diff options
6 files changed, 504 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/bin/dconf-dump.vala b/bin/dconf-dump.vala
index 135b230..d63e3eb 100644
--- a/bin/dconf-dump.vala
+++ b/bin/dconf-dump.vala
@@ -8,7 +8,18 @@ void add_to_keyfile (KeyFile kf, DConf.Client client, string topdir, string? rel
this_group = "/";
- foreach (var item in client.list (this_dir)) {
+ var items = client.list (this_dir);
+ GLib.qsort_with_data<string> (items, sizeof (string), (a, b) => {
+ var a_dir = a.has_suffix ("/");
+ var b_dir = b.has_suffix ("/");
+ if (a_dir != b_dir) {
+ return (int) a_dir - (int) b_dir;
+ } else {
+ return GLib.strcmp (a, b);
+ }
+ });
+ foreach (var item in items) {
if (item.has_suffix ("/")) {
add_to_keyfile (kf, client, topdir, rel + item);
} else {
diff --git a/bin/dconf.vala b/bin/dconf.vala
index 349e1ea..8b0f211 100644
--- a/bin/dconf.vala
+++ b/bin/dconf.vala
@@ -186,7 +186,10 @@ void dconf_list (string?[] args) throws Error {
DConf.verify_dir (dir);
- foreach (var item in client.list (dir)) {
+ var items = client.list (dir);
+ GLib.qsort_with_data<string> (items, sizeof (string), (a, b) => GLib.strcmp (a, b));
+ foreach (var item in items) {
print ("%s\n", item);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 763a10b..6fd4ca2 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ bin_deps = [
+dconf = executable(
include_directories: top_inc,
diff --git a/service/ b/service/
index 7d54805..d92b982 100644
--- a/service/
+++ b/service/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ libdconf_service_dep = declare_dependency(
sources: dconf_generated,
+dconf_service = executable(
include_directories: top_inc,
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d1471b4..247ad76 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -45,3 +45,17 @@ foreach unit_test: unit_tests
test(unit_test[0], exe, is_parallel: false, env: envs)
+python3 = find_program('python3', required: false)
+dbus_daemon = find_program('dbus-daemon', required: false)
+if python3.found() and dbus_daemon.found()
+ test_dconf_py = find_program('')
+ test(
+ 'dconf',
+ test_dconf_py,
+ args: [dconf.full_path(), dconf_service.full_path()]
+ )
+ message('Skipping dconf test because python3 or dbus-daemon is not available')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc31ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright © 2018 Tomasz Miąsko
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, see <>.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import unittest
+from textwrap import dedent
+<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
+ "-//freedesktop//DTD D-Bus Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ "">
+ <type>session</type>
+ <keep_umask/>
+ <listen>unix:tmpdir=/tmp</listen>
+ <servicedir>{servicedir}</servicedir>
+ <auth>EXTERNAL</auth>
+ <policy context="default">
+ <allow send_destination="*" eavesdrop="true"/>
+ <allow eavesdrop="true"/>
+ <allow own="*"/>
+ </policy>
+[D-BUS Service]
+def dconf(*args, **kwargs):
+ argv = [dconf_exe]
+ argv.extend(args)
+ # Setup convenient defaults:
+ kwargs.setdefault('check', True)
+ kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
+ kwargs.setdefault('universal_newlines', True)
+ return, **kwargs)
+def dconf_read(key):
+ return dconf('read', key).stdout.rstrip('\n')
+def dconf_write(key, value):
+ dconf('write', key, value)
+def dconf_list(key):
+ return dconf('list', key).stdout.splitlines()
+def dconf_complete(suffix, prefix):
+ lines = dconf('_complete', suffix, prefix).stdout.splitlines()
+ lines.sort()
+ return lines
+def dconf_watch(path):
+ args = [dconf_exe, 'watch', path]
+ return subprocess.Popen(args,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ universal_newlines=True)
+class DBusTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.temporary_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ self.runtime_dir = os.path.join(, 'run')
+ self.config_home = os.path.join(, 'config')
+ self.dbus_dir = os.path.join(, 'dbus-1')
+ os.mkdir(self.runtime_dir, mode=0o700)
+ os.mkdir(self.config_home, mode=0o700)
+ os.mkdir(self.dbus_dir, mode=0o700)
+ os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] = self.runtime_dir
+ os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = self.config_home
+ # Prepare dbus-daemon config.
+ dbus_daemon_config = os.path.join(self.dbus_dir, 'session.conf')
+ with open(dbus_daemon_config, 'w') as file:
+ file.write(DAEMON_CONFIG.format(servicedir=self.dbus_dir))
+ # Prepare service config.
+ name = 'ca.desrt.dconf'
+ path = os.path.join(self.dbus_dir, '{}.service'.format(name))
+ with open(path, 'w') as file:
+ config = SERVICE_CONFIG.format(name=name, exec=dconf_service_exe)
+ file.write(config)
+ # Pipe where daemon will write its address.
