer to the integer to increment * @returns the value before incrementing * */ dbus_int32_t _dbus_atomic_inc (DBusAtomic *atomic) { // +/- 1 is needed here! // no volatile argument with mingw return InterlockedIncrement (&atomic->value) - 1; } /** * Atomically decrement an integer * * @param atomic pointer to the integer to decrement * @returns the value before decrementing * */ dbus_int32_t _dbus_atomic_dec (DBusAtomic *atomic) { // +/- 1 is needed here! // no volatile argument with mingw return InterlockedDecrement (&atomic->value) + 1; } /** * Atomically get the value of an integer. It may change at any time * thereafter, so this is mostly only useful for assertions. * * @param atomic pointer to the integer to get * @returns the value at this moment */ dbus_int32_t _dbus_atomic_get (DBusAtomic *atomic) { /* In this situation, GLib issues a MemoryBarrier() and then returns * atomic->value. However, mingw from mingw.org (not to be confused with * mingw-w64 from mingw-w64.sf.net) does not have MemoryBarrier in its * headers, so we have to get a memory barrier some other way. * * InterlockedIncrement is older, and is documented on MSDN to be a full * memory barrier, so let's use that. */ long dummy = 0; InterlockedExchange (&dummy, 1); return atomic->value; } /** * Atomically set the value of an integer to 0. * * @param atomic pointer to the integer to set */ void _dbus_atomic_set_zero (DBusAtomic *atomic) { InterlockedExchange (&atomic->value, 0); } /** * Atomically set the value of an integer to something nonzero. * * @param atomic pointer to the integer to set */ void _dbus_atomic_set_nonzero (DBusAtomic *atomic) { InterlockedExchange (&atomic->value, 1); } /** * Called when the bus daemon is signaled to reload its configuration; any * caches should be nuked. Of course any caches that need explicit reload * are probably broken, but c'est la vie. * * */ void _dbus_flush_caches (void) { } /** * See if errno is EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK (this has to be done differently * for Winsock so is abstracted) * * @returns #TRUE if e == EAGAIN or e == EWOULDBLOCK */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_is_errno_eagain_or_ewouldblock (int e) { return e == WSAEWOULDBLOCK; } /** * Fill str with the absolute path of the D-Bus installation, or truncate str * to zero length if we cannot determine it. * * @param str buffer for installation path * @returns #FALSE on OOM, #TRUE if not OOM */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_get_install_root (DBusString *str) { /* this is just an initial guess */ DWORD pathLength = MAX_PATH; unsigned char *lastSlash; unsigned char *prefix; do { /* allocate enough space for our best guess at the length */ if (!_dbus_string_set_length (str, pathLength)) { _dbus_string_set_length (str, 0); return FALSE; } SetLastError (0); pathLength = GetModuleFileNameA (_dbus_win_get_dll_hmodule (), _dbus_string_get_data (str), _dbus_string_get_length (str)); if (pathLength == 0 || GetLastError () != 0) { /* failed, but not OOM */ _dbus_string_set_length (str, 0); return TRUE; } /* if the return is strictly less than the buffer size, it has * not been truncated, so we can continue */ if (pathLength < (DWORD) _dbus_string_get_length (str)) { /* reduce the length to match what Windows filled in */ if (!_dbus_string_set_length (str, pathLength)) { _dbus_string_set_length (str, 0); return FALSE; } break; } /* else it may have been truncated; try with a larger buffer */ pathLength *= 2; } while (TRUE); /* the rest of this function works by direct byte manipulation of the * underlying buffer */ prefix = _dbus_string_get_udata (str); lastSlash = _mbsrchr (prefix, '\\'); if (lastSlash == NULL) { /* failed, but not OOM */ _dbus_string_set_length (str, 0); return TRUE; } //cut off binary name lastSlash[1] = 0; //cut possible "\\bin" //this fails if we are in a double-byte system codepage and the //folder's name happens to end with the *bytes* //"\\bin"... (I.e. the second byte of some Han character and then //the Latin "bin", but that is not likely I think... if (lastSlash - prefix >= 4 && _mbsnicmp (lastSlash - 4, (const unsigned char *)"\\bin", 4) == 0) lastSlash[-3] = 0; else if (lastSlash - prefix >= 10 && _mbsnicmp (lastSlash - 10, (const unsigned char *)"\\bin\\debug", 10) == 0) lastSlash[-9] = 0; else if (lastSlash - prefix >= 12 && _mbsnicmp (lastSlash - 12, (const unsigned char *)"\\bin\\release", 12) == 