+ read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe2(0)
+ args = ['dbus-daemon',
+ '--config-file={}'.format(dbus_daemon_config),
+ '--nofork',
+ '--print-address={}'.format(write_fd)]
+ # Start daemon
+ self.dbus_daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args, pass_fds=[write_fd])
+ # Close our writing end of pipe. Daemon closes its own writing end of
+ # pipe after printing address, so subsequent reads shouldn't block.
+ os.close(write_fd)
+ with os.fdopen(read_fd) as f:
+ dbus_address =
+ # Prepare environment
+ os.environ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] = dbus_address
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # Terminate dbus-daemon.
+ p = self.dbus_daemon_process
+ try:
+ p.terminate()
+ p.wait(timeout=0.5)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ p.kill()
+ p.wait()
+ self.temporary_dir.cleanup()
+ def test_read_nonexisiting(self):
+ """Reading missing key produces no output. """
+ self.assertEqual('', dconf_read('/key'))
+ def test_write_read(self):
+ """Read returns previously written value."""
+ dconf('write', '/key', '0')
+ self.assertEqual('0', dconf_read('/key'))
+ dconf('write', '/key', '"hello there"')
+ self.assertEqual("'hello there'", dconf_read('/key'))
+ def test_list(self):
+ """List returns a list of names inside given directory.
+ Results include both keys and subdirectories.
+ """
+ dconf('write', '/org/gnome/app/fullscreen', 'true')
+ dconf('write', '/org/gnome/terminal/profile', '"default"')
+ dconf('write', '/key', '42')
+ self.assertEqual(['key', 'org/'], dconf_list('/'))
+ self.assertEqual(['gnome/'], dconf_list('/org/'))
+ def test_list_missing(self):
+ """List can be used successfully with non existing directories. """
+ self.assertEqual([], dconf_list('/no-existing/directory/'))
+ def test_reset_key(self):
+ """Reset can be used to reset a value of a single key."""
+ dconf('write', '/app/width', '1024')
+ dconf('write', '/app/height', '768')
+ dconf('write', '/app/fullscreen', 'true')
+ # Sanity check.
+ self.assertEqual(['fullscreen', 'height', 'width'], dconf_list('/app/'))
+ # Reset one key after another:
+ dconf('reset', '/app/fullscreen')
+ self.assertEqual(['height', 'width'], dconf_list('/app/'))
+ dconf('reset', '/app/width')
+ self.assertEqual(['height'], dconf_list('/app/'))
+ dconf('reset', '/app/height')
+ self.assertEqual([], dconf_list('/app/'))
+ def test_reset_dir(self):
+ """Reseting whole directory is possible with -f option.
+ It is an error not to use -f when resetting a dir.
+ """
+ dconf('write', '/app/a', '1')
+ dconf('write', '/app/b', '2')
+ dconf('write', '/app/c/d', '3')
+ dconf('write', '/x', '4')
+ dconf('write', '/y/z', '5')
+ with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm:
+ dconf('reset', '/app/', stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, '-f must be given')
+ self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, 'Usage:')
+ # Nothing should be removed just yet.
+ self.assertTrue(['a', 'b', 'c'], dconf_list('/app/'))
+ # Try again with -f.
+ dconf('reset', '-f', '/app/')
+ # /app/ should be gone now:
+ self.assertEqual(['x', 'y/'], dconf_list('/'))
+ def test_watch(self):
+ """Watch reports changes made using write command.
+ Only changes made inside given subdirectory should be reported.
+ """
+ watch_root = dconf_watch('/')
+ watch_org = dconf_watch('/org/')
+ # Arbitrary delay to give "dconf watch" time to set-up the watch.
+ # In the case this turns out to be problematic, dconf tool could be
+ # changed to produce debug message after `dconf_client_watch_sync`,
+ # so that we could synchronize on its output.
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+ dconf('write', '/com/a', '1')
+ dconf('write', '/org/b', '2')
+ dconf('write', '/organ/c', '3')
+ dconf('write', '/c', '4')
+ # Again, give "dconf watch" some time to pick-up changes.
+ time.sleep(0.2)
+ watch_root.terminate()
+ watch_org.terminate()
+ watch_root.wait()
+ watch_org.wait()
+ # Watch for '/' should capture all writes.
+ expected = '''\
+ /com/a
+ 1
+ /org/b
+ 2
+ /organ/c
+ 3
+ /c
+ 4
+ '''
+ self.assertEqual(dedent(expected),
+ # Watch for '/org/' should capture only a subset of all writes:
+ expected = '''\
+ /org/b
+ 2
+ '''
+ self.assertEqual(dedent(expected),
+ def test_dump_load(self):
+ """Checks that output produced with dump can be used with load and
+ vice versa.
+ """
+ keyfile = dedent('''\
+ [/]
+ password='secret'
+ [org/editor]
+ window-fullscreen=true
+ window-size=(1024, 768)
+ [org/editor/language/c-sharp]
+ tab-width=8
+ [org/editor/language/c]
+ tab-width=2
+ ''')
+ # Load and dump is identity.