0) lastSlash[-11] = 0; /* fix up the length to match the byte-manipulation */ _dbus_string_set_length (str, strlen ((char *) prefix)); return TRUE; } /* See comment in dbus-sysdeps-unix.c */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_lookup_session_address (dbus_bool_t *supported, DBusString *address, DBusError *error) { /* Probably fill this in with something based on COM? */ *supported = FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * Appends the directory in which a keyring for the given credentials * should be stored. The credentials should have either a Windows or * UNIX user in them. The directory should be an absolute path. * * On UNIX the directory is ~/.dbus-keyrings while on Windows it should probably * be something else, since the dotfile convention is not normal on Windows. * * @param directory string to append directory to * @param credentials credentials the directory should be for * * @returns #FALSE on no memory */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_append_keyring_directory_for_credentials (DBusString *directory, DBusCredentials *credentials) { DBusString homedir; DBusString dotdir; const char *homepath; const char *homedrive; _dbus_assert (credentials != NULL); _dbus_assert (!_dbus_credentials_are_anonymous (credentials)); if (!_dbus_string_init (&homedir)) return FALSE; homedrive = _dbus_getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); if (homedrive != NULL && *homedrive != '\0') { _dbus_string_append(&homedir,homedrive); } homepath = _dbus_getenv("HOMEPATH"); if (homepath != NULL && *homepath != '\0') { _dbus_string_append(&homedir,homepath); } #ifdef DBUS_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_TESTS { const char *override; override = _dbus_getenv ("DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR"); if (override != NULL && *override != '\0') { _dbus_string_set_length (&homedir, 0); if (!_dbus_string_append (&homedir, override)) goto failed; _dbus_verbose ("Using fake homedir for testing: %s\n", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&homedir)); } else { /* Not strictly thread-safe, but if we fail at thread-safety here, * the worst that will happen is some extra warnings. */ static dbus_bool_t already_warned = FALSE; if (!already_warned) { _dbus_warn ("Using your real home directory for testing, set DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR to avoid"); already_warned = TRUE; } } } #endif #ifdef DBUS_WINCE /* It's not possible to create a .something directory in Windows CE using the file explorer. */ #define KEYRING_DIR "dbus-keyrings" #else #define KEYRING_DIR ".dbus-keyrings" #endif _dbus_string_init_const (&dotdir, KEYRING_DIR); if (!_dbus_concat_dir_and_file (&homedir, &dotdir)) goto failed; if (!_dbus_string_copy (&homedir, 0, directory, _dbus_string_get_length (directory))) { goto failed; } _dbus_string_free (&homedir); return TRUE; failed: _dbus_string_free (&homedir); return FALSE; } /** Checks if a file exists * * @param file full path to the file * @returns #TRUE if file exists */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_file_exists (const char *file) { DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesA (file); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /** * A wrapper around strerror() because some platforms * may be lame and not have strerror(). * * @param error_number errno. * @returns error description. */ const char* _dbus_strerror (int error_number) { #ifdef DBUS_WINCE // TODO return "unknown"; #else const char *msg; switch (error_number) { case WSAEINTR: return "Interrupted function call"; case WSAEACCES: return "Permission denied"; case WSAEFAULT: return "Bad address"; case WSAEINVAL: return "Invalid argument"; case WSAEMFILE: return "Too many open files"; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return "Resource temporarily unavailable"; case WSAEINPROGRESS: return "Operation now in progress"; case WSAEALREADY: return "Operation already in progress"; case WSAENOTSOCK: return "Socket operation on nonsocket"; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: return "Destination address required"; case WSAEMSGSIZE: return "Message too long"; case WSAEPROTOTYPE: return "Protocol wrong type for socket"; case WSAENOPROTOOPT: return "Bad protocol option"; case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: return "Protocol not supported"; case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: return "Socket type not supported"; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: return "Operation not supported"; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: return "Protocol family not supported"; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: return "Address family not supported by protocol family"; case WSAEADDRINUSE: return "Address already in use"; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: return "Cannot assign requested address"; case WSAENETDOWN: return "Network is down"; case WSAENETUNREACH: return "Network is unreachable"; case WSAENETRESET: return "Network dropped connection on reset"; case WSAECONNABORTED: return "Software caused connection abort"; case WSAECONNRESET: return "Connection reset by peer"; case WSAENOBUFS: return "No buffer space available"; case WSAEISCONN: return "Socket is already connected"; case WSAENOTCONN: return "Socket is not connected"; case WSAESHUTDOWN: return "Cannot send after socket shutdown"; case WSAETIMEDOUT: return "Connection timed out"; case WSAECONNREFUSED: return "Connection refused"; case WSAEHOSTDOWN: return "Host is down"; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: return "No route to host"; case WSAEPROCLIM: return "Too many processes"; case WSAEDISCON: return "Graceful shutdown in progress"; case WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: return "Class type not found"; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: return "Host not found"; case WSATRY_AGAIN: return "Nonauthoritative host not found"; case WSANO_RECOVERY: return "This is a nonrecoverable error"; case WSANO_DATA: return "Valid name, no data record of requested type"; case WSA_INVALID_HANDLE: return "Specified event object handle is invalid"; case WSA_INVALID_PARAMETER: return "One or more parameters are invalid"; case WSA_IO_INCOMPLETE: return "Overlapped I/O event object not in signaled state"; case WSA_IO_PENDING: return "Overlapped operations will complete later"; case WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return "Insufficient memory available"; case WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED: return "Overlapped operation aborted"; #ifdef WSAINVALIDPROCTABLE case WSAINVALIDPROCTABLE: return "Invalid procedure table from service provider"; #endif #ifdef WSAINVALIDPROVIDER case WSAINVALIDPROVIDER: return "Invalid service provider version number"; #endif #ifdef WSAPROVIDERFAILEDINIT case WSAPROVIDERFAILEDINIT: return "Unable to initialize a service provider"; #endif case WSASYSCALLFAILURE: return "System call failure"; default: msg = strerror (error_number); if (msg == NULL) msg = "unknown"; return msg; } #endif //DBUS_WINCE } /** * Assigns an error name and message corresponding to a Win32 error * code to a DBusError. Does nothing if error is #NULL. * * @param error the error. * @param code the Win32 error code */ void _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (DBusError *error, int code) { char *msg; /* As we want the English message, use the A API */ FormatMessageA (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, code, MAKELANGID (LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), (LPSTR) &msg, 0, NULL); if (msg) { dbus_set_error (error, "win32.error", "%s", msg); LocalFree (msg); } else dbus_set_error (error, "win32.error", "Unknown error code %d or FormatMessage failed", code); } void _dbus_win_warn_win_error (const char *message, unsigned long code) { DBusError error; dbus_error_init (&error); _dbus_win_set_error_from_win_error (&error, code); _dbus_warn ("%s: %s", message, error.message); dbus_error_free (&error); } /** * Removes a directory; Directory must be empty * * @param filename directory filename * @param error initialized error object * @returns #TRUE on success */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_delete_directory (const DBusString *filename, DBusError *error) { const char *filename_c; _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); filename_c = _dbus_string_get_const_data (filename); if (RemoveDirectoryA (filename_c) == 0) { char *emsg = _dbus_win_error_string (GetLastError ()); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_win_error_from_last_error (), "Failed to remove directory %s: %s", filename_c, emsg); _dbus_win_free_error_string (emsg); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Checks whether the filename is an absolute path * * @param filename the filename * @returns #TRUE if an absolute path */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_path_is_absolute (const DBusString *filename) { if (_dbus_string_get_length (filename) > 0) return _dbus_string_get_byte (filename, 1) == ':' || _dbus_string_get_byte (filename, 0) == '\\' || _dbus_string_get_byte (filename, 0) == '/'; else return FALSE; } dbus_bool_t _dbus_check_setuid (void) { return FALSE; } int _dbus_save_socket_errno (void) { return errno; } void _dbus_restore_socket_errno (int saved_errno) { _dbus_win_set_errno (saved_errno); } static const char *log_tag = "dbus"; static DBusLogFlags log_flags = DBUS_LOG_FLAGS_STDERR; /** * Initialize the system log. * * The "tag" is not copied, and must remain valid for the entire lifetime of * the process or until _dbus_init_system_log() is called again. In practice * it will normally be a constant. * * @param tag the name of the executable (syslog tag) * @param mode whether to log to stderr, the system log or both */ void _dbus_init_system_log (const char *tag, DBusLogFlags flags) { /* We never want to turn off logging completely */ _dbus_assert ( (flags & (DBUS_LOG_FLAGS_STDERR | DBUS_LOG_FLAGS_SYSTEM_LOG)) != 0); log_tag = tag; log_flags = flags; } /** * Log a message to the system log file (e.g. syslog on Unix). * * @param severity a severity value * @param msg a printf-style format string * @param args arguments for the format string */ void _dbus_logv (DBusSystemLogSeverity severity, const char *msg, va_list args) { const char *s = ""; va_list tmp; switch(severity) { case DBUS_SYSTEM_LOG_INFO: s = "info"; break; case DBUS_SYSTEM_LOG_WARNING: s = "warning"; break; case DBUS_SYSTEM_LOG_SECURITY: s = "security"; break; case DBUS_SYSTEM_LOG_ERROR: s = "error"; break; default: _dbus_assert_not_reached ("invalid log severity"); } if (log_flags & DBUS_LOG_FLAGS_SYSTEM_LOG) { DBusString out = _DBUS_STRING_INIT_INVALID; const char *message = NULL; va_copy (tmp, args); if (!_dbus_string_init (&out)) goto out; if (!_dbus_string_append_printf (&out, "%s: ", s)) goto out; if (!_dbus_string_append_printf_valist (&out, msg, tmp)) goto out; message = _dbus_string_get_const_data (&out); out: if (message != NULL) { OutputDebugStringA (message); } else { OutputDebugStringA ("Out of memory while formatting message: '''"); OutputDebugStringA (msg); OutputDebugStringA ("'''"); } va_end (tmp); _dbus_string_free (&out); } if (log_flags & DBUS_LOG_FLAGS_STDERR) { va_copy (tmp, args); fprintf (stderr, "%s[%lu]: %s: ", log_tag, _dbus_pid_for_log (), s); vfprintf (stderr, msg, tmp); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); va_end (tmp); } } /* * Return the low-level representation of a socket error, as used by * cross-platform socket APIs like inet_ntop(), send() and recv(). This * is the standard errno on Unix, but is WSAGetLastError() on Windows. * * Some libdbus internal functions copy this into errno, but with * hindsight that was probably a design flaw. */ int _dbus_get_low_level_socket_errno (void) { return WSAGetLastError (); } void _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (DBusError *error, const char *format, ...) { const char *name; char *message = NULL; if (error == NULL) return; /* make sure to do this first, in case subsequent library calls overwrite GetLastError() */ name = _dbus_win_error_from_last_error (); message = _dbus_win_error_string (GetLastError ()); if (format != NULL) { DBusString str; va_list args; dbus_bool_t retval; if (!_dbus_string_init (&str)) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); goto out; } va_start (args, format); retval = _dbus_string_append_printf_valist (&str, format, args); va_end (args); if (!retval) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); _dbus_string_free (&str); goto out; } dbus_set_error (error, name, "%s: %s", _dbus_string_get_const_data (&str), message); _dbus_string_free (&str); } else { dbus_set_error (error, name, "%s", message); } out: if (message != NULL) _dbus_win_free_error_string (message); _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_SET (error); } /** * Creates a Windows event object and returns the corresponding handle * * The returned object is unnamed, is a manual-reset event object, * is initially in the non-signalled state, and is inheritable by child * processes. * * @param error the error to set * @return handle for the created event * @return #NULL if an error has occurred, the reason is returned in \p error */ HANDLE _dbus_win_event_create_inheritable (DBusError *error) { HANDLE handle; handle = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (handle == NULL) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Could not create event"); return NULL; } else if (GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Event already exists"); return NULL; } if (!SetHandleInformation (handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT)) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Could not set inheritance for event %p", handle); CloseHandle (handle); return NULL; } return handle; } /** * Set a Windows event to the signalled state * * @param handle the handle for the event to be set * @return TRUE the event was set successfully * @return FALSE an error has occurred, the reason is returned in \p error */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_win_event_set (HANDLE handle, DBusError *error) { _dbus_assert (handle != NULL); if (!SetEvent (handle)) { _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Could not trigger event (handle %p)", handle); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Wait for a Windows event to enter the signalled state * * @param handle the handle for the event to wait for * @param timeout the waiting time in milliseconds, or INFINITE to wait forever, * or 0 to check immediately and not wait (polling) * @param error the error to set * @return TRUE the event was set successfully * @return FALSE an error has occurred, the reason is returned in \p error */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_win_event_wait (HANDLE handle, int timeout, DBusError *error) { DWORD status; _dbus_assert (handle != NULL); status = WaitForSingleObject (handle, timeout); switch (status) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return TRUE; case WAIT_FAILED: { _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Unable to wait for event (handle %p)", handle); return FALSE; } case WAIT_TIMEOUT: /* GetLastError() is not set */ dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT, "Timed out waiting for event (handle %p)", handle); return FALSE; default: /* GetLastError() is probably not set? */ dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Unknown result '%lu' while waiting for event (handle %p)", status, handle); return FALSE; } } /** * Delete a Windows event * * @param handle handle for the event to delete * @param error the error to set (optional) * @return TRUE the event has been deleted successfully or the handle is one of the special sentinel values #NULL or #INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE * @return FALSE an error has occurred, the reason is returned in \p error if specified */ dbus_bool_t _dbus_win_event_free (HANDLE handle, DBusError *error) { if (handle == NULL || handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return TRUE; if (CloseHandle (handle)) return TRUE; /* the handle may already be closed */ if (GetLastError () == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) return TRUE; _dbus_win_set_error_from_last_error (error, "Could not close event (handle %p)", handle); return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H static dbus_bool_t _dbus_open_socket (SOCKET *socket_p, int domain, int type, int protocol, DBusError *error) { if (!_dbus_win_startup_winsock ()) { _DBUS_SET_OOM (error); return FALSE; } *socket_p = socket (domain, type, protocol); if (*socket_p == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to open socket: %s", _dbus_strerror_from_errno ()); return FALSE; } _dbus_win_handle_set_close_on_exec ((HANDLE) *socket_p); return TRUE; } /** * Opens a UNIX domain socket (as in the socket() call). * Does not bind the socket. * * This will set CLOEXEC for the socket returned * * @param return location for socket descriptor * @param error return location for an error * @returns #FALSE if error is set */ static dbus_bool_t _dbus_open_unix_socket (SOCKET *socket, DBusError *error) { return _dbus_open_socket (socket, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, error); } #endif /* HAVE_AFUNIX_H */ /** * Creates a socket and connects it to the UNIX domain socket at the * given path. The socket is returned, and is set up as * nonblocking. * * Abstract socket usage always fails. * * This will set FD_CLOEXEC for the socket returned. * * @param path the path to UNIX domain socket * @param abstract #TRUE to use abstract namespace * @param error