+ dconf('load', '/', input=keyfile)
+ self.assertEqual(dconf('dump', '/').stdout, keyfile)
+ # Copy /org/ directory to /com/.
+ keyfile = dconf('dump', '/org/').stdout
+ dconf('load', '/com/', input=keyfile)
+ # Verify that /org/ and /com/ are now exactly the same.
+ keyfile_org = dconf('dump', '/org/').stdout
+ keyfile_com = dconf('dump', '/com/').stdout
+ self.assertEqual(keyfile_org, keyfile_com)
+ def test_complete(self):
+ """Tests _complete command used internally to implement bash completion.
+ Runs completion queries after loading a sample database from key-file.
+ """
+ keyfile = dedent('''\
+ [org]
+ calamity=false
+ [org/calculator]
+ window-position=(0, 0)
+ [org/calendar]
+ window-position=(0, 0)
+ [org/history]
+ file0='/tmp/a'
+ file1='/tmp/b'
+ file2='/tmp/c'
+ ''')
+ dconf('load', '/', input=keyfile)
+ # Empty string is completed to '/'.
+ completions = dconf_complete('', '')
+ self.assertEqual(completions, ['/'])
+ completions = dconf_complete('/', '')
+ self.assertEqual(completions, ['/'])
+ # Invalid paths don't return any completions.
+ completions = dconf_complete('', 'foo/')
+ self.assertEqual(completions, [])
+ completions = dconf_complete('/', 'foo/')
+ self.assertEqual(completions, [])
+ # Key completions include trailing whitespace,
+ # directory completions do not.
+ completions = dconf_complete('', '/org/')
+ self.assertEqual(completions,
+ ['/org/calamity ',
+ '/org/calculator/',
+ '/org/calendar/',
+ '/org/history/'])
+ # Only matches with given prefix are returned.
+ completions = dconf_complete('', '/org/cal')
+ self.assertEqual(completions,
+ ['/org/calamity ',
+ '/org/calculator/',
+ '/org/calendar/'])
+ # Only matches with given suffix are returned.
+ completions = dconf_complete('/', '/org/cal')
+ self.assertEqual(completions,
+ ['/org/calculator/',
+ '/org/calendar/'])
+ def test_compile_precedence(self):
+ """Compile processes key-files in reverse lexicographical order.
+ When key occurs in multiple files, the value from file processed first
+ is preferred.
+ Test that by preparing four key-files each with a different value for
+ '/org/file'. Compiling it directly into user database, and performing
+ read to check which value had been selected.
+ """
+ # Prepare key file database directory.
+ user_d = os.path.join(, 'user.d')
+ os.mkdir(user_d, mode=0o700)
+ # Required from compile utility specifically.
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf'), mode=0o700)
+ def write_config_d(name):
+ keyfile = dedent('''
+ [org]
+ file = {name}
+ '''.format(name=name))
+ with open(os.path.join(user_d, name), 'w') as file:
+ file.write(keyfile)
+ write_config_d('00')
+ write_config_d('25')
+ write_config_d('50')
+ write_config_d('99')
+ # Compile directly into user configuration file.
+ dconf('compile',
+ os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf', 'user'),
+ user_d)
+ # Lexicographically last value should win:
+ self.assertEqual(dconf_read('/org/file'), '99')
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_redundant_disk_writes(self):
+ """Redundant disk writes are avoided.
+ When write or reset operations don't modify actual contents of the
+ database, the database file shouldn't be needlessly rewritten. Check
+ mtime after each redundant operation to verify that.
+ """
+ config = os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf', 'user')
+ def move_time_back(path):
+ """Moves file mtime 60 seconds back and returns its new value.
+ Used to avoid false positives during comparison checks in the case
+ that mtime is stored with low precision.
+ """
+ atime = os.path.getatime(config)
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(config)
+ os.utime(config, times=(atime, mtime - 60))
+ return os.path.getmtime(config)
+ # Activate service to trigger initial database write.
+ dconf_write('/prime', '5')
+ # Sanity check that database is rewritten when necessary.
+ saved_mtime = move_time_back(config)
+ dconf_write('/prime', '13')
+ self.assertLess(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config))
+ # Write the same value as one already in the database.
+ saved_mtime = move_time_back(config)
+ dconf('write', '/prime', '13')
+ self.assertEqual(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config))
+ # Reset not directory which is not present in the database.
+ saved_mtime = move_time_back(config)
+ dconf('reset', '-f', '/non-existing/directory/')
+ self.assertEqual(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Make sure we don't pick up mandatory profile.
+ mandatory_profile = '/run/dconf/user/{}'.format(os.getuid())
+ assert not os.path.isfile(mandatory_profile)
+ # Avoid profile sourced from environment
+ os.environ.pop('DCONF_PROFILE', None)
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ message = 'Usage: {} path-to-dconf path-to-dconf-service'.format(
+ sys.argv[0])
+ raise RuntimeError(message)
+ dconf_exe, dconf_service_exe = sys.argv[1:3]
+ del sys.argv[1:3]
+ # Run tests!
+ unittest.main()