return location for error code * @returns a valid socket on success or an invalid socket on error */ DBusSocket _dbus_connect_unix_socket (const char *path, dbus_bool_t abstract, DBusError *error) { DBusSocket s = DBUS_SOCKET_INIT; #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H struct sockaddr_un addr; size_t path_len; _DBUS_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (addr.sun_path) > _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH); _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); _dbus_verbose ("connecting to unix socket %s abstract=%d\n", path, abstract); if (abstract) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Failed to connect: UNIX abstract socket is not supported on this system"); return s; } path_len = strlen (path); if (path_len > _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS, "Failed to connect: socket name too long"); return s; } if (!_dbus_open_unix_socket (&s.sock, error)) { _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_SET (error); return s; } _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); _DBUS_ZERO (addr); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy (addr.sun_path, path, sizeof (addr.sun_path) - 1); if (connect (s.sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, _DBUS_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + path_len) < 0) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to connect to socket %s: %s", path, _dbus_strerror (errno)); _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); return s; } if (!_dbus_set_socket_nonblocking (s, error)) _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); #else dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Failed to connect: UNIX socket is not supported with this build"); #endif return s; } /** * Creates a socket and binds it to the given path, * then listens on the socket. The socket is * set to be nonblocking. * * Abstract socket usage always fails. * * This will set CLOEXEC for the socket returned * * @param path the socket name * @param abstract #TRUE to use abstract namespace * @param error return location for errors * @returns a valid socket on success or an invalid socket on error */ DBusSocket _dbus_listen_unix_socket (const char *path, dbus_bool_t abstract, DBusError *error) { DBusSocket s = DBUS_SOCKET_INIT; #ifdef HAVE_AFUNIX_H struct sockaddr_un addr; size_t path_len; _DBUS_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (addr.sun_path) > _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH); _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); _dbus_verbose ("listening on unix socket %s abstract=%d\n", path, abstract); if (abstract) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Failed to listen: UNIX abstract socket is not supported on this system"); return s; } if (!_dbus_open_unix_socket (&s.sock, error)) { _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_SET (error); return s; } _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_CLEAR (error); _DBUS_ZERO (addr); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; path_len = strlen (path); /* see related comment in dbus-sysdeps-unix.c */ /* there is no S_ISSOCK on windows yet, so just unlink the path */ unlink (path); if (path_len > _DBUS_MAX_SUN_PATH_LENGTH) { dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS, "Failed to listen: socket name too long"); _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); return s; } strncpy (addr.sun_path, path, sizeof (addr.sun_path) - 1); if (bind (s.sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, _DBUS_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + path_len) < 0) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to bind socket \"%s\": %s", path, _dbus_strerror (errno)); _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); return s; } if (listen (s.sock, SOMAXCONN /* backlog */) < 0) { DBUS_SOCKET_SET_ERRNO (); dbus_set_error (error, _dbus_error_from_errno (errno), "Failed to listen on socket \"%s\": %s", path, _dbus_strerror (errno)); _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); return s; } if (!_dbus_set_socket_nonblocking (s, error)) { _DBUS_ASSERT_ERROR_IS_SET (error); _dbus_close_socket (&s, NULL); return s; } #else dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Failed to listen: UNIX socket is not supported with this build"); #endif return s; } /** @} end of sysdeps-win */ /* tests in dbus-sysdeps-util